LLVM  8.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- RegAllocFast.cpp - A fast register allocator for debug code --------===//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 /// \file This register allocator allocates registers to a basic block at a
11 /// time, attempting to keep values in registers and reusing registers as
12 /// appropriate.
13 //
14 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/IndexedMap.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/SparseSet.h"
22 #include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
37 #include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
38 #include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
39 #include "llvm/MC/MCInstrDesc.h"
40 #include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
41 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
42 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
43 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
44 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
47 #include <cassert>
48 #include <tuple>
49 #include <vector>
51 using namespace llvm;
53 #define DEBUG_TYPE "regalloc"
55 STATISTIC(NumStores, "Number of stores added");
56 STATISTIC(NumLoads , "Number of loads added");
57 STATISTIC(NumCoalesced, "Number of copies coalesced");
59 static RegisterRegAlloc
60  fastRegAlloc("fast", "fast register allocator", createFastRegisterAllocator);
62 namespace {
64  class RegAllocFast : public MachineFunctionPass {
65  public:
66  static char ID;
68  RegAllocFast() : MachineFunctionPass(ID), StackSlotForVirtReg(-1) {}
70  private:
71  MachineFrameInfo *MFI;
73  const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI;
74  const TargetInstrInfo *TII;
75  RegisterClassInfo RegClassInfo;
77  /// Basic block currently being allocated.
78  MachineBasicBlock *MBB;
80  /// Maps virtual regs to the frame index where these values are spilled.
81  IndexedMap<int, VirtReg2IndexFunctor> StackSlotForVirtReg;
83  /// Everything we know about a live virtual register.
84  struct LiveReg {
85  MachineInstr *LastUse = nullptr; ///< Last instr to use reg.
86  unsigned VirtReg; ///< Virtual register number.
87  MCPhysReg PhysReg = 0; ///< Currently held here.
88  unsigned short LastOpNum = 0; ///< OpNum on LastUse.
89  bool Dirty = false; ///< Register needs spill.
91  explicit LiveReg(unsigned VirtReg) : VirtReg(VirtReg) {}
93  unsigned getSparseSetIndex() const {
94  return TargetRegisterInfo::virtReg2Index(VirtReg);
95  }
96  };
98  using LiveRegMap = SparseSet<LiveReg>;
99  /// This map contains entries for each virtual register that is currently
100  /// available in a physical register.
101  LiveRegMap LiveVirtRegs;
105  /// State of a physical register.
106  enum RegState {
107  /// A disabled register is not available for allocation, but an alias may
108  /// be in use. A register can only be moved out of the disabled state if
109  /// all aliases are disabled.
110  regDisabled,
112  /// A free register is not currently in use and can be allocated
113  /// immediately without checking aliases.
114  regFree,
116  /// A reserved register has been assigned explicitly (e.g., setting up a
117  /// call parameter), and it remains reserved until it is used.
118  regReserved
120  /// A register state may also be a virtual register number, indication
121  /// that the physical register is currently allocated to a virtual
122  /// register. In that case, LiveVirtRegs contains the inverse mapping.
123  };
125  /// Maps each physical register to a RegState enum or a virtual register.
126  std::vector<unsigned> PhysRegState;
128  SmallVector<unsigned, 16> VirtDead;
131  using RegUnitSet = SparseSet<uint16_t, identity<uint16_t>>;
132  /// Set of register units that are used in the current instruction, and so
133  /// cannot be allocated.
134  RegUnitSet UsedInInstr;
136  void setPhysRegState(MCPhysReg PhysReg, unsigned NewState);
138  /// Mark a physreg as used in this instruction.
139  void markRegUsedInInstr(MCPhysReg PhysReg) {
140  for (MCRegUnitIterator Units(PhysReg, TRI); Units.isValid(); ++Units)
141  UsedInInstr.insert(*Units);
142  }
144  /// Check if a physreg or any of its aliases are used in this instruction.
145  bool isRegUsedInInstr(MCPhysReg PhysReg) const {
146  for (MCRegUnitIterator Units(PhysReg, TRI); Units.isValid(); ++Units)
147  if (UsedInInstr.count(*Units))
148  return true;
149  return false;
150  }
152  enum : unsigned {
153  spillClean = 50,
154  spillDirty = 100,
155  spillImpossible = ~0u
156  };
158  public:
159  StringRef getPassName() const override { return "Fast Register Allocator"; }
161  void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
162  AU.setPreservesCFG();
164  }
166  MachineFunctionProperties getRequiredProperties() const override {
169  }
171  MachineFunctionProperties getSetProperties() const override {
174  }
176  private:
177  bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;
179  void allocateBasicBlock(MachineBasicBlock &MBB);
180  void allocateInstruction(MachineInstr &MI);
181  void handleDebugValue(MachineInstr &MI);
182  void handleThroughOperands(MachineInstr &MI,
183  SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &VirtDead);
184  bool isLastUseOfLocalReg(const MachineOperand &MO) const;
186  void addKillFlag(const LiveReg &LRI);
187  void killVirtReg(LiveReg &LR);
188  void killVirtReg(unsigned VirtReg);
189  void spillVirtReg(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI, LiveReg &LR);
190  void spillVirtReg(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI, unsigned VirtReg);
192  void usePhysReg(MachineOperand &MO);
193  void definePhysReg(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI, MCPhysReg PhysReg,
194  RegState NewState);
195  unsigned calcSpillCost(MCPhysReg PhysReg) const;
196  void assignVirtToPhysReg(LiveReg &, MCPhysReg PhysReg);
198  LiveRegMap::iterator findLiveVirtReg(unsigned VirtReg) {
199  return LiveVirtRegs.find(TargetRegisterInfo::virtReg2Index(VirtReg));
200  }
202  LiveRegMap::const_iterator findLiveVirtReg(unsigned VirtReg) const {
203  return LiveVirtRegs.find(TargetRegisterInfo::virtReg2Index(VirtReg));
204  }
206  void allocVirtReg(MachineInstr &MI, LiveReg &LR, unsigned Hint);
207  MCPhysReg defineVirtReg(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpNum, unsigned VirtReg,
208  unsigned Hint);
209  LiveReg &reloadVirtReg(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpNum, unsigned VirtReg,
210  unsigned Hint);
211  void spillAll(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI);
212  bool setPhysReg(MachineInstr &MI, MachineOperand &MO, MCPhysReg PhysReg);
214  int getStackSpaceFor(unsigned VirtReg);
215  void spill(MachineBasicBlock::iterator Before, unsigned VirtReg,
216  MCPhysReg AssignedReg, bool Kill);
217  void reload(MachineBasicBlock::iterator Before, unsigned VirtReg,
218  MCPhysReg PhysReg);
220  void dumpState();
221  };
223 } // end anonymous namespace
225 char RegAllocFast::ID = 0;
227 INITIALIZE_PASS(RegAllocFast, "regallocfast", "Fast Register Allocator", false,
228  false)
230 void RegAllocFast::setPhysRegState(MCPhysReg PhysReg, unsigned NewState) {
231  PhysRegState[PhysReg] = NewState;
232 }
234 /// This allocates space for the specified virtual register to be held on the
235 /// stack.
236 int RegAllocFast::getStackSpaceFor(unsigned VirtReg) {
237  // Find the location Reg would belong...
238  int SS = StackSlotForVirtReg[VirtReg];
239  // Already has space allocated?
240  if (SS != -1)
241  return SS;
243  // Allocate a new stack object for this spill location...
244  const TargetRegisterClass &RC = *MRI->getRegClass(VirtReg);
245  unsigned Size = TRI->getSpillSize(RC);
246  unsigned Align = TRI->getSpillAlignment(RC);
247  int FrameIdx = MFI->CreateSpillStackObject(Size, Align);
249  // Assign the slot.
250  StackSlotForVirtReg[VirtReg] = FrameIdx;
251  return FrameIdx;
252 }
254 /// Insert spill instruction for \p AssignedReg before \p Before. Update
255 /// DBG_VALUEs with \p VirtReg operands with the stack slot.
256 void RegAllocFast::spill(MachineBasicBlock::iterator Before, unsigned VirtReg,
257  MCPhysReg AssignedReg, bool Kill) {
258  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Spilling " << printReg(VirtReg, TRI)
259  << " in " << printReg(AssignedReg, TRI));
260  int FI = getStackSpaceFor(VirtReg);
261  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " to stack slot #" << FI << '\n');
263  const TargetRegisterClass &RC = *MRI->getRegClass(VirtReg);
264  TII->storeRegToStackSlot(*MBB, Before, AssignedReg, Kill, FI, &RC, TRI);
265  ++NumStores;
267  // If this register is used by DBG_VALUE then insert new DBG_VALUE to
268  // identify spilled location as the place to find corresponding variable's
269  // value.
270  SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr *> &LRIDbgValues = LiveDbgValueMap[VirtReg];
271  for (MachineInstr *DBG : LRIDbgValues) {
272  MachineInstr *NewDV = buildDbgValueForSpill(*MBB, Before, *DBG, FI);
273  assert(NewDV->getParent() == MBB && "dangling parent pointer");
274  (void)NewDV;
275  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Inserting debug info due to spill:\n" << *NewDV);
276  }
277  // Now this register is spilled there is should not be any DBG_VALUE
278  // pointing to this register because they are all pointing to spilled value
279  // now.
280  LRIDbgValues.clear();
281 }
283 /// Insert reload instruction for \p PhysReg before \p Before.
284 void RegAllocFast::reload(MachineBasicBlock::iterator Before, unsigned VirtReg,
285  MCPhysReg PhysReg) {
286  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Reloading " << printReg(VirtReg, TRI) << " into "
287  << printReg(PhysReg, TRI) << '\n');
288  int FI = getStackSpaceFor(VirtReg);
289  const TargetRegisterClass &RC = *MRI->getRegClass(VirtReg);
290  TII->loadRegFromStackSlot(*MBB, Before, PhysReg, FI, &RC, TRI);
291  ++NumLoads;
292 }
294 /// Return true if MO is the only remaining reference to its virtual register,
295 /// and it is guaranteed to be a block-local register.
296 bool RegAllocFast::isLastUseOfLocalReg(const MachineOperand &MO) const {
297  // If the register has ever been spilled or reloaded, we conservatively assume
298  // it is a global register used in multiple blocks.
299  if (StackSlotForVirtReg[MO.getReg()] != -1)
300  return false;
302  // Check that the use/def chain has exactly one operand - MO.
304  if (&*I != &MO)
305  return false;
306  return ++I == MRI->reg_nodbg_end();
307 }
309 /// Set kill flags on last use of a virtual register.
310 void RegAllocFast::addKillFlag(const LiveReg &LR) {
311  if (!LR.LastUse) return;
312  MachineOperand &MO = LR.LastUse->getOperand(LR.LastOpNum);
313  if (MO.isUse() && !LR.LastUse->isRegTiedToDefOperand(LR.LastOpNum)) {
314  if (MO.getReg() == LR.PhysReg)
315  MO.setIsKill();
316  // else, don't do anything we are problably redefining a
317  // subreg of this register and given we don't track which
318  // lanes are actually dead, we cannot insert a kill flag here.
319  // Otherwise we may end up in a situation like this:
320  // ... = (MO) physreg:sub1, implicit killed physreg
321  // ... <== Here we would allow later pass to reuse physreg:sub1
322  // which is potentially wrong.
323  // LR:sub0 = ...
324  // ... = LR.sub1 <== This is going to use physreg:sub1
325  }
326 }
328 /// Mark virtreg as no longer available.
329 void RegAllocFast::killVirtReg(LiveReg &LR) {
330  addKillFlag(LR);
331  assert(PhysRegState[LR.PhysReg] == LR.VirtReg &&
332  "Broken RegState mapping");
333  setPhysRegState(LR.PhysReg, regFree);
334  LR.PhysReg = 0;
335 }
337 /// Mark virtreg as no longer available.
338 void RegAllocFast::killVirtReg(unsigned VirtReg) {
340  "killVirtReg needs a virtual register");
341  LiveRegMap::iterator LRI = findLiveVirtReg(VirtReg);
342  if (LRI != LiveVirtRegs.end() && LRI->PhysReg)
343  killVirtReg(*LRI);
344 }
346 /// This method spills the value specified by VirtReg into the corresponding
347 /// stack slot if needed.
348 void RegAllocFast::spillVirtReg(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI,
349  unsigned VirtReg) {
351  "Spilling a physical register is illegal!");
352  LiveRegMap::iterator LRI = findLiveVirtReg(VirtReg);
353  assert(LRI != LiveVirtRegs.end() && LRI->PhysReg &&
354  "Spilling unmapped virtual register");
355  spillVirtReg(MI, *LRI);
356 }
358 /// Do the actual work of spilling.
359 void RegAllocFast::spillVirtReg(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI, LiveReg &LR) {
360  assert(PhysRegState[LR.PhysReg] == LR.VirtReg && "Broken RegState mapping");
362  if (LR.Dirty) {
363  // If this physreg is used by the instruction, we want to kill it on the
364  // instruction, not on the spill.
365  bool SpillKill = MachineBasicBlock::iterator(LR.LastUse) != MI;
366  LR.Dirty = false;
368  spill(MI, LR.VirtReg, LR.PhysReg, SpillKill);
370  if (SpillKill)
371  LR.LastUse = nullptr; // Don't kill register again
372  }
373  killVirtReg(LR);
374 }
376 /// Spill all dirty virtregs without killing them.
377 void RegAllocFast::spillAll(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI) {
378  if (LiveVirtRegs.empty())
379  return;
380  // The LiveRegMap is keyed by an unsigned (the virtreg number), so the order
381  // of spilling here is deterministic, if arbitrary.
382  for (LiveReg &LR : LiveVirtRegs) {
383  if (!LR.PhysReg)
384  continue;
385  spillVirtReg(MI, LR);
386  }
387  LiveVirtRegs.clear();
388 }
390 /// Handle the direct use of a physical register. Check that the register is
391 /// not used by a virtreg. Kill the physreg, marking it free. This may add
392 /// implicit kills to MO->getParent() and invalidate MO.
393 void RegAllocFast::usePhysReg(MachineOperand &MO) {
394  // Ignore undef uses.
395  if (MO.isUndef())
396  return;
398  unsigned PhysReg = MO.getReg();
400  "Bad usePhysReg operand");
402  markRegUsedInInstr(PhysReg);
403  switch (PhysRegState[PhysReg]) {
404  case regDisabled:
405  break;
406  case regReserved:
407  PhysRegState[PhysReg] = regFree;
409  case regFree:
410  MO.setIsKill();
411  return;
412  default:
413  // The physreg was allocated to a virtual register. That means the value we
414  // wanted has been clobbered.
415  llvm_unreachable("Instruction uses an allocated register");
416  }
418  // Maybe a superregister is reserved?
419  for (MCRegAliasIterator AI(PhysReg, TRI, false); AI.isValid(); ++AI) {
420  MCPhysReg Alias = *AI;
421  switch (PhysRegState[Alias]) {
422  case regDisabled:
423  break;
424  case regReserved:
425  // Either PhysReg is a subregister of Alias and we mark the
426  // whole register as free, or PhysReg is the superregister of
427  // Alias and we mark all the aliases as disabled before freeing
428  // PhysReg.
429  // In the latter case, since PhysReg was disabled, this means that
430  // its value is defined only by physical sub-registers. This check
431  // is performed by the assert of the default case in this loop.
432  // Note: The value of the superregister may only be partial
433  // defined, that is why regDisabled is a valid state for aliases.
434  assert((TRI->isSuperRegister(PhysReg, Alias) ||
435  TRI->isSuperRegister(Alias, PhysReg)) &&
436  "Instruction is not using a subregister of a reserved register");
438  case regFree:
439  if (TRI->isSuperRegister(PhysReg, Alias)) {
440  // Leave the superregister in the working set.
441  setPhysRegState(Alias, regFree);
442  MO.getParent()->addRegisterKilled(Alias, TRI, true);
443  return;
444  }
445  // Some other alias was in the working set - clear it.
446  setPhysRegState(Alias, regDisabled);
447  break;
448  default:
449  llvm_unreachable("Instruction uses an alias of an allocated register");
450  }
451  }
453  // All aliases are disabled, bring register into working set.
454  setPhysRegState(PhysReg, regFree);
455  MO.setIsKill();
456 }
458 /// Mark PhysReg as reserved or free after spilling any virtregs. This is very
459 /// similar to defineVirtReg except the physreg is reserved instead of
460 /// allocated.
461 void RegAllocFast::definePhysReg(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI,
462  MCPhysReg PhysReg, RegState NewState) {
463  markRegUsedInInstr(PhysReg);
464  switch (unsigned VirtReg = PhysRegState[PhysReg]) {
465  case regDisabled:
466  break;
467  default:
468  spillVirtReg(MI, VirtReg);
470  case regFree:
471  case regReserved:
472  setPhysRegState(PhysReg, NewState);
473  return;
474  }
476  // This is a disabled register, disable all aliases.
477  setPhysRegState(PhysReg, NewState);
478  for (MCRegAliasIterator AI(PhysReg, TRI, false); AI.isValid(); ++AI) {
479  MCPhysReg Alias = *AI;
480  switch (unsigned VirtReg = PhysRegState[Alias]) {
481  case regDisabled:
482  break;
483  default:
484  spillVirtReg(MI, VirtReg);
486  case regFree:
487  case regReserved:
488  setPhysRegState(Alias, regDisabled);
489  if (TRI->isSuperRegister(PhysReg, Alias))
490  return;
491  break;
492  }
493  }
494 }
496 /// Return the cost of spilling clearing out PhysReg and aliases so it is free
497 /// for allocation. Returns 0 when PhysReg is free or disabled with all aliases
498 /// disabled - it can be allocated directly.
499 /// \returns spillImpossible when PhysReg or an alias can't be spilled.
500 unsigned RegAllocFast::calcSpillCost(MCPhysReg PhysReg) const {
501  if (isRegUsedInInstr(PhysReg)) {
502  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << printReg(PhysReg, TRI)
503  << " is already used in instr.\n");
504  return spillImpossible;
505  }
506  switch (unsigned VirtReg = PhysRegState[PhysReg]) {
507  case regDisabled:
508  break;
509  case regFree:
510  return 0;
511  case regReserved:
512  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << printReg(VirtReg, TRI) << " corresponding "
513  << printReg(PhysReg, TRI) << " is reserved already.\n");
514  return spillImpossible;
515  default: {
516  LiveRegMap::const_iterator LRI = findLiveVirtReg(VirtReg);
517  assert(LRI != LiveVirtRegs.end() && LRI->PhysReg &&
518  "Missing VirtReg entry");
519  return LRI->Dirty ? spillDirty : spillClean;
520  }
521  }
523  // This is a disabled register, add up cost of aliases.
524  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << printReg(PhysReg, TRI) << " is disabled.\n");
525  unsigned Cost = 0;
526  for (MCRegAliasIterator AI(PhysReg, TRI, false); AI.isValid(); ++AI) {
527  MCPhysReg Alias = *AI;
528  switch (unsigned VirtReg = PhysRegState[Alias]) {
529  case regDisabled:
530  break;
531  case regFree:
532  ++Cost;
533  break;
534  case regReserved:
535  return spillImpossible;
536  default: {
537  LiveRegMap::const_iterator LRI = findLiveVirtReg(VirtReg);
538  assert(LRI != LiveVirtRegs.end() && LRI->PhysReg &&
539  "Missing VirtReg entry");
540  Cost += LRI->Dirty ? spillDirty : spillClean;
541  break;
542  }
543  }
544  }
545  return Cost;
546 }
548 /// This method updates local state so that we know that PhysReg is the
549 /// proper container for VirtReg now. The physical register must not be used
550 /// for anything else when this is called.
551 void RegAllocFast::assignVirtToPhysReg(LiveReg &LR, MCPhysReg PhysReg) {
552  unsigned VirtReg = LR.VirtReg;
553  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Assigning " << printReg(VirtReg, TRI) << " to "
554  << printReg(PhysReg, TRI) << '\n');
555  assert(LR.PhysReg == 0 && "Already assigned a physreg");
556  assert(PhysReg != 0 && "Trying to assign no register");
557  LR.PhysReg = PhysReg;
558  setPhysRegState(PhysReg, VirtReg);
559 }
561 /// Allocates a physical register for VirtReg.
562 void RegAllocFast::allocVirtReg(MachineInstr &MI, LiveReg &LR, unsigned Hint) {
563  const unsigned VirtReg = LR.VirtReg;
566  "Can only allocate virtual registers");
568  const TargetRegisterClass &RC = *MRI->getRegClass(VirtReg);
569  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Search register for " << printReg(VirtReg)
570  << " in class " << TRI->getRegClassName(&RC) << '\n');
572  // Take hint when possible.
574  MRI->isAllocatable(Hint) && RC.contains(Hint)) {
575  // Ignore the hint if we would have to spill a dirty register.
576  unsigned Cost = calcSpillCost(Hint);
577  if (Cost < spillDirty) {
578  if (Cost)
579  definePhysReg(MI, Hint, regFree);
580  assignVirtToPhysReg(LR, Hint);
581  return;
582  }
583  }
585  // First try to find a completely free register.
586  ArrayRef<MCPhysReg> AllocationOrder = RegClassInfo.getOrder(&RC);
587  for (MCPhysReg PhysReg : AllocationOrder) {
588  if (PhysRegState[PhysReg] == regFree && !isRegUsedInInstr(PhysReg)) {
589  assignVirtToPhysReg(LR, PhysReg);
590  return;
591  }
592  }
594  MCPhysReg BestReg = 0;
595  unsigned BestCost = spillImpossible;
596  for (MCPhysReg PhysReg : AllocationOrder) {
597  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tRegister: " << printReg(PhysReg, TRI) << ' ');
598  unsigned Cost = calcSpillCost(PhysReg);
599  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Cost: " << Cost << " BestCost: " << BestCost << '\n');
600  // Immediate take a register with cost 0.
601  if (Cost == 0) {
602  assignVirtToPhysReg(LR, PhysReg);
603  return;
604  }
605  if (Cost < BestCost) {
606  BestReg = PhysReg;
607  BestCost = Cost;
608  }
609  }
611  if (!BestReg) {
612  // Nothing we can do: Report an error and keep going with an invalid
613  // allocation.
614  if (MI.isInlineAsm())
615  MI.emitError("inline assembly requires more registers than available");
616  else
617  MI.emitError("ran out of registers during register allocation");
618  definePhysReg(MI, *AllocationOrder.begin(), regFree);
619  assignVirtToPhysReg(LR, *AllocationOrder.begin());
620  return;
621  }
623  definePhysReg(MI, BestReg, regFree);
624  assignVirtToPhysReg(LR, BestReg);
625 }
627 /// Allocates a register for VirtReg and mark it as dirty.
628 MCPhysReg RegAllocFast::defineVirtReg(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpNum,
629  unsigned VirtReg, unsigned Hint) {
631  "Not a virtual register");
632  LiveRegMap::iterator LRI;
633  bool New;
634  std::tie(LRI, New) = LiveVirtRegs.insert(LiveReg(VirtReg));
635  if (!LRI->PhysReg) {
636  // If there is no hint, peek at the only use of this register.
637  if ((!Hint || !TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Hint)) &&
638  MRI->hasOneNonDBGUse(VirtReg)) {
639  const MachineInstr &UseMI = *MRI->use_instr_nodbg_begin(VirtReg);
640  // It's a copy, use the destination register as a hint.
641  if (UseMI.isCopyLike())
642  Hint = UseMI.getOperand(0).getReg();
643  }
644  allocVirtReg(MI, *LRI, Hint);
645  } else if (LRI->LastUse) {
646  // Redefining a live register - kill at the last use, unless it is this
647  // instruction defining VirtReg multiple times.
648  if (LRI->LastUse != &MI || LRI->LastUse->getOperand(LRI->LastOpNum).isUse())
649  addKillFlag(*LRI);
650  }
651  assert(LRI->PhysReg && "Register not assigned");
652  LRI->LastUse = &MI;
653  LRI->LastOpNum = OpNum;
654  LRI->Dirty = true;
655  markRegUsedInInstr(LRI->PhysReg);
656  return LRI->PhysReg;
657 }
659 /// Make sure VirtReg is available in a physreg and return it.
660 RegAllocFast::LiveReg &RegAllocFast::reloadVirtReg(MachineInstr &MI,
661  unsigned OpNum,
662  unsigned VirtReg,
663  unsigned Hint) {
665  "Not a virtual register");
666  LiveRegMap::iterator LRI;
667  bool New;
668  std::tie(LRI, New) = LiveVirtRegs.insert(LiveReg(VirtReg));
669  MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(OpNum);
670  if (!LRI->PhysReg) {
671  allocVirtReg(MI, *LRI, Hint);
672  reload(MI, VirtReg, LRI->PhysReg);
673  } else if (LRI->Dirty) {
674  if (isLastUseOfLocalReg(MO)) {
675  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Killing last use: " << MO << '\n');
676  if (MO.isUse())
677  MO.setIsKill();
678  else
679  MO.setIsDead();
680  } else if (MO.isKill()) {
681  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Clearing dubious kill: " << MO << '\n');
682  MO.setIsKill(false);
683  } else if (MO.isDead()) {
684  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Clearing dubious dead: " << MO << '\n');
685  MO.setIsDead(false);
686  }
687  } else if (MO.isKill()) {
688  // We must remove kill flags from uses of reloaded registers because the
689  // register would be killed immediately, and there might be a second use:
690  // %foo = OR killed %x, %x
691  // This would cause a second reload of %x into a different register.
692  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Clearing clean kill: " << MO << '\n');
693  MO.setIsKill(false);
694  } else if (MO.isDead()) {
695  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Clearing clean dead: " << MO << '\n');
696  MO.setIsDead(false);
697  }
698  assert(LRI->PhysReg && "Register not assigned");
699  LRI->LastUse = &MI;
700  LRI->LastOpNum = OpNum;
701  markRegUsedInInstr(LRI->PhysReg);
702  return *LRI;
703 }
705 /// Changes operand OpNum in MI the refer the PhysReg, considering subregs. This
706 /// may invalidate any operand pointers. Return true if the operand kills its
707 /// register.
