LLVM  8.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- MC/MCRegisterInfo.h - Target Register Description --------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This file describes an abstract interface used to get information about a
11 // target machines register file. This information is used for a variety of
12 // purposed, especially register allocation.
13 //
14 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
19 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
21 #include "llvm/MC/LaneBitmask.h"
22 #include <cassert>
23 #include <cstdint>
24 #include <utility>
26 namespace llvm {
28 /// An unsigned integer type large enough to represent all physical registers,
29 /// but not necessarily virtual registers.
30 using MCPhysReg = uint16_t;
32 /// MCRegisterClass - Base class of TargetRegisterClass.
34 public:
35  using iterator = const MCPhysReg*;
36  using const_iterator = const MCPhysReg*;
39  const uint8_t *const RegSet;
41  const uint16_t RegsSize;
42  const uint16_t RegSetSize;
43  const uint16_t ID;
44  const int8_t CopyCost;
45  const bool Allocatable;
47  /// getID() - Return the register class ID number.
48  ///
49  unsigned getID() const { return ID; }
51  /// begin/end - Return all of the registers in this class.
52  ///
53  iterator begin() const { return RegsBegin; }
54  iterator end() const { return RegsBegin + RegsSize; }
56  /// getNumRegs - Return the number of registers in this class.
57  ///
58  unsigned getNumRegs() const { return RegsSize; }
60  /// getRegister - Return the specified register in the class.
61  ///
62  unsigned getRegister(unsigned i) const {
63  assert(i < getNumRegs() && "Register number out of range!");
64  return RegsBegin[i];
65  }
67  /// contains - Return true if the specified register is included in this
68  /// register class. This does not include virtual registers.
69  bool contains(unsigned Reg) const {
70  unsigned InByte = Reg % 8;
71  unsigned Byte = Reg / 8;
72  if (Byte >= RegSetSize)
73  return false;
74  return (RegSet[Byte] & (1 << InByte)) != 0;
75  }
77  /// contains - Return true if both registers are in this class.
78  bool contains(unsigned Reg1, unsigned Reg2) const {
79  return contains(Reg1) && contains(Reg2);
80  }
82  /// getCopyCost - Return the cost of copying a value between two registers in
83  /// this class. A negative number means the register class is very expensive
84  /// to copy e.g. status flag register classes.
85  int getCopyCost() const { return CopyCost; }
87  /// isAllocatable - Return true if this register class may be used to create
88  /// virtual registers.
89  bool isAllocatable() const { return Allocatable; }
90 };
92 /// MCRegisterDesc - This record contains information about a particular
93 /// register. The SubRegs field is a zero terminated array of registers that
94 /// are sub-registers of the specific register, e.g. AL, AH are sub-registers
95 /// of AX. The SuperRegs field is a zero terminated array of registers that are
96 /// super-registers of the specific register, e.g. RAX, EAX, are
97 /// super-registers of AX.
98 ///
100  uint32_t Name; // Printable name for the reg (for debugging)
101  uint32_t SubRegs; // Sub-register set, described above
102  uint32_t SuperRegs; // Super-register set, described above
104  // Offset into MCRI::SubRegIndices of a list of sub-register indices for each
105  // sub-register in SubRegs.
108  // RegUnits - Points to the list of register units. The low 4 bits holds the
109  // Scale, the high bits hold an offset into DiffLists. See MCRegUnitIterator.
112  /// Index into list with lane mask sequences. The sequence contains a lanemask
113  /// for every register unit.
115 };
117 /// MCRegisterInfo base class - We assume that the target defines a static
118 /// array of MCRegisterDesc objects that represent all of the machine
119 /// registers that the target has. As such, we simply have to track a pointer
120 /// to this array so that we can turn register number into a register
121 /// descriptor.
122 ///
123 /// Note this class is designed to be a base class of TargetRegisterInfo, which
124 /// is the interface used by codegen. However, specific targets *should never*
125 /// specialize this class. MCRegisterInfo should only contain getters to access
126 /// TableGen generated physical register data. It must not be extended with
127 /// virtual methods.
128 ///
130 public:
133  /// DwarfLLVMRegPair - Emitted by tablegen so Dwarf<->LLVM reg mappings can be
134  /// performed with a binary search.
136  unsigned FromReg;
137  unsigned ToReg;
139  bool operator<(DwarfLLVMRegPair RHS) const { return FromReg < RHS.FromReg; }
140  };
142  /// SubRegCoveredBits - Emitted by tablegen: bit range covered by a subreg
143  /// index, -1 in any being invalid.
145  uint16_t Offset;
146  uint16_t Size;
147  };
149 private:
150  const MCRegisterDesc *Desc; // Pointer to the descriptor array
151  unsigned NumRegs; // Number of entries in the array
152  unsigned RAReg; // Return address register
153  unsigned PCReg; // Program counter register
154  const MCRegisterClass *Classes; // Pointer to the regclass array
155  unsigned NumClasses; // Number of entries in the array
156  unsigned NumRegUnits; // Number of regunits.
157  const MCPhysReg (*RegUnitRoots)[2]; // Pointer to regunit root table.
158  const MCPhysReg *DiffLists; // Pointer to the difflists array
159  const LaneBitmask *RegUnitMaskSequences; // Pointer to lane mask sequences
160  // for register units.
161  const char *RegStrings; // Pointer to the string table.
162  const char *RegClassStrings; // Pointer to the class strings.
163  const uint16_t *SubRegIndices; // Pointer to the subreg lookup
164  // array.
165  const SubRegCoveredBits *SubRegIdxRanges; // Pointer to the subreg covered
166  // bit ranges array.
167  unsigned NumSubRegIndices; // Number of subreg indices.
168  const uint16_t *RegEncodingTable; // Pointer to array of register
169  // encodings.
171  unsigned L2DwarfRegsSize;
172  unsigned EHL2DwarfRegsSize;
173  unsigned Dwarf2LRegsSize;
174  unsigned EHDwarf2LRegsSize;
175  const DwarfLLVMRegPair *L2DwarfRegs; // LLVM to Dwarf regs mapping
176  const DwarfLLVMRegPair *EHL2DwarfRegs; // LLVM to Dwarf regs mapping EH
177  const DwarfLLVMRegPair *Dwarf2LRegs; // Dwarf to LLVM regs mapping
178  const DwarfLLVMRegPair *EHDwarf2LRegs; // Dwarf to LLVM regs mapping EH
179  DenseMap<unsigned, int> L2SEHRegs; // LLVM to SEH regs mapping
180  DenseMap<unsigned, int> L2CVRegs; // LLVM to CV regs mapping
182 public:
183  /// DiffListIterator - Base iterator class that can traverse the
184  /// differentially encoded register and regunit lists in DiffLists.
185  /// Don't use this class directly, use one of the specialized sub-classes
186  /// defined below.
188  uint16_t Val = 0;
189  const MCPhysReg *List = nullptr;
191  protected:
192  /// Create an invalid iterator. Call init() to point to something useful.
193  DiffListIterator() = default;
195  /// init - Point the iterator to InitVal, decoding subsequent values from
196  /// DiffList. The iterator will initially point to InitVal, sub-classes are
197  /// responsible for skipping the seed value if it is not part of the list.
198  void init(MCPhysReg InitVal, const MCPhysReg *DiffList) {
199  Val = InitVal;
200  List = DiffList;
201  }
203  /// advance - Move to the next list position, return the applied
204  /// differential. This function does not detect the end of the list, that
205  /// is the caller's responsibility (by checking for a 0 return value).
206  unsigned advance() {
207  assert(isValid() && "Cannot move off the end of the list.");
208  MCPhysReg D = *List++;
209  Val += D;
210  return D;
211  }
213  public:
214  /// isValid - returns true if this iterator is not yet at the end.
215  bool isValid() const { return List; }
217  /// Dereference the iterator to get the value at the current position.
218  unsigned operator*() const { return Val; }
220  /// Pre-increment to move to the next position.
221  void operator++() {
222  // The end of the list is encoded as a 0 differential.
223  if (!advance())
224  List = nullptr;
225  }
226  };
228  // These iterators are allowed to sub-class DiffListIterator and access
229  // internal list pointers.
230  friend class MCSubRegIterator;
231  friend class MCSubRegIndexIterator;
232  friend class MCSuperRegIterator;
233  friend class MCRegUnitIterator;
234  friend class MCRegUnitMaskIterator;
235  friend class MCRegUnitRootIterator;
237  /// Initialize MCRegisterInfo, called by TableGen
238  /// auto-generated routines. *DO NOT USE*.
239  void InitMCRegisterInfo(const MCRegisterDesc *D, unsigned NR, unsigned RA,
240  unsigned PC,
241  const MCRegisterClass *C, unsigned NC,
242  const MCPhysReg (*RURoots)[2],
243  unsigned NRU,
244  const MCPhysReg *DL,
245  const LaneBitmask *RUMS,
246  const char *Strings,
247  const char *ClassStrings,
248  const uint16_t *SubIndices,
249  unsigned NumIndices,
250  const SubRegCoveredBits *SubIdxRanges,
251  const uint16_t *RET) {
252  Desc = D;
253  NumRegs = NR;
254  RAReg = RA;
255  PCReg = PC;
256  Classes = C;
257  DiffLists = DL;
258  RegUnitMaskSequences = RUMS;
259  RegStrings = Strings;
260  RegClassStrings = ClassStrings;
261  NumClasses = NC;
262  RegUnitRoots = RURoots;
263  NumRegUnits = NRU;
264  SubRegIndices = SubIndices;
265  NumSubRegIndices = NumIndices;
266  SubRegIdxRanges = SubIdxRanges;
267  RegEncodingTable = RET;
269  // Initialize DWARF register mapping variables
270  EHL2DwarfRegs = nullptr;
271  EHL2DwarfRegsSize = 0;
272  L2DwarfRegs = nullptr;
273  L2DwarfRegsSize = 0;
274  EHDwarf2LRegs = nullptr;
275  EHDwarf2LRegsSize = 0;
276  Dwarf2LRegs = nullptr;
277  Dwarf2LRegsSize = 0;
278  }
280  /// Used to initialize LLVM register to Dwarf
281  /// register number mapping. Called by TableGen auto-generated routines.
282  /// *DO NOT USE*.
283  void mapLLVMRegsToDwarfRegs(const DwarfLLVMRegPair *Map, unsigned Size,
284  bool isEH) {
285  if (isEH) {
286  EHL2DwarfRegs = Map;
287  EHL2DwarfRegsSize = Size;
288  } else {
289  L2DwarfRegs = Map;
290  L2DwarfRegsSize = Size;
291  }
292  }
294  /// Used to initialize Dwarf register to LLVM
295  /// register number mapping. Called by TableGen auto-generated routines.
296  /// *DO NOT USE*.
297  void mapDwarfRegsToLLVMRegs(const DwarfLLVMRegPair *Map, unsigned Size,
298  bool isEH) {
299  if (isEH) {
300  EHDwarf2LRegs = Map;
301  EHDwarf2LRegsSize = Size;
302  } else {
303  Dwarf2LRegs = Map;
304  Dwarf2LRegsSize = Size;
305  }
306  }
308  /// mapLLVMRegToSEHReg - Used to initialize LLVM register to SEH register
309  /// number mapping. By default the SEH register number is just the same
310  /// as the LLVM register number.
311  /// FIXME: TableGen these numbers. Currently this requires target specific
312  /// initialization code.
313  void mapLLVMRegToSEHReg(unsigned LLVMReg, int SEHReg) {
314  L2SEHRegs[LLVMReg] = SEHReg;
315  }
317  void mapLLVMRegToCVReg(unsigned LLVMReg, int CVReg) {
318  L2CVRegs[LLVMReg] = CVReg;
319  }
321  /// This method should return the register where the return
322  /// address can be found.
323  unsigned getRARegister() const {
324  return RAReg;
325  }
327  /// Return the register which is the program counter.
328  unsigned getProgramCounter() const {
329  return PCReg;
330  }
332  const MCRegisterDesc &operator[](unsigned RegNo) const {
333  assert(RegNo < NumRegs &&
334  "Attempting to access record for invalid register number!");
335  return Desc[RegNo];
336  }
338  /// Provide a get method, equivalent to [], but more useful with a
339  /// pointer to this object.
340  const MCRegisterDesc &get(unsigned RegNo) const {
341  return operator[](RegNo);
342  }
344  /// Returns the physical register number of sub-register "Index"
345  /// for physical register RegNo. Return zero if the sub-register does not
346  /// exist.
347  unsigned getSubReg(unsigned Reg, unsigned Idx) const;
349  /// Return a super-register of the specified register
350  /// Reg so its sub-register of index SubIdx is Reg.
351  unsigned getMatchingSuperReg(unsigned Reg, unsigned SubIdx,
352  const MCRegisterClass *RC) const;
354  /// For a given register pair, return the sub-register index
355  /// if the second register is a sub-register of the first. Return zero
356  /// otherwise.
357  unsigned getSubRegIndex(unsigned RegNo, unsigned SubRegNo) const;
359  /// Get the size of the bit range covered by a sub-register index.
360  /// If the index isn't continuous, return the sum of the sizes of its parts.
361  /// If the index is used to access subregisters of different sizes, return -1.
362  unsigned getSubRegIdxSize(unsigned Idx) const;
364  /// Get the offset of the bit range covered by a sub-register index.
365  /// If an Offset doesn't make sense (the index isn't continuous, or is used to
366  /// access sub-registers at different offsets), return -1.
367  unsigned getSubRegIdxOffset(unsigned Idx) const;
369  /// Return the human-readable symbolic target-specific name for the
370  /// specified physical register.
371  const char *getName(unsigned RegNo) const {
372  return RegStrings + get(RegNo).Name;
373  }
375  /// Return the number of registers this target has (useful for
376  /// sizing arrays holding per register information)
377  unsigned getNumRegs() const {
378  return NumRegs;
379  }
381  /// Return the number of sub-register indices
382  /// understood by the target. Index 0 is reserved for the no-op sub-register,
383  /// while 1 to getNumSubRegIndices() - 1 represent real sub-registers.
384  unsigned getNumSubRegIndices() const {
385  return NumSubRegIndices;
386  }
388  /// Return the number of (native) register units in the
389  /// target. Register units are numbered from 0 to getNumRegUnits() - 1. They
390  /// can be accessed through MCRegUnitIterator defined below.
391  unsigned getNumRegUnits() const {
392  return NumRegUnits;
393  }
395  /// Map a target register to an equivalent dwarf register
396  /// number. Returns -1 if there is no equivalent value. The second
397  /// parameter allows targets to use different numberings for EH info and
398  /// debugging info.
399  int getDwarfRegNum(unsigned RegNum, bool isEH) const;
401  /// Map a dwarf register back to a target register.
402  int getLLVMRegNum(unsigned RegNum, bool isEH) const;
404  /// Map a DWARF EH register back to a target register (same as
405  /// getLLVMRegNum(RegNum, true)) but return -1 if there is no mapping,
406  /// rather than asserting that there must be one.
407  int getLLVMRegNumFromEH(unsigned RegNum) const;
409  /// Map a target EH register number to an equivalent DWARF register
410  /// number.
411  int getDwarfRegNumFromDwarfEHRegNum(unsigned RegNum) const;
413  /// Map a target register to an equivalent SEH register
414  /// number. Returns LLVM register number if there is no equivalent value.
415  int getSEHRegNum(unsigned RegNum) const;
417  /// Map a target register to an equivalent CodeView register
418  /// number.
419  int getCodeViewRegNum(unsigned RegNum) const;
421  regclass_iterator regclass_begin() const { return Classes; }
422  regclass_iterator regclass_end() const { return Classes+NumClasses; }
424  return make_range(regclass_begin(), regclass_end());
425  }
427  unsigned getNumRegClasses() const {
428  return (unsigned)(regclass_end()-regclass_begin());
429  }
431  /// Returns the register class associated with the enumeration
432  /// value. See class MCOperandInfo.
433  const MCRegisterClass& getRegClass(unsigned i) const {
434  assert(i < getNumRegClasses() && "Register Class ID out of range");
435  return Classes[i];
436  }
438  const char *getRegClassName(const MCRegisterClass *Class) const {
439  return RegClassStrings + Class->NameIdx;
440  }
442  /// Returns the encoding for RegNo
443  uint16_t getEncodingValue(unsigned RegNo) const {
444  assert(RegNo < NumRegs &&
445  "Attempting to get encoding for invalid register number!");
446  return RegEncodingTable[RegNo];
447  }
449  /// Returns true if RegB is a sub-register of RegA.
450  bool isSubRegister(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const {
451  return isSuperRegister(RegB, RegA);
452  }
454  /// Returns true if RegB is a super-register of RegA.
455  bool isSuperRegister(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const;
457  /// Returns true if RegB is a sub-register of RegA or if RegB == RegA.
458  bool isSubRegisterEq(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const {
459  return isSuperRegisterEq(RegB, RegA);
460  }
462  /// Returns true if RegB is a super-register of RegA or if
463  /// RegB == RegA.
464  bool isSuperRegisterEq(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const {
465  return RegA == RegB || isSuperRegister(RegA, RegB);
466  }
468  /// Returns true if RegB is a super-register or sub-register of RegA
469  /// or if RegB == RegA.
470  bool isSuperOrSubRegisterEq(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const {
471  return isSubRegisterEq(RegA, RegB) || isSuperRegister(RegA, RegB);
472  }
473 };
475 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
476 // Register List Iterators
477 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
479 // MCRegisterInfo provides lists of super-registers, sub-registers, and
480 // aliasing registers. Use these iterator classes to traverse the lists.
482 /// MCSubRegIterator enumerates all sub-registers of Reg.
483 /// If IncludeSelf is set, Reg itself is included in the list.
485 public:
486  MCSubRegIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI,
487  bool IncludeSelf = false) {
488  init(Reg, MCRI->DiffLists + MCRI->get(Reg).SubRegs);
489  // Initially, the iterator points to Reg itself.
490  if (!IncludeSelf)
491  ++*this;
492  }
493 };
495 /// Iterator that enumerates the sub-registers of a Reg and the associated
496 /// sub-register indices.
498  MCSubRegIterator SRIter;
499  const uint16_t *SRIndex;
501 public:
502  /// Constructs an iterator that traverses subregisters and their
503  /// associated subregister indices.
504  MCSubRegIndexIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI)
505  : SRIter(Reg, MCRI) {
506  SRIndex = MCRI->SubRegIndices + MCRI->get(Reg).SubRegIndices;
507  }
509  /// Returns current sub-register.
510  unsigned getSubReg() const {
511  return *SRIter;
512  }
514  /// Returns sub-register index of the current sub-register.
515  unsigned getSubRegIndex() const {
516  return *SRIndex;
517  }
519  /// Returns true if this iterator is not yet at the end.
520  bool isValid() const { return SRIter.isValid(); }
522  /// Moves to the next position.
523  void operator++() {
524  ++SRIter;
525  ++SRIndex;
526  }
527 };
529 /// MCSuperRegIterator enumerates all super-registers of Reg.
530 /// If IncludeSelf is set, Reg itself is included in the list.
532 public:
533  MCSuperRegIterator() = default;
535  MCSuperRegIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI,
536  bool IncludeSelf = false) {
537  init(Reg, MCRI->DiffLists + MCRI->get(Reg).SuperRegs);
538  // Initially, the iterator points to Reg itself.
539  if (!IncludeSelf)
540  ++*this;
541  }
542 };
544 // Definition for isSuperRegister. Put it down here since it needs the
545 // iterator defined above in addition to the MCRegisterInfo class itself.
546 inline bool MCRegisterInfo::isSuperRegister(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const{
547  for (MCSuperRegIterator I(RegA, this); I.isValid(); ++I)
548  if (*I == RegB)
549  return true;
550  return false;
551 }
553 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
554 // Register Units
555 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
557 // Register units are used to compute register aliasing. Every register has at
558 // least one register unit, but it can have more. Two registers overlap if and
559 // only if they have a common register unit.
560 //
561 // A target with a complicated sub-register structure will typically have many
562 // fewer register units than actual registers. MCRI::getNumRegUnits() returns
563 // the number of register units in the target.
565 // MCRegUnitIterator enumerates a list of register units for Reg. The list is
566 // in ascending numerical order.
568 public:
569  /// MCRegUnitIterator - Create an iterator that traverses the register units
570  /// in Reg.
571  MCRegUnitIterator() = default;
573  MCRegUnitIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI) {
574  assert(Reg && "Null register has no regunits");
575  // Decode the RegUnits MCRegisterDesc field.
