LLVM  8.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- RDFCopy.cpp --------------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // RDF-based copy propagation.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "RDFCopy.h"
15 #include "RDFGraph.h"
16 #include "RDFLiveness.h"
17 #include "RDFRegisters.h"
24 #include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
26 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
29 #include <cassert>
30 #include <cstdint>
31 #include <utility>
33 using namespace llvm;
34 using namespace rdf;
36 #ifndef NDEBUG
37 static cl::opt<unsigned> CpLimit("rdf-cp-limit", cl::init(0), cl::Hidden);
38 static unsigned CpCount = 0;
39 #endif
42  unsigned Opc = MI->getOpcode();
43  switch (Opc) {
44  case TargetOpcode::COPY: {
45  const MachineOperand &Dst = MI->getOperand(0);
46  const MachineOperand &Src = MI->getOperand(1);
47  RegisterRef DstR = DFG.makeRegRef(Dst.getReg(), Dst.getSubReg());
48  RegisterRef SrcR = DFG.makeRegRef(Src.getReg(), Src.getSubReg());
51  const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI = DFG.getTRI();
52  if (TRI.getMinimalPhysRegClass(DstR.Reg) !=
53  TRI.getMinimalPhysRegClass(SrcR.Reg))
54  return false;
55  EM.insert(std::make_pair(DstR, SrcR));
56  return true;
57  }
58  case TargetOpcode::REG_SEQUENCE:
59  llvm_unreachable("Unexpected REG_SEQUENCE");
60  }
61  return false;
62 }
64 void CopyPropagation::recordCopy(NodeAddr<StmtNode*> SA, EqualityMap &EM) {
65  CopyMap.insert(std::make_pair(SA.Id, EM));
66  Copies.push_back(SA.Id);
67 }
69 bool CopyPropagation::scanBlock(MachineBasicBlock *B) {
70  bool Changed = false;
71  NodeAddr<BlockNode*> BA = DFG.findBlock(B);
73  for (NodeAddr<InstrNode*> IA : BA.Addr->members(DFG)) {
74  if (DFG.IsCode<NodeAttrs::Stmt>(IA)) {
75  NodeAddr<StmtNode*> SA = IA;
76  EqualityMap EM;
77  if (interpretAsCopy(SA.Addr->getCode(), EM))
78  recordCopy(SA, EM);
79  }
80  }
82  MachineDomTreeNode *N = MDT.getNode(B);
83  for (auto I : *N)
84  Changed |= scanBlock(I->getBlock());
86  return Changed;
87 }
89 NodeId CopyPropagation::getLocalReachingDef(RegisterRef RefRR,
92  if (RA.Id != 0) {
93  if (RA.Addr->getKind() == NodeAttrs::Def)
94  return RA.Id;
96  if (NodeId RD = RA.Addr->getReachingDef())
97  return RD;
98  }
99  return 0;
100 }
103  scanBlock(&DFG.getMF().front());
105  if (trace()) {
106  dbgs() << "Copies:\n";
107  for (NodeId I : Copies) {
108  dbgs() << "Instr: " << *DFG.addr<StmtNode*>(I).Addr->getCode();
109  dbgs() << " eq: {";
110  for (auto J : CopyMap[I])
111  dbgs() << ' ' << Print<RegisterRef>(J.first, DFG) << '='
112  << Print<RegisterRef>(J.second, DFG);
113  dbgs() << " }\n";
114  }
115  }
117  bool Changed = false;
118 #ifndef NDEBUG
119  bool HasLimit = CpLimit.getNumOccurrences() > 0;
120 #endif
122  auto MinPhysReg = [this] (RegisterRef RR) -> unsigned {
123  const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI = DFG.getTRI();
124  const TargetRegisterClass &RC = *TRI.getMinimalPhysRegClass(RR.Reg);
125  if ((RC.LaneMask & RR.Mask) == RC.LaneMask)
126  return RR.Reg;
127  for (MCSubRegIndexIterator S(RR.Reg, &TRI); S.isValid(); ++S)
128  if (RR.Mask == TRI.getSubRegIndexLaneMask(S.getSubRegIndex()))
129  return S.getSubReg();
130  llvm_unreachable("Should have found a register");
131  return 0;
132  };
134  for (NodeId C : Copies) {
135 #ifndef NDEBUG
136  if (HasLimit && CpCount >= CpLimit)
137  break;
138 #endif
139  auto SA = DFG.addr<InstrNode*>(C);
140  auto FS = CopyMap.find(SA.Id);
141  if (FS == CopyMap.end())
142  continue;
144  EqualityMap &EM = FS->second;
145  for (NodeAddr<DefNode*> DA : SA.Addr->members_if(DFG.IsDef, DFG)) {
146  RegisterRef DR = DA.Addr->getRegRef(DFG);
147  auto FR = EM.find(DR);
148  if (FR == EM.end())
149  continue;
150  RegisterRef SR = FR->second;
151  if (DR == SR)
152  continue;
154  NodeId AtCopy = getLocalReachingDef(SR, SA);
156  for (NodeId N = DA.Addr->getReachedUse(), NextN; N; N = NextN) {
157  auto UA = DFG.addr<UseNode*>(N);
158  NextN = UA.Addr->getSibling();
159  uint16_t F = UA.Addr->getFlags();
160  if ((F & NodeAttrs::PhiRef) || (F & NodeAttrs::Fixed))
161  continue;
162  if (UA.Addr->getRegRef(DFG) != DR)
163  continue;
165  NodeAddr<InstrNode*> IA = UA.Addr->getOwner(DFG);
166  assert(DFG.IsCode<NodeAttrs::Stmt>(IA));
167  NodeId AtUse = getLocalReachingDef(SR, IA);
168  if (AtCopy != AtUse)
169  continue;
171  MachineOperand &Op = UA.Addr->getOp();
172  if (Op.isTied())
173  continue;
174  if (trace()) {
175  dbgs() << "Can replace " << Print<RegisterRef>(DR, DFG)
176  << " with " << Print<RegisterRef>(SR, DFG) << " in "
177  << *NodeAddr<StmtNode*>(IA).Addr->getCode();
178  }
180  unsigned NewReg = MinPhysReg(SR);
181  Op.setReg(NewReg);
182  Op.setSubReg(0);
183  DFG.unlinkUse(UA, false);
184  if (AtCopy != 0) {
185  UA.Addr->linkToDef(UA.Id, DFG.addr<DefNode*>(AtCopy));
186  } else {
187  UA.Addr->setReachingDef(0);
188  UA.Addr->setSibling(0);
189  }
191  Changed = true;
192  #ifndef NDEBUG
193  if (HasLimit && CpCount >= CpLimit)
194  break;
195  CpCount++;
196  #endif
198  auto FC = CopyMap.find(IA.Id);
199  if (FC != CopyMap.end()) {
200  // Update the EM map in the copy's entry.
201  auto &M = FC->second;
202  for (auto &J : M) {
203  if (J.second != DR)
204  continue;
205  J.second = SR;
206  break;
207  }
208  }
209  } // for (N in reached-uses)
210  } // for (DA in defs)
211  } // for (C in Copies)
213  return Changed;
214 }
NodeAddr< BlockNode * > findBlock(MachineBasicBlock *BB) const
Definition: RDFGraph.h:769
uint64_t CallInst * C
MachineFunction & getMF() const
Definition: RDFGraph.h:662
MachineDomTreeNode * getNode(MachineBasicBlock *BB) const
getNode - return the (Post)DominatorTree node for the specified basic block.
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
static cl::opt< unsigned > CpLimit("rdf-cp-limit", cl::init(0), cl::Hidden)
unsigned getReg() const
getReg - Returns the register number.
unsigned getSubReg() const
unsigned const TargetRegisterInfo * TRI
SI optimize exec mask operations pre RA
bool trace() const
Definition: RDFCopy.h:36
static unsigned CpCount
Definition: RDFCopy.cpp:38
NodeAddr< RefNode * > getNearestAliasedRef(RegisterRef RefRR, NodeAddr< InstrNode *> IA)
Find the nearest ref node aliased to RefRR, going upwards in the data flow, starting from the instruc...
unsigned getOpcode() const
Returns the opcode of this MachineInstr.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:409
void unlinkUse(NodeAddr< UseNode *> UA, bool RemoveFromOwner)
Definition: RDFGraph.h:773
Base class for the actual dominator tree node.
RegisterRef makeRegRef(unsigned Reg, unsigned Sub) const
Definition: RDFGraph.cpp:983
NodeAddr< NodeBase * > getOwner(const DataFlowGraph &G)
Definition: RDFGraph.cpp:552
std::map< RegisterRef, RegisterRef > EqualityMap
Definition: RDFCopy.h:39
initializer< Ty > init(const Ty &Val)
Definition: CommandLine.h:423
static GCRegistry::Add< OcamlGC > B("ocaml", "ocaml 3.10-compatible GC")
NodeAddr< T > addr(NodeId N) const
Definition: RDFGraph.h:657
Iterator that enumerates the sub-registers of a Reg and the associated sub-register indices...
const TargetRegisterInfo & getTRI() const
Definition: RDFGraph.h:664
uint16_t getKind() const
Definition: RDFGraph.h:456
MachineInstr * getCode() const
Definition: RDFGraph.h:622
NodeList members_if(Predicate P, const DataFlowGraph &G) const
Definition: RDFGraph.h:914
TargetRegisterInfo base class - We assume that the target defines a static array of TargetRegisterDes...
const MachineBasicBlock & front() const
NodeList members(const DataFlowGraph &G) const
Definition: RDFGraph.cpp:546
#define llvm_unreachable(msg)
Marks that the current location is not supposed to be reachable.
virtual bool interpretAsCopy(const MachineInstr *MI, EqualityMap &EM)
Definition: RDFCopy.cpp:41
bool isValid() const
Returns true if this iterator is not yet at the end.
MachineOperand class - Representation of each machine instruction operand.
LaneBitmask getSubRegIndexLaneMask(unsigned SubIdx) const
Return a bitmask representing the parts of a register that are covered by SubIdx. ...
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:133
Representation of each machine instruction.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:64
NodeId getReachingDef() const
Definition: RDFGraph.h:529
static bool isPhysicalRegister(unsigned Reg)
Return true if the specified register number is in the physical register namespace.
void setReg(unsigned Reg)
Change the register this operand corresponds to.
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
#define N
void setSubReg(unsigned subReg)
static bool IsCode(const NodeAddr< NodeBase *> BA)
Definition: RDFGraph.h:793
const TargetRegisterClass * getMinimalPhysRegClass(unsigned Reg, MVT VT=MVT::Other) const
Returns the Register Class of a physical register of the given type, picking the most sub register cl...
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
static bool IsDef(const NodeAddr< NodeBase *> BA)
Definition: RDFGraph.h:798
IRTranslator LLVM IR MI
const MachineOperand & getOperand(unsigned i) const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:414
NodeId getSibling() const
Definition: RDFGraph.h:536