LLVM  8.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- Attributes.cpp - Implement AttributesList --------------------------===//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // \file
11 // This file implements the Attribute, AttributeImpl, AttrBuilder,
12 // AttributeListImpl, and AttributeList classes.
13 //
14 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
17 #include "AttributeImpl.h"
18 #include "LLVMContextImpl.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
22 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
23 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
24 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
25 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
26 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
27 #include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
28 #include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
29 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
30 #include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
31 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
32 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
36 #include <algorithm>
37 #include <cassert>
38 #include <climits>
39 #include <cstddef>
40 #include <cstdint>
41 #include <limits>
42 #include <string>
43 #include <tuple>
44 #include <utility>
46 using namespace llvm;
48 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
49 // Attribute Construction Methods
50 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
52 // allocsize has two integer arguments, but because they're both 32 bits, we can
53 // pack them into one 64-bit value, at the cost of making said value
54 // nonsensical.
55 //
56 // In order to do this, we need to reserve one value of the second (optional)
57 // allocsize argument to signify "not present."
58 static const unsigned AllocSizeNumElemsNotPresent = -1;
60 static uint64_t packAllocSizeArgs(unsigned ElemSizeArg,
61  const Optional<unsigned> &NumElemsArg) {
62  assert((!NumElemsArg.hasValue() ||
63  *NumElemsArg != AllocSizeNumElemsNotPresent) &&
64  "Attempting to pack a reserved value");
66  return uint64_t(ElemSizeArg) << 32 |
67  NumElemsArg.getValueOr(AllocSizeNumElemsNotPresent);
68 }
70 static std::pair<unsigned, Optional<unsigned>>
71 unpackAllocSizeArgs(uint64_t Num) {
72  unsigned NumElems = Num & std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
73  unsigned ElemSizeArg = Num >> 32;
75  Optional<unsigned> NumElemsArg;
76  if (NumElems != AllocSizeNumElemsNotPresent)
77  NumElemsArg = NumElems;
78  return std::make_pair(ElemSizeArg, NumElemsArg);
79 }
82  uint64_t Val) {
83  LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = Context.pImpl;
85  ID.AddInteger(Kind);
86  if (Val) ID.AddInteger(Val);
88  void *InsertPoint;
89  AttributeImpl *PA = pImpl->AttrsSet.FindNodeOrInsertPos(ID, InsertPoint);
91  if (!PA) {
92  // If we didn't find any existing attributes of the same shape then create a
93  // new one and insert it.
94  if (!Val)
95  PA = new EnumAttributeImpl(Kind);
96  else
97  PA = new IntAttributeImpl(Kind, Val);
98  pImpl->AttrsSet.InsertNode(PA, InsertPoint);
99  }
101  // Return the Attribute that we found or created.
102  return Attribute(PA);
103 }
106  LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = Context.pImpl;
108  ID.AddString(Kind);
109  if (!Val.empty()) ID.AddString(Val);
111  void *InsertPoint;
112  AttributeImpl *PA = pImpl->AttrsSet.FindNodeOrInsertPos(ID, InsertPoint);
114  if (!PA) {
115  // