LLVM  8.0.1
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
llvm::cl Namespace Reference

cl Namespace - This namespace contains all of the command line option processing machinery. More...


class  alias
struct  aliasopt
struct  applicator
struct  applicator< char[n]>
struct  applicator< const char[n]>
struct  applicator< FormattingFlags >
struct  applicator< MiscFlags >
struct  applicator< NumOccurrencesFlag >
struct  applicator< OptionHidden >
struct  applicator< StringRef >
struct  applicator< ValueExpected >
class  basic_parser
class  basic_parser_impl
class  bits
class  bits_storage
class  bits_storage< DataType, bool >
struct  cat
struct  desc
struct  extrahelp
class  generic_parser_base
struct  GenericOptionValue
struct  initializer
class  list
class  list_storage
class  list_storage< DataType, bool >
struct  LocationClass
struct  multi_val
class  opt
class  opt_storage
class  opt_storage< DataType, false, false >
class  opt_storage< DataType, false, true >
class  Option
class  OptionCategory
struct  OptionDiffPrinter
struct  OptionDiffPrinter< DT, DT >
struct  OptionEnumValue
struct  OptionValue
struct  OptionValue< cl::boolOrDefault >
struct  OptionValue< std::string >
struct  OptionValueBase
struct  OptionValueBase< DataType, false >
class  OptionValueCopy
class  parser
class  parser< bool >
class  parser< boolOrDefault >
class  parser< char >
class  parser< double >
class  parser< float >
class  parser< int >
class  parser< std::string >
class  parser< unsigned >
class  parser< unsigned long long >
struct  sub
class  SubCommand
struct  value_desc
class  ValuesClass


using VersionPrinterTy = std::function< void(raw_ostream &)>
using TokenizerCallback = void(*)(StringRef Source, StringSaver &Saver, SmallVectorImpl< const char * > &NewArgv, bool MarkEOLs)
 String tokenization function type. More...


enum  NumOccurrencesFlag {
  Optional = 0x00, ZeroOrMore = 0x01, Required = 0x02, OneOrMore = 0x03,
  ConsumeAfter = 0x04
enum  ValueExpected { ValueOptional = 0x01, ValueRequired = 0x02, ValueDisallowed = 0x03 }
enum  OptionHidden { NotHidden = 0x00, Hidden = 0x01, ReallyHidden = 0x02 }
enum  FormattingFlags {
  NormalFormatting = 0x00, Positional = 0x01, Prefix = 0x02, AlwaysPrefix = 0x03,
  Grouping = 0x04
enum  MiscFlags { CommaSeparated = 0x01, PositionalEatsArgs = 0x02, Sink = 0x04 }
enum  boolOrDefault { BOU_UNSET, BOU_TRUE, BOU_FALSE }


