LLVM  8.0.1
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1 //===- HexagonBitTracker.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
10 #include "HexagonBitTracker.h"
11 #include "Hexagon.h"
12 #include "HexagonInstrInfo.h"
13 #include "HexagonRegisterInfo.h"
14 #include "HexagonSubtarget.h"
21 #include "llvm/IR/Argument.h"
22 #include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
23 #include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
24 #include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
25 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
26 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
30 #include <cassert>
31 #include <cstddef>
32 #include <cstdint>
33 #include <cstdlib>
34 #include <utility>
35 #include <vector>
37 using namespace llvm;
39 using BT = BitTracker;
43  const HexagonInstrInfo &tii,
44  MachineFunction &mf)
45  : MachineEvaluator(tri, mri), MF(mf), MFI(mf.getFrameInfo()), TII(tii) {
46  // Populate the VRX map (VR to extension-type).
47  // Go over all the formal parameters of the function. If a given parameter
48  // P is sign- or zero-extended, locate the virtual register holding that
49  // parameter and create an entry in the VRX map indicating the type of ex-
50  // tension (and the source type).
51  // This is a bit complicated to do accurately, since the memory layout in-
52  // formation is necessary to precisely determine whether an aggregate para-
53  // meter will be passed in a register or in memory. What is given in MRI
54  // is the association between the physical register that is live-in (i.e.
55  // holds an argument), and the virtual register that this value will be
56  // copied into. This, by itself, is not sufficient to map back the virtual
57  // register to a formal parameter from Function (since consecutive live-ins
58  // from MRI may not correspond to consecutive formal parameters from Func-
59  // tion). To avoid the complications with in-memory arguments, only consi-
60  // der the initial sequence of formal parameters that are known to be
61  // passed via registers.
62  unsigned InVirtReg, InPhysReg = 0;
64  for (const Argument &Arg : MF.getFunction().args()) {
65  Type *ATy = Arg.getType();
66  unsigned Width = 0;
67  if (ATy->isIntegerTy())
68  Width = ATy->getIntegerBitWidth();
69  else if (ATy->isPointerTy())
70  Width = 32;
71  // If pointer size is not set through target data, it will default to
72  // Module::AnyPointerSize.
73  if (Width == 0 || Width > 64)
74  break;
75  if (Arg.hasAttribute(Attribute::ByVal))
76  continue;
77  InPhysReg = getNextPhysReg(InPhysReg, Width);
78  if (!InPhysReg)
79  break;
80  InVirtReg = getVirtRegFor(InPhysReg);
81  if (!InVirtReg)
82  continue;
83  if (Arg.hasAttribute(Attribute::SExt))
84  VRX.insert(std::make_pair(InVirtReg, ExtType(ExtType::SExt, Width)));
85  else if (Arg.hasAttribute(Attribute::ZExt))
86  VRX.insert(std::make_pair(InVirtReg, ExtType(ExtType::ZExt, Width)));
87  }
88 }
90 BT::BitMask HexagonEvaluator::mask(unsigned Reg, unsigned Sub) const {
91  if (Sub == 0)
92  return MachineEvaluator::mask(Reg, 0);
93  const TargetRegisterClass &RC = *MRI.getRegClass(Reg);
94  unsigned ID = RC.getID();
95  uint16_t RW = getRegBitWidth(RegisterRef(Reg, Sub));
96  const auto &HRI = static_cast<const HexagonRegisterInfo&>(TRI);
97  bool IsSubLo = (Sub == HRI.getHexagonSubRegIndex(RC, Hexagon::ps_sub_lo));
98  switch (ID) {
99  case Hexagon::DoubleRegsRegClassID:
100  case Hexagon::HvxWRRegClassID:
101  case Hexagon::HvxVQRRegClassID:
102  return IsSubLo ? BT::BitMask(0, RW-1)
103  : BT::BitMask(RW, 2*RW-1);
104  default:
105  break;
106  }
107 #ifndef NDEBUG
108  dbgs() << printReg(Reg, &TRI, Sub) << " in reg class "
109  << TRI.getRegClassName(&RC) << '\n';
110 #endif
111  llvm_unreachable("Unexpected register/subregister");
112 }
114 uint16_t HexagonEvaluator::getPhysRegBitWidth(unsigned Reg) const {
117  using namespace Hexagon;
118  const auto &HST = MF.getSubtarget<HexagonSubtarget>();
119  if (HST.useHVXOps()) {
120  for (auto &RC : {HvxVRRegClass, HvxWRRegClass, HvxQRRegClass,
121  HvxVQRRegClass})
122  if (RC.contains(Reg))
123  return TRI.getRegSizeInBits(RC);
124  }
125  // Default treatment for other physical registers.
126  if (const TargetRegisterClass *RC = TRI.getMinimalPhysRegClass(Reg))
127  return TRI.getRegSizeInBits(*RC);
130  (Twine("Unhandled physical register") + TRI.getName(Reg)).str().c_str());
131 }
134  const TargetRegisterClass &RC, unsigned Idx) const {
135  if (Idx == 0)
136  return RC;
138 #ifndef NDEBUG
139  const auto &HRI = static_cast<const HexagonRegisterInfo&>(TRI);
140  bool IsSubLo = (Idx == HRI.getHexagonSubRegIndex(RC, Hexagon::ps_sub_lo));
141  bool IsSubHi = (Idx == HRI.getHexagonSubRegIndex(RC, Hexagon::ps_sub_hi));
142  assert(IsSubLo != IsSubHi && "Must refer to either low or high subreg");
143 #endif
145  switch (RC.getID()) {
146  case Hexagon::DoubleRegsRegClassID:
147  return Hexagon::IntRegsRegClass;
148  case Hexagon::HvxWRRegClassID:
149  return Hexagon::HvxVRRegClass;
150  case Hexagon::HvxVQRRegClassID:
151  return Hexagon::HvxWRRegClass;
152  default:
153  break;
154  }
155 #ifndef NDEBUG
156  dbgs() << "Reg class id: " << RC.getID() << " idx: " << Idx << '\n';
157 #endif
158  llvm_unreachable("Unimplemented combination of reg class/subreg idx");
159 }
161 namespace {
163 class RegisterRefs {
164  std::vector<BT::RegisterRef> Vector;
166 public:
167  RegisterRefs(const MachineInstr &MI) : Vector(MI.getNumOperands()) {
168  for (unsigned i = 0, n = Vector.size(); i < n; ++i) {
169  const MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(i);
170  if (MO.isReg())
171  Vector[i] = BT::RegisterRef(MO);
172  // For indices that don't correspond to registers, the entry will
173  // remain constructed via the default constructor.
174  }
175  }
177  size_t size() const { return Vector.size(); }
179  const BT::RegisterRef &operator[](unsigned n) const {
180  // The main purpose of this operator is to assert with bad argument.
181  assert(n < Vector.size());
182  return Vector[n];
183  }
184 };
186 } // end anonymous namespace
189  const CellMapType &Inputs,
190  CellMapType &Outputs) const {
191  using namespace Hexagon;
193  unsigned NumDefs = 0;
195  // Sanity verification: there should not be any defs with subregisters.