708 bool RegAllocFast::setPhysReg(MachineInstr &MI, MachineOperand &MO,
709  MCPhysReg PhysReg) {
710  bool Dead = MO.isDead();
711  if (!MO.getSubReg()) {
712  MO.setReg(PhysReg);
713  MO.setIsRenamable(true);
714  return MO.isKill() || Dead;
715  }
717  // Handle subregister index.
718  MO.setReg(PhysReg ? TRI->getSubReg(PhysReg, MO.getSubReg()) : 0);
719  MO.setIsRenamable(true);
720  MO.setSubReg(0);
722  // A kill flag implies killing the full register. Add corresponding super
723  // register kill.
724  if (MO.isKill()) {
725  MI.addRegisterKilled(PhysReg, TRI, true);
726  return true;
727  }
729  // A <def,read-undef> of a sub-register requires an implicit def of the full
730  // register.
731  if (MO.isDef() && MO.isUndef())
732  MI.addRegisterDefined(PhysReg, TRI);
734  return Dead;
735 }
737 // Handles special instruction operand like early clobbers and tied ops when
738 // there are additional physreg defines.
739 void RegAllocFast::handleThroughOperands(MachineInstr &MI,
740  SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &VirtDead) {
741  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Scanning for through registers:");
742  SmallSet<unsigned, 8> ThroughRegs;
743  for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) {
744  if (!MO.isReg()) continue;
745  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
747  continue;
748  if (MO.isEarlyClobber() || (MO.isUse() && MO.isTied()) ||
749  (MO.getSubReg() && MI.readsVirtualRegister(Reg))) {
750  if (ThroughRegs.insert(Reg).second)
751  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << ' ' << printReg(Reg));
752  }
753  }
755  // If any physreg defines collide with preallocated through registers,
756  // we must spill and reallocate.
757  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\nChecking for physdef collisions.\n");
758  for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) {
759  if (!MO.isReg() || !MO.isDef()) continue;
760  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
761  if (!Reg || !TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Reg)) continue;
762  markRegUsedInInstr(Reg);
763  for (MCRegAliasIterator AI(Reg, TRI, true); AI.isValid(); ++AI) {
764  if (ThroughRegs.count(PhysRegState[*AI]))
765  definePhysReg(MI, *AI, regFree);
766  }
767  }
769  SmallVector<unsigned, 8> PartialDefs;
770  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Allocating tied uses.\n");
771  for (unsigned I = 0, E = MI.getNumOperands(); I != E; ++I) {
772  MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(I);
773  if (!MO.isReg()) continue;
774  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
775  if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(Reg)) continue;
776  if (MO.isUse()) {
777  if (!MO.isTied()) continue;
778  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Operand " << I << "(" << MO
779  << ") is tied to operand " << MI.findTiedOperandIdx(I)
780  << ".\n");
781  LiveReg &LR = reloadVirtReg(MI, I, Reg, 0);
782  MCPhysReg PhysReg = LR.PhysReg;
783  setPhysReg(MI, MO, PhysReg);
784  // Note: we don't update the def operand yet. That would cause the normal
785  // def-scan to attempt spilling.
786  } else if (MO.getSubReg() && MI.readsVirtualRegister(Reg)) {
787  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Partial redefine: " << MO << '\n');
788  // Reload the register, but don't assign to the operand just yet.
789  // That would confuse the later phys-def processing pass.
790  LiveReg &LR = reloadVirtReg(MI, I, Reg, 0);
791  PartialDefs.push_back(LR.PhysReg);
792  }
793  }
795  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Allocating early clobbers.\n");
796  for (unsigned I = 0, E = MI.getNumOperands(); I != E; ++I) {
797  const MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(I);
798  if (!MO.isReg()) continue;
799  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
800  if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(Reg)) continue;
801  if (!MO.isEarlyClobber())
802  continue;
803  // Note: defineVirtReg may invalidate MO.
804  MCPhysReg PhysReg = defineVirtReg(MI, I, Reg, 0);
805  if (setPhysReg(MI, MI.getOperand(I), PhysReg))
806  VirtDead.push_back(Reg);
807  }
809  // Restore UsedInInstr to a state usable for allocating normal virtual uses.
810  UsedInInstr.clear();
811  for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) {
812  if (!MO.isReg() || (MO.isDef() && !MO.isEarlyClobber())) continue;
813  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
814  if (!Reg || !TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Reg)) continue;
815  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tSetting " << printReg(Reg, TRI)
816  << " as used in instr\n");
817  markRegUsedInInstr(Reg);
818  }
820  // Also mark PartialDefs as used to avoid reallocation.
821  for (unsigned PartialDef : PartialDefs)
822  markRegUsedInInstr(PartialDef);
823 }
825 #ifndef NDEBUG
826 void RegAllocFast::dumpState() {
827  for (unsigned Reg = 1, E = TRI->getNumRegs(); Reg != E; ++Reg) {
828  if (PhysRegState[Reg] == regDisabled) continue;
829  dbgs() << " " << printReg(Reg, TRI);
830  switch(PhysRegState[Reg]) {
831  case regFree:
832  break;
833  case regReserved:
834  dbgs() << "*";
835  break;
836  default: {
837  dbgs() << '=' << printReg(PhysRegState[Reg]);
838  LiveRegMap::iterator LRI = findLiveVirtReg(PhysRegState[Reg]);
839  assert(LRI != LiveVirtRegs.end() && LRI->PhysReg &&
840  "Missing VirtReg entry");
841  if (LRI->Dirty)
842  dbgs() << "*";
843  assert(LRI->PhysReg == Reg && "Bad inverse map");
844  break;
845  }
846  }
847  }
848  dbgs() << '\n';
849  // Check that LiveVirtRegs is the inverse.
850  for (LiveRegMap::iterator i = LiveVirtRegs.begin(),
851  e = LiveVirtRegs.end(); i != e; ++i) {
852  if (!i->PhysReg)
853  continue;
855  "Bad map key");
857  "Bad map value");
858  assert(PhysRegState[i->PhysReg] == i->VirtReg && "Bad inverse map");
859  }
860 }
861 #endif
863 void RegAllocFast::allocateInstruction(MachineInstr &MI) {
864  const MCInstrDesc &MCID = MI.getDesc();
866  // If this is a copy, we may be able to coalesce.
867  unsigned CopySrcReg = 0;
868  unsigned CopyDstReg = 0;
869  unsigned CopySrcSub = 0;
870  unsigned CopyDstSub = 0;
871  if (MI.isCopy()) {
872  CopyDstReg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
873  CopySrcReg = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
874  CopyDstSub = MI.getOperand(0).getSubReg();
875  CopySrcSub = MI.getOperand(1).getSubReg();
876  }
878  // Track registers used by instruction.
879  UsedInInstr.clear();
881  // First scan.
882  // Mark physreg uses and early clobbers as used.
883  // Find the end of the virtreg operands
884  unsigned VirtOpEnd = 0;
885  bool hasTiedOps = false;
886  bool hasEarlyClobbers = false;
887  bool hasPartialRedefs = false;
888  bool hasPhysDefs = false;
889  for (unsigned i = 0, e = MI.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
890  MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(i);
891  // Make sure MRI knows about registers clobbered by regmasks.
892  if (MO.isRegMask()) {
894  continue;
895  }
896  if (!MO.isReg()) continue;
897  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
898  if (!Reg) continue;
900  VirtOpEnd = i+1;
901  if (MO.isUse()) {
902  hasTiedOps = hasTiedOps ||
903  MCID.getOperandConstraint(i, MCOI::TIED_TO) != -1;
904  } else {
905  if (MO.isEarlyClobber())
906  hasEarlyClobbers = true;
907  if (MO.getSubReg() && MI.readsVirtualRegister(Reg))
908  hasPartialRedefs = true;
909  }
910  continue;
911  }
912  if (!MRI->isAllocatable(Reg)) continue;
913  if (MO.isUse()) {
914  usePhysReg(MO);
915  } else if (MO.isEarlyClobber()) {
916  definePhysReg(MI, Reg,
917  (MO.isImplicit() || MO.isDead()) ? regFree : regReserved);
918  hasEarlyClobbers = true;
919  } else
920  hasPhysDefs = true;
921  }
923  // The instruction may have virtual register operands that must be allocated
924  // the same register at use-time and def-time: early clobbers and tied
925  // operands. If there are also physical defs, these registers must avoid
926  // both physical defs and uses, making them more constrained than normal
927  // operands.
928  // Similarly, if there are multiple defs and tied operands, we must make
929  // sure the same register is allocated to uses and defs.
930  // We didn't detect inline asm tied operands above, so just make this extra
931  // pass for all inline asm.
932  if (MI.isInlineAsm() || hasEarlyClobbers || hasPartialRedefs ||
933  (hasTiedOps && (hasPhysDefs || MCID.getNumDefs() > 1))) {
934  handleThroughOperands(MI, VirtDead);
935  // Don't attempt coalescing when we have funny stuff going on.
936  CopyDstReg = 0;
937  // Pretend we have early clobbers so the use operands get marked below.
938  // This is not necessary for the common case of a single tied use.
939  hasEarlyClobbers = true;
940  }
942  // Second scan.
943  // Allocate virtreg uses.
944  for (unsigned I = 0; I != VirtOpEnd; ++I) {
945  MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(I);
946  if (!MO.isReg()) continue;
947  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
948  if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(Reg)) continue;
949  if (MO.isUse()) {
950  LiveReg &LR = reloadVirtReg(MI, I, Reg, CopyDstReg);
951  MCPhysReg PhysReg = LR.PhysReg;
952  CopySrcReg = (CopySrcReg == Reg || CopySrcReg == PhysReg) ? PhysReg : 0;
953  if (setPhysReg(MI, MO, PhysReg))
954  killVirtReg(LR);
955  }
956  }
958  // Track registers defined by instruction - early clobbers and tied uses at
959  // this point.
960  UsedInInstr.clear();
961  if (hasEarlyClobbers) {
962  for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) {
963  if (!MO.isReg()) continue;
964  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
965  if (!Reg || !TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(Reg)) continue;
966  // Look for physreg defs and tied uses.
967  if (!MO.isDef() && !MO.isTied()) continue;
968  markRegUsedInInstr(Reg);
969  }
970  }
972  unsigned DefOpEnd = MI.getNumOperands();
973  if (MI.isCall()) {
974  // Spill all virtregs before a call. This serves one purpose: If an
975  // exception is thrown, the landing pad is going to expect to find
976  // registers in their spill slots.
977  // Note: although this is appealing to just consider all definitions
978  // as call-clobbered, this is not correct because some of those
979  // definitions may be used later on and we do not want to reuse
980  // those for virtual registers in between.
981  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " Spilling remaining registers before call.\n");
982  spillAll(MI);
983  }
985  // Third scan.
986  // Allocate defs and collect dead defs.
987  for (unsigned I = 0; I != DefOpEnd; ++I) {
988  const MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(I);
989  if (!MO.isReg() || !MO.isDef() || !MO.getReg() || MO.isEarlyClobber())
990  continue;
991  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
994  if (!MRI->isAllocatable(Reg)) continue;
995  definePhysReg(MI, Reg, MO.isDead() ? regFree : regReserved);
996  continue;
997  }
998  MCPhysReg PhysReg = defineVirtReg(MI, I, Reg, CopySrcReg);
999  if (setPhysReg(MI, MI.getOperand(I), PhysReg)) {
1000  VirtDead.push_back(Reg);
1001  CopyDstReg = 0; // cancel coalescing;
1002  } else
1003  CopyDstReg = (CopyDstReg == Reg || CopyDstReg == PhysReg) ? PhysReg : 0;
1004  }
1006  // Kill dead defs after the scan to ensure that multiple defs of the same
1007  // register are allocated identically. We didn't need to do this for uses
1008  // because we are crerating our own kill flags, and they are always at the
1009  // last use.
1010  for (unsigned VirtReg : VirtDead)
1011  killVirtReg(VirtReg);
1012  VirtDead.clear();
1014  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "<< " << MI);
1015  if (CopyDstReg && CopyDstReg == CopySrcReg && CopyDstSub == CopySrcSub) {
1016  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Mark identity copy for removal\n");
1017  Coalesced.push_back(&MI);
1018  }
1019 }
1021 void RegAllocFast::handleDebugValue(MachineInstr &MI) {
1022  MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(0);
1024  // Ignore DBG_VALUEs that aren't based on virtual registers. These are
1025  // mostly constants and frame indices.
1026  if (!MO.isReg())
1027  return;
1028  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
1030  return;
1032  // See if this virtual register has already been allocated to a physical
1033  // register or spilled to a stack slot.
1034  LiveRegMap::iterator LRI = findLiveVirtReg(Reg);
1035  if (LRI != LiveVirtRegs.end() && LRI->PhysReg) {
1036  setPhysReg(MI, MO, LRI->PhysReg);
1037  } else {
1038  int SS = StackSlotForVirtReg[Reg];
1039  if (SS != -1) {
1040  // Modify DBG_VALUE now that the value is in a spill slot.