bool ParseCommandLineOptions (int argc, const char *const *argv, StringRef Overview="", raw_ostream *Errs=nullptr, const char *EnvVar=nullptr)
void ParseEnvironmentOptions (const char *progName, const char *envvar, const char *Overview="")
 ParseEnvironmentOptions - An alternative entry point to the CommandLine library, which allows you to read the program's name from the caller (as PROGNAME) and its command-line arguments from an environment variable (whose name is given in ENVVAR). More...
void SetVersionPrinter (VersionPrinterTy func)
 ===------------------------------------------------------------------—===// SetVersionPrinter - Override the default (LLVM specific) version printer used to print out the version when –version is given on the command line. More...
void AddExtraVersionPrinter (VersionPrinterTy func)
 ===------------------------------------------------------------------—===// AddExtraVersionPrinter - Add an extra printer to use in addition to the default one. More...
void PrintOptionValues ()
void AddLiteralOption (Option &O, StringRef Name)
 Adds a new option for parsing and provides the option it refers to. More...
template<class Ty >
initializer< Ty > init (const Ty &Val)
template<class Ty >
LocationClass< Ty > location (Ty &L)
template<typename... OptsTy>
ValuesClass values (OptsTy... Options)
 Helper to build a ValuesClass by forwarding a variable number of arguments as an initializer list to the ValuesClass constructor. More...
template<class ParserClass , class DT >
void printOptionDiff (const Option &O, const generic_parser_base &P, const DT &V, const OptionValue< DT > &Default, size_t GlobalWidth)
template<class ParserClass , class ValDT >
void printOptionDiff (const Option &O, const basic_parser< typename ParserClass::parser_data_type > &P, const ValDT &V, const OptionValue< ValDT > &Default, size_t GlobalWidth)
template<class Opt , class Mod , class... Mods>
void apply (Opt *O, const Mod &M, const Mods &... Ms)
template<class Opt , class Mod >
void apply (Opt *O, const Mod &M)
void PrintVersionMessage ()
 Utility function for printing version number. More...
void PrintHelpMessage (bool Hidden=false, bool Categorized=false)
 This function just prints the help message, exactly the same way as if the -help or -help-hidden option had been given on the command line. More...
StringMap< Option * > & getRegisteredOptions (SubCommand &Sub= *TopLevelSubCommand)
 Use this to get a StringMap to all registered named options (e.g. More...
iterator_range< typename SmallPtrSet< SubCommand *, 4 >::iterator > getRegisteredSubcommands ()
 Use this to get all registered SubCommands from the provided parser. More...
void TokenizeGNUCommandLine (StringRef Source, StringSaver &Saver, SmallVectorImpl< const char *> &NewArgv, bool MarkEOLs=false)
 Tokenizes a command line that can contain escapes and quotes. More...
void TokenizeWindowsCommandLine (StringRef Source, StringSaver &Saver, SmallVectorImpl< const char *> &NewArgv, bool MarkEOLs=false)
 Tokenizes a Windows command line which may contain quotes and escaped quotes. More...
void tokenizeConfigFile (StringRef Source, StringSaver &Saver, SmallVectorImpl< const char *> &NewArgv, bool MarkEOLs=false)
 Tokenizes content of configuration file. More...
bool readConfigFile (StringRef CfgFileName, StringSaver &Saver, SmallVectorImpl< const char *> &Argv)
 Reads command line options from the given configuration file. More...
bool ExpandResponseFiles (StringSaver &Saver, TokenizerCallback Tokenizer, SmallVectorImpl< const char *> &Argv, bool MarkEOLs=false, bool RelativeNames=false)
 Expand response files on a command line recursively using the given StringSaver and tokenization strategy. More...
void HideUnrelatedOptions (cl::OptionCategory &Category, SubCommand &Sub= *TopLevelSubCommand)
 Mark all options not part of this category as cl::ReallyHidden. More...
void HideUnrelatedOptions (ArrayRef< const cl::OptionCategory *> Categories, SubCommand &Sub= *TopLevelSubCommand)
 Mark all options not part of the categories as cl::ReallyHidden. More...
void ResetAllOptionOccurrences ()
 Reset all command line options to a state that looks as if they have never appeared on the command line. More...
void ResetCommandLineParser ()
 Reset the command line parser back to its initial state. More...


OptionCategory GeneralCategory
ManagedStatic< SubCommandTopLevelSubCommand
ManagedStatic< SubCommandAllSubCommands

Detailed Description

cl Namespace - This namespace contains all of the command line option processing machinery.

It is intentionally a short name to make qualified usage concise.

Typedef Documentation

◆ TokenizerCallback

using llvm::cl::TokenizerCallback = typedef void (*)(StringRef Source, StringSaver &Saver, SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &NewArgv, bool MarkEOLs)

String tokenization function type.

Should be compatible with either Windows or Unix command line tokenizers.

Definition at line 1880 of file CommandLine.h.

◆ VersionPrinterTy

Definition at line 80 of file CommandLine.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ boolOrDefault


Definition at line 569 of file CommandLine.h.

◆ FormattingFlags


Definition at line 167 of file CommandLine.h.

◆ MiscFlags


Definition at line 175 of file CommandLine.h.

◆ NumOccurrencesFlag


Definition at line 120 of file CommandLine.h.

◆ OptionHidden


Definition at line 143 of file CommandLine.h.

◆ ValueExpected


Definition at line 136 of file CommandLine.h.

Function Documentation

◆ AddExtraVersionPrinter()

void llvm::cl::AddExtraVersionPrinter ( VersionPrinterTy  func)

===------------------------------------------------------------------—===// AddExtraVersionPrinter - Add an extra printer to use in addition to the default one.

This can be called multiple times, and each time it adds a new function to the list which will be called after the basic LLVM version printing is complete. Each can then add additional information specific to the tool.

Definition at line 2224 of file CommandLine.cpp.

◆ AddLiteralOption()

void llvm::cl::AddLiteralOption ( Option O,
StringRef  Name 

Adds a new option for parsing and provides the option it refers to.

Opointer to the option
Namethe string name for the option to handle during parsing

Literal options are used by some parsers to register special option values. This is how the PassNameParser registers pass names for opt.

Definition at line 348 of file CommandLine.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::cl::parser< const PassInfo *>::addLiteralOption().

◆ apply() [1/2]

template<class Opt , class Mod , class... Mods>
void llvm::cl::apply ( Opt *  O,
const Mod &  M,
const Mods &...  Ms 

◆ apply() [2/2]

template<class Opt , class Mod >
void llvm::cl::apply ( Opt *  O,
const Mod &  M 

Definition at line 1191 of file CommandLine.h.

References llvm::cl::applicator< Mod >::opt().

◆ ExpandResponseFiles()

bool llvm::cl::ExpandResponseFiles ( StringSaver Saver,
TokenizerCallback  Tokenizer,
SmallVectorImpl< const char *> &  Argv,
bool  MarkEOLs = false,
bool  RelativeNames = false 

Expand response files on a command line recursively using the given StringSaver and tokenization strategy.

Argv should contain the command line before expansion and will be modified in place. If requested, Argv will also be populated with nullptrs indicating where each response file line ends, which is useful for the "/link" argument that needs to consume all remaining arguments only until the next end of line, when in a response file.

[in]SaverDelegates back to the caller for saving parsed strings.
[in]TokenizerTokenization strategy. Typically Unix or Windows.
[in,out]ArgvCommand line into which to expand response files.
[in]MarkEOLsMark end of lines and the end of the response file with nullptrs in the Argv vector.
[in]RelativeNamestrue if names of nested response files must be resolved relative to including file.
true if all were expanded successfully or there were none.

Definition at line 992 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T, typename >::begin(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T, typename >::end(), llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::erase(), ExpandResponseFile(), I, llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::insert(), and llvm::SmallVectorBase::size().

Referenced by readConfigFile(), and ResetAllOptionOccurrences().

◆ getRegisteredOptions()

StringMap< Option * > & llvm::cl::getRegisteredOptions ( SubCommand Sub = *TopLevelSubCommand)

Use this to get a StringMap to all registered named options (e.g.

-help). Note Map Should be an empty StringMap.

A reference to the StringMap used by the cl APIs to parse options.

Access to unnamed arguments (i.e. positional) are not provided because it is expected that the client already has access to these.

Typical usage:

main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
StringMap<llvm::cl::Option*> &opts = llvm::cl::getRegisteredOptions();
assert(opts.count("help") == 1)
opts["help"]->setDescription("Show alphabetical help information")
// More code
//More code

This interface is useful for modifying options in libraries that are out of the control of the client. The options should be modified before calling llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions().

Hopefully this API can be deprecated soon. Any situation where options need to be modified by tools or libraries should be handled by sane APIs rather than just handing around a global list.

Definition at line 2231 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References assert(), llvm::is_contained(), and llvm::cl::SubCommand::OptionsMap.

◆ getRegisteredSubcommands()

iterator_range< typename SmallPtrSet< SubCommand *, 4 >::iterator > llvm::cl::getRegisteredSubcommands ( )

Use this to get all registered SubCommands from the provided parser.

A range of all SubCommand pointers registered with the parser.

Typical usage:

main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (*S) {
std::cout << "Executing subcommand: " << S->getName() << std::endl;
// Execute some function based on the name...

This interface is useful for defining subcommands in libraries and the dispatch from a single point (like in the main function).

Definition at line 2239 of file CommandLine.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::cl::basic_parser_impl::anchor().

◆ HideUnrelatedOptions() [1/2]

void llvm::cl::HideUnrelatedOptions ( cl::OptionCategory Category,
SubCommand Sub = *TopLevelSubCommand 

Mark all options not part of this category as cl::ReallyHidden.

Categorythe category of options to keep displaying

Some tools (like clang-format) like to be able to hide all options that are not specific to the tool. This function allows a tool to specify a single option category to display in the -help output.

Definition at line 2243 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References I, llvm::cl::SubCommand::OptionsMap, and ReallyHidden.

◆ HideUnrelatedOptions() [2/2]

void llvm::cl::HideUnrelatedOptions ( ArrayRef< const cl::OptionCategory *>  Categories,
SubCommand Sub = *TopLevelSubCommand 

Mark all options not part of the categories as cl::ReallyHidden.

Categoriesthe categories of options to keep displaying.

Some tools (like clang-format) like to be able to hide all options that are not specific to the tool. This function allows a tool to specify a single option category to display in the -help output.

Definition at line 2251 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References llvm::ArrayRef< T >::begin(), llvm::ArrayRef< T >::end(), llvm::find(), I, llvm::cl::SubCommand::OptionsMap, and ReallyHidden.

◆ init()

template<class Ty >
initializer<Ty> llvm::cl::init ( const Ty &  Val)

Definition at line 423 of file CommandLine.h.

Referenced by addLiveInRegs(), llvm::CallInst::classof(), llvm::ExtractValueInst::classof(), llvm::InvokeInst::classof(), llvm::PressureDiffs::clear(), llvm::createNVVMReflectPass(), darwinHasSinCos(), llvm::DataLayout::DataLayout(), llvm::DenseMap< unsigned, unsigned >::DenseMap(), llvm::DIType::DIType(), llvm::RegScavenger::enterBasicBlock(), llvm::RegScavenger::enterBasicBlockEnd(), llvm::yaml::Scanner::failed(), llvm::InvokeInst::getLandingPadInst(), llvm::slpvectorizer::BoUpSLP::getORE(), llvm::getPassTimer(), llvm::X86TargetMachine::getSubtargetImpl(), llvm::LTOCodeGenerator::getVersionString(), giveUpWithRemarks(), llvm::PHINode::hasConstantOrUndefValue(), hasPressureSet(), llvm::Timer::init(), llvm::CmpInst::isImpliedFalseByMatchingCmp(), llvm::isSafeToLoadUnconditionally(), llvm::MCRegUnitIterator::MCRegUnitIterator(), llvm::MCSubRegIterator::MCSubRegIterator(), llvm::MCSuperRegIterator::MCSuperRegIterator(), llvm::DIType::mutate(), llvm::DataLayout::operator!=(), llvm::DenseMap< unsigned, unsigned >::operator=(), llvm::SmallDenseMap< const llvm::DISubprogram *, detail::DenseSetEmpty, InlineBuckets, DenseMapInfo< const llvm::DISubprogram *>, detail::DenseSetPair< const llvm::DISubprogram * > >::operator=(), llvm::CallBase::populateBundleOperandInfos(), llvm::OptionRegistry::registerOption(), llvm::RegPressureTracker::RegPressureTracker(), llvm::orc::RemoteObjectServerLayer< BaseLayerT, RPCEndpoint >::RemoteObjectServerLayer(), llvm::SwitchInst::removeCase(), llvm::CatchSwitchInst::removeHandler(), llvm::MachineFunction::reset(), llvm::SchedRemainder::reset(), RetagMask(), llvm::SchedBoundary::SchedBoundary(), llvm::setCurrentDebugTypes(), llvm::DenseMap< unsigned, unsigned >::shrink_and_clear(), llvm::SmallDenseMap< const llvm::DISubprogram *, detail::DenseSetEmpty, InlineBuckets, DenseMapInfo< const llvm::DISubprogram *>, detail::DenseSetPair< const llvm::DISubprogram * > >::shrink_and_clear(), llvm::SmallDenseMap< const llvm::DISubprogram *, detail::DenseSetEmpty, InlineBuckets, DenseMapInfo< const llvm::DISubprogram *>, detail::DenseSetPair< const llvm::DISubprogram * > >::SmallDenseMap(), sortSubCommands(), llvm::StringMap< uint64_t >::StringMap(), llvm::StringMapImpl::StringMapImpl(), llvm::Timer::Timer(), useDefaultMachineSched(), useDefaultRegisterAllocator(), and llvm::InterferenceCache::~InterferenceCache().

◆ location()

template<class Ty >
LocationClass<Ty> llvm::cl::location ( Ty &  L)

Definition at line 439 of file CommandLine.h.

Referenced by llvm::setCurrentDebugTypes(), and sortSubCommands().

◆ ParseCommandLineOptions()

bool llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions ( int  argc,
const char *const argv,
StringRef  Overview = "",
raw_ostream Errs = nullptr,
const char EnvVar = nullptr 

◆ ParseEnvironmentOptions()

void llvm::cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions ( const char progName,
const char envvar,
const char Overview = "" 

ParseEnvironmentOptions - An alternative entry point to the CommandLine library, which allows you to read the program's name from the caller (as PROGNAME) and its command-line arguments from an environment variable (whose name is given in ENVVAR).

Definition at line 1047 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References assert(), llvm::StringRef::data(), llvm::sys::Process::GetEnv(), ParseCommandLineOptions(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T >::push_back(), llvm::StringSaver::save(), llvm::SmallVectorBase::size(), and TokenizeGNUCommandLine().

◆ PrintHelpMessage()

void llvm::cl::PrintHelpMessage ( bool  Hidden = false,
bool  Categorized = false 

This function just prints the help message, exactly the same way as if the -help or -help-hidden option had been given on the command line.

Hiddenif true will print hidden options
Categorizedif true print options in categories

Definition at line 2208 of file CommandLine.cpp.

◆ printOptionDiff() [1/2]

template<class ParserClass , class DT >
void llvm::cl::printOptionDiff ( const Option O,
const generic_parser_base P,
const DT &  V,
const OptionValue< DT > &  Default,
size_t  GlobalWidth 

◆ printOptionDiff() [2/2]

template<class ParserClass , class ValDT >
void llvm::cl::printOptionDiff ( const Option O,
const basic_parser< typename ParserClass::parser_data_type > &  P,
const ValDT &  V,
const OptionValue< ValDT > &  Default,
size_t  GlobalWidth 

◆ PrintOptionValues()

void llvm::cl::PrintOptionValues ( )

Definition at line 2121 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References llvm::max(), second, llvm::SmallVectorBase::size(), and sortOpts().

◆ PrintVersionMessage()

void llvm::cl::PrintVersionMessage ( )

Utility function for printing version number.

Definition at line 2220 of file CommandLine.cpp.

◆ readConfigFile()

bool llvm::cl::readConfigFile ( StringRef  CfgFileName,
StringSaver Saver,
SmallVectorImpl< const char *> &  Argv 

Reads command line options from the given configuration file.

[in]CfgFileNamePath to configuration file.
[in]SaverObjects that saves allocated strings.
[out]ArgvArray to which the read options are added.
true if the file was successfully read.

It reads content of the specified file, tokenizes it and expands "@file" commands resolving file names in them relative to the directory where CfgFilename resides.

Definition at line 1033 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References ExpandResponseFile(), ExpandResponseFiles(), and tokenizeConfigFile().

◆ ResetAllOptionOccurrences()

void llvm::cl::ResetAllOptionOccurrences ( )

◆ ResetCommandLineParser()

void llvm::cl::ResetCommandLineParser ( )

Reset the command line parser back to its initial state.

This removes all options, categories, and subcommands and returns the parser to a state where no options are supported.

Definition at line 2263 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References ResetAllOptionOccurrences().

◆ SetVersionPrinter()

void llvm::cl::SetVersionPrinter ( VersionPrinterTy  func)

===------------------------------------------------------------------—===// SetVersionPrinter - Override the default (LLVM specific) version printer used to print out the version when –version is given on the command line.

This allows other systems using the CommandLine utilities to print their own version string.

Definition at line 2222 of file CommandLine.cpp.

◆ tokenizeConfigFile()

void llvm::cl::tokenizeConfigFile ( StringRef  Source,
StringSaver Saver,
SmallVectorImpl< const char *> &  NewArgv,
bool  MarkEOLs = false 

Tokenizes content of configuration file.

[in]SourceThe string representing content of config file.
[in]SaverDelegates back to the caller for saving parsed strings.
[out]NewArgvAll parsed strings are appended to NewArgv.
[in]MarkEOLsAdded for compatibility with TokenizerCallback.

It works like TokenizeGNUCommandLine with ability to skip comment lines.

Definition at line 890 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References llvm::StringRef::begin(), llvm::StringRef::end(), and isWhitespace().

Referenced by readConfigFile().

◆ TokenizeGNUCommandLine()

void llvm::cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine ( StringRef  Source,
StringSaver Saver,
SmallVectorImpl< const char *> &  NewArgv,
bool  MarkEOLs = false 

Tokenizes a command line that can contain escapes and quotes.

The quoting rules match those used by GCC and other tools that use libiberty's buildargv() or expandargv() utilities, and do not match bash. They differ from buildargv() on treatment of backslashes that do not escape a special character to make it possible to accept most Windows file paths.

[in]SourceThe string to be split on whitespace with quotes.
[in]SaverDelegates back to the caller for saving parsed strings.
[in]MarkEOLstrue if tokenizing a response file and you want end of lines and end of the response file to be marked with a nullptr string.
[out]NewArgvAll parsed strings are appended to NewArgv.

Definition at line 711 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References C, llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::clear(), llvm::StringRef::data(), E, llvm::SmallVectorBase::empty(), I, isQuote(), isWhitespace(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, bool >::push_back(), llvm::StringSaver::save(), and llvm::StringRef::size().

Referenced by ParseCommandLineOptions(), ParseEnvironmentOptions(), and ResetAllOptionOccurrences().

◆ TokenizeWindowsCommandLine()

void llvm::cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine ( StringRef  Source,
StringSaver Saver,
SmallVectorImpl< const char *> &  NewArgv,
bool  MarkEOLs = false 

Tokenizes a Windows command line which may contain quotes and escaped quotes.

See MSDN docs for CommandLineToArgvW for information on the quoting rules. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/17w5ykft(v=vs.85).aspx

[in]SourceThe string to be split on whitespace with quotes.
[in]SaverDelegates back to the caller for saving parsed strings.
[in]MarkEOLstrue if tokenizing a response file and you want end of lines and end of the response file to be marked with a nullptr string.
[out]NewArgvAll parsed strings are appended to NewArgv.

Definition at line 810 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References C, llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::clear(), llvm::StringRef::data(), E, llvm::SmallVectorBase::empty(), I, INIT, isWhitespaceOrNull(), parseBackslash(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, bool >::push_back(), llvm::StringSaver::save(), and llvm::StringRef::size().

Referenced by ResetAllOptionOccurrences().

◆ values()

template<typename... OptsTy>
ValuesClass llvm::cl::values ( OptsTy...  Options)

Variable Documentation

◆ AllSubCommands

ManagedStatic< SubCommand > llvm::cl::AllSubCommands

◆ GeneralCategory

OptionCategory llvm::cl::GeneralCategory

◆ TopLevelSubCommand

ManagedStatic< SubCommand > llvm::cl::TopLevelSubCommand