196  for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) {
197  if (!MO.isReg() || !MO.isDef())
198  continue;
199  NumDefs++;
200  assert(MO.getSubReg() == 0);
201  }
203  if (NumDefs == 0)
204  return false;
206  unsigned Opc = MI.getOpcode();
208  if (MI.mayLoad()) {
209  switch (Opc) {
210  // These instructions may be marked as mayLoad, but they are generating
211  // immediate values, so skip them.
212  case CONST32:
213  case CONST64:
214  break;
215  default:
216  return evaluateLoad(MI, Inputs, Outputs);
217  }
218  }
220  // Check COPY instructions that copy formal parameters into virtual
221  // registers. Such parameters can be sign- or zero-extended at the
222  // call site, and we should take advantage of this knowledge. The MRI
223  // keeps a list of pairs of live-in physical and virtual registers,
224  // which provides information about which virtual registers will hold
225  // the argument values. The function will still contain instructions
226  // defining those virtual registers, and in practice those are COPY
227  // instructions from a physical to a virtual register. In such cases,
228  // applying the argument extension to the virtual register can be seen
229  // as simply mirroring the extension that had already been applied to
230  // the physical register at the call site. If the defining instruction
231  // was not a COPY, it would not be clear how to mirror that extension
232  // on the callee's side. For that reason, only check COPY instructions
233  // for potential extensions.
234  if (MI.isCopy()) {
235  if (evaluateFormalCopy(MI, Inputs, Outputs))
236  return true;
237  }
239  // Beyond this point, if any operand is a global, skip that instruction.
240  // The reason is that certain instructions that can take an immediate
241  // operand can also have a global symbol in that operand. To avoid
242  // checking what kind of operand a given instruction has individually
243  // for each instruction, do it here. Global symbols as operands gene-
244  // rally do not provide any useful information.
245  for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) {
246  if (MO.isGlobal() || MO.isBlockAddress() || MO.isSymbol() || MO.isJTI() ||
247  MO.isCPI())
248  return false;
249  }
251  RegisterRefs Reg(MI);
252 #define op(i) MI.getOperand(i)
253 #define rc(i) RegisterCell::ref(getCell(Reg[i], Inputs))
254 #define im(i) MI.getOperand(i).getImm()
256  // If the instruction has no register operands, skip it.
257  if (Reg.size() == 0)
258  return false;
260  // Record result for register in operand 0.
261  auto rr0 = [this,Reg] (const BT::RegisterCell &Val, CellMapType &Outputs)
262  -> bool {
263  putCell(Reg[0], Val, Outputs);
264  return true;
265  };
266  // Get the cell corresponding to the N-th operand.
267  auto cop = [this, &Reg, &MI, &Inputs](unsigned N,
268  uint16_t W) -> BT::RegisterCell {
269  const MachineOperand &Op = MI.getOperand(N);
270  if (Op.isImm())
271  return eIMM(Op.getImm(), W);
272  if (!Op.isReg())
273  return RegisterCell::self(0, W);
274  assert(getRegBitWidth(Reg[N]) == W && "Register width mismatch");
275  return rc(N);
276  };
277  // Extract RW low bits of the cell.
278  auto lo = [this] (const BT::RegisterCell &RC, uint16_t RW)
279  -> BT::RegisterCell {
280  assert(RW <= RC.width());
281  return eXTR(RC, 0, RW);
282  };
283  // Extract RW high bits of the cell.
284  auto hi = [this] (const BT::RegisterCell &RC, uint16_t RW)
285  -> BT::RegisterCell {
286  uint16_t W = RC.width();
287  assert(RW <= W);
288  return eXTR(RC, W-RW, W);
289  };
290  // Extract N-th halfword (counting from the least significant position).
291  auto half = [this] (const BT::RegisterCell &RC, unsigned N)
292  -> BT::RegisterCell {
293  assert(N*16+16 <= RC.width());
294  return eXTR(RC, N*16, N*16+16);
295  };
296  // Shuffle bits (pick even/odd from cells and merge into result).
297  auto shuffle = [this] (const BT::RegisterCell &Rs, const BT::RegisterCell &Rt,
298  uint16_t BW, bool Odd) -> BT::RegisterCell {
299  uint16_t I = Odd, Ws = Rs.width();
300  assert(Ws == Rt.width());
301  RegisterCell RC = eXTR(Rt, I*BW, I*BW+BW).cat(eXTR(Rs, I*BW, I*BW+BW));
302  I += 2;
303  while (I*BW < Ws) {
304  RC.cat(eXTR(Rt, I*BW, I*BW+BW)).cat(eXTR(Rs, I*BW, I*BW+BW));
305  I += 2;
306  }
307  return RC;
308  };
310  // The bitwidth of the 0th operand. In most (if not all) of the
311  // instructions below, the 0th operand is the defined register.
312  // Pre-compute the bitwidth here, because it is needed in many cases
313  // cases below.
314  uint16_t W0 = (Reg[0].Reg != 0) ? getRegBitWidth(Reg[0]) : 0;
316  // Register id of the 0th operand. It can be 0.
317  unsigned Reg0 = Reg[0].Reg;
319  switch (Opc) {
320  // Transfer immediate:
322  case A2_tfrsi:
323  case A2_tfrpi:
324  case CONST32:
325  case CONST64:
326  return rr0(eIMM(im(1), W0), Outputs);
327  case PS_false:
328  return rr0(RegisterCell(W0).fill(0, W0, BT::BitValue::Zero), Outputs);
329  case PS_true:
330  return rr0(RegisterCell(W0).fill(0, W0, BT::BitValue::One), Outputs);
331  case PS_fi: {
332  int FI = op(1).getIndex();
333  int Off = op(2).getImm();
334  unsigned A = MFI.getObjectAlignment(FI) + std::abs(Off);
335  unsigned L = countTrailingZeros(A);
336  RegisterCell RC = RegisterCell::self(Reg[0].Reg, W0);
337  RC.fill(0, L, BT::BitValue::Zero);
338  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
339  }
341  // Transfer register:
343  case A2_tfr:
344  case A2_tfrp:
345  case C2_pxfer_map:
346  return rr0(rc(1), Outputs);
347  case C2_tfrpr: {
348  uint16_t RW = W0;
349  uint16_t PW = 8; // XXX Pred size: getRegBitWidth(Reg[1]);
350  assert(PW <= RW);
351  RegisterCell PC = eXTR(rc(1), 0, PW);
352  RegisterCell RC = RegisterCell(RW).insert(PC, BT::BitMask(0, PW-1));
353  RC.fill(PW, RW, BT::BitValue::Zero);
354  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
355  }
356  case C2_tfrrp: {
357  uint16_t RW = W0;
358  uint16_t PW = 8; // XXX Pred size: getRegBitWidth(Reg[1]);
359  RegisterCell RC = RegisterCell::self(Reg[0].Reg, RW);
360  RC.fill(PW, RW, BT::BitValue::Zero);
361  return rr0(eINS(RC, eXTR(rc(1), 0, PW), 0), Outputs);
362  }
364  // Arithmetic:
366  case A2_abs:
367  case A2_absp:
368  // TODO
369  break;
371  case A2_addsp: {
372  uint16_t W1 = getRegBitWidth(Reg[1]);
373  assert(W0 == 64 && W1 == 32);
374  RegisterCell CW = RegisterCell(W0).insert(rc(1), BT::BitMask(0, W1-1));
375  RegisterCell RC = eADD(eSXT(CW, W1), rc(2));
376  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
377  }
378  case A2_add:
379  case A2_addp:
380  return rr0(eADD(rc(1), rc(2)), Outputs);
381  case A2_addi:
382  return rr0(eADD(rc(1), eIMM(im(2), W0)), Outputs);
383  case S4_addi_asl_ri: {
384  RegisterCell RC = eADD(eIMM(im(1), W0), eASL(rc(2), im(3)));