1041  updateDbgValueForSpill(MI, SS);
1042  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Modifying debug info due to spill:" << "\t" << MI);
1043  return;
1044  }
1046  // We can't allocate a physreg for a DebugValue, sorry!
1047  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Unable to allocate vreg used by DBG_VALUE");
1048  MO.setReg(0);
1049  }
1051  // If Reg hasn't been spilled, put this DBG_VALUE in LiveDbgValueMap so
1052  // that future spills of Reg will have DBG_VALUEs.
1053  LiveDbgValueMap[Reg].push_back(&MI);
1054 }
1056 void RegAllocFast::allocateBasicBlock(MachineBasicBlock &MBB) {
1057  this->MBB = &MBB;
1058  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\nAllocating " << MBB);
1060  PhysRegState.assign(TRI->getNumRegs(), regDisabled);
1061  assert(LiveVirtRegs.empty() && "Mapping not cleared from last block?");
1063  MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII = MBB.begin();
1065  // Add live-in registers as live.
1066  for (const MachineBasicBlock::RegisterMaskPair LI : MBB.liveins())
1067  if (MRI->isAllocatable(LI.PhysReg))
1068  definePhysReg(MII, LI.PhysReg, regReserved);
1070  VirtDead.clear();
1071  Coalesced.clear();
1073  // Otherwise, sequentially allocate each instruction in the MBB.
1074  for (MachineInstr &MI : MBB) {
1076  dbgs() << "\n>> " << MI << "Regs:";
1077  dumpState()
1078  );
1080  // Special handling for debug values. Note that they are not allowed to
1081  // affect codegen of the other instructions in any way.
1082  if (MI.isDebugValue()) {
1083  handleDebugValue(MI);
1084  continue;
1085  }
1087  allocateInstruction(MI);
1088  }
1090  // Spill all physical registers holding virtual registers now.
1091  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Spilling live registers at end of block.\n");
1092  spillAll(MBB.getFirstTerminator());
1094  // Erase all the coalesced copies. We are delaying it until now because
1095  // LiveVirtRegs might refer to the instrs.
1096  for (MachineInstr *MI : Coalesced)
1097  MBB.erase(MI);
1098  NumCoalesced += Coalesced.size();
1100  LLVM_DEBUG(MBB.dump());
1101 }
1103 bool RegAllocFast::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
1104  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "********** FAST REGISTER ALLOCATION **********\n"
1105  << "********** Function: " << MF.getName() << '\n');
1106  MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
1107  const TargetSubtargetInfo &STI = MF.getSubtarget();
1108  TRI = STI.getRegisterInfo();
1109  TII = STI.getInstrInfo();
1110  MFI = &MF.getFrameInfo();
1111  MRI->freezeReservedRegs(MF);
1112  RegClassInfo.runOnMachineFunction(MF);
1113  UsedInInstr.clear();
1114  UsedInInstr.setUniverse(TRI->getNumRegUnits());
1116  // initialize the virtual->physical register map to have a 'null'
1117  // mapping for all virtual registers
1118  unsigned NumVirtRegs = MRI->getNumVirtRegs();
1119  StackSlotForVirtReg.resize(NumVirtRegs);
1120  LiveVirtRegs.setUniverse(NumVirtRegs);
1122  // Loop over all of the basic blocks, eliminating virtual register references
1123  for (MachineBasicBlock &MBB : MF)
1124  allocateBasicBlock(MBB);
1126  // All machine operands and other references to virtual registers have been
1127  // replaced. Remove the virtual registers.
1128  MRI->clearVirtRegs();
1130  StackSlotForVirtReg.clear();
1131  LiveDbgValueMap.clear();
1132  return true;
1133 }
1136  return new RegAllocFast();
1137 }
bool isRegMask() const
isRegMask - Tests if this is a MO_RegisterMask operand.
ArrayRef< MCPhysReg > getOrder(const TargetRegisterClass *RC) const
getOrder - Returns the preferred allocation order for RC.
constexpr char Align[]
Key for Kernel::Arg::Metadata::mAlign.
MachineInstr * getParent()
getParent - Return the instruction that this operand belongs to.
bool contains(unsigned Reg) const
Return true if the specified register is included in this register class.
bool isCall(QueryType Type=AnyInBundle) const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:633
const TargetRegisterClass * getRegClass(unsigned Reg) const
Return the register class of the specified virtual register.
void emitError(StringRef Msg) const
Emit an error referring to the source location of this instruction.
bool isAllocatable(unsigned PhysReg) const
isAllocatable - Returns true when PhysReg belongs to an allocatable register class and it hasn&#39;t been...
static unsigned virtReg2Index(unsigned Reg)
Convert a virtual register number to a 0-based index.
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
Definition: Compiler.h:86
virtual const TargetRegisterInfo * getRegisterInfo() const
getRegisterInfo - If register information is available, return it.
void push_back(const T &Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:218
Describe properties that are true of each instruction in the target description file.
Definition: MCInstrDesc.h:164
unsigned getReg() const
getReg - Returns the register number.
static bool isVirtualRegister(unsigned Reg)
Return true if the specified register number is in the virtual register namespace.
unsigned Reg
This file contains the declarations for metadata subclasses.
unsigned getSubReg() const
bool isInlineAsm() const
STATISTIC(NumFunctions, "Total number of functions")
unsigned const TargetRegisterInfo * TRI
void setIsDead(bool Val=true)
reg_nodbg_iterator reg_nodbg_begin(unsigned RegNo) const
iterator_range< mop_iterator > operands()
Definition: MachineInstr.h:459
bool isCopyLike() const
Return true if the instruction behaves like a copy.
void setIsRenamable(bool Val=true)
unsigned getNumRegUnits() const
Return the number of (native) register units in the target.
unsigned getSpillSize(const TargetRegisterClass &RC) const
Return the size in bytes of the stack slot allocated to hold a spilled copy of a register from class ...
bool isEarlyClobber() const
const char * getRegClassName(const TargetRegisterClass *Class) const
Returns the name of the register class.
unsigned getSpillAlignment(const TargetRegisterClass &RC) const
Return the minimum required alignment in bytes for a spill slot for a register of this class...
MachineInstr * buildDbgValueForSpill(MachineBasicBlock &BB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator I, const MachineInstr &Orig, int FrameIndex)
Clone a DBG_VALUE whose value has been spilled to FrameIndex.
