LLVM  8.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- llvm/CodeGen/DwarfCompileUnit.h - Dwarf Compile Unit -----*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This file contains support for writing dwarf compile unit.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "DwarfDebug.h"
18 #include "DwarfUnit.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
22 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
23 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
26 #include "llvm/CodeGen/DIE.h"
29 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
30 #include <algorithm>
31 #include <cassert>
32 #include <cstdint>
33 #include <memory>
35 namespace llvm {
37 class AsmPrinter;
38 class DwarfFile;
39 class GlobalVariable;
40 class MCExpr;
41 class MCSymbol;
42 class MDNode;
44 class DwarfCompileUnit final : public DwarfUnit {
45  /// A numeric ID unique among all CUs in the module
46  unsigned UniqueID;
47  bool HasRangeLists = false;
49  /// The attribute index of DW_AT_stmt_list in the compile unit DIE, avoiding
50  /// the need to search for it in applyStmtList.
51  DIE::value_iterator StmtListValue;
53  /// Skeleton unit associated with this unit.
54  DwarfCompileUnit *Skeleton = nullptr;
56  /// The start of the unit within its section.
57  MCSymbol *LabelBegin;
59  /// The start of the unit macro info within macro section.
60  MCSymbol *MacroLabelBegin;
65  ImportedEntityMap ImportedEntities;
67  /// GlobalNames - A map of globally visible named entities for this unit.
68  StringMap<const DIE *> GlobalNames;
70  /// GlobalTypes - A map of globally visible types for this unit.
71  StringMap<const DIE *> GlobalTypes;
73  // List of ranges for a given compile unit.
76  // The base address of this unit, if any. Used for relative references in
77  // ranges/locs.
78  const MCSymbol *BaseAddress = nullptr;
80  DenseMap<const MDNode *, DIE *> AbstractSPDies;
83  /// DWO ID for correlating skeleton and split units.
84  uint64_t DWOId = 0;
86  /// Construct a DIE for the given DbgVariable without initializing the
87  /// DbgVariable's DIE reference.
88  DIE *constructVariableDIEImpl(const DbgVariable &DV, bool Abstract);
90  bool isDwoUnit() const override;
92  DenseMap<const MDNode *, DIE *> &getAbstractSPDies() {
93  if (isDwoUnit() && !DD->shareAcrossDWOCUs())
94  return AbstractSPDies;
95  return DU->getAbstractSPDies();
96  }
99  if (isDwoUnit() && !DD->shareAcrossDWOCUs())
100  return AbstractEntities;
101  return DU->getAbstractEntities();
102  }
104 public:
105  DwarfCompileUnit(unsigned UID, const DICompileUnit *Node, AsmPrinter *A,
106  DwarfDebug *DW, DwarfFile *DWU);
108  bool hasRangeLists() const { return HasRangeLists; }
109  unsigned getUniqueID() const { return UniqueID; }
112  return Skeleton;
113  }
115  bool includeMinimalInlineScopes() const;
117  void initStmtList();
119  /// Apply the DW_AT_stmt_list from this compile unit to the specified DIE.
120  void applyStmtList(DIE &D);
122  /// A pair of GlobalVariable and DIExpression.
123  struct GlobalExpr {
126  };
128  /// Get or create global variable DIE.
129  DIE *
131  ArrayRef<GlobalExpr> GlobalExprs);
133  /// addLabelAddress - Add a dwarf label attribute data and value using
134  /// either DW_FORM_addr or DW_FORM_GNU_addr_index.
136  const MCSymbol *Label);
138  /// addLocalLabelAddress - Add a dwarf label attribute data and value using
139  /// DW_FORM_addr only.
141  const MCSymbol *Label);
143  DwarfCompileUnit &getCU() override { return *this; }
145  unsigned getOrCreateSourceID(const DIFile *File) override;
148  DIScope *Scope = IE->getScope();
149  assert(Scope && "Invalid Scope encoding!");
150  if (!isa<DILocalScope>(Scope))
151  // No need to add imported enities that are not local declaration.
152  return;
154  auto *LocalScope = cast<DILocalScope>(Scope)->getNonLexicalBlockFileScope();
155  ImportedEntities[LocalScope].push_back(IE);
156  }
158  /// addRange - Add an address range to the list of ranges for this unit.
159  void addRange(RangeSpan Range);
161  void attachLowHighPC(DIE &D, const MCSymbol *Begin, const MCSymbol *End);
163  /// Find DIE for the given subprogram and attach appropriate
164  /// DW_AT_low_pc and DW_AT_high_pc attributes. If there are global
165  /// variables in this scope then create and insert DIEs for these
166  /// variables.
169  void constructScopeDIE(LexicalScope *Scope,
170  SmallVectorImpl<DIE *> &FinalChildren);
172  /// A helper function to construct a RangeSpanList for a given
173  /// lexical scope.
174  void addScopeRangeList(DIE &ScopeDIE, SmallVector<RangeSpan, 2> Range);
179  const SmallVectorImpl<InsnRange> &Ranges);
181  /// This scope represents inlined body of a function. Construct
182  /// DIE to represent this concrete inlined copy of the function.
185  /// Construct new DW_TAG_lexical_block for this scope and
186  /// attach DW_AT_low_pc/DW_AT_high_pc labels.
189  /// constructVariableDIE - Construct a DIE for the given DbgVariable.
190  DIE *constructVariableDIE(DbgVariable &DV, bool Abstract = false);
193  DIE *&ObjectPointer);
195  /// Construct a DIE for the given DbgLabel.
196  DIE *constructLabelDIE(DbgLabel &DL, const LexicalScope &Scope);
198  /// A helper function to create children of a Scope DIE.
200  SmallVectorImpl<DIE *> &Children,
201  bool *HasNonScopeChildren = nullptr);
203  /// Construct a DIE for this subprogram scope.
205  LexicalScope *Scope);
207  DIE *createAndAddScopeChildren(LexicalScope *Scope, DIE &ScopeDIE);
211  /// Construct a call site entry DIE describing a call within \p Scope to a
212  /// callee described by \p CalleeSP. \p IsTail specifies whether the call is
213  /// a tail call. \p PCOffset must be non-zero for non-tail calls or be the
214  /// function-local offset to PC value after the call instruction.
215  DIE &constructCallSiteEntryDIE(DIE &ScopeDIE, const DISubprogram &CalleeSP,
216  bool IsTail, const MCExpr *PCOffset);
218  /// Construct import_module DIE.
222  void finishEntityDefinition(const DbgEntity *Entity);
224  /// Find abstract variable associated with Var.
227  void createAbstractEntity(const DINode *Node, LexicalScope *Scope);
229  /// Set the skeleton unit associated with this unit.
230  void setSkeleton(DwarfCompileUnit &Skel) { Skeleton = &Skel; }
232  unsigned getHeaderSize() const override {
233  // DWARF v5 added the DWO ID to the header for split/skeleton units.
234  unsigned DWOIdSize =
235  DD->getDwarfVersion() >= 5 && DD->useSplitDwarf() ? sizeof(uint64_t)
236  : 0;
237  return DwarfUnit::getHeaderSize() + DWOIdSize;
238  }
239  unsigned getLength() {
240  return sizeof(uint32_t) + // Length field
242  }
244  void emitHeader(bool UseOffsets) override;
246  /// Add the DW_AT_addr_base attribute to the unit DIE.
247  void addAddrTableBase();
250  assert(getSection());
251  return LabelBegin;
252  }
255  return MacroLabelBegin;
256  }
258  /// Add a new global name to the compile unit.
259  void addGlobalName(StringRef Name, const DIE &Die,
260  const DIScope *Context) override;
262  /// Add a new global name present in a type unit to this compile unit.
263  void addGlobalNameForTypeUnit(StringRef Name, const DIScope *Context);
265  /// Add a new global type to the compile unit.
266  void addGlobalType(const DIType *Ty, const DIE &Die,
267  const DIScope *Context) override;
269  /// Add a new global type present in a type unit to this compile unit.
270  void addGlobalTypeUnitType(const DIType *Ty, const DIScope *Context);
272  const StringMap<const DIE *> &getGlobalNames() const { return GlobalNames; }
273  const StringMap<const DIE *> &getGlobalTypes() const { return GlobalTypes; }
275  /// Add DW_AT_location attribute for a DbgVariable based on provided
276  /// MachineLocation.
277  void addVariableAddress(const DbgVariable &DV, DIE &Die,
278  MachineLocation Location);
279  /// Add an address attribute to a die based on the location provided.
281  const MachineLocation &Location);
283  /// Start with the address based on the location provided, and generate the
284  /// DWARF information necessary to find the actual variable (navigating the
285  /// extra location information encoded in the type) based on the starting
286  /// location. Add the DWARF information to the die.
287  void addComplexAddress(const DbgVariable &DV, DIE &Die,
288  dwarf::Attribute Attribute,
289  const MachineLocation &Location);
291  /// Add a Dwarf loclistptr attribute data and value.
292  void addLocationList(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, unsigned Index);
293  void applyVariableAttributes(const DbgVariable &Var, DIE &VariableDie);
295  /// Add a Dwarf expression attribute data and value.
296  void addExpr(DIELoc &Die, dwarf::Form Form, const MCExpr *Expr);
298  /// Add an attribute containing an address expression to \p Die.
299  void addAddressExpr(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MCExpr *Expr);
302  DIE &SPDie);
304  void applyLabelAttributes(const DbgLabel &Label, DIE &LabelDie);
306  /// getRanges - Get the list of ranges for this unit.
307  const SmallVectorImpl<RangeSpan> &getRanges() const { return CURanges; }
308  SmallVector<RangeSpan, 2> takeRanges() { return std::move(CURanges); }
310  void setBaseAddress(const MCSymbol *Base) { BaseAddress = Base; }
311  const MCSymbol *getBaseAddress() const { return BaseAddress; }
313  uint64_t getDWOId() const { return DWOId; }
314  void setDWOId(uint64_t DwoId) { DWOId = DwoId; }
316  bool hasDwarfPubSections() const;
317 };
319 } // end namespace llvm
const StringMap< const DIE * > & getGlobalTypes() const
unsigned getSize() const
Definition: DIE.h:701
LLVMContext & Context
virtual unsigned getHeaderSize() const
Compute the size of a header for this unit, not including the initial length field.
Definition: DwarfUnit.h:262
const MCSymbol * getBaseAddress() const
DIELoc - Represents an expression location.
Definition: DIE.h:846
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
MCSymbol - Instances of this class represent a symbol name in the MC file, and MCSymbols are created ...
Definition: MCSymbol.h:42
A Module instance is used to store all the information related to an LLVM module. ...
Definition: Module.h:65
void addGlobalName(StringRef Name, const DIE &Die, const DIScope *Context) override
Add a new global name to the compile unit.
void applyLabelAttributes(const DbgLabel &Label, DIE &LabelDie)
Definition: Dwarf.h:115
Collects and handles dwarf debug information.
Definition: DwarfDebug.h:281
This class is defined as the common parent of DbgVariable and DbgLabel such that it could levarage po...
Definition: DwarfDebug.h:68
void addRange(RangeSpan Range)
addRange - Add an address range to the list of ranges for this unit.
void attachLowHighPC(DIE &D, const MCSymbol *Begin, const MCSymbol *End)
DwarfCompileUnit & getCU() override
LexicalScope - This class is used to track scope information.
Definition: LexicalScopes.h:45
Tagged DWARF-like metadata node.
bool useSplitDwarf() const
Returns whether or not to change the current debug info for the split dwarf proposal support...
Definition: DwarfDebug.h:656
DbgEntity * getExistingAbstractEntity(const DINode *Node)
void attachRangesOrLowHighPC(DIE &D, SmallVector< RangeSpan, 2 > Ranges)
DIScope * getScope() const
amdgpu Simplify well known AMD library false Value Value const Twine & Name
void addComplexAddress(const DbgVariable &DV, DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MachineLocation &Location)
Start with the address based on the location provided, and generate the DWARF information necessary t...
This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication b...
Definition: APFloat.h:42
Base class for the full range of assembler expressions which are needed for parsing.
Definition: MCExpr.h:36
void emitHeader(bool UseOffsets) override
Emit the header for this unit, not including the initial length field.
void addGlobalTypeUnitType(const DIType *Ty, const DIScope *Context)
Add a new global type present in a type unit to this compile unit.
DbgValueHistoryMap::InlinedEntity InlinedEntity
Find abstract variable associated with Var.
void setDWOId(uint64_t DwoId)
void createAbstractEntity(const DINode *Node, LexicalScope *Scope)
DIE * constructInlinedScopeDIE(LexicalScope *Scope)
This scope represents inlined body of a function.
Subprogram description.
unsigned getUniqueID() const
uint64_t getDWOId() const
DenseMap< const MDNode *, DIE * > & getAbstractSPDies()
Definition: DwarfFile.h:188
This class is used to track local variable information.
Definition: DwarfDebug.h:117
void setBaseAddress(const MCSymbol *Base)
void addAddrTableBase()
Add the DW_AT_addr_base attribute to the unit DIE.
DIE * constructVariableDIE(DbgVariable &DV, bool Abstract=false)
constructVariableDIE - Construct a DIE for the given DbgVariable.
void addAddressExpr(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MCExpr *Expr)
Add an attribute containing an address expression to Die.
ArrayRef - Represent a constant reference to an array (0 or more elements consecutively in memory)...
Definition: APInt.h:33
void addGlobalNameForTypeUnit(StringRef Name, const DIScope *Context)
Add a new global name present in a type unit to this compile unit.
void addExpr(DIELoc &Die, dwarf::Form Form, const MCExpr *Expr)
Add a Dwarf expression attribute data and value.
This class is used to track label information.
Definition: DwarfDebug.h:233
This dwarf writer support class manages information associated with a source file.
Definition: DwarfUnit.h:41
void addLocationList(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, unsigned Index)
Add a Dwarf loclistptr attribute data and value.
A structured debug information entry.
Definition: DIE.h:662
DIE & getUnitDie()
Definition: DIE.h:834
This class is intended to be used as a driving class for all asm writers.
Definition: AsmPrinter.h:79
unsigned getOrCreateSourceID(const DIFile *File) override
Look up the source ID for the given file.
DIE * createScopeChildrenDIE(LexicalScope *Scope, SmallVectorImpl< DIE *> &Children, bool *HasNonScopeChildren=nullptr)
A helper function to create children of a Scope DIE.
void finishEntityDefinition(const DbgEntity *Entity)
DwarfCompileUnit(unsigned UID, const DICompileUnit *Node, AsmPrinter *A, DwarfDebug *DW, DwarfFile *DWU)
void addAddress(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MachineLocation &Location)
Add an address attribute to a die based on the location provided.
DIE * createAndAddScopeChildren(LexicalScope *Scope, DIE &ScopeDIE)
unsigned getHeaderSize() const override
Compute the size of a header for this unit, not including the initial length field.
DenseMap< const DINode *, std::unique_ptr< DbgEntity > > & getAbstractEntities()
Definition: DwarfFile.h:192
void addLabelAddress(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MCSymbol *Label)
addLabelAddress - Add a dwarf label attribute data and value using either DW_FORM_addr or DW_FORM_GNU...