576  unsigned RU = MCRI->get(Reg).RegUnits;
577  unsigned Scale = RU & 15;
578  unsigned Offset = RU >> 4;
580  // Initialize the iterator to Reg * Scale, and the List pointer to
581  // DiffLists + Offset.
582  init(Reg * Scale, MCRI->DiffLists + Offset);
584  // That may not be a valid unit, we need to advance by one to get the real
585  // unit number. The first differential can be 0 which would normally
586  // terminate the list, but since we know every register has at least one
587  // unit, we can allow a 0 differential here.
588  advance();
589  }
590 };
592 /// MCRegUnitMaskIterator enumerates a list of register units and their
593 /// associated lane masks for Reg. The register units are in ascending
594 /// numerical order.
596  MCRegUnitIterator RUIter;
597  const LaneBitmask *MaskListIter;
599 public:
600  MCRegUnitMaskIterator() = default;
602  /// Constructs an iterator that traverses the register units and their
603  /// associated LaneMasks in Reg.
604  MCRegUnitMaskIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI)
605  : RUIter(Reg, MCRI) {
606  uint16_t Idx = MCRI->get(Reg).RegUnitLaneMasks;
607  MaskListIter = &MCRI->RegUnitMaskSequences[Idx];
608  }
610  /// Returns a (RegUnit, LaneMask) pair.
611  std::pair<unsigned,LaneBitmask> operator*() const {
612  return std::make_pair(*RUIter, *MaskListIter);
613  }
615  /// Returns true if this iterator is not yet at the end.
616  bool isValid() const { return RUIter.isValid(); }
618  /// Moves to the next position.
619  void operator++() {
620  ++MaskListIter;
621  ++RUIter;
622  }
623 };
625 // Each register unit has one or two root registers. The complete set of
626 // registers containing a register unit is the union of the roots and their
627 // super-registers. All registers aliasing Unit can be visited like this:
628 //
629 // for (MCRegUnitRootIterator RI(Unit, MCRI); RI.isValid(); ++RI) {
630 // for (MCSuperRegIterator SI(*RI, MCRI, true); SI.isValid(); ++SI)
631 // visit(*SI);
632 // }
634 /// MCRegUnitRootIterator enumerates the root registers of a register unit.
636  uint16_t Reg0 = 0;
637  uint16_t Reg1 = 0;
639 public:
640  MCRegUnitRootIterator() = default;
642  MCRegUnitRootIterator(unsigned RegUnit, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI) {
643  assert(RegUnit < MCRI->getNumRegUnits() && "Invalid register unit");
644  Reg0 = MCRI->RegUnitRoots[RegUnit][0];
645  Reg1 = MCRI->RegUnitRoots[RegUnit][1];
646  }
648  /// Dereference to get the current root register.
649  unsigned operator*() const {
650  return Reg0;
651  }
653  /// Check if the iterator is at the end of the list.
654  bool isValid() const {
655  return Reg0;
656  }
658  /// Preincrement to move to the next root register.
659  void operator++() {
660  assert(isValid() && "Cannot move off the end of the list.");
661  Reg0 = Reg1;
662  Reg1 = 0;
663  }
664 };
666 /// MCRegAliasIterator enumerates all registers aliasing Reg. If IncludeSelf is
667 /// set, Reg itself is included in the list. This iterator does not guarantee
668 /// any ordering or that entries are unique.
670 private:
671  unsigned Reg;
672  const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI;
673  bool IncludeSelf;
679 public:
680  MCRegAliasIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI,
681  bool IncludeSelf)
682  : Reg(Reg), MCRI(MCRI), IncludeSelf(IncludeSelf) {
683  // Initialize the iterators.
684  for (RI = MCRegUnitIterator(Reg, MCRI); RI.isValid(); ++RI) {
685  for (RRI = MCRegUnitRootIterator(*RI, MCRI); RRI.isValid(); ++RRI) {
686  for (SI = MCSuperRegIterator(*RRI, MCRI, true); SI.isValid(); ++SI) {
687  if (!(!IncludeSelf && Reg == *SI))
688  return;
689  }
690  }
691  }
692  }
694  bool isValid() const { return RI.isValid(); }
696  unsigned operator*() const {
697  assert(SI.isValid() && "Cannot dereference an invalid iterator.");
698  return *SI;
699  }
701  void advance() {
702  // Assuming SI is valid.
703  ++SI;
704  if (SI.isValid()) return;
706  ++RRI;
707  if (RRI.isValid()) {
708  SI = MCSuperRegIterator(*RRI, MCRI, true);
709  return;
710  }
712  ++RI;
713  if (RI.isValid()) {
714  RRI = MCRegUnitRootIterator(*RI, MCRI);
715  SI = MCSuperRegIterator(*RRI, MCRI, true);
716  }
717  }
719  void operator++() {
720  assert(isValid() && "Cannot move off the end of the list.");
721  do advance();
722  while (!IncludeSelf && isValid() && *SI == Reg);
723  }
724 };
726 } // end namespace llvm
bool isSuperRegisterEq(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const
Returns true if RegB is a super-register of RegA or if RegB == RegA.
uint64_t CallInst * C
A common definition of LaneBitmask for use in TableGen and CodeGen.
const uint8_t *const RegSet
void operator++()
Pre-increment to move to the next position.
iterator begin() const
begin/end - Return all of the registers in this class.
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
const uint32_t NameIdx
This provides a very simple, boring adaptor for a begin and end iterator into a range type...
unsigned Reg
bool contains(unsigned Reg1, unsigned Reg2) const
contains - Return true if both registers are in this class.
const MCRegisterDesc & operator[](unsigned RegNo) const
unsigned getNumRegUnits() const
Return the number of (native) register units in the target.
unsigned getID() const
getID() - Return the register class ID number.
SI optimize exec mask operations pre RA
MCSubRegIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI, bool IncludeSelf=false)
bool isValid() const
Returns true if this iterator is not yet at the end.
amdgpu Simplify well known AMD library false Value Value const Twine & Name
MCRegUnitMaskIterator enumerates a list of register units and their associated lane masks for Reg...
MCSuperRegIterator enumerates all super-registers of Reg.
bool contains(unsigned Reg) const
contains - Return true if the specified register is included in this register class.
regclass_iterator regclass_begin() const
const iterator RegsBegin
bool isSubRegister(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const
Returns true if RegB is a sub-register of RegA.
MCRegUnitIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI)
void InitMCRegisterInfo(const MCRegisterDesc *D, unsigned NR, unsigned RA, unsigned PC, const MCRegisterClass *C, unsigned NC, const MCPhysReg(*RURoots)[2], unsigned NRU, const MCPhysReg *DL, const LaneBitmask *RUMS, const char *Strings, const char *ClassStrings, const uint16_t *SubIndices, unsigned NumIndices, const SubRegCoveredBits *SubIdxRanges, const uint16_t *RET)
Initialize MCRegisterInfo, called by TableGen auto-generated routines.
MCRegUnitRootIterator enumerates the root registers of a register unit.
unsigned getSubRegIndex() const
Returns sub-register index of the current sub-register.
unsigned getRegister(unsigned i) const
getRegister - Return the specified register in the class.
DiffListIterator - Base iterator class that can traverse the differentially encoded register and regu...
MCRegUnitMaskIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI)
Constructs an iterator that traverses the register units and their associated LaneMasks in Reg...
MCRegisterClass - Base class of TargetRegisterClass.
unsigned getNumRegs() const
getNumRegs - Return the number of registers in this class.
uint16_t MCPhysReg
An unsigned integer type large enough to represent all physical registers, but not necessarily virtua...
const char * getName(unsigned RegNo) const
Return the human-readable symbolic target-specific name for the specified physical register...
MCRegisterInfo base class - We assume that the target defines a static array of MCRegisterDesc object...
bool isSuperRegister(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const
Returns true if RegB is a super-register of RegA.
unsigned getNumRegs() const
Return the number of registers this target has (useful for sizing arrays holding per register informa...
void operator++()
Moves to the next position.
initializer< Ty > init(const Ty &Val)
Definition: CommandLine.h:423
unsigned operator*() const
Dereference to get the current root register.
SubRegCoveredBits - Emitted by tablegen: bit range covered by a subreg index, -1 in any being invalid...
unsigned getSubReg() const
Returns current sub-register.