385  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
386  }
387  case S4_addi_lsr_ri: {
388  RegisterCell RC = eADD(eIMM(im(1), W0), eLSR(rc(2), im(3)));
389  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
390  }
391  case S4_addaddi: {
392  RegisterCell RC = eADD(rc(1), eADD(rc(2), eIMM(im(3), W0)));
393  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
394  }
395  case M4_mpyri_addi: {
396  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(2), eIMM(im(3), W0));
397  RegisterCell RC = eADD(eIMM(im(1), W0), lo(M, W0));
398  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
399  }
400  case M4_mpyrr_addi: {
401  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(2), rc(3));
402  RegisterCell RC = eADD(eIMM(im(1), W0), lo(M, W0));
403  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
404  }
405  case M4_mpyri_addr_u2: {
406  RegisterCell M = eMLS(eIMM(im(2), W0), rc(3));
407  RegisterCell RC = eADD(rc(1), lo(M, W0));
408  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
409  }
410  case M4_mpyri_addr: {
411  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(2), eIMM(im(3), W0));
412  RegisterCell RC = eADD(rc(1), lo(M, W0));
413  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
414  }
415  case M4_mpyrr_addr: {
416  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(2), rc(3));
417  RegisterCell RC = eADD(rc(1), lo(M, W0));
418  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
419  }
420  case S4_subaddi: {
421  RegisterCell RC = eADD(rc(1), eSUB(eIMM(im(2), W0), rc(3)));
422  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
423  }
424  case M2_accii: {
425  RegisterCell RC = eADD(rc(1), eADD(rc(2), eIMM(im(3), W0)));
426  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
427  }
428  case M2_acci: {
429  RegisterCell RC = eADD(rc(1), eADD(rc(2), rc(3)));
430  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
431  }
432  case M2_subacc: {
433  RegisterCell RC = eADD(rc(1), eSUB(rc(2), rc(3)));
434  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
435  }
436  case S2_addasl_rrri: {
437  RegisterCell RC = eADD(rc(1), eASL(rc(2), im(3)));
438  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
439  }
440  case C4_addipc: {
441  RegisterCell RPC = RegisterCell::self(Reg[0].Reg, W0);
442  RPC.fill(0, 2, BT::BitValue::Zero);
443  return rr0(eADD(RPC, eIMM(im(2), W0)), Outputs);
444  }
445  case A2_sub:
446  case A2_subp:
447  return rr0(eSUB(rc(1), rc(2)), Outputs);
448  case A2_subri:
449  return rr0(eSUB(eIMM(im(1), W0), rc(2)), Outputs);
450  case S4_subi_asl_ri: {
451  RegisterCell RC = eSUB(eIMM(im(1), W0), eASL(rc(2), im(3)));
452  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
453  }
454  case S4_subi_lsr_ri: {
455  RegisterCell RC = eSUB(eIMM(im(1), W0), eLSR(rc(2), im(3)));
456  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
457  }
458  case M2_naccii: {
459  RegisterCell RC = eSUB(rc(1), eADD(rc(2), eIMM(im(3), W0)));
460  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
461  }
462  case M2_nacci: {
463  RegisterCell RC = eSUB(rc(1), eADD(rc(2), rc(3)));
464  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
465  }
466  // 32-bit negation is done by "Rd = A2_subri 0, Rs"
467  case A2_negp:
468  return rr0(eSUB(eIMM(0, W0), rc(1)), Outputs);
470  case M2_mpy_up: {
471  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(1), rc(2));
472  return rr0(hi(M, W0), Outputs);
473  }
474  case M2_dpmpyss_s0:
475  return rr0(eMLS(rc(1), rc(2)), Outputs);
476  case M2_dpmpyss_acc_s0:
477  return rr0(eADD(rc(1), eMLS(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
478  case M2_dpmpyss_nac_s0:
479  return rr0(eSUB(rc(1), eMLS(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
480  case M2_mpyi: {
481  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(1), rc(2));
482  return rr0(lo(M, W0), Outputs);
483  }
484  case M2_macsip: {
485  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(2), eIMM(im(3), W0));
486  RegisterCell RC = eADD(rc(1), lo(M, W0));
487  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
488  }
489  case M2_macsin: {
490  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(2), eIMM(im(3), W0));
491  RegisterCell RC = eSUB(rc(1), lo(M, W0));
492  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
493  }
494  case M2_maci: {
495  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(2), rc(3));
496  RegisterCell RC = eADD(rc(1), lo(M, W0));
497  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
498  }
499  case M2_mpysmi: {
500  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(1), eIMM(im(2), W0));
501  return rr0(lo(M, 32), Outputs);
502  }
503  case M2_mpysin: {
504  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(1), eIMM(-im(2), W0));
505  return rr0(lo(M, 32), Outputs);
506  }
507  case M2_mpysip: {
508  RegisterCell M = eMLS(rc(1), eIMM(im(2), W0));
509  return rr0(lo(M, 32), Outputs);
510  }
511  case M2_mpyu_up: {
512  RegisterCell M = eMLU(rc(1), rc(2));
513  return rr0(hi(M, W0), Outputs);
514  }
515  case M2_dpmpyuu_s0:
516  return rr0(eMLU(rc(1), rc(2)), Outputs);
517  case M2_dpmpyuu_acc_s0:
518  return rr0(eADD(rc(1), eMLU(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
519  case M2_dpmpyuu_nac_s0:
520  return rr0(eSUB(rc(1), eMLU(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
521  //case M2_mpysu_up:
523  // Logical/bitwise:
525  case A2_andir:
526  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eIMM(im(2), W0)), Outputs);
527  case A2_and:
528  case A2_andp:
529  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), rc(2)), Outputs);
530  case A4_andn:
531  case A4_andnp:
532  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eNOT(rc(2))), Outputs);
533  case S4_andi_asl_ri: {
534  RegisterCell RC = eAND(eIMM(im(1), W0), eASL(rc(2), im(3)));
535  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
536  }
537  case S4_andi_lsr_ri: {
538  RegisterCell RC = eAND(eIMM(im(1), W0), eLSR(rc(2), im(3)));
539  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
540  }
541  case M4_and_and:
542  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eAND(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
543  case M4_and_andn:
544  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eAND(rc(2), eNOT(rc(3)))), Outputs);
545  case M4_and_or:
546  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eORL(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
547  case M4_and_xor:
548  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eXOR(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
549  case A2_orir:
550  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eIMM(im(2), W0)), Outputs);
551  case A2_or:
552  case A2_orp:
553  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), rc(2)), Outputs);
554  case A4_orn:
555  case A4_ornp:
556  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eNOT(rc(2))), Outputs);
557  case S4_ori_asl_ri: {
558  RegisterCell RC = eORL(eIMM(im(1), W0), eASL(rc(2), im(3)));
559  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
560  }
561  case S4_ori_lsr_ri: {
562  RegisterCell RC = eORL(eIMM(im(1), W0), eLSR(rc(2), im(3)));
563  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
564  }
565  case M4_or_and:
566  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eAND(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
567  case M4_or_andn:
568  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eAND(rc(2), eNOT(rc(3)))), Outputs);
569  case S4_or_andi:
570  case S4_or_andix: {
571  RegisterCell RC = eORL(rc(1), eAND(rc(2), eIMM(im(3), W0)));
572  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
573  }
574  case S4_or_ori: {
575  RegisterCell RC = eORL(rc(1), eORL(rc(2), eIMM(im(3), W0)));
576  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
577  }
578  case M4_or_or:
579  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eORL(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
580  case M4_or_xor:
581  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eXOR(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
582  case A2_xor:
583  case A2_xorp:
584  return rr0(eXOR(rc(1), rc(2)), Outputs);
585  case M4_xor_and:
586  return rr0(eXOR(rc(1), eAND(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
587  case M4_xor_andn:
588  return rr0(eXOR(rc(1), eAND(rc(2), eNOT(rc(3)))), Outputs);
589  case M4_xor_or:
590  return rr0(eXOR(rc(1), eORL(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
591  case M4_xor_xacc:
592  return rr0(eXOR(rc(1), eXOR(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
593  case A2_not:
594  case A2_notp:
595  return rr0(eNOT(rc(1)), Outputs);
597  case S2_asl_i_r:
598  case S2_asl_i_p:
599  return rr0(eASL(rc(1), im(2)), Outputs);
600  case A2_aslh:
601  return rr0(eASL(rc(1), 16), Outputs);
602  case S2_asl_i_r_acc:
603  case S2_asl_i_p_acc:
604  return rr0(eADD(rc(1), eASL(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
605  case S2_asl_i_r_nac:
606  case S2_asl_i_p_nac:
607  return rr0(eSUB(rc(1), eASL(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
608  case S2_asl_i_r_and:
609  case S2_asl_i_p_and:
610  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eASL(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
611  case S2_asl_i_r_or:
612  case S2_asl_i_p_or:
613  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eASL(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
614  case S2_asl_i_r_xacc:
615  case S2_asl_i_p_xacc:
616  return rr0(eXOR(rc(1), eASL(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
617  case S2_asl_i_vh:
618  case S2_asl_i_vw:
619  // TODO
620  break;
622  case S2_asr_i_r:
623  case S2_asr_i_p:
624  return rr0(eASR(rc(1), im(2)), Outputs);
625  case A2_asrh:
626  return rr0(eASR(rc(1), 16), Outputs);
627  case S2_asr_i_r_acc:
628  case S2_asr_i_p_acc:
629  return rr0(eADD(rc(1), eASR(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
630  case S2_asr_i_r_nac:
631  case S2_asr_i_p_nac:
632  return rr0(eSUB(rc(1), eASR(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
633  case S2_asr_i_r_and:
634  case S2_asr_i_p_and:
635  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eASR(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
636  case S2_asr_i_r_or:
637  case S2_asr_i_p_or:
638  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eASR(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
639  case S2_asr_i_r_rnd: {
640  // The input is first sign-extended to 64 bits, then the output
641  // is truncated back to 32 bits.
642  assert(W0 == 32);
643  RegisterCell XC = eSXT(rc(1).cat(eIMM(0, W0)), W0);
644  RegisterCell RC = eASR(eADD(eASR(XC, im(2)), eIMM(1, 2*W0)), 1);
645  return rr0(eXTR(RC, 0, W0), Outputs);
646  }
647  case S2_asr_i_r_rnd_goodsyntax: {
648  int64_t S = im(2);
649  if (S == 0)
650  return rr0(rc(1), Outputs);
651  // Result: S2_asr_i_r_rnd Rs, u5-1
652  RegisterCell XC = eSXT(rc(1).cat(eIMM(0, W0)), W0);
653  RegisterCell RC = eLSR(eADD(eASR(XC, S-1), eIMM(1, 2*W0)), 1);
654  return rr0(eXTR(RC, 0, W0), Outputs);
655  }
656  case S2_asr_r_vh:
657  case S2_asr_i_vw:
658  case S2_asr_i_svw_trun:
659  // TODO
660  break;
662  case S2_lsr_i_r:
663  case S2_lsr_i_p:
664  return rr0(eLSR(rc(1), im(2)), Outputs);
665  case S2_lsr_i_r_acc:
666  case S2_lsr_i_p_acc:
667  return rr0(eADD(rc(1), eLSR(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
668  case S2_lsr_i_r_nac:
669  case S2_lsr_i_p_nac:
670  return rr0(eSUB(rc(1), eLSR(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
671  case S2_lsr_i_r_and:
672  case S2_lsr_i_p_and:
673  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eLSR(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
674  case S2_lsr_i_r_or:
675  case S2_lsr_i_p_or:
676  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eLSR(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
677  case S2_lsr_i_r_xacc:
678  case S2_lsr_i_p_xacc:
679  return rr0(eXOR(rc(1), eLSR(rc(2), im(3))), Outputs);
681  case S2_clrbit_i: {
682  RegisterCell RC = rc(1);
683  RC[im(2)] = BT::BitValue::Zero;
684  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
685  }
686  case S2_setbit_i: {
687  RegisterCell RC = rc(1);
688  RC[im(2)] = BT::BitValue::One;
689  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
690  }
691  case S2_togglebit_i: {
692  RegisterCell RC = rc(1);
693  uint16_t BX = im(2);
694  RC[BX] = RC[BX].is(0) ? BT::BitValue::One
695  : RC[BX].is(1) ? BT::BitValue::Zero
696  : BT::BitValue::self();
697  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
698  }
700  case A4_bitspliti: {
701  uint16_t W1 = getRegBitWidth(Reg[1]);
702  uint16_t BX = im(2);
703  // Res.uw[1] = Rs[bx+1:], Res.uw[0] = Rs[0:bx]
704  const BT::BitValue Zero = BT::BitValue::Zero;
705  RegisterCell RZ = RegisterCell(W0).fill(BX, W1, Zero)
706  .fill(W1+(W1-BX), W0, Zero);
707  RegisterCell BF1 = eXTR(rc(1), 0, BX), BF2 = eXTR(rc(1), BX, W1);
708  RegisterCell RC = eINS(eINS(RZ, BF1, 0), BF2, W1);
709  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
710  }
711  case S4_extract:
712  case S4_extractp:
713  case S2_extractu:
714  case S2_extractup: {
715  uint16_t Wd = im(2), Of = im(3);
716  assert(Wd <= W0);
717  if (Wd == 0)
718  return rr0(eIMM(0, W0), Outputs);
719  // If the width extends beyond the register size, pad the register
720  // with 0 bits.
721  RegisterCell Pad = (Wd+Of > W0) ? rc(1).cat(eIMM(0, Wd+Of-W0)) : rc(1);
722  RegisterCell Ext = eXTR(Pad, Of, Wd+Of);
723  // Ext is short, need to extend it with 0s or sign bit.