A pair of GlobalVariable and DIExpression.
void addScopeRangeList(DIE &ScopeDIE, SmallVector< RangeSpan, 2 > Range)
A helper function to construct a RangeSpanList for a given lexical scope.
std::pair< const DINode *, const DILocation * > InlinedEntity
An imported module (C++ using directive or similar).
void setSkeleton(DwarfCompileUnit &Skel)
Set the skeleton unit associated with this unit.
Base class for scope-like contexts.
DIE * constructImportedEntityDIE(const DIImportedEntity *Module)
Construct import_module DIE.
DIE * constructLabelDIE(DbgLabel &DL, const LexicalScope &Scope)
Construct a DIE for the given DbgLabel.
SmallVector< RangeSpan, 2 > takeRanges()
void constructAbstractSubprogramScopeDIE(LexicalScope *Scope)
MCSymbol * getMacroLabelBegin() const
const StringMap< const DIE * > & getGlobalNames() const
Base class for types.
MCSection * getSection() const
Return the section that this DIEUnit will be emitted into.
Definition: DIE.h:827
This is a &#39;vector&#39; (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small...
Definition: SmallVector.h:847
void applySubprogramAttributesToDefinition(const DISubprogram *SP, DIE &SPDie)
void finishSubprogramDefinition(const DISubprogram *SP)
static GCRegistry::Add< StatepointGC > D("statepoint-example", "an example strategy for statepoint")
DWARF expression.
DIE & constructSubprogramScopeDIE(const DISubprogram *Sub, LexicalScope *Scope)
Construct a DIE for this subprogram scope.
StringMap - This is an unconventional map that is specialized for handling keys that are "strings"...
Definition: StringMap.h:220
This file contains constants used for implementing Dwarf debug support.
DwarfDebug * DD
Definition: DwarfUnit.h:56
const SmallVectorImpl< RangeSpan > & getRanges() const
getRanges - Get the list of ranges for this unit.
void addImportedEntity(const DIImportedEntity *IE)
DIE * getOrCreateGlobalVariableDIE(const DIGlobalVariable *GV, ArrayRef< GlobalExpr > GlobalExprs)
Get or create global variable DIE.
void addVariableAddress(const DbgVariable &DV, DIE &Die, MachineLocation Location)
Add DW_AT_location attribute for a DbgVariable based on provided MachineLocation. ...
void addGlobalType(const DIType *Ty, const DIE &Die, const DIScope *Context) override
Add a new global type to the compile unit.
void applyVariableAttributes(const DbgVariable &Var, DIE &VariableDie)
bool shareAcrossDWOCUs() const
Definition: DwarfDebug.cpp:477
DIE & constructCallSiteEntryDIE(DIE &ScopeDIE, const DISubprogram &CalleeSP, bool IsTail, const MCExpr *PCOffset)
Construct a call site entry DIE describing a call within Scope to a callee described by CalleeSP...
bool includeMinimalInlineScopes() const
DwarfCompileUnit * getSkeleton() const
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
void addLocalLabelAddress(DIE &Die, dwarf::Attribute Attribute, const MCSymbol *Label)
addLocalLabelAddress - Add a dwarf label attribute data and value using DW_FORM_addr only...
uint16_t getDwarfVersion() const
Returns the Dwarf Version.
DIE & updateSubprogramScopeDIE(const DISubprogram *SP)
Find DIE for the given subprogram and attach appropriate DW_AT_low_pc and DW_AT_high_pc attributes...
void constructScopeDIE(LexicalScope *Scope, SmallVectorImpl< DIE *> &FinalChildren)
StringRef - Represent a constant reference to a string, i.e.
Definition: StringRef.h:49
DwarfFile * DU
Definition: DwarfUnit.h:57
MCSymbol * getLabelBegin() const
void applyStmtList(DIE &D)
Apply the DW_AT_stmt_list from this compile unit to the specified DIE.
DIE * constructLexicalScopeDIE(LexicalScope *Scope)
Construct new DW_TAG_lexical_block for this scope and attach DW_AT_low_pc/DW_AT_high_pc labels...