LLVM  8.0.1
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llvm::DwarfCompileUnit Class Referencefinal

#include "CodeGen/AsmPrinter/DwarfCompileUnit.h"

Inheritance diagram for llvm::DwarfCompileUnit:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for llvm::DwarfCompileUnit:
Collaboration graph


struct  GlobalExpr
 A pair of GlobalVariable and DIExpression. More...

Public Types

using InlinedEntity = DbgValueHistoryMap::InlinedEntity
 Find abstract variable associated with Var. More...

Public Member Functions

 DwarfCompileUnit (unsigned UID, const DICompileUnit *Node, AsmPrinter *A, DwarfDebug *DW, DwarfFile *DWU)
bool hasRangeLists () const
unsigned getUniqueID () const
DwarfCompileUnitgetSkeleton () const
bool includeMinimalInlineScopes () const
void initStmtList ()
void applyStmtList (DIE &D)
 Apply the DW_AT_stmt_list from this compile unit to the specified DIE. More...
DIEgetOrCreateGlobalVariableDIE (const DIGlobalVariable *GV, ArrayRef< GlobalExpr > GlobalExprs)
 Get or create global variable DIE. More...
void addLabelAddress (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MCSymbol *Label)
 addLabelAddress - Add a dwarf label attribute data and value using either DW_FORM_addr or DW_FORM_GNU_addr_index. More...
void addLocalLabelAddress (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MCSymbol *Label)
 addLocalLabelAddress - Add a dwarf label attribute data and value using DW_FORM_addr only. More...
DwarfCompileUnitgetCU () override
unsigned getOrCreateSourceID (const DIFile *File) override
 Look up the source ID for the given file. More...
void addImportedEntity (const DIImportedEntity *IE)
void addRange (RangeSpan Range)
 addRange - Add an address range to the list of ranges for this unit. More...
void attachLowHighPC (DIE &D, const MCSymbol *Begin, const MCSymbol *End)
DIEupdateSubprogramScopeDIE (const DISubprogram *SP)
 Find DIE for the given subprogram and attach appropriate DW_AT_low_pc and DW_AT_high_pc attributes. More...
void constructScopeDIE (LexicalScope *Scope, SmallVectorImpl< DIE *> &FinalChildren)
void addScopeRangeList (DIE &ScopeDIE, SmallVector< RangeSpan, 2 > Range)
 A helper function to construct a RangeSpanList for a given lexical scope. More...
void attachRangesOrLowHighPC (DIE &D, SmallVector< RangeSpan, 2 > Ranges)
void attachRangesOrLowHighPC (DIE &D, const SmallVectorImpl< InsnRange > &Ranges)
DIEconstructInlinedScopeDIE (LexicalScope *Scope)
 This scope represents inlined body of a function. More...
DIEconstructLexicalScopeDIE (LexicalScope *Scope)
 Construct new DW_TAG_lexical_block for this scope and attach DW_AT_low_pc/DW_AT_high_pc labels. More...
DIEconstructVariableDIE (DbgVariable &DV, bool Abstract=false)
 constructVariableDIE - Construct a DIE for the given DbgVariable. More...
DIEconstructVariableDIE (DbgVariable &DV, const LexicalScope &Scope, DIE *&ObjectPointer)
DIEconstructLabelDIE (DbgLabel &DL, const LexicalScope &Scope)
 Construct a DIE for the given DbgLabel. More...
DIEcreateScopeChildrenDIE (LexicalScope *Scope, SmallVectorImpl< DIE *> &Children, bool *HasNonScopeChildren=nullptr)
 A helper function to create children of a Scope DIE. More...
DIEconstructSubprogramScopeDIE (const DISubprogram *Sub, LexicalScope *Scope)
 Construct a DIE for this subprogram scope. More...
DIEcreateAndAddScopeChildren (LexicalScope *Scope, DIE &ScopeDIE)
void constructAbstractSubprogramScopeDIE (LexicalScope *Scope)
DIEconstructCallSiteEntryDIE (DIE &ScopeDIE, const DISubprogram &CalleeSP, bool IsTail, const MCExpr *PCOffset)
 Construct a call site entry DIE describing a call within Scope to a callee described by CalleeSP. More...
DIEconstructImportedEntityDIE (const DIImportedEntity *Module)
 Construct import_module DIE. More...
void finishSubprogramDefinition (const DISubprogram *SP)
void finishEntityDefinition (const DbgEntity *Entity)
DbgEntitygetExistingAbstractEntity (const DINode *Node)
void createAbstractEntity (const DINode *Node, LexicalScope *Scope)
void setSkeleton (DwarfCompileUnit &Skel)
 Set the skeleton unit associated with this unit. More...
unsigned getHeaderSize () const override
 Compute the size of a header for this unit, not including the initial length field. More...
unsigned getLength ()
void emitHeader (bool UseOffsets) override
 Emit the header for this unit, not including the initial length field. More...
void addAddrTableBase ()
 Add the DW_AT_addr_base attribute to the unit DIE. More...
MCSymbolgetLabelBegin () const
MCSymbolgetMacroLabelBegin () const
void addGlobalName (StringRef Name, const DIE &Die, const DIScope *Context) override
 Add a new global name to the compile unit. More...
void addGlobalNameForTypeUnit (StringRef Name, const DIScope *Context)
 Add a new global name present in a type unit to this compile unit. More...
void addGlobalType (const DIType *Ty, const DIE &Die, const DIScope *Context) override
 Add a new global type to the compile unit. More...
void addGlobalTypeUnitType (const DIType *Ty, const DIScope *Context)
 Add a new global type present in a type unit to this compile unit. More...
const StringMap< const DIE * > & getGlobalNames () const
const StringMap< const DIE * > & getGlobalTypes () const
void addVariableAddress (const DbgVariable &DV, DIE &Die, MachineLocation Location)
 Add DW_AT_location attribute for a DbgVariable based on provided MachineLocation. More...
void addAddress (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MachineLocation &Location)
 Add an address attribute to a die based on the location provided. More...
void addComplexAddress (const DbgVariable &DV, DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MachineLocation &Location)
 Start with the address based on the location provided, and generate the DWARF information necessary to find the actual variable (navigating the extra location information encoded in the type) based on the starting location. More...
void addLocationList (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, unsigned Index)
 Add a Dwarf loclistptr attribute data and value. More...
void applyVariableAttributes (const DbgVariable &Var, DIE &VariableDie)
void addExpr (DIELoc &Die, dwarf::Form Form, const MCExpr *Expr)
 Add a Dwarf expression attribute data and value. More...
void addAddressExpr (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MCExpr *Expr)
 Add an attribute containing an address expression to Die. More...
void applySubprogramAttributesToDefinition (const DISubprogram *SP, DIE &SPDie)
void applyLabelAttributes (const DbgLabel &Label, DIE &LabelDie)
const SmallVectorImpl< RangeSpan > & getRanges () const
 getRanges - Get the list of ranges for this unit. More...
SmallVector< RangeSpan, 2 > takeRanges ()
void setBaseAddress (const MCSymbol *Base)
const MCSymbolgetBaseAddress () const
uint64_t getDWOId () const
void setDWOId (uint64_t DwoId)
bool hasDwarfPubSections () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::DwarfUnit
AsmPrintergetAsmPrinter () const
MCSymbolgetEndLabel () const
uint16_t getLanguage () const
const DICompileUnitgetCUNode () const
uint16_t getDwarfVersion () const
bool hasContent () const
 Return true if this compile unit has something to write out. More...
std::string getParentContextString (const DIScope *Context) const
 Get string containing language specific context for a global name. More...
DIEgetDIE (const DINode *D) const
 Returns the DIE map slot for the specified debug variable. More...
DIELocgetDIELoc ()
 Returns a fresh newly allocated DIELoc. More...
void insertDIE (const DINode *Desc, DIE *D)
 Insert DIE into the map. More...
void addFlag (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute)
 Add a flag that is true to the DIE. More...
void addUInt (DIEValueList &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, Optional< dwarf::Form > Form, uint64_t Integer)
 Add an unsigned integer attribute data and value. More...
void addUInt (DIEValueList &Block, dwarf::Form Form, uint64_t Integer)
void addSInt (DIEValueList &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, Optional< dwarf::Form > Form, int64_t Integer)
 Add an signed integer attribute data and value. More...
void addSInt (DIELoc &Die, Optional< dwarf::Form > Form, int64_t Integer)
void addString (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, StringRef Str)
 Add a string attribute data and value. More...
DIEValueList::value_iterator addLabel (DIEValueList &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, dwarf::Form Form, const MCSymbol *Label)
 Add a Dwarf label attribute data and value. More...
void addLabel (DIELoc &Die, dwarf::Form Form, const MCSymbol *Label)
void addSectionOffset (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, uint64_t Integer)
 Add an offset into a section attribute data and value. More...
void addOpAddress (DIELoc &Die, const MCSymbol *Sym)
 Add a dwarf op address data and value using the form given and an op of either DW_FORM_addr or DW_FORM_GNU_addr_index. More...
void addLabelDelta (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MCSymbol *Hi, const MCSymbol *Lo)
 Add a label delta attribute data and value. More...
void addDIEEntry (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, DIE &Entry)
 Add a DIE attribute data and value. More...
void addDIEEntry (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, DIEEntry Entry)
 Add a DIE attribute data and value. More...
void addDIETypeSignature (DIE &Die, uint64_t Signature)
 Add a type's DW_AT_signature and set the declaration flag. More...
void addBlock (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, DIELoc *Loc)
 Add block data. More...
void addBlock (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, DIEBlock *Block)
 Add block data. More...
void addSourceLine (DIE &Die, unsigned Line, const DIFile *File)
 Add location information to specified debug information entry. More...
void addSourceLine (DIE &Die, const DILocalVariable *V)
void addSourceLine (DIE &Die, const DIGlobalVariable *G)
void addSourceLine (DIE &Die, const DISubprogram *SP)
void addSourceLine (DIE &Die, const DILabel *L)
void addSourceLine (DIE &Die, const DIType *Ty)
void addSourceLine (DIE &Die, const DIObjCProperty *Ty)
void addConstantValue (DIE &Die, const MachineOperand &MO, const DIType *Ty)
 Add constant value entry in variable DIE. More...
void addConstantValue (DIE &Die, const ConstantInt *CI, const DIType *Ty)
void addConstantValue (DIE &Die, const APInt &Val, const DIType *Ty)
void addConstantValue (DIE &Die, const APInt &Val, bool Unsigned)
void addConstantValue (DIE &Die, bool Unsigned, uint64_t Val)
void addConstantFPValue (DIE &Die, const MachineOperand &MO)
 Add constant value entry in variable DIE. More...