724  RegisterCell RC = RegisterCell(W0).insert(Ext, BT::BitMask(0, Wd-1));
725  if (Opc == S2_extractu || Opc == S2_extractup)
726  return rr0(eZXT(RC, Wd), Outputs);
727  return rr0(eSXT(RC, Wd), Outputs);
728  }
729  case S2_insert:
730  case S2_insertp: {
731  uint16_t Wd = im(3), Of = im(4);
732  assert(Wd < W0 && Of < W0);
733  // If Wd+Of exceeds W0, the inserted bits are truncated.
734  if (Wd+Of > W0)
735  Wd = W0-Of;
736  if (Wd == 0)
737  return rr0(rc(1), Outputs);
738  return rr0(eINS(rc(1), eXTR(rc(2), 0, Wd), Of), Outputs);
739  }
741  // Bit permutations:
743  case A2_combineii:
744  case A4_combineii:
745  case A4_combineir:
746  case A4_combineri:
747  case A2_combinew:
748  case V6_vcombine:
749  assert(W0 % 2 == 0);
750  return rr0(cop(2, W0/2).cat(cop(1, W0/2)), Outputs);
751  case A2_combine_ll:
752  case A2_combine_lh:
753  case A2_combine_hl:
754  case A2_combine_hh: {
755  assert(W0 == 32);
756  assert(getRegBitWidth(Reg[1]) == 32 && getRegBitWidth(Reg[2]) == 32);
757  // Low half in the output is 0 for _ll and _hl, 1 otherwise:
758  unsigned LoH = !(Opc == A2_combine_ll || Opc == A2_combine_hl);
759  // High half in the output is 0 for _ll and _lh, 1 otherwise:
760  unsigned HiH = !(Opc == A2_combine_ll || Opc == A2_combine_lh);
761  RegisterCell R1 = rc(1);
762  RegisterCell R2 = rc(2);
763  RegisterCell RC = half(R2, LoH).cat(half(R1, HiH));
764  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
765  }
766  case S2_packhl: {
767  assert(W0 == 64);
768  assert(getRegBitWidth(Reg[1]) == 32 && getRegBitWidth(Reg[2]) == 32);
769  RegisterCell R1 = rc(1);
770  RegisterCell R2 = rc(2);
771  RegisterCell RC = half(R2, 0).cat(half(R1, 0)).cat(half(R2, 1))
772  .cat(half(R1, 1));
773  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
774  }
775  case S2_shuffeb: {
776  RegisterCell RC = shuffle(rc(1), rc(2), 8, false);
777  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
778  }
779  case S2_shuffeh: {
780  RegisterCell RC = shuffle(rc(1), rc(2), 16, false);
781  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
782  }
783  case S2_shuffob: {
784  RegisterCell RC = shuffle(rc(1), rc(2), 8, true);
785  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
786  }
787  case S2_shuffoh: {
788  RegisterCell RC = shuffle(rc(1), rc(2), 16, true);
789  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
790  }
791  case C2_mask: {
792  uint16_t WR = W0;
793  uint16_t WP = 8; // XXX Pred size: getRegBitWidth(Reg[1]);
794  assert(WR == 64 && WP == 8);
795  RegisterCell R1 = rc(1);
796  RegisterCell RC(WR);
797  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < WP; ++i) {
798  const BT::BitValue &V = R1[i];
799  BT::BitValue F = (V.is(0) || V.is(1)) ? V : BT::BitValue::self();
800  RC.fill(i*8, i*8+8, F);
801  }
802  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
803  }
805  // Mux:
807  case C2_muxii:
808  case C2_muxir:
809  case C2_muxri:
810  case C2_mux: {
811  BT::BitValue PC0 = rc(1)[0];
812  RegisterCell R2 = cop(2, W0);
813  RegisterCell R3 = cop(3, W0);
814  if (PC0.is(0) || PC0.is(1))
815  return rr0(RegisterCell::ref(PC0 ? R2 : R3), Outputs);
816  R2.meet(R3, Reg[0].Reg);
817  return rr0(R2, Outputs);
818  }
819  case C2_vmux:
820  // TODO
821  break;
823  // Sign- and zero-extension:
825  case A2_sxtb:
826  return rr0(eSXT(rc(1), 8), Outputs);
827  case A2_sxth:
828  return rr0(eSXT(rc(1), 16), Outputs);
829  case A2_sxtw: {
830  uint16_t W1 = getRegBitWidth(Reg[1]);
831  assert(W0 == 64 && W1 == 32);
832  RegisterCell RC = eSXT(rc(1).cat(eIMM(0, W1)), W1);
833  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
834  }
835  case A2_zxtb:
836  return rr0(eZXT(rc(1), 8), Outputs);
837  case A2_zxth:
838  return rr0(eZXT(rc(1), 16), Outputs);
840  // Saturations
842  case A2_satb:
843  return rr0(eSXT(RegisterCell::self(0, W0).regify(Reg0), 8), Outputs);
844  case A2_sath:
845  return rr0(eSXT(RegisterCell::self(0, W0).regify(Reg0), 16), Outputs);
846  case A2_satub:
847  return rr0(eZXT(RegisterCell::self(0, W0).regify(Reg0), 8), Outputs);
848  case A2_satuh:
849  return rr0(eZXT(RegisterCell::self(0, W0).regify(Reg0), 16), Outputs);
851  // Bit count:
853  case S2_cl0:
854  case S2_cl0p:
855  // Always produce a 32-bit result.
856  return rr0(eCLB(rc(1), false/*bit*/, 32), Outputs);
857  case S2_cl1:
858  case S2_cl1p:
859  return rr0(eCLB(rc(1), true/*bit*/, 32), Outputs);
860  case S2_clb:
861  case S2_clbp: {
862  uint16_t W1 = getRegBitWidth(Reg[1]);
863  RegisterCell R1 = rc(1);
864  BT::BitValue TV = R1[W1-1];
865  if (TV.is(0) || TV.is(1))
866  return rr0(eCLB(R1, TV, 32), Outputs);
867  break;
868  }
869  case S2_ct0:
870  case S2_ct0p:
871  return rr0(eCTB(rc(1), false/*bit*/, 32), Outputs);
872  case S2_ct1:
873  case S2_ct1p:
874  return rr0(eCTB(rc(1), true/*bit*/, 32), Outputs);
875  case S5_popcountp:
876  // TODO
877  break;
879  case C2_all8: {
880  RegisterCell P1 = rc(1);
881  bool Has0 = false, All1 = true;
882  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 8/*XXX*/; ++i) {
883  if (!P1[i].is(1))
884  All1 = false;
885  if (!P1[i].is(0))
886  continue;
887  Has0 = true;
888  break;
889  }
890  if (!Has0 && !All1)
891  break;
892  RegisterCell RC(W0);
893  RC.fill(0, W0, (All1 ? BT::BitValue::One : BT::BitValue::Zero));
894  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
895  }
896  case C2_any8: {
897  RegisterCell P1 = rc(1);
898  bool Has1 = false, All0 = true;
899  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 8/*XXX*/; ++i) {
900  if (!P1[i].is(0))
901  All0 = false;
902  if (!P1[i].is(1))
903  continue;
904  Has1 = true;
905  break;
906  }
907  if (!Has1 && !All0)
908  break;
909  RegisterCell RC(W0);
910  RC.fill(0, W0, (Has1 ? BT::BitValue::One : BT::BitValue::Zero));
911  return rr0(RC, Outputs);
912  }
913  case C2_and:
914  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), rc(2)), Outputs);
915  case C2_andn:
916  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eNOT(rc(2))), Outputs);
917  case C2_not:
918  return rr0(eNOT(rc(1)), Outputs);
919  case C2_or:
920  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), rc(2)), Outputs);
921  case C2_orn:
922  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eNOT(rc(2))), Outputs);
923  case C2_xor:
924  return rr0(eXOR(rc(1), rc(2)), Outputs);
925  case C4_and_and:
926  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eAND(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
927  case C4_and_andn:
928  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eAND(rc(2), eNOT(rc(3)))), Outputs);
929  case C4_and_or:
930  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eORL(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
931  case C4_and_orn:
932  return rr0(eAND(rc(1), eORL(rc(2), eNOT(rc(3)))), Outputs);
933  case C4_or_and:
934  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eAND(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
935  case C4_or_andn:
936  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eAND(rc(2), eNOT(rc(3)))), Outputs);
937  case C4_or_or:
938  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eORL(rc(2), rc(3))), Outputs);
939  case C4_or_orn:
940  return rr0(eORL(rc(1), eORL(rc(2), eNOT(rc(3)))), Outputs);
941  case C2_bitsclr:
942  case C2_bitsclri:
943  case C2_bitsset:
944  case C4_nbitsclr:
945  case C4_nbitsclri:
946  case C4_nbitsset:
947  // TODO
948  break;
949  case S2_tstbit_i:
950  case S4_ntstbit_i: {
951  BT::BitValue V = rc(1)[im(2)];
952  if (V.is(0) || V.is(1)) {
953  // If instruction is S2_tstbit_i, test for 1, otherwise test for 0.
