LLVM  8.0.1
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1 //==- llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/RegBankSelect.cpp - RegBankSelect --*- C++ -*-==//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 /// \file
10 /// This file implements the RegBankSelect class.
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
15 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
33 #include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
34 #include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
35 #include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
36 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
39 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
40 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
43 #include <algorithm>
44 #include <cassert>
45 #include <cstdint>
46 #include <limits>
47 #include <memory>
48 #include <utility>
50 #define DEBUG_TYPE "regbankselect"
52 using namespace llvm;
55  cl::desc("Mode of the RegBankSelect pass"), cl::Hidden, cl::Optional,
56  cl::values(clEnumValN(RegBankSelect::Mode::Fast, "regbankselect-fast",
57  "Run the Fast mode (default mapping)"),
58  clEnumValN(RegBankSelect::Mode::Greedy, "regbankselect-greedy",
59  "Use the Greedy mode (best local mapping)")));
61 char RegBankSelect::ID = 0;
64  "Assign register bank of generic virtual registers",
65  false, false);
70  "Assign register bank of generic virtual registers", false,
71  false)
73 RegBankSelect::RegBankSelect(Mode RunningMode)
74  : MachineFunctionPass(ID), OptMode(RunningMode) {
76  if (RegBankSelectMode.getNumOccurrences() != 0) {
77  OptMode = RegBankSelectMode;
78  if (RegBankSelectMode != RunningMode)
79  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "RegBankSelect mode overrided by command line\n");
80  }
81 }
83 void RegBankSelect::init(MachineFunction &MF) {
84  RBI = MF.getSubtarget().getRegBankInfo();
85  assert(RBI && "Cannot work without RegisterBankInfo");
86  MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
87  TRI = MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();
88  TPC = &getAnalysis<TargetPassConfig>();
89  if (OptMode != Mode::Fast) {
90  MBFI = &getAnalysis<MachineBlockFrequencyInfo>();
91  MBPI = &getAnalysis<MachineBranchProbabilityInfo>();
92  } else {
93  MBFI = nullptr;
94  MBPI = nullptr;
95  }
96  MIRBuilder.setMF(MF);
97  MORE = llvm::make_unique<MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter>(MF, MBFI);
98 }
101  if (OptMode != Mode::Fast) {
102  // We could preserve the information from these two analysis but
103  // the APIs do not allow to do so yet.
106  }
110 }
112 bool RegBankSelect::assignmentMatch(
113  unsigned Reg, const RegisterBankInfo::ValueMapping &ValMapping,
114  bool &OnlyAssign) const {
115  // By default we assume we will have to repair something.
116  OnlyAssign = false;
117  // Each part of a break down needs to end up in a different register.
118  // In other word, Reg assignment does not match.
119  if (ValMapping.NumBreakDowns != 1)
120  return false;
122  const RegisterBank *CurRegBank = RBI->getRegBank(Reg, *MRI, *TRI);
123  const RegisterBank *DesiredRegBrank = ValMapping.BreakDown[0].RegBank;
124  // Reg is free of assignment, a simple assignment will make the
125  // register bank to match.
126  OnlyAssign = CurRegBank == nullptr;
127  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Does assignment already match: ";
128  if (CurRegBank) dbgs() << *CurRegBank; else dbgs() << "none";
129  dbgs() << " against ";
130  assert(DesiredRegBrank && "The mapping must be valid");
131  dbgs() << *DesiredRegBrank << '\n';);
132  return CurRegBank == DesiredRegBrank;
133 }
135 bool RegBankSelect::repairReg(
136  MachineOperand &MO, const RegisterBankInfo::ValueMapping &ValMapping,
139  if (ValMapping.NumBreakDowns != 1 && !TPC->isGlobalISelAbortEnabled())
140  return false;
141  assert(ValMapping.NumBreakDowns == 1 && "Not yet implemented");
142  // An empty range of new register means no repairing.
143  assert(!empty(NewVRegs) && "We should not have to repair");
145  // Assume we are repairing a use and thus, the original reg will be
146  // the source of the repairing.
147  unsigned Src = MO.getReg();
148  unsigned Dst = *NewVRegs.begin();
150  // If we repair a definition, swap the source and destination for
151  // the repairing.
152  if (MO.isDef())
153  std::swap(Src, Dst);
155  assert((RepairPt.getNumInsertPoints() == 1 ||
157  "We are about to create several defs for Dst");
159  // Build the instruction used to repair, then clone it at the right
160  // places. Avoiding buildCopy bypasses the check that Src and Dst have the
161  // same types because the type is a placeholder when this function is called.
162  MachineInstr *MI =
163  MIRBuilder.buildInstrNoInsert(TargetOpcode::COPY).addDef(Dst).addUse(Src);
164  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Copy: " << printReg(Src) << " to: " << printReg(Dst)
165  << '\n');
166  // TODO:
167  // Check if MI is legal. if not, we need to legalize all the
168  // instructions we are going to insert.
169  std::unique_ptr<MachineInstr *[]> NewInstrs(
170  new MachineInstr *[RepairPt.getNumInsertPoints()]);
171  bool IsFirst = true;
172  unsigned Idx = 0;
173  for (const std::unique_ptr<InsertPoint> &InsertPt : RepairPt) {
174  MachineInstr *CurMI;
175  if (IsFirst)
176  CurMI = MI;
177  else
178  CurMI = MIRBuilder.getMF().CloneMachineInstr(MI);
179  InsertPt->insert(*CurMI);
180  NewInstrs[Idx++] = CurMI;
181  IsFirst = false;
182  }
183  // TODO:
184  // Legalize NewInstrs if need be.
185  return true;
186 }
188 uint64_t RegBankSelect::getRepairCost(
189  const MachineOperand &MO,
190  const RegisterBankInfo::ValueMapping &ValMapping) const {
191  assert(MO.isReg() && "We should only repair register operand");
192  assert(ValMapping.NumBreakDowns && "Nothing to map??");
194  bool IsSameNumOfValues = ValMapping.NumBreakDowns == 1;
195  const RegisterBank *CurRegBank = RBI->getRegBank(MO.getReg(), *MRI, *TRI);
196  // If MO does not have a register bank, we should have just been
197  // able to set one unless we have to break the value down.
198  assert((!IsSameNumOfValues || CurRegBank) && "We should not have to repair");
199  // Def: Val <- NewDefs
200  // Same number of values: copy
201  // Different number: Val = build_sequence Defs1, Defs2, ...
202  // Use: NewSources <- Val.
203  // Same number of values: copy.
204  // Different number: Src1, Src2, ... =
205  // extract_value Val, Src1Begin, Src1Len, Src2Begin, Src2Len, ...
206  // We should remember that this value is available somewhere else to
207  // coalesce the value.
209  if (IsSameNumOfValues) {
210  const RegisterBank *DesiredRegBrank = ValMapping.BreakDown[0].RegBank;
211  // If we repair a definition, swap the source and destination for
212  // the repairing.
213  if (MO.isDef())
214  std::swap(CurRegBank, DesiredRegBrank);
215  // TODO: It may be possible to actually avoid the copy.
216  // If we repair something where the source is defined by a copy
217  // and the source of that copy is on the right bank, we can reuse
218  // it for free.
219  // E.g.,
220  // RegToRepair<BankA> = copy AlternativeSrc<BankB>
221  // = op RegToRepair<BankA>
222  // We can simply propagate AlternativeSrc instead of copying RegToRepair
223  // into a new virtual register.
224  // We would also need to propagate this information in the
225  // repairing placement.
226  unsigned Cost = RBI->copyCost(*DesiredRegBrank, *CurRegBank,
227  RBI->getSizeInBits(MO.getReg(), *MRI, *TRI));
228  // TODO: use a dedicated constant for ImpossibleCost.
230  return Cost;
231  // Return the legalization cost of that repairing.
232  }
234 }
236 const RegisterBankInfo::InstructionMapping &RegBankSelect::findBestMapping(
239  assert(!PossibleMappings.empty() &&
240  "Do not know how to map this instruction");
242  const RegisterBankInfo::InstructionMapping *BestMapping = nullptr;
243  MappingCost Cost = MappingCost::ImpossibleCost();
244  SmallVector<RepairingPlacement, 4> LocalRepairPts;
245  for (const RegisterBankInfo::InstructionMapping *CurMapping :
246  PossibleMappings) {
247  MappingCost CurCost =
248  computeMapping(MI, *CurMapping, LocalRepairPts, &Cost);
249  if (CurCost < Cost) {
250  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "New best: " << CurCost << '\n');
251  Cost = CurCost;
252  BestMapping = CurMapping;
253  RepairPts.clear();
254  for (RepairingPlacement &RepairPt : LocalRepairPts)
255  RepairPts.emplace_back(std::move(RepairPt));
256  }
257  }
258  if (!BestMapping && !TPC->isGlobalISelAbortEnabled()) {
259  // If none of the mapping worked that means they are all impossible.
260  // Thus, pick the first one and set an impossible repairing point.
261  // It will trigger the failed isel mode.
262  BestMapping = *PossibleMappings.begin();
263  RepairPts.emplace_back(
265  } else
266  assert(BestMapping && "No suitable mapping for instruction");
267  return *BestMapping;
268 }
270 void RegBankSelect::tryAvoidingSplit(
272  const RegisterBankInfo::ValueMapping &ValMapping) const {
273  const MachineInstr &MI = *MO.getParent();
274  assert(RepairPt.hasSplit() && "We should not have to adjust for split");
275  // Splitting should only occur for PHIs or between terminators,
276  // because we only do local repairing.
277  assert((MI.isPHI() || MI.isTerminator()) && "Why do we split?");
279  assert(&MI.getOperand(RepairPt.getOpIdx()) == &MO &&
280  "Repairing placement does not match operand");
282  // If we need splitting for phis, that means it is because we
283  // could not find an insertion point before the terminators of
284  // the predecessor block for this argument. In other words,
285  // the input value is defined by one of the terminators.
286  assert((!MI.isPHI() || !MO.isDef()) && "Need split for phi def?");
288  // We split to repair the use of a phi or a terminator.
289  if (!MO.isDef()) {
290  if (MI.isTerminator()) {
291  assert(&MI != &(*MI.getParent()->getFirstTerminator()) &&
292  "Need to split for the first terminator?!");
293  } else {
294  // For the PHI case, the split may not be actually required.
295  // In the copy case, a phi is already a copy on the incoming edge,
296  // therefore there is no need to split.
297  if (ValMapping.NumBreakDowns == 1)
298  // This is a already a copy, there is nothing to do.
299  RepairPt.switchTo(RepairingPlacement::RepairingKind::Reassign);
300  }
301  return;
302  }
304  // At this point, we need to repair a defintion of a terminator.
306  // Technically we need to fix the def of MI on all outgoing
307  // edges of MI to keep the repairing local. In other words, we
308  // will create several definitions of the same register. This
309  // does not work for SSA unless that definition is a physical
310  // register.
311  // However, there are other cases where we can get away with
312  // that while still keeping the repairing local.
313  assert(MI.isTerminator() && MO.isDef() &&
314  "This code is for the def of a terminator");
316  // Since we use RPO traversal, if we need to repair a definition
317  // this means this definition could be:
318  // 1. Used by PHIs (i.e., this VReg has been visited as part of the
319  // uses of a phi.), or
320  // 2. Part of a target specific instruction (i.e., the target applied
321  // some register class constraints when creating the instruction.)
322  // If the constraints come for #2, the target said that another mapping
323  // is supported so we may just drop them. Indeed, if we do not change
324  // the number of registers holding that value, the uses will get fixed
325  // when we get to them.
326  // Uses in PHIs may have already been proceeded though.
327  // If the constraints come for #1, then, those are weak constraints and
328  // no actual uses may rely on them. However, the problem remains mainly
329  // the same as for #2. If the value stays in one register, we could
330  // just switch the register bank of the definition, but we would need to
331  // account for a repairing cost for each phi we silently change.
332  //
333  // In any case, if the value needs to be broken down into several
334  // registers, the repairing is not local anymore as we need to patch
335  // every uses to rebuild the value in just one register.
336  //
337  // To summarize:
338  // - If the value is in a physical register, we can do the split and
339  // fix locally.
340  // Otherwise if the value is in a virtual register:
341  // - If the value remains in one register, we do not have to split
342  // just switching the register bank would do, but we need to account
343  // in the repairing cost all the phi we changed.