Iterator that enumerates the sub-registers of a Reg and the associated sub-register indices...
void mapLLVMRegsToDwarfRegs(const DwarfLLVMRegPair *Map, unsigned Size, bool isEH)
Used to initialize LLVM register to Dwarf register number mapping.
void mapDwarfRegsToLLVMRegs(const DwarfLLVMRegPair *Map, unsigned Size, bool isEH)
Used to initialize Dwarf register to LLVM register number mapping.
const MCPhysReg * const_iterator
MCRegAliasIterator enumerates all registers aliasing Reg.
int getCopyCost() const
getCopyCost - Return the cost of copying a value between two registers in this class.
MCRegAliasIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI, bool IncludeSelf)
iterator end() const
iterator_range< regclass_iterator > regclasses() const
std::pair< unsigned, LaneBitmask > operator*() const
Returns a (RegUnit, LaneMask) pair.
MCSubRegIterator enumerates all sub-registers of Reg.
unsigned getNumRegClasses() const
iterator_range< T > make_range(T x, T y)
Convenience function for iterating over sub-ranges.
MCRegisterDesc - This record contains information about a particular register.
DwarfLLVMRegPair - Emitted by tablegen so Dwarf<->LLVM reg mappings can be performed with a binary se...
const char * getRegClassName(const MCRegisterClass *Class) const
MCSubRegIndexIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI)
Constructs an iterator that traverses subregisters and their associated subregister indices...
bool isSubRegisterEq(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const
Returns true if RegB is a sub-register of RegA or if RegB == RegA.
const MCRegisterDesc & get(unsigned RegNo) const
Provide a get method, equivalent to [], but more useful with a pointer to this object.
bool isValid() const
Returns true if this iterator is not yet at the end.
MCSuperRegIterator(unsigned Reg, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI, bool IncludeSelf=false)
bool isSuperOrSubRegisterEq(unsigned RegA, unsigned RegB) const
Returns true if RegB is a super-register or sub-register of RegA or if RegB == RegA.
static GCRegistry::Add< StatepointGC > D("statepoint-example", "an example strategy for statepoint")
#define NC
Definition: regutils.h:42
unsigned operator*() const
MCRegUnitRootIterator(unsigned RegUnit, const MCRegisterInfo *MCRI)
A range adaptor for a pair of iterators.
bool isValid() const
isValid - returns true if this iterator is not yet at the end.
bool operator<(DwarfLLVMRegPair RHS) const
uint16_t RegUnitLaneMasks
Index into list with lane mask sequences.
regclass_iterator regclass_end() const
uint16_t getEncodingValue(unsigned RegNo) const
Returns the encoding for RegNo.
void mapLLVMRegToCVReg(unsigned LLVMReg, int CVReg)
const uint16_t RegSetSize
const NodeList & List
Definition: RDFGraph.cpp:210
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
unsigned getNumSubRegIndices() const
Return the number of sub-register indices understood by the target.
uint32_t Size
Definition: Profile.cpp:47
unsigned advance()
advance - Move to the next list position, return the applied differential.
void operator++()
Moves to the next position.
unsigned getRARegister() const
This method should return the register where the return address can be found.
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
unsigned getProgramCounter() const
Return the register which is the program counter.
void operator++()
Preincrement to move to the next root register.
static unsigned getDwarfRegNum(unsigned Reg, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI)
Go up the super-register chain until we hit a valid dwarf register number.
Definition: StackMaps.cpp:93
unsigned operator*() const
Dereference the iterator to get the value at the current position.
bool isValid() const
Check if the iterator is at the end of the list.
const MCPhysReg * iterator
const uint16_t RegsSize
void mapLLVMRegToSEHReg(unsigned LLVMReg, int SEHReg)
mapLLVMRegToSEHReg - Used to initialize LLVM register to SEH register number mapping.
bool isAllocatable() const
isAllocatable - Return true if this register class may be used to create virtual registers.
void init(MCPhysReg InitVal, const MCPhysReg *DiffList)
init - Point the iterator to InitVal, decoding subsequent values from DiffList.
const MCRegisterClass & getRegClass(unsigned i) const
Returns the register class associated with the enumeration value.