void addConstantFPValue (DIE &Die, const ConstantFP *CFP)
void addLinkageName (DIE &Die, StringRef LinkageName)
 Add a linkage name, if it isn't empty. More...
void addTemplateParams (DIE &Buffer, DINodeArray TParams)
 Add template parameters in buffer. More...
void addThrownTypes (DIE &Die, DINodeArray ThrownTypes)
 Add thrown types. More...
void addBlockByrefAddress (const DbgVariable &DV, DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MachineLocation &Location)
 Start with the address based on the location provided, and generate the DWARF information necessary to find the actual Block variable (navigating the Block struct) based on the starting location. More...
void addType (DIE &Entity, const DIType *Ty, dwarf::Attribute Attribute=dwarf::DW_AT_type)
 Add a new type attribute to the specified entity. More...
DIEgetOrCreateNameSpace (const DINamespace *NS)
DIEgetOrCreateModule (const DIModule *M)
DIEgetOrCreateSubprogramDIE (const DISubprogram *SP, bool Minimal=false)
void applySubprogramAttributes (const DISubprogram *SP, DIE &SPDie, bool SkipSPAttributes=false)
DIEgetOrCreateTypeDIE (const MDNode *TyNode)
 Find existing DIE or create new DIE for the given type. More...
DIEgetOrCreateContextDIE (const DIScope *Context)
 Get context owner's DIE. More...
void constructContainingTypeDIEs ()
 Construct DIEs for types that contain vtables. More...
void constructSubprogramArguments (DIE &Buffer, DITypeRefArray Args)
 Construct function argument DIEs. More...
DIEcreateAndAddDIE (unsigned Tag, DIE &Parent, const DINode *N=nullptr)
 Create a DIE with the given Tag, add the DIE to its parent, and call insertDIE if MD is not null. More...
bool useSegmentedStringOffsetsTable () const
void addStringOffsetsStart ()
 Add the DW_AT_str_offsets_base attribute to the unit DIE. More...
void addRnglistsBase ()
 Add the DW_AT_rnglists_base attribute to the unit DIE. More...
void addLoclistsBase ()
 Add the DW_AT_loclists_base attribute to the unit DIE. More...
void constructTypeDIE (DIE &Buffer, const DICompositeType *CTy)
DIE::value_iterator addSectionDelta (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MCSymbol *Hi, const MCSymbol *Lo)
 addSectionDelta - Add a label delta attribute data and value. More...
DIE::value_iterator addSectionLabel (DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MCSymbol *Label, const MCSymbol *Sec)
 Add a Dwarf section label attribute data and value. More...
MD5::MD5ResultgetMD5AsBytes (const DIFile *File) const
 If the File has an MD5 checksum, return it as an MD5Result allocated in the MCContext. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::DIEUnit
 DIEUnit (uint16_t Version, uint8_t AddrSize, dwarf::Tag UnitTag)
 DIEUnit (const DIEUnit &RHS)=delete
 DIEUnit (DIEUnit &&RHS)=delete
void operator= (const DIEUnit &RHS)=delete
void operator= (const DIEUnit &&RHS)=delete
void setSection (MCSection *Section)
 Set the section that this DIEUnit will be emitted into. More...
MCSectiongetSection () const
 Return the section that this DIEUnit will be emitted into. More...
void setDebugSectionOffset (unsigned O)
unsigned getDebugSectionOffset () const
void setLength (uint64_t L)
uint64_t getLength () const
uint16_t getDwarfVersion () const
uint16_t getAddressSize () const
DIEgetUnitDie ()
const DIEgetUnitDie () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from llvm::DwarfUnit
 DwarfUnit (dwarf::Tag, const DICompileUnit *Node, AsmPrinter *A, DwarfDebug *DW, DwarfFile *DWU)
bool applySubprogramDefinitionAttributes (const DISubprogram *SP, DIE &SPDie)
bool shareAcrossDWOCUs () const
bool isShareableAcrossCUs (const DINode *D) const
 Check whether the DIE for this MDNode can be shared across CUs. More...
 ~DwarfUnit ()
DIEgetOrCreateStaticMemberDIE (const DIDerivedType *DT)
 Create new static data member DIE. More...
template<typename T >
Tresolve (TypedDINodeRef< T > Ref) const
 Look in the DwarfDebug map for the MDNode that corresponds to the reference. More...
void updateAcceleratorTables (const DIScope *Context, const DIType *Ty, const DIE &TyDIE)
 If this is a named finished type then include it in the list of types for the accelerator tables. More...
void emitCommonHeader (bool UseOffsets, dwarf::UnitType UT)
 Emit the common part of the header for this unit. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from llvm::DIEUnit
 ~DIEUnit ()=default
 The size in bytes of an address for this unit. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from llvm::DwarfUnit
const DICompileUnitCUNode
 MDNode for the compile unit. More...
BumpPtrAllocator DIEValueAllocator
 Target of Dwarf emission. More...
MCSymbolEndLabel = nullptr
 Emitted at the end of the CU and used to compute the CU Length field. More...
 An anonymous type for index type. Owned by DIEUnit. More...
DenseMap< const MDNode *, DIE * > MDNodeToDieMap
 Tracks the mapping of unit level debug information variables to debug information entries. More...
std::vector< DIEBlock * > DIEBlocks
 A list of all the DIEBlocks in use. More...
std::vector< DIELoc * > DIELocs
 A list of all the DIELocs in use. More...
DenseMap< DIE *, const DINode * > ContainingTypeMap
 This map is used to keep track of subprogram DIEs that need DW_AT_containing_type attribute. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 44 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ InlinedEntity