344  // - If the value spans several registers, then we cannot do a local
345  // repairing.
347  // Check if this is a physical or virtual register.
348  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
350  // We are going to split every outgoing edges.
351  // Check that this is possible.
352  // FIXME: The machine representation is currently broken
353  // since it also several terminators in one basic block.
354  // Because of that we would technically need a way to get
355  // the targets of just one terminator to know which edges
356  // we have to split.
357  // Assert that we do not hit the ill-formed representation.
359  // If there are other terminators before that one, some of
360  // the outgoing edges may not be dominated by this definition.
361  assert(&MI == &(*MI.getParent()->getFirstTerminator()) &&
362  "Do not know which outgoing edges are relevant");
363  const MachineInstr *Next = MI.getNextNode();
364  assert((!Next || Next->isUnconditionalBranch()) &&
365  "Do not know where each terminator ends up");
366  if (Next)
367  // If the next terminator uses Reg, this means we have
368  // to split right after MI and thus we need a way to ask
369  // which outgoing edges are affected.
370  assert(!Next->readsRegister(Reg) && "Need to split between terminators");
371  // We will split all the edges and repair there.
372  } else {
373  // This is a virtual register defined by a terminator.
374  if (ValMapping.NumBreakDowns == 1) {
375  // There is nothing to repair, but we may actually lie on
376  // the repairing cost because of the PHIs already proceeded
377  // as already stated.
378  // Though the code will be correct.
379  assert(false && "Repairing cost may not be accurate");
380  } else {
381  // We need to do non-local repairing. Basically, patch all
382  // the uses (i.e., phis) that we already proceeded.
383  // For now, just say this mapping is not possible.
384  RepairPt.switchTo(RepairingPlacement::RepairingKind::Impossible);
385  }
386  }
387 }
389 RegBankSelect::MappingCost RegBankSelect::computeMapping(
390  MachineInstr &MI, const RegisterBankInfo::InstructionMapping &InstrMapping,
392  const RegBankSelect::MappingCost *BestCost) {
393  assert((MBFI || !BestCost) && "Costs comparison require MBFI");
395  if (!InstrMapping.isValid())
396  return MappingCost::ImpossibleCost();
398  // If mapped with InstrMapping, MI will have the recorded cost.
399  MappingCost Cost(MBFI ? MBFI->getBlockFreq(MI.getParent()) : 1);
400  bool Saturated = Cost.addLocalCost(InstrMapping.getCost());
401  assert(!Saturated && "Possible mapping saturated the cost");
402  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Evaluating mapping cost for: " << MI);
403  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "With: " << InstrMapping << '\n');
404  RepairPts.clear();
405  if (BestCost && Cost > *BestCost) {
406  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Mapping is too expensive from the start\n");
407  return Cost;
408  }
410  // Moreover, to realize this mapping, the register bank of each operand must
411  // match this mapping. In other words, we may need to locally reassign the
412  // register banks. Account for that repairing cost as well.
413  // In this context, local means in the surrounding of MI.
414  for (unsigned OpIdx = 0, EndOpIdx = InstrMapping.getNumOperands();
415  OpIdx != EndOpIdx; ++OpIdx) {
416  const MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(OpIdx);
417  if (!MO.isReg())
418  continue;
419  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
420  if (!Reg)
421  continue;
422  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Opd" << OpIdx << '\n');
423  const RegisterBankInfo::ValueMapping &ValMapping =
424  InstrMapping.getOperandMapping(OpIdx);
425  // If Reg is already properly mapped, this is free.
426  bool Assign;
427  if (assignmentMatch(Reg, ValMapping, Assign)) {
428  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "=> is free (match).\n");
429  continue;
430  }
431  if (Assign) {
432  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "=> is free (simple assignment).\n");
433  RepairPts.emplace_back(RepairingPlacement(MI, OpIdx, *TRI, *this,
435  continue;
436  }
438  // Find the insertion point for the repairing code.
439  RepairPts.emplace_back(
440  RepairingPlacement(MI, OpIdx, *TRI, *this, RepairingPlacement::Insert));
441  RepairingPlacement &RepairPt = RepairPts.back();
443  // If we need to split a basic block to materialize this insertion point,
444  // we may give a higher cost to this mapping.
445  // Nevertheless, we may get away with the split, so try that first.
446  if (RepairPt.hasSplit())
447  tryAvoidingSplit(RepairPt, MO, ValMapping);
449  // Check that the materialization of the repairing is possible.
450  if (!RepairPt.canMaterialize()) {
451  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Mapping involves impossible repairing\n");
452  return MappingCost::ImpossibleCost();
453  }
455  // Account for the split cost and repair cost.
456  // Unless the cost is already saturated or we do not care about the cost.
457  if (!BestCost || Saturated)
458  continue;
460  // To get accurate information we need MBFI and MBPI.
461  // Thus, if we end up here this information should be here.
462  assert(MBFI && MBPI && "Cost computation requires MBFI and MBPI");
464  // FIXME: We will have to rework the repairing cost model.
465  // The repairing cost depends on the register bank that MO has.
466  // However, when we break down the value into different values,
467  // MO may not have a register bank while still needing repairing.
468  // For the fast mode, we don't compute the cost so that is fine,
469  // but still for the repairing code, we will have to make a choice.
470  // For the greedy mode, we should choose greedily what is the best
471  // choice based on the next use of MO.
473  // Sums up the repairing cost of MO at each insertion point.
474  uint64_t RepairCost = getRepairCost(MO, ValMapping);
476  // This is an impossible to repair cost.
477  if (RepairCost == std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max())
478  return MappingCost::ImpossibleCost();
480  // Bias used for splitting: 5%.
481  const uint64_t PercentageForBias = 5;
482  uint64_t Bias = (RepairCost * PercentageForBias + 99) / 100;
483  // We should not need more than a couple of instructions to repair
484  // an assignment. In other words, the computation should not
485  // overflow because the repairing cost is free of basic block
486  // frequency.
487  assert(((RepairCost < RepairCost * PercentageForBias) &&
488  (RepairCost * PercentageForBias <
489  RepairCost * PercentageForBias + 99)) &&
490  "Repairing involves more than a billion of instructions?!");
491  for (const std::unique_ptr<InsertPoint> &InsertPt : RepairPt) {
492  assert(InsertPt->canMaterialize() && "We should not have made it here");
493  // We will applied some basic block frequency and those uses uint64_t.
494  if (!InsertPt->isSplit())
495  Saturated = Cost.addLocalCost(RepairCost);
496  else {
497  uint64_t CostForInsertPt = RepairCost;
498  // Again we shouldn't overflow here givent that
499  // CostForInsertPt is frequency free at this point.
500  assert(CostForInsertPt + Bias > CostForInsertPt &&
501  "Repairing + split bias overflows");
502  CostForInsertPt += Bias;
503  uint64_t PtCost = InsertPt->frequency(*this) * CostForInsertPt;
504  // Check if we just overflowed.
505  if ((Saturated = PtCost < CostForInsertPt))
506  Cost.saturate();
507  else
508  Saturated = Cost.addNonLocalCost(PtCost);
509  }
511  // Stop looking into what it takes to repair, this is already
512  // too expensive.
513  if (BestCost && Cost > *BestCost) {
514  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Mapping is too expensive, stop processing\n");
515  return Cost;
516  }
518  // No need to accumulate more cost information.
519  // We need to still gather the repairing information though.
520  if (Saturated)
521  break;
522  }
523  }
524  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Total cost is: " << Cost << "\n");
525  return Cost;
526 }
528 bool RegBankSelect::applyMapping(
529  MachineInstr &MI, const RegisterBankInfo::InstructionMapping &InstrMapping,
531  // OpdMapper will hold all the information needed for the rewriting.
532  RegisterBankInfo::OperandsMapper OpdMapper(MI, InstrMapping, *MRI);
534  // First, place the repairing code.
535  for (RepairingPlacement &RepairPt : RepairPts) {
536  if (!RepairPt.canMaterialize() ||
538  return false;
539  assert(RepairPt.getKind() != RepairingPlacement::None &&
540  "This should not make its way in the list");
541  unsigned OpIdx = RepairPt.getOpIdx();
542  MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(OpIdx);
543  const RegisterBankInfo::ValueMapping &ValMapping =
544  InstrMapping.getOperandMapping(OpIdx);
545  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
547  switch (RepairPt.getKind()) {
549  assert(ValMapping.NumBreakDowns == 1 &&
550  "Reassignment should only be for simple mapping");
551  MRI->setRegBank(Reg, *ValMapping.BreakDown[0].RegBank);
552  break;
554  OpdMapper.createVRegs(OpIdx);
555  if (!repairReg(MO, ValMapping, RepairPt, OpdMapper.getVRegs(OpIdx)))
556  return false;
557  break;
558  default:
559  llvm_unreachable("Other kind should not happen");
560  }
561  }
563  // Second, rewrite the instruction.
564  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Actual mapping of the operands: " << OpdMapper << '\n');
565  RBI->applyMapping(OpdMapper);
567  return true;
568 }
570 bool RegBankSelect::assignInstr(MachineInstr &MI) {
571  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Assign: " << MI);
572  // Remember the repairing placement for all the operands.
575  const RegisterBankInfo::InstructionMapping *BestMapping;
576  if (OptMode == RegBankSelect::Mode::Fast) {
577  BestMapping = &RBI->getInstrMapping(MI);
578  MappingCost DefaultCost = computeMapping(MI, *BestMapping, RepairPts);
579  (void)DefaultCost;
580  if (DefaultCost == MappingCost::ImpossibleCost())
581  return false;
582  } else {
583  RegisterBankInfo::InstructionMappings PossibleMappings =
584  RBI->getInstrPossibleMappings(MI);
585  if (PossibleMappings.empty())
586  return false;
587  BestMapping = &findBestMapping(MI, PossibleMappings, RepairPts);
588  }
589  // Make sure the mapping is valid for MI.
590  assert(BestMapping->verify(MI) && "Invalid instruction mapping");
592  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Best Mapping: " << *BestMapping << '\n');
594  // After this call, MI may not be valid anymore.
595  // Do not use it.
596  return applyMapping(MI, *BestMapping, RepairPts);
597 }
600  // If the ISel pipeline failed, do not bother running that pass.
601  if (MF.getProperties().hasProperty(
603  return false;
605  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Assign register banks for: " << MF.getName() << '\n');
606  const Function &F = MF.getFunction();
607  Mode SaveOptMode = OptMode;
608  if (F.hasFnAttribute(Attribute::OptimizeNone))
609  OptMode = Mode::Fast;
610  init(MF);
612 #ifndef NDEBUG
613  // Check that our input is fully legal: we require the function to have the
614  // Legalized property, so it should be.
615  // FIXME: This should be in the MachineVerifier.
617  if (const MachineInstr *MI = machineFunctionIsIllegal(MF)) {
618  reportGISelFailure(MF, *TPC, *MORE, "gisel-regbankselect",
619  "instruction is not legal", *MI);
620  return false;
621  }
622 #endif
624  // Walk the function and assign register banks to all operands.
625  // Use a RPOT to make sure all registers are assigned before we choose
626  // the best mapping of the current instruction.
628  for (MachineBasicBlock *MBB : RPOT) {
629  // Set a sensible insertion point so that subsequent calls to
630  // MIRBuilder.
631  MIRBuilder.setMBB(*MBB);
632  for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator MII = MBB->begin(), End = MBB->end();
633  MII != End;) {
634  // MI might be invalidated by the assignment, so move the
635  // iterator before hand.
636  MachineInstr &MI = *MII++;
638  // Ignore target-specific instructions: they should use proper regclasses.
640  continue;
642  if (!assignInstr(MI)) {
643  reportGISelFailure(MF, *TPC, *MORE, "gisel-regbankselect",
644  "unable to map instruction", MI);
645  return false;
646  }
647  }
648  }
649  OptMode = SaveOptMode;
650  return false;
651 }
653 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
654 // Helper Classes Implementation
655 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
657  MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpIdx, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI, Pass &P,
659  // Default is, we are going to insert code to repair OpIdx.
660  : Kind(Kind), OpIdx(OpIdx),
661  CanMaterialize(Kind != RepairingKind::Impossible), P(P) {
662  const MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(OpIdx);
663  assert(MO.isReg() && "Trying to repair a non-reg operand");
665  if (Kind != RepairingKind::Insert)
666  return;
668  // Repairings for definitions happen after MI, uses happen before.
669  bool Before = !MO.isDef();
671  // Check if we are done with MI.
672  if (!MI.isPHI() && !MI.isTerminator()) {
673  addInsertPoint(MI, Before);
674  // We are done with the initialization.
675  return;
676  }
678  // Now, look for the special cases.
679  if (MI.isPHI()) {
680  // - PHI must be the first instructions:
681  // * Before, we have to split the related incoming edge.
682  // * After, move the insertion point past the last phi.
683  if (!Before) {
685  if (It != MI.getParent()->end())
686  addInsertPoint(*It, /*Before*/ true);
687  else
688  addInsertPoint(*(--It), /*Before*/ false);
689  return;
690  }
691  // We repair a use of a phi, we may need to split the related edge.
692  MachineBasicBlock &Pred = *MI.getOperand(OpIdx + 1).getMBB();
693  // Check if we can move the insertion point prior to the
694  // terminators of the predecessor.
695  unsigned Reg = MO.getReg();
697  for (auto Begin = Pred.begin(); It != Begin && It->isTerminator(); --It)
698  if (It->modifiesRegister(Reg, &TRI)) {
699  // We cannot hoist the repairing code in the predecessor.
700  // Split the edge.
701  addInsertPoint(Pred, *MI.getParent());
702  return;
703  }
704  // At this point, we can insert in Pred.
706  // - If It is invalid, Pred is empty and we can insert in Pred
707  // wherever we want.
708  // - If It is valid, It is the first non-terminator, insert after It.
709  if (It == Pred.end())
710  addInsertPoint(Pred, /*Beginning*/ false);
711  else
712  addInsertPoint(*It, /*Before*/ false);
713  } else {
714  // - Terminators must be the last instructions:
715  // * Before, move the insert point before the first terminator.
716  // * After, we have to split the outcoming edges.
717  if (Before) {
718  // Check whether Reg is defined by any terminator.
720  auto REnd = MI.getParent()->rend();
722  for (; It != REnd && It->isTerminator(); ++It) {
723  assert(!It->modifiesRegister(MO.getReg(), &TRI) &&
724  "copy insertion in middle of terminators not handled");
725  }
727  if (It == REnd) {
728  addInsertPoint(*MI.getParent()->begin(), true);
729  return;
730  }
732  // We are sure to be right before the first terminator.
733  addInsertPoint(*It, /*Before*/ false);
734  return;
735  }
736  // Make sure Reg is not redefined by other terminators, otherwise
737  // we do not know how to split.
738  for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator It = MI, End = MI.getParent()->end();
739  ++It != End;)
740  // The machine verifier should reject this kind of code.
741  assert(It->modifiesRegister(MO.getReg(), &TRI) &&
742  "Do not know where to split");
743  // Split each outcoming edges.
744  MachineBasicBlock &Src = *MI.getParent();
745  for (auto &Succ : Src.successors())
746  addInsertPoint(Src, Succ);
747  }
748 }
751  bool Before) {
752  addInsertPoint(*new InstrInsertPoint(MI, Before));
753 }
756  bool Beginning) {
757  addInsertPoint(*new MBBInsertPoint(MBB, Beginning));
758 }
761  MachineBasicBlock &Dst) {
762  addInsertPoint(*new EdgeInsertPoint(Src, Dst, P));
763 }
767  CanMaterialize &= Point.canMaterialize();
768  HasSplit |= Point.isSplit();
769  InsertPoints.emplace_back(&Point);
770 }
773  bool Before)
774  : InsertPoint(), Instr(Instr), Before(Before) {
775  // Since we do not support splitting, we do not need to update
776  // liveness and such, so do not do anything with P.
777  assert((!Before || !Instr.isPHI()) &&
778  "Splitting before phis requires more points");
779  assert((!Before || !Instr.getNextNode() || !Instr.getNextNode()->isPHI()) &&
780  "Splitting between phis does not make sense");
781 }
783 void RegBankSelect::InstrInsertPoint::materialize() {
784  if (isSplit()) {
785  // Slice and return the beginning of the new block.
786  // If we need to split between the terminators, we theoritically
787  // need to know where the first and second set of terminators end
788  // to update the successors properly.
789  // Now, in pratice, we should have a maximum of 2 branch
790  // instructions; one conditional and one unconditional. Therefore
791  // we know how to update the successor by looking at the target of
792  // the unconditional branch.
793  // If we end up splitting at some point, then, we should update
794  // the liveness information and such. I.e., we would need to
795  // access P here.
796  // The machine verifier should actually make sure such cases
797  // cannot happen.
798  llvm_unreachable("Not yet implemented");
799  }
800  // Otherwise the insertion point is just the current or next
801  // instruction depending on Before. I.e., there is nothing to do
802  // here.
803 }
806  // If the insertion point is after a terminator, we need to split.
807  if (!Before)
808  return Instr.isTerminator();
809  // If we insert before an instruction that is after a terminator,
810  // we are still after a terminator.
811  return Instr.getPrevNode() && Instr.getPrevNode()->isTerminator();
812 }
815  // Even if we need to split, because we insert between terminators,
816  // this split has actually the same frequency as the instruction.
817  const MachineBlockFrequencyInfo *MBFI =
819  if (!MBFI)
820  return 1;
821  return MBFI->getBlockFreq(Instr.getParent()).getFrequency();
822 }
825  const MachineBlockFrequencyInfo *MBFI =
827  if (!MBFI)
828  return 1;
829  return MBFI->getBlockFreq(&MBB).getFrequency();
830 }
832 void RegBankSelect::EdgeInsertPoint::materialize() {
833  // If we end up repairing twice at the same place before materializing the
834  // insertion point, we may think we have to split an edge twice.
835  // We should have a factory for the insert point such that identical points
836  // are the same instance.
837  assert(Src.isSuccessor(DstOrSplit) && DstOrSplit->isPredecessor(&Src) &&
838  "This point has already been split");
839  MachineBasicBlock *NewBB = Src.SplitCriticalEdge(DstOrSplit, P);
840  assert(NewBB && "Invalid call to materialize");
841  // We reuse the destination block to hold the information of the new block.