954  bool TV = (Opc == S2_tstbit_i);
956  return rr0(RegisterCell(W0).fill(0, W0, F), Outputs);
957  }
958  break;
959  }
961  default:
962  // For instructions that define a single predicate registers, store
963  // the low 8 bits of the register only.
964  if (unsigned DefR = getUniqueDefVReg(MI)) {
965  if (MRI.getRegClass(DefR) == &Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass) {
966  BT::RegisterRef PD(DefR, 0);
967  uint16_t RW = getRegBitWidth(PD);
968  uint16_t PW = 8; // XXX Pred size: getRegBitWidth(Reg[1]);
969  RegisterCell RC = RegisterCell::self(DefR, RW);
970  RC.fill(PW, RW, BT::BitValue::Zero);
971  putCell(PD, RC, Outputs);
972  return true;
973  }
974  }
975  return MachineEvaluator::evaluate(MI, Inputs, Outputs);
976  }
977  #undef im
978  #undef rc
979  #undef op
980  return false;
981 }
984  const CellMapType &Inputs,
985  BranchTargetList &Targets,
986  bool &FallsThru) const {
987  // We need to evaluate one branch at a time. TII::analyzeBranch checks
988  // all the branches in a basic block at once, so we cannot use it.
989  unsigned Opc = BI.getOpcode();
990  bool SimpleBranch = false;
991  bool Negated = false;
992  switch (Opc) {
993  case Hexagon::J2_jumpf:
994  case Hexagon::J2_jumpfpt:
995  case Hexagon::J2_jumpfnew:
996  case Hexagon::J2_jumpfnewpt:
997  Negated = true;
999  case Hexagon::J2_jumpt:
1000  case Hexagon::J2_jumptpt:
1001  case Hexagon::J2_jumptnew:
1002  case Hexagon::J2_jumptnewpt:
1003  // Simple branch: if([!]Pn) jump ...
1004  // i.e. Op0 = predicate, Op1 = branch target.
1005  SimpleBranch = true;
1006  break;
1007  case Hexagon::J2_jump:
1008  Targets.insert(BI.getOperand(0).getMBB());
1009  FallsThru = false;
1010  return true;
1011  default:
1012  // If the branch is of unknown type, assume that all successors are
1013  // executable.
1014  return false;
1015  }
1017  if (!SimpleBranch)
1018  return false;
1020  // BI is a conditional branch if we got here.
1021  RegisterRef PR = BI.getOperand(0);
1022  RegisterCell PC = getCell(PR, Inputs);
1023  const BT::BitValue &Test = PC[0];
1025  // If the condition is neither true nor false, then it's unknown.
1026  if (!Test.is(0) && !Test.is(1))
1027  return false;
1029  // "Test.is(!Negated)" means "branch condition is true".
1030  if (!Test.is(!Negated)) {
1031  // Condition known to be false.
1032  FallsThru = true;
1033  return true;
1034  }
1036  Targets.insert(BI.getOperand(1).getMBB());
1037  FallsThru = false;
1038  return true;
1039 }
1041 unsigned HexagonEvaluator::getUniqueDefVReg(const MachineInstr &MI) const {
1042  unsigned DefReg = 0;
1043  for (const MachineOperand &Op : MI.operands()) {
1044  if (!Op.isReg() || !Op.isDef())
1045  continue;
1046  unsigned R = Op.getReg();
1048  continue;
1049  if (DefReg != 0)
1050  return 0;
1051  DefReg = R;
1052  }
1053  return DefReg;
1054 }
1056 bool HexagonEvaluator::evaluateLoad(const MachineInstr &MI,
1057  const CellMapType &Inputs,
1058  CellMapType &Outputs) const {
1059  using namespace Hexagon;
1061  if (TII.isPredicated(MI))
1062  return false;
1063  assert(MI.mayLoad() && "A load that mayn't?");
1064  unsigned Opc = MI.getOpcode();
1066  uint16_t BitNum;
1067  bool SignEx;
1069  switch (Opc) {
1070  default:
1071  return false;
1073 #if 0
1074  // memb_fifo
1075  case L2_loadalignb_pbr:
1076  case L2_loadalignb_pcr:
1077  case L2_loadalignb_pi:
1078  // memh_fifo
1079  case L2_loadalignh_pbr:
1080  case L2_loadalignh_pcr:
1081  case L2_loadalignh_pi:
1082  // membh
1083  case L2_loadbsw2_pbr:
1084  case L2_loadbsw2_pci:
1085  case L2_loadbsw2_pcr:
1086  case L2_loadbsw2_pi:
1087  case L2_loadbsw4_pbr:
1088  case L2_loadbsw4_pci:
1089  case L2_loadbsw4_pcr:
1090  case L2_loadbsw4_pi:
1091  // memubh
1092  case L2_loadbzw2_pbr:
1093  case L2_loadbzw2_pci:
1094  case L2_loadbzw2_pcr:
1095  case L2_loadbzw2_pi:
1096  case L2_loadbzw4_pbr:
1097  case L2_loadbzw4_pci:
1098  case L2_loadbzw4_pcr:
1099  case L2_loadbzw4_pi:
1100 #endif
1102  case L2_loadrbgp:
1103  case L2_loadrb_io:
1104  case L2_loadrb_pbr:
1105  case L2_loadrb_pci:
1106  case L2_loadrb_pcr:
1107  case L2_loadrb_pi:
1108  case PS_loadrbabs:
1109  case L4_loadrb_ap:
1110  case L4_loadrb_rr:
1111  case L4_loadrb_ur:
1112  BitNum = 8;
1113  SignEx = true;
1114  break;
1116  case L2_loadrubgp:
1117  case L2_loadrub_io:
1118  case L2_loadrub_pbr:
1119  case L2_loadrub_pci:
1120  case L2_loadrub_pcr:
1121  case L2_loadrub_pi:
1122  case PS_loadrubabs:
1123  case L4_loadrub_ap:
1124  case L4_loadrub_rr:
1125  case L4_loadrub_ur:
1126  BitNum = 8;
1127  SignEx = false;
1128  break;
1130  case L2_loadrhgp:
1131  case L2_loadrh_io:
1132  case L2_loadrh_pbr:
1133  case L2_loadrh_pci:
1134  case L2_loadrh_pcr:
1135  case L2_loadrh_pi:
1136  case PS_loadrhabs:
1137  case L4_loadrh_ap:
1138  case L4_loadrh_rr:
1139  case L4_loadrh_ur:
1140  BitNum = 16;