MachineFunctionPass - This class adapts the FunctionPass interface to allow convenient creation of pa...
const HexagonInstrInfo * TII
unsigned getNumOperands() const
Retuns the total number of operands.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:412
Printable printReg(unsigned Reg, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI=nullptr, unsigned SubIdx=0, const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI=nullptr)
Prints virtual and physical registers with or without a TRI instance.
The MachineFrameInfo class represents an abstract stack frame until prolog/epilog code is inserted...
const MCInstrDesc & getDesc() const
Returns the target instruction descriptor of this MachineInstr.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:406
RegisterRegAlloc class - Track the registration of register allocators.
virtual const TargetInstrInfo * getInstrInfo() const
StringRef getName() const
getName - Return the name of the corresponding LLVM function.
uint16_t MCPhysReg
An unsigned integer type large enough to represent all physical registers, but not necessarily virtua...
TargetInstrInfo - Interface to description of machine instruction set.
bool isSuperRegister(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const
Returns true if RegB is a super-register of RegA.
unsigned getNumRegs() const
Return the number of registers this target has (useful for sizing arrays holding per register informa...
MachineInstrBundleIterator< MachineInstr > iterator
unsigned const MachineRegisterInfo * MRI
const TargetSubtargetInfo & getSubtarget() const
getSubtarget - Return the subtarget for which this machine code is being compiled.
void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override
getAnalysisUsage - Subclasses that override getAnalysisUsage must call this.
bool readsVirtualRegister(unsigned Reg) const
Return true if the MachineInstr reads the specified virtual register.
MachineFrameInfo & getFrameInfo()
getFrameInfo - Return the frame info object for the current function.
MachineInstrBuilder & UseMI
static GCRegistry::Add< CoreCLRGC > E("coreclr", "CoreCLR-compatible GC")
unsigned getSubReg(unsigned Reg, unsigned Idx) const
Returns the physical register number of sub-register "Index" for physical register RegNo...
MCRegAliasIterator enumerates all registers aliasing Reg.
Represent the analysis usage information of a pass.
void resize(typename StorageT::size_type s)
Definition: IndexedMap.h:60
FunctionPass class - This class is used to implement most global optimizations.
Definition: Pass.h:285
std::pair< NoneType, bool > insert(const T &V)
insert - Insert an element into the set if it isn&#39;t already there.
Definition: SmallSet.h:181
void runOnMachineFunction(const MachineFunction &MF)
runOnFunction - Prepare to answer questions about MF.
bool isCopy() const
int CreateSpillStackObject(uint64_t Size, unsigned Alignment)
Create a new statically sized stack object that represents a spill slot, returning a nonnegative iden...
TargetRegisterInfo base class - We assume that the target defines a static array of TargetRegisterDes...
#define llvm_unreachable(msg)
Marks that the current location is not supposed to be reachable.
void setIsKill(bool Val=true)
int getOperandConstraint(unsigned OpNum, MCOI::OperandConstraint Constraint) const
Returns the value of the specific constraint if it is set.
Definition: MCInstrDesc.h:188
unsigned findTiedOperandIdx(unsigned OpIdx) const
Given the index of a tied register operand, find the operand it is tied to.
bool isDebugValue() const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:997
MachineOperand class - Representation of each machine instruction operand.
static RegisterRegAlloc fastRegAlloc("fast", "fast register allocator", createFastRegisterAllocator)
void updateDbgValueForSpill(MachineInstr &Orig, int FrameIndex)
Update a DBG_VALUE whose value has been spilled to FrameIndex.
unsigned getNumDefs() const
Return the number of MachineOperands that are register definitions.
Definition: MCInstrDesc.h:226
void setPreservesCFG()
This function should be called by the pass, iff they do not:
Definition: Pass.cpp:286
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:133
void addRegisterDefined(unsigned Reg, const TargetRegisterInfo *RegInfo=nullptr)
We have determined MI defines a register.
const uint32_t * getRegMask() const
getRegMask - Returns a bit mask of registers preserved by this RegMask operand.
bool isValid() const
isValid - returns true if this iterator is not yet at the end.
virtual void storeRegToStackSlot(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI, unsigned SrcReg, bool isKill, int FrameIndex, const TargetRegisterClass *RC, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const
Store the specified register of the given register class to the specified stack frame index...
const MachineBasicBlock * getParent() const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:254
MachineRegisterInfo - Keep track of information for virtual and physical registers, including vreg register classes, use/def chains for registers, etc.
MachineFunctionProperties & set(Property P)
TargetSubtargetInfo - Generic base class for all target subtargets.
Representation of each machine instruction.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:64
static bool isPhysicalRegister(unsigned Reg)
Return true if the specified register number is in the physical register namespace.
SparseSet - Fast set implmentation for objects that can be identified by small unsigned keys...
Definition: SparseSet.h:124
MachineRegisterInfo & getRegInfo()
getRegInfo - Return information about the registers currently in use.
void setReg(unsigned Reg)
Change the register this operand corresponds to.
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
INITIALIZE_PASS(RegAllocFast, "regallocfast", "Fast Register Allocator", false, false) void RegAllocFast
Pair of physical register and lane mask.
void setSubReg(unsigned subReg)
void addPhysRegsUsedFromRegMask(const uint32_t *RegMask)
addPhysRegsUsedFromRegMask - Mark any registers not in RegMask as used.
uint32_t Size
Definition: Profile.cpp:47
bool hasOneNonDBGUse(unsigned RegNo) const
hasOneNonDBGUse - Return true if there is exactly one non-Debug instruction using the specified regis...
iterator_range< livein_iterator > liveins() const
bool isReg() const
isReg - Tests if this is a MO_Register operand.
static reg_nodbg_iterator reg_nodbg_end()
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
FunctionPass * createFastRegisterAllocator()
FastRegisterAllocation Pass - This pass register allocates as fast as possible.
use_instr_nodbg_iterator use_instr_nodbg_begin(unsigned RegNo) const
bool addRegisterKilled(unsigned IncomingReg, const TargetRegisterInfo *RegInfo, bool AddIfNotFound=false)
We have determined MI kills a register.
IRTranslator LLVM IR MI
StringRef - Represent a constant reference to a string, i.e.
Definition: StringRef.h:49
#define LLVM_DEBUG(X)
Definition: Debug.h:123
const MachineOperand & getOperand(unsigned i) const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:414
reg_begin/reg_end - Provide iteration support to walk over all definitions and uses of a register wit...
virtual void loadRegFromStackSlot(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI, unsigned DestReg, int FrameIndex, const TargetRegisterClass *RC, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const
Load the specified register of the given register class from the specified stack frame index...
Properties which a MachineFunction may have at a given point in time.
bool isImplicit() const
size_type count(const T &V) const
count - Return 1 if the element is in the set, 0 otherwise.
Definition: SmallSet.h:165