842  DstOrSplit = NewBB;
843 }
846  const MachineBlockFrequencyInfo *MBFI =
848  if (!MBFI)
849  return 1;
850  if (WasMaterialized)
851  return MBFI->getBlockFreq(DstOrSplit).getFrequency();
853  const MachineBranchProbabilityInfo *MBPI =
855  if (!MBPI)
856  return 1;
857  // The basic block will be on the edge.
858  return (MBFI->getBlockFreq(&Src) * MBPI->getEdgeProbability(&Src, DstOrSplit))
859  .getFrequency();
860 }
863  // If this is not a critical edge, we should not have used this insert
864  // point. Indeed, either the successor or the predecessor should
865  // have do.
866  assert(Src.succ_size() > 1 && DstOrSplit->pred_size() > 1 &&
867  "Edge is not critical");
868  return Src.canSplitCriticalEdge(DstOrSplit);
869 }
871 RegBankSelect::MappingCost::MappingCost(const BlockFrequency &LocalFreq)
872  : LocalFreq(LocalFreq.getFrequency()) {}
874 bool RegBankSelect::MappingCost::addLocalCost(uint64_t Cost) {
875  // Check if this overflows.
876  if (LocalCost + Cost < LocalCost) {
877  saturate();
878  return true;
879  }
880  LocalCost += Cost;
881  return isSaturated();
882 }
884 bool RegBankSelect::MappingCost::addNonLocalCost(uint64_t Cost) {
885  // Check if this overflows.
886  if (NonLocalCost + Cost < NonLocalCost) {
887  saturate();
888  return true;
889  }
890  NonLocalCost += Cost;
891  return isSaturated();
892 }
894 bool RegBankSelect::MappingCost::isSaturated() const {
895  return LocalCost == UINT64_MAX - 1 && NonLocalCost == UINT64_MAX &&
896  LocalFreq == UINT64_MAX;
897 }
899 void RegBankSelect::MappingCost::saturate() {
900  *this = ImpossibleCost();
901  --LocalCost;
902 }
904 RegBankSelect::MappingCost RegBankSelect::MappingCost::ImpossibleCost() {
905  return MappingCost(UINT64_MAX, UINT64_MAX, UINT64_MAX);
906 }
908 bool RegBankSelect::MappingCost::operator<(const MappingCost &Cost) const {
909  // Sort out the easy cases.
910  if (*this == Cost)
911  return false;
912  // If one is impossible to realize the other is cheaper unless it is
913  // impossible as well.
914  if ((*this == ImpossibleCost()) || (Cost == ImpossibleCost()))
915  return (*this == ImpossibleCost()) < (Cost == ImpossibleCost());
916  // If one is saturated the other is cheaper, unless it is saturated
917  // as well.
918  if (isSaturated() || Cost.isSaturated())
919  return isSaturated() < Cost.isSaturated();
920  // At this point we know both costs hold sensible values.
922  // If both values have a different base frequency, there is no much
923  // we can do but to scale everything.
924  // However, if they have the same base frequency we can avoid making
925  // complicated computation.
926  uint64_t ThisLocalAdjust;
927  uint64_t OtherLocalAdjust;
928  if (LLVM_LIKELY(LocalFreq == Cost.LocalFreq)) {
930  // At this point, we know the local costs are comparable.
931  // Do the case that do not involve potential overflow first.
932  if (NonLocalCost == Cost.NonLocalCost)
933  // Since the non-local costs do not discriminate on the result,
934  // just compare the local costs.
935  return LocalCost < Cost.LocalCost;
937  // The base costs are comparable so we may only keep the relative
938  // value to increase our chances of avoiding overflows.
939  ThisLocalAdjust = 0;
940  OtherLocalAdjust = 0;
941  if (LocalCost < Cost.LocalCost)
942  OtherLocalAdjust = Cost.LocalCost - LocalCost;
943  else
944  ThisLocalAdjust = LocalCost - Cost.LocalCost;
945  } else {
946  ThisLocalAdjust = LocalCost;
947  OtherLocalAdjust = Cost.LocalCost;
948  }
950  // The non-local costs are comparable, just keep the relative value.
951  uint64_t ThisNonLocalAdjust = 0;
952  uint64_t OtherNonLocalAdjust = 0;
953  if (NonLocalCost < Cost.NonLocalCost)
954  OtherNonLocalAdjust = Cost.NonLocalCost - NonLocalCost;
955  else
956  ThisNonLocalAdjust = NonLocalCost - Cost.NonLocalCost;
957  // Scale everything to make them comparable.
958  uint64_t ThisScaledCost = ThisLocalAdjust * LocalFreq;
959  // Check for overflow on that operation.
960  bool ThisOverflows = ThisLocalAdjust && (ThisScaledCost < ThisLocalAdjust ||
961  ThisScaledCost < LocalFreq);
962  uint64_t OtherScaledCost = OtherLocalAdjust * Cost.LocalFreq;
963  // Check for overflow on the last operation.
964  bool OtherOverflows =
965  OtherLocalAdjust &&
966  (OtherScaledCost < OtherLocalAdjust || OtherScaledCost < Cost.LocalFreq);
967  // Add the non-local costs.
968  ThisOverflows |= ThisNonLocalAdjust &&
969  ThisScaledCost + ThisNonLocalAdjust < ThisNonLocalAdjust;
970  ThisScaledCost += ThisNonLocalAdjust;
971  OtherOverflows |= OtherNonLocalAdjust &&
972  OtherScaledCost + OtherNonLocalAdjust < OtherNonLocalAdjust;
973  OtherScaledCost += OtherNonLocalAdjust;
974  // If both overflows, we cannot compare without additional
975  // precision, e.g., APInt. Just give up on that case.
976  if (ThisOverflows && OtherOverflows)
977  return false;
978  // If one overflows but not the other, we can still compare.
979  if (ThisOverflows || OtherOverflows)
980  return ThisOverflows < OtherOverflows;
981  // Otherwise, just compare the values.
982  return ThisScaledCost < OtherScaledCost;
983 }
985 bool RegBankSelect::MappingCost::operator==(const MappingCost &Cost) const {
986  return LocalCost == Cost.LocalCost && NonLocalCost == Cost.NonLocalCost &&
987  LocalFreq == Cost.LocalFreq;
988 }
990 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
992  print(dbgs());
993  dbgs() << '\n';
994 }
995 #endif
998  if (*this == ImpossibleCost()) {
999  OS << "impossible";
1000  return;
1001  }
1002  if (isSaturated()) {
1003  OS << "saturated";
1004  return;
1005  }
1006  OS << LocalFreq << " * " << LocalCost << " + " << NonLocalCost;
1007 }
Pass interface - Implemented by all &#39;passes&#39;.
Definition: Pass.h:81
bool canMaterialize() const override
Check whether this insertion point can be materialized.
MachineInstr * getParent()
getParent - Return the instruction that this operand belongs to.
static PassRegistry * getPassRegistry()
getPassRegistry - Access the global registry object, which is automatically initialized at applicatio...
GCNRegPressure max(const GCNRegPressure &P1, const GCNRegPressure &P2)
MachineBasicBlock * getMBB() const
SI Whole Quad Mode
NodeTy * getNextNode()
Get the next node, or nullptr for the list tail.
Definition: ilist_node.h:289
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
void getSelectionDAGFallbackAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU)
Modify analysis usage so it preserves passes required for the SelectionDAG fallback.
Definition: Utils.cpp:289
virtual const TargetRegisterInfo * getRegisterInfo() const
getRegisterInfo - If register information is available, return it.
INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(RegBankSelect, DEBUG_TYPE, "Assign register bank of generic virtual registers", false, false)
const MachineFunctionProperties & getProperties() const
Get the function properties.
Helper class that represents how the value of an instruction may be mapped and what is the related co...
unsigned getCost() const
Get the cost.
iterator getFirstTerminator()
Returns an iterator to the first terminator instruction of this basic block.
unsigned getReg() const
getReg - Returns the register number.
Reparing code needs to happen before InsertPoints.
unsigned Reg
uint64_t getFrequency() const
Returns the frequency as a fixpoint number scaled by the entry frequency.
MachineBlockFrequencyInfo pass uses BlockFrequencyInfoImpl implementation to estimate machine basic b...
static void dump(StringRef Title, SpillInfo const &Spills)
Definition: CoroFrame.cpp:299
Helper class used to get/create the virtual registers that will be used to replace the MachineOperand...
virtual const RegisterBankInfo * getRegBankInfo() const
If the information for the register banks is available, return it.
void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override
getAnalysisUsage - This function should be overriden by passes that need analysis information to do t...
void setRegBank(unsigned Reg, const RegisterBank &RegBank)
Set the register bank to RegBank for Reg.
bool isPHI() const
List of the modes supported by the RegBankSelect pass.
Definition: RegBankSelect.h:96
void switchTo(RepairingKind NewKind)
Change the type of this repairing placement to NewKind.
iterator_range< succ_iterator > successors()
const PartialMapping * BreakDown
How the value is broken down between the different register banks.
void setMF(MachineFunction &MF)
AnalysisUsage & addRequired()
Definition: PassSupport.h:51
Mark this repairing placement as impossible.
MachineFunctionPass - This class adapts the FunctionPass interface to allow convenient creation of pa...
Printable printReg(unsigned Reg, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI=nullptr, unsigned SubIdx=0, const MachineRegisterInfo *MRI=nullptr)
Prints virtual and physical registers with or without a TRI instance.
Abstract class used to represent an insertion point in a CFG.
const MachineInstrBuilder & addUse(unsigned RegNo, unsigned Flags=0, unsigned SubReg=0) const
Add a virtual register use operand.
This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication b...
Definition: APFloat.h:42
bool isTerminator(QueryType Type=AnyInBundle) const
Returns true if this instruction part of the terminator for a basic block.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:649
Define the kind of action this repairing needs.
This file contains the simple types necessary to represent the attributes associated with functions a...
unsigned getOpcode() const
Returns the opcode of this MachineInstr.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:409
iterator_range< SmallVectorImpl< unsigned >::const_iterator > getVRegs(unsigned OpIdx, bool ForDebug=false) const
Get all the virtual registers required to map the OpIdx-th operand of the instruction.
Definition: Compiler.h:74
Target-Independent Code Generator Pass Configuration Options.
Fast - This calling convention attempts to make calls as fast as possible (e.g.
Definition: CallingConv.h:43
#define UINT64_MAX
Definition: DataTypes.h:83
MachineInstrBuilder buildInstrNoInsert(unsigned Opcode)
Build but don&#39;t insert <empty> = Opcode <empty>.
MachineFunction & getMF()
Getter for the function we currently build.
iterator getLastNonDebugInstr()
Returns an iterator to the last non-debug instruction in the basic block, or end().
#define DEBUG_TYPE
reverse_iterator rend()
RepairingPlacement(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpIdx, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI, Pass &P, RepairingKind Kind=RepairingKind::Insert)
Create a repairing placement for the OpIdx-th operand of MI.
StringRef getName() const
getName - Return the name of the corresponding LLVM function.
const RegisterBank * RegBank
Register bank where the partial value lives.
uint64_t frequency(const Pass &P) const override
Frequency of the insertion point.
===- MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter.h - Opt Diagnostics -*- C++ -*-—===//
#define P(N)
const TargetSubtargetInfo & getSubtarget() const
getSubtarget - Return the subtarget for which this machine code is being compiled.
void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override
getAnalysisUsage - Subclasses that override getAnalysisUsage must call this.
This pass implements the reg bank selector pass used in the GlobalISel pipeline.
Definition: RegBankSelect.h:91
Insertion point on an edge.
virtual const InstructionMapping & getInstrMapping(const MachineInstr &MI) const
Get the mapping of the different operands of MI on the register bank.
ValuesClass values(OptsTy... Options)
Helper to build a ValuesClass by forwarding a variable number of arguments as an initializer list to ...
Definition: CommandLine.h:643
BlockFrequency getBlockFreq(const MachineBasicBlock *MBB) const
getblockFreq - Return block frequency.
Represent the analysis usage information of a pass.
bool isTargetSpecificOpcode(unsigned Opcode)
Check whether the given Opcode is a target-specific opcode.
Definition: TargetOpcodes.h:37
static void print(raw_ostream &Out, object::Archive::Kind Kind, T Val)
void initializeRegBankSelectPass(PassRegistry &)
TargetRegisterInfo base class - We assume that the target defines a static array of TargetRegisterDes...
cl::opt< bool > DisableGISelLegalityCheck
INITIALIZE_PASS_END(RegBankSelect, DEBUG_TYPE, "Assign register bank of generic virtual registers", false, false) RegBankSelect
#define llvm_unreachable(msg)
Marks that the current location is not supposed to be reachable.
constexpr bool empty(const T &RangeOrContainer)
Test whether RangeOrContainer is empty. Similar to C++17 std::empty.
Definition: STLExtras.h:210
bool isValid() const
Check whether this object is valid.
bool verify(const MachineInstr &MI) const
Verifiy that this mapping makes sense for MI.
const MachineInstr * machineFunctionIsIllegal(const MachineFunction &MF)
Checks that MIR is fully legal, returns an illegal instruction if it&#39;s not, nullptr otherwise...
bool isGlobalISelAbortEnabled() const
Check whether or not GlobalISel should abort on error.
Struct used to represent the placement of a repairing point for a given operand.
MachineInstr * CloneMachineInstr(const MachineInstr *Orig)
Create a new MachineInstr which is a copy of Orig, identical in all ways except the instruction has n...
RegisterBank & getRegBank(unsigned ID)
Get the register bank identified by ID.
MachineOperand class - Representation of each machine instruction operand.
This is a &#39;vector&#39; (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small...
Definition: SmallVector.h:847
This class implements the register bank concept.
Definition: RegisterBank.h:29
Helper struct that represents how a value is mapped through different register banks.
const Function & getFunction() const
Return the LLVM function that this machine code represents.
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:133
void swap(llvm::BitVector &LHS, llvm::BitVector &RHS)
Implement std::swap in terms of BitVector swap.
Definition: BitVector.h:941
A range adaptor for a pair of iterators.
bool readsRegister(unsigned Reg, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI=nullptr) const
Return true if the MachineInstr reads the specified register.
virtual bool canMaterialize() const
Check whether this insertion point can be materialized.
bool isUnconditionalBranch(QueryType Type=AnyInBundle) const
Return true if this is a branch which always transfers control flow to some other block...
Definition: MachineInstr.h:679
void createVRegs(unsigned OpIdx)
Create as many new virtual registers as needed for the mapping of the OpIdx-th operand.
Definition: CommandLine.h:618
const MachineBasicBlock * getParent() const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:254
BranchProbability getEdgeProbability(const MachineBasicBlock *Src, const MachineBasicBlock *Dst) const
Representation of each machine instruction.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:64
static bool isPhysicalRegister(unsigned Reg)
Return true if the specified register number is in the physical register namespace.
Insertion point before or after an instruction.
void emplace_back(ArgTypes &&... Args)
Definition: SmallVector.h:652
MachineRegisterInfo & getRegInfo()
getRegInfo - Return information about the registers currently in use.
LLVM_NODISCARD bool empty() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:56
virtual unsigned copyCost(const RegisterBank &A, const RegisterBank &B, unsigned Size) const
Get the cost of a copy from B to A, or put differently, get the cost of A = COPY B.
void setMBB(MachineBasicBlock &MBB)
Set the insertion point to the end of MBB.
InstrInsertPoint(MachineInstr &Instr, bool Before=true)
Create an insertion point before (Before=true) or after Instr.
uint64_t frequency(const Pass &P) const override
Frequency of the insertion point.
bool WasMaterialized
Tell if the insert point has already been materialized.
virtual void print(raw_ostream &OS, const Module *M) const
print - Print out the internal state of the pass.
Definition: Pass.cpp:124
void addInsertPoint(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, bool Beginning)
iterator getFirstNonPHI()
Returns a pointer to the first instruction in this block that is not a PHINode instruction.
static cl::opt< RegBankSelect::Mode > RegBankSelectMode(cl::desc("Mode of the RegBankSelect pass"), cl::Hidden, cl::Optional, cl::values(clEnumValN(RegBankSelect::Mode::Fast, "regbankselect-fast", "Run the Fast mode (default mapping)"), clEnumValN(RegBankSelect::Mode::Greedy, "regbankselect-greedy", "Use the Greedy mode (best local mapping)")))
bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override
Walk through MF and assign a register bank to every virtual register that are still mapped to nothing...
bool isReg() const
isReg - Tests if this is a MO_Register operand.
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
bool hasProperty(Property P) const
MachineBasicBlock * SplitCriticalEdge(MachineBasicBlock *Succ, Pass &P)
Split the critical edge from this block to the given successor block, and return the newly created bl...
bool operator<(int64_t V1, const APSInt &V2)
Definition: APSInt.h:326
unsigned NumBreakDowns
Number of partial mapping to break down this value.
AnalysisType * getAnalysisIfAvailable() const
getAnalysisIfAvailable<AnalysisType>() - Subclasses use this function to get analysis information tha...
(Re)assign the register bank of the operand.
virtual bool isSplit() const
Does this point involve splitting an edge or block? As soon as ::getPoint is called and thus...
This class implements an extremely fast bulk output stream that can only output to a stream...
Definition: raw_ostream.h:46
Definition: Compiler.h:191
IRTranslator LLVM IR MI
const MachineInstrBuilder & addDef(unsigned RegNo, unsigned Flags=0, unsigned SubReg=0) const
Add a virtual register definition operand.
bool operator==(uint64_t V1, const APInt &V2)
Definition: APInt.h:1967
uint64_t frequency(const Pass &P) const override
Frequency of the insertion point.
unsigned getNumOperands() const
Get the number of operands.
#define LLVM_DEBUG(X)
Definition: Debug.h:123
const MachineOperand & getOperand(unsigned i) const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:414
void reportGISelFailure(MachineFunction &MF, const TargetPassConfig &TPC, MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter &MORE, MachineOptimizationRemarkMissed &R)
Report an ISel error as a missed optimization remark to the LLVMContext&#39;s diagnostic stream...
Definition: Utils.cpp:156
Insertion point at the beginning or end of a basic block.
Nothing to repair, just drop this action.
bool isSplit() const override
Does this point involve splitting an edge or block? As soon as ::getPoint is called and thus...