1141  SignEx = true;
1142  break;
1144  case L2_loadruhgp:
1145  case L2_loadruh_io:
1146  case L2_loadruh_pbr:
1147  case L2_loadruh_pci:
1148  case L2_loadruh_pcr:
1149  case L2_loadruh_pi:
1150  case L4_loadruh_rr:
1151  case PS_loadruhabs:
1152  case L4_loadruh_ap:
1153  case L4_loadruh_ur:
1154  BitNum = 16;
1155  SignEx = false;
1156  break;
1158  case L2_loadrigp:
1159  case L2_loadri_io:
1160  case L2_loadri_pbr:
1161  case L2_loadri_pci:
1162  case L2_loadri_pcr:
1163  case L2_loadri_pi:
1164  case L2_loadw_locked:
1165  case PS_loadriabs:
1166  case L4_loadri_ap:
1167  case L4_loadri_rr:
1168  case L4_loadri_ur:
1169  case LDriw_pred:
1170  BitNum = 32;
1171  SignEx = true;
1172  break;
1174  case L2_loadrdgp:
1175  case L2_loadrd_io:
1176  case L2_loadrd_pbr:
1177  case L2_loadrd_pci:
1178  case L2_loadrd_pcr:
1179  case L2_loadrd_pi:
1180  case L4_loadd_locked:
1181  case PS_loadrdabs:
1182  case L4_loadrd_ap:
1183  case L4_loadrd_rr:
1184  case L4_loadrd_ur:
1185  BitNum = 64;
1186  SignEx = true;
1187  break;
1188  }
1190  const MachineOperand &MD = MI.getOperand(0);
1191  assert(MD.isReg() && MD.isDef());
1192  RegisterRef RD = MD;
1194  uint16_t W = getRegBitWidth(RD);
1195  assert(W >= BitNum && BitNum > 0);
1196  RegisterCell Res(W);
1198  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < BitNum; ++i)
1199  Res[i] = BT::BitValue::self(BT::BitRef(RD.Reg, i));
1201  if (SignEx) {
1202  const BT::BitValue &Sign = Res[BitNum-1];
1203  for (uint16_t i = BitNum; i < W; ++i)
1204  Res[i] = BT::BitValue::ref(Sign);
1205  } else {
1206  for (uint16_t i = BitNum; i < W; ++i)
1207  Res[i] = BT::BitValue::Zero;
1208  }
1210  putCell(RD, Res, Outputs);
1211  return true;
1212 }
1214 bool HexagonEvaluator::evaluateFormalCopy(const MachineInstr &MI,
1215  const CellMapType &Inputs,
1216  CellMapType &Outputs) const {
1217  // If MI defines a formal parameter, but is not a copy (loads are handled
1218  // in evaluateLoad), then it's not clear what to do.
1219  assert(MI.isCopy());
1221  RegisterRef RD = MI.getOperand(0);
1222  RegisterRef RS = MI.getOperand(1);
1223  assert(RD.Sub == 0);
1225  return false;
1226  RegExtMap::const_iterator F = VRX.find(RD.Reg);
1227  if (F == VRX.end())
1228  return false;
1230  uint16_t EW = F->second.Width;
1231  // Store RD's cell into the map. This will associate the cell with a virtual
1232  // register, and make zero-/sign-extends possible (otherwise we would be ex-
1233  // tending "self" bit values, which will have no effect, since "self" values
1234  // cannot be references to anything).
1235  putCell(RD, getCell(RS, Inputs), Outputs);
1237  RegisterCell Res;
1238  // Read RD's cell from the outputs instead of RS's cell from the inputs:
1239  if (F->second.Type == ExtType::SExt)
1240  Res = eSXT(getCell(RD, Outputs), EW);
1241  else if (F->second.Type == ExtType::ZExt)
1242  Res = eZXT(getCell(RD, Outputs), EW);
1244  putCell(RD, Res, Outputs);
1245  return true;
1246 }
1248 unsigned HexagonEvaluator::getNextPhysReg(unsigned PReg, unsigned Width) const {
1249  using namespace Hexagon;
1251  bool Is64 = DoubleRegsRegClass.contains(PReg);
1252  assert(PReg == 0 || Is64 || IntRegsRegClass.contains(PReg));
1254  static const unsigned Phys32[] = { R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 };
1255  static const unsigned Phys64[] = { D0, D1, D2 };
1256  const unsigned Num32 = sizeof(Phys32)/sizeof(unsigned);
1257  const unsigned Num64 = sizeof(Phys64)/sizeof(unsigned);
1259  // Return the first parameter register of the required width.
1260  if (PReg == 0)
1261  return (Width <= 32) ? Phys32[0] : Phys64[0];
1263  // Set Idx32, Idx64 in such a way that Idx+1 would give the index of the
1264  // next register.
1265  unsigned Idx32 = 0, Idx64 = 0;
1266  if (!Is64) {
1267  while (Idx32 < Num32) {
1268  if (Phys32[Idx32] == PReg)
1269  break;
1270  Idx32++;
1271  }
1272  Idx64 = Idx32/2;
1273  } else {
1274  while (Idx64 < Num64) {
1275  if (Phys64[Idx64] == PReg)
1276  break;
1277  Idx64++;
1278  }
1279  Idx32 = Idx64*2+1;
1280  }
1282  if (Width <= 32)
1283  return (Idx32+1 < Num32) ? Phys32[Idx32+1] : 0;
1284  return (Idx64+1 < Num64) ? Phys64[Idx64+1] : 0;
1285 }
1287 unsigned HexagonEvaluator::getVirtRegFor(unsigned PReg) const {
1288  for (std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> P : MRI.liveins())
1289  if (P.first == PReg)
1290  return P.second;
1291  return 0;
1292 }
RegisterCell eASL(const RegisterCell &A1, uint16_t Sh) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:518
#define R4(n)
This class represents an incoming formal argument to a Function.
Definition: Argument.h:30
const TargetRegisterInfo & TRI
Definition: BitTracker.h:490
MachineBasicBlock * getMBB() const
const TargetRegisterClass * getRegClass(unsigned Reg) const
Return the register class of the specified virtual register.
RegisterCell & fill(uint16_t B, uint16_t E, const BitValue &V)
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:275
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
Definition: Compiler.h:86
RegisterCell eASR(const RegisterCell &A1, uint16_t Sh) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:537
BitTracker::RegisterRef RegisterRef
static bool isVirtualRegister(unsigned Reg)
Return true if the specified register number is in the virtual register namespace.
void putCell(const RegisterRef &RR, RegisterCell RC, CellMapType &M) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:375
unsigned Reg
static RegisterCell self(unsigned Reg, uint16_t Width)
Definition: BitTracker.h:364
BitTracker::BitMask mask(unsigned Reg, unsigned Sub) const override
MachineFrameInfo & MFI
#define R2(n)
const HexagonInstrInfo & TII
#define op(i)
iterator_range< mop_iterator > operands()
Definition: MachineInstr.h:459
bool isImm() const
isImm - Tests if this is a MO_Immediate operand.
RegisterCell eORL(const RegisterCell &A1, const RegisterCell &A2) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:570
HexagonEvaluator(const HexagonRegisterInfo &tri, MachineRegisterInfo &mri, const HexagonInstrInfo &tii, MachineFunction &mf)
bool evaluate(const MachineInstr &MI, const CellMapType &Inputs, CellMapType &Outputs) const override
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(const std::pair< KeyT, ValueT > &KV)
Definition: DenseMap.h:221
const char * getRegClassName(const TargetRegisterClass *Class) const
Returns the name of the register class.
Twine - A lightweight data structure for efficiently representing the concatenation of temporary valu...
Definition: Twine.h:81
const HexagonInstrInfo * TII
unsigned getNumOperands() const
Retuns the total number of operands.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:412
Printable printReg(unsigned Reg, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI=nullptr, unsigned SubIdx=0, const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI=nullptr)
Prints virtual and physical registers with or without a TRI instance.
BitTracker::CellMapType CellMapType
bool isIntegerTy() const
True if this is an instance of IntegerType.
Definition: Type.h:197
This file contains the simple types necessary to represent the attributes associated with functions a...
unsigned getOpcode() const
Returns the opcode of this MachineInstr.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:409
RegisterCell eLSR(const RegisterCell &A1, uint16_t Sh) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:527
unsigned getID() const
Return the register class ID number.
#define im(i)
Type * getType() const
All values are typed, get the type of this value.
Definition: Value.h:245
bool insert(const value_type &X)
Insert a new element into the SetVector.
Definition: SetVector.h:142
RegisterCell eADD(const RegisterCell &A1, const RegisterCell &A2) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:432
const TargetRegisterClass & composeWithSubRegIndex(const TargetRegisterClass &RC, unsigned Idx) const override
RegisterCell eCLB(const RegisterCell &A1, bool B, uint16_t W) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:643
const char * getName(unsigned RegNo) const
Return the human-readable symbolic target-specific name for the specified physical register...
#define rc(i)
unsigned getObjectAlignment(int ObjectIdx) const
Return the alignment of the specified stack object.
#define P(N)
RegisterCell eSUB(const RegisterCell &A1, const RegisterCell &A2) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:465
RegisterCell eIMM(int64_t V, uint16_t W) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:412
std::size_t countTrailingZeros(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB=ZB_Width)
Count number of 0&#39;s from the least significant bit to the most stopping at the first 1...
Definition: MathExtras.h:120
const TargetSubtargetInfo & getSubtarget() const
getSubtarget - Return the subtarget for which this machine code is being compiled.
The instances of the Type class are immutable: once they are created, they are never changed...
Definition: Type.h:46
RegisterCell eNOT(const RegisterCell &A1) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:612
uint16_t getPhysRegBitWidth(unsigned Reg) const override
bool isPointerTy() const
True if this is an instance of PointerType.
Definition: Type.h:224
RegisterCell eAND(const RegisterCell &A1, const RegisterCell &A2) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:548
bool isCopy() const
RegisterCell eINS(const RegisterCell &A1, const RegisterCell &A2, uint16_t AtN) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:695
BitTracker::RegisterCell RegisterCell
#define llvm_unreachable(msg)
Marks that the current location is not supposed to be reachable.
bool isPredicated(const MachineInstr &MI) const override
Returns true if the instruction is already predicated.
RegisterCell eMLS(const RegisterCell &A1, const RegisterCell &A2) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:498
uint16_t getRegBitWidth(const RegisterRef &RR) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:330
MachineFunction & MF
auto size(R &&Range, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< decltype(Range.begin())>::iterator_category, std::random_access_iterator_tag >::value, void >::type *=nullptr) -> decltype(std::distance(Range.begin(), Range.end()))
Get the size of a range.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1167
static BitValue self(const BitRef &Self=BitRef())
Definition: BitTracker.h:280
MachineOperand class - Representation of each machine instruction operand.
RegisterCell eXOR(const RegisterCell &A1, const RegisterCell &A2) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:592
RegisterCell eCTB(const RegisterCell &A1, bool B, uint16_t W) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:653
bool is(unsigned T) const
Definition: BitTracker.h:209
MachineRegisterInfo & MRI
Definition: BitTracker.h:491
int64_t getImm() const
const Function & getFunction() const
Return the LLVM function that this machine code represents.
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:133
RegisterCell getCell(const RegisterRef &RR, const CellMapType &M) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:348
ArrayRef< std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > > liveins() const
RegisterCell & insert(const RegisterCell &RC, const BitMask &M)
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:215
amdgpu Simplify well known AMD library false Value Value * Arg
MachineRegisterInfo - Keep track of information for virtual and physical registers, including vreg register classes, use/def chains for registers, etc.
Representation of each machine instruction.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:64
static bool isPhysicalRegister(unsigned Reg)
Return true if the specified register number is in the physical register namespace.
RegisterCell & cat(const RegisterCell &RC)
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:283
unsigned getIntegerBitWidth() const
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:97
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
#define N
APFloat abs(APFloat X)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
Definition: APFloat.h:1213
const TargetRegisterClass * getMinimalPhysRegClass(unsigned Reg, MVT VT=MVT::Other) const
Returns the Register Class of a physical register of the given type, picking the most sub register cl...
bool isReg() const
isReg - Tests if this is a MO_Register operand.
RegisterCell eXTR(const RegisterCell &A1, uint16_t B, uint16_t E) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:683
bool mayLoad(QueryType Type=AnyInBundle) const
Return true if this instruction could possibly read memory.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:807
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
RegisterCell eSXT(const RegisterCell &A1, uint16_t FromN) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:663
RegisterCell eMLU(const RegisterCell &A1, const RegisterCell &A2) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:508
A vector that has set insertion semantics.
Definition: SetVector.h:41
RegisterCell eZXT(const RegisterCell &A1, uint16_t FromN) const
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:674
bool meet(const RegisterCell &RC, unsigned SelfR)
Definition: BitTracker.cpp:202
IRTranslator LLVM IR MI
unsigned getRegSizeInBits(const TargetRegisterClass &RC) const
Return the size in bits of a register from class RC.
static RegisterCell ref(const RegisterCell &C)
Definition: BitTracker.h:380
const MachineOperand & getOperand(unsigned i) const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:414
iterator_range< arg_iterator > args()
Definition: Function.h:689
static BitValue ref(const BitValue &V)
Definition: BitTracker.h:271