Find abstract variable associated with Var.

Definition at line 225 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DwarfCompileUnit()

DwarfCompileUnit::DwarfCompileUnit ( unsigned  UID,
const DICompileUnit Node,
AsmPrinter A,
DwarfDebug DW,
DwarfFile DWU 

Definition at line 55 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAddress()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addAddress ( DIE Die,
dwarf::Attribute  Attribute,
const MachineLocation Location 

◆ addAddressExpr()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addAddressExpr ( DIE Die,
dwarf::Attribute  Attribute,
const MCExpr Expr 

Add an attribute containing an address expression to Die.

Definition at line 1106 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DIEValueList::addValue(), and llvm::DwarfUnit::DIEValueAllocator.

Referenced by constructCallSiteEntryDIE(), and getGlobalTypes().

◆ addAddrTableBase()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addAddrTableBase ( )

◆ addComplexAddress()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addComplexAddress ( const DbgVariable DV,
DIE Die,
dwarf::Attribute  Attribute,
const MachineLocation Location 

Start with the address based on the location provided, and generate the DWARF information necessary to find the actual variable (navigating the extra location information encoded in the type) based on the starting location.

Start with the address based on the location provided, and generate the DWARF information necessary to find the actual variable given the extra address information encoded in the DbgVariable, starting from the starting location.

Add the DWARF information to the die.

Definition at line 1046 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DwarfUnit::addBlock(), llvm::DwarfExpression::addExpression(), llvm::DwarfExpression::addFragmentOffset(), llvm::DwarfExpression::addMachineRegExpression(), llvm::DwarfUnit::Asm, llvm::DwarfUnit::DIEValueAllocator, llvm::DIEDwarfExpression::finalize(), llvm::MachineLocation::getReg(), llvm::TargetSubtargetInfo::getRegisterInfo(), llvm::DbgVariable::getSingleExpression(), llvm::MachineFunction::getSubtarget(), llvm::MachineLocation::isIndirect(), llvm::AsmPrinter::MF, llvm::DwarfExpression::setMemoryLocationKind(), and TRI.

Referenced by addVariableAddress(), and getGlobalTypes().

◆ addExpr()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addExpr ( DIELoc Die,
dwarf::Form  Form,
const MCExpr Expr 

Add a Dwarf expression attribute data and value.

Definition at line 1101 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DIEValueList::addValue(), and llvm::DwarfUnit::DIEValueAllocator.

Referenced by getGlobalTypes(), and getOrCreateGlobalVariableDIE().

◆ addGlobalName()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addGlobalName ( StringRef  Name,
const DIE Die,
const DIScope Context 

Add a new global name to the compile unit.

addGlobalName - Add a new global name to the compile unit.

Implements llvm::DwarfUnit.

Definition at line 967 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DwarfUnit::getParentContextString(), hasDwarfPubSections(), and llvm::StringRef::str().

Referenced by applySubprogramAttributesToDefinition(), getMacroLabelBegin(), and getOrCreateGlobalVariableDIE().

◆ addGlobalNameForTypeUnit()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addGlobalNameForTypeUnit ( StringRef  Name,
const DIScope Context 

Add a new global name present in a type unit to this compile unit.

Definition at line 975 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DwarfUnit::getParentContextString(), llvm::DIEUnit::getUnitDie(), hasDwarfPubSections(), and llvm::StringRef::str().

Referenced by llvm::DwarfTypeUnit::addGlobalName(), and getMacroLabelBegin().

◆ addGlobalType()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addGlobalType ( const DIType Ty,
const DIE Die,
const DIScope Context 

Add a new global type to the compile unit.

Add a new global type to the unit.

Implements llvm::DwarfUnit.

Definition at line 988 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DIType::getName(), llvm::DwarfUnit::getParentContextString(), hasDwarfPubSections(), and llvm::StringRef::str().

Referenced by getMacroLabelBegin().

◆ addGlobalTypeUnitType()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addGlobalTypeUnitType ( const DIType Ty,
const DIScope Context 

Add a new global type present in a type unit to this compile unit.

Definition at line 996 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DIType::getName(), llvm::DwarfUnit::getParentContextString(), llvm::DIEUnit::getUnitDie(), hasDwarfPubSections(), and llvm::StringRef::str().

Referenced by llvm::DwarfTypeUnit::addGlobalType(), and getMacroLabelBegin().

◆ addImportedEntity()

void llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::addImportedEntity ( const DIImportedEntity IE)

◆ addLabelAddress()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addLabelAddress ( DIE Die,
dwarf::Attribute  Attribute,
const MCSymbol Label 

addLabelAddress - Add a dwarf label attribute data and value using either DW_FORM_addr or DW_FORM_GNU_addr_index.

addLabelAddress - Add a dwarf label attribute data and value using DW_FORM_addr or DW_FORM_GNU_addr_index.

Definition at line 65 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DwarfDebug::addArangeLabel(), addLocalLabelAddress(), llvm::DIEValueList::addValue(), llvm::DwarfUnit::DD, llvm::DwarfUnit::DIEValueAllocator, llvm::DwarfDebug::getAddressPool(), llvm::DwarfDebug::getDwarfVersion(), llvm::AddressPool::getIndex(), and llvm::DwarfDebug::useSplitDwarf().

Referenced by finishEntityDefinition().

◆ addLocalLabelAddress()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addLocalLabelAddress ( DIE Die,
dwarf::Attribute  Attribute,
const MCSymbol Label 

addLocalLabelAddress - Add a dwarf label attribute data and value using DW_FORM_addr only.

Definition at line 85 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DwarfDebug::addArangeLabel(), llvm::DIEValueList::addValue(), llvm::DwarfUnit::DD, and llvm::DwarfUnit::DIEValueAllocator.

Referenced by addLabelAddress().

◆ addLocationList()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addLocationList ( DIE Die,
dwarf::Attribute  Attribute,
unsigned  Index 

Add a Dwarf loclistptr attribute data and value.

Definition at line 1067 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DIEValueList::addValue(), llvm::DwarfUnit::DD, llvm::DwarfUnit::DIEValueAllocator, and llvm::DwarfDebug::getDwarfVersion().

Referenced by constructLabelDIE(), and getGlobalTypes().

◆ addRange()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addRange ( RangeSpan  Range)

◆ addScopeRangeList()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addScopeRangeList ( DIE ScopeDIE,
SmallVector< RangeSpan, 2 >  Range 

◆ addVariableAddress()

void DwarfCompileUnit::addVariableAddress ( const DbgVariable DV,
DIE Die,
MachineLocation  Location 

Add DW_AT_location attribute for a DbgVariable based on provided MachineLocation.

addVariableAddress - Add DW_AT_location attribute for a DbgVariable based on provided MachineLocation.

Definition at line 1010 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References addAddress(), addComplexAddress(), assert(), llvm::DbgVariable::hasComplexAddress(), and llvm::DbgVariable::isBlockByrefVariable().

Referenced by constructLabelDIE(), and getGlobalTypes().

◆ applyLabelAttributes()

void DwarfCompileUnit::applyLabelAttributes ( const DbgLabel Label,
DIE LabelDie 

◆ applyStmtList()

void DwarfCompileUnit::applyStmtList ( DIE D)

Apply the DW_AT_stmt_list from this compile unit to the specified DIE.

Definition at line 311 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DIEValueList::addValue(), and llvm::DwarfUnit::DIEValueAllocator.

Referenced by getSkeleton().

◆ applySubprogramAttributesToDefinition()

void DwarfCompileUnit::applySubprogramAttributesToDefinition ( const DISubprogram SP,

◆ applyVariableAttributes()

void DwarfCompileUnit::applyVariableAttributes ( const DbgVariable Var,
DIE VariableDie 

◆ attachLowHighPC()

void DwarfCompileUnit::attachLowHighPC ( DIE D,
const MCSymbol Begin,
const MCSymbol End 

◆ attachRangesOrLowHighPC() [1/2]

void DwarfCompileUnit::attachRangesOrLowHighPC ( DIE D,
SmallVector< RangeSpan, 2 >  Ranges 

◆ attachRangesOrLowHighPC() [2/2]

void DwarfCompileUnit::attachRangesOrLowHighPC ( DIE D,
const SmallVectorImpl< InsnRange > &  Ranges 

◆ constructAbstractSubprogramScopeDIE()

void DwarfCompileUnit::constructAbstractSubprogramScopeDIE ( LexicalScope Scope)

◆ constructCallSiteEntryDIE()

DIE & DwarfCompileUnit::constructCallSiteEntryDIE ( DIE ScopeDIE,
const DISubprogram CalleeSP,
bool  IsTail,
const MCExpr PCOffset 

Construct a call site entry DIE describing a call within Scope to a callee described by CalleeSP.

IsTail specifies whether the call is a tail call. PCOffset must be non-zero for non-tail calls or be the function-local offset to PC value after the call instruction.

Definition at line 821 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References addAddressExpr(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addDIEEntry(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addFlag(), assert(), llvm::DwarfUnit::createAndAddDIE(), and llvm::DwarfUnit::getOrCreateSubprogramDIE().

Referenced by llvm::DwarfDebug::shareAcrossDWOCUs().

◆ constructImportedEntityDIE()

DIE * DwarfCompileUnit::constructImportedEntityDIE ( const DIImportedEntity Module)

◆ constructInlinedScopeDIE()

DIE * DwarfCompileUnit::constructInlinedScopeDIE ( LexicalScope Scope)

◆ constructLabelDIE()

DIE * DwarfCompileUnit::constructLabelDIE ( DbgLabel DL,
const LexicalScope Scope 

Construct a DIE for the given DbgLabel.

Definition at line 527 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DwarfUnit::addBlock(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addConstantFPValue(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addConstantValue(), llvm::DwarfExpression::addExpression(), llvm::DwarfExpression::addFragmentOffset(), addLocationList(), llvm::DwarfExpression::addMachineRegExpression(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addOpAddress(), llvm::DwarfExpression::addUnsignedConstant(), addVariableAddress(), llvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >::append(), applyLabelAttributes(), applyVariableAttributes(), llvm::DwarfUnit::Asm, assert(), llvm::DwarfUnit::DIEValueAllocator, llvm::DIExpression::elements_begin(), llvm::DIExpression::elements_end(), llvm::DIEDwarfExpression::finalize(), llvm::DIE::get(), llvm::DbgVariable::getDebugLocListIndex(), llvm::DbgVariable::getFrameIndexExprs(), llvm::TargetFrameLowering::getFrameIndexReference(), llvm::TargetSubtargetInfo::getFrameLowering(), llvm::AsmPrinter::getFunctionFrameSymbol(), llvm::DbgLabel::getLabel(), llvm::DbgVariable::getMInsn(), llvm::TargetSubtargetInfo::getRegisterInfo(), llvm::DbgVariable::getSingleExpression(), llvm::MachineFunction::getSubtarget(), llvm::DbgVariable::getTag(), llvm::DbgLabel::getTag(), llvm::DbgVariable::getType(), llvm::DbgVariable::getVariable(), llvm::DbgVariable::hasFrameIndexExprs(), llvm::DwarfUnit::insertDIE(), llvm::LexicalScope::isAbstractScope(), llvm::AsmPrinter::MF, llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, bool >::push_back(), llvm::DbgEntity::setDIE(), and llvm::DwarfExpression::setMemoryLocationKind().

Referenced by createScopeChildrenDIE().

◆ constructLexicalScopeDIE()

DIE * DwarfCompileUnit::constructLexicalScopeDIE ( LexicalScope Scope)

Construct new DW_TAG_lexical_block for this scope and attach DW_AT_low_pc/DW_AT_high_pc labels.

Definition at line 507 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References attachRangesOrLowHighPC(), llvm::DwarfUnit::DD, llvm::DwarfUnit::DIEValueAllocator, llvm::DIE::get(), llvm::LexicalScope::getRanges(), llvm::LexicalScope::isAbstractScope(), and llvm::DwarfDebug::isLexicalScopeDIENull().

Referenced by constructScopeDIE().

◆ constructScopeDIE()

void DwarfCompileUnit::constructScopeDIE ( LexicalScope Scope,
SmallVectorImpl< DIE *> &  FinalChildren 

◆ constructSubprogramScopeDIE()

DIE & DwarfCompileUnit::constructSubprogramScopeDIE ( const DISubprogram Sub,
LexicalScope Scope 

◆ constructVariableDIE() [1/2]

DIE * DwarfCompileUnit::constructVariableDIE ( DbgVariable DV,
bool  Abstract = false 

constructVariableDIE - Construct a DIE for the given DbgVariable.

Definition at line 521 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References D, and llvm::DbgEntity::setDIE().

Referenced by constructVariableDIE(), and createScopeChildrenDIE().

◆ constructVariableDIE() [2/2]

DIE * DwarfCompileUnit::constructVariableDIE ( DbgVariable DV,
const LexicalScope Scope,
DIE *&  ObjectPointer 

◆ createAbstractEntity()

void DwarfCompileUnit::createAbstractEntity ( const DINode Node,
LexicalScope Scope 

Definition at line 921 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

◆ createAndAddScopeChildren()

DIE * DwarfCompileUnit::createAndAddScopeChildren ( LexicalScope Scope,

◆ createScopeChildrenDIE()

DIE * DwarfCompileUnit::createScopeChildrenDIE ( LexicalScope Scope,
SmallVectorImpl< DIE *> &  Children,
bool HasNonScopeChildren = nullptr 

◆ emitHeader()

void DwarfCompileUnit::emitHeader ( bool  UseOffsets)

◆ finishEntityDefinition()

void DwarfCompileUnit::finishEntityDefinition ( const DbgEntity Entity)

◆ finishSubprogramDefinition()

void DwarfCompileUnit::finishSubprogramDefinition ( const DISubprogram SP)

◆ getBaseAddress()

const MCSymbol* llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getBaseAddress ( ) const

Definition at line 311 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

Referenced by emitLoclistsTableHeader(), and emitRangeList().

◆ getCU()

DwarfCompileUnit& llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getCU ( )

Implements llvm::DwarfUnit.

Definition at line 143 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

References llvm::ARMBuildAttrs::File, and getOrCreateSourceID().

◆ getDWOId()

uint64_t llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getDWOId ( ) const

Definition at line 313 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

Referenced by emitHeader().

◆ getExistingAbstractEntity()

DbgEntity * DwarfCompileUnit::getExistingAbstractEntity ( const DINode Node)

Definition at line 913 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

Referenced by finishEntityDefinition().

◆ getGlobalNames()

const StringMap<const DIE *>& llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getGlobalNames ( ) const

Definition at line 272 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

Referenced by computeIndexValue().

◆ getGlobalTypes()

const StringMap<const DIE *>& llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getGlobalTypes ( ) const

◆ getHeaderSize()

unsigned llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getHeaderSize ( ) const

Compute the size of a header for this unit, not including the initial length field.

Reimplemented from llvm::DwarfUnit.

Definition at line 232 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

References llvm::DwarfUnit::DD, llvm::DwarfDebug::getDwarfVersion(), llvm::DwarfUnit::getHeaderSize(), and llvm::DwarfDebug::useSplitDwarf().

Referenced by getLength().

◆ getLabelBegin()

MCSymbol* llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getLabelBegin ( ) const

Definition at line 249 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

References assert(), and llvm::DIEUnit::getSection().

Referenced by computeIndexValue().

◆ getLength()

unsigned llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getLength ( )

◆ getMacroLabelBegin()

MCSymbol* llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getMacroLabelBegin ( ) const

◆ getOrCreateGlobalVariableDIE()

DIE * DwarfCompileUnit::getOrCreateGlobalVariableDIE ( const DIGlobalVariable GV,
ArrayRef< GlobalExpr GlobalExprs 

Get or create global variable DIE.

Definition at line 113 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DwarfDebug::addAccelName(), llvm::DwarfDebug::addArangeLabel(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addBlock(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addConstantValue(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addDIEEntry(), addExpr(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addFlag(), addGlobalName(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addLinkageName(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addOpAddress(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addSourceLine(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addString(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addTemplateParams(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addType(), llvm::DwarfUnit::addUInt(), llvm::DwarfUnit::Asm, assert(), llvm::DwarfUnit::createAndAddDIE(), llvm::DwarfUnit::CUNode, llvm::DwarfUnit::DD, llvm::DwarfUnit::DIEValueAllocator, llvm::AArch64CC::GE, llvm::DwarfDebug::getAddressPool(), llvm::DIVariable::getAlignInBytes(), llvm::AsmPrinter::getDataLayout(), llvm::TargetLoweringObjectFile::getDebugThreadLocalSymbol(), llvm::DwarfUnit::getDIE(), llvm::DIGlobalVariable::getDisplayName(), llvm::DIExpression::getElement(), llvm::AddressPool::getIndex(), llvm::DIGlobalVariable::getLinkageName(), llvm::DIVariable::getName(), llvm::AsmPrinter::getObjFileLowering(), llvm::DwarfUnit::getOrCreateContextDIE(), llvm::DwarfUnit::getOrCreateStaticMemberDIE(), llvm::DataLayout::getPointerSize(), llvm::DIVariable::getScope(), llvm::DIGlobalVariable::getStaticDataMemberDeclaration(), llvm::AsmPrinter::getSymbol(), llvm::DINode::getTag(), llvm::DIGlobalVariable::getTemplateParams(), llvm::DIVariable::getType(), llvm::GlobalValue::hasDLLImportStorageClass(), llvm::DIExpression::isConstant(), llvm::DIGlobalVariable::isDefinition(), llvm::DIGlobalVariable::isLocalToUnit(), llvm::GlobalValue::isThreadLocal(), llvm::DwarfUnit::resolve(), llvm::DwarfDebug::resolve(), llvm::TargetLoweringObjectFile::supportDebugThreadLocalLocation(), llvm::AsmPrinter::TM, llvm::DwarfDebug::useAllLinkageNames(), llvm::TargetMachine::useEmulatedTLS(), llvm::DwarfDebug::useGNUTLSOpcode(), and llvm::DwarfDebug::useSplitDwarf().

Referenced by llvm::DwarfDebug::beginModule(), and constructImportedEntityDIE().

◆ getOrCreateSourceID()

unsigned DwarfCompileUnit::getOrCreateSourceID ( const DIFile File)

Look up the source ID for the given file.

If none currently exists, create a new ID and insert it in the line table.

Implements llvm::DwarfUnit.

Definition at line 99 of file DwarfCompileUnit.cpp.

References llvm::DwarfUnit::Asm, llvm::DIScope::getDirectory(), llvm::DIScope::getFilename(), llvm::DwarfUnit::getMD5AsBytes(), llvm::DIScope::getSource(), getUniqueID(), llvm::None, and llvm::AsmPrinter::OutStreamer.

Referenced by constructInlinedScopeDIE(), emitDebugRangesImpl(), getCU(), and llvm::DwarfUnit::getMD5AsBytes().

◆ getRanges()

const SmallVectorImpl<RangeSpan>& llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getRanges ( ) const

getRanges - Get the list of ranges for this unit.

Definition at line 307 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

Referenced by llvm::DwarfDebug::beginModule().

◆ getSkeleton()

DwarfCompileUnit* llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getSkeleton ( ) const

◆ getUniqueID()

unsigned llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::getUniqueID ( ) const

◆ hasDwarfPubSections()

bool DwarfCompileUnit::hasDwarfPubSections ( ) const

◆ hasRangeLists()

bool llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::hasRangeLists ( ) const

Definition at line 108 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

◆ includeMinimalInlineScopes()

bool DwarfCompileUnit::includeMinimalInlineScopes ( ) const

◆ initStmtList()

void DwarfCompileUnit::initStmtList ( )

◆ setBaseAddress()

void llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::setBaseAddress ( const MCSymbol Base)

Definition at line 310 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

◆ setDWOId()

void llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::setDWOId ( uint64_t  DwoId)

Definition at line 314 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

References hasDwarfPubSections().

Referenced by llvm::DwarfDebug::beginModule().

◆ setSkeleton()

void llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::setSkeleton ( DwarfCompileUnit Skel)

Set the skeleton unit associated with this unit.

Definition at line 230 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

◆ takeRanges()

SmallVector<RangeSpan, 2> llvm::DwarfCompileUnit::takeRanges ( )

Definition at line 308 of file DwarfCompileUnit.h.

Referenced by llvm::DwarfDebug::beginModule().

◆ updateSubprogramScopeDIE()

DIE & DwarfCompileUnit::updateSubprogramScopeDIE ( const DISubprogram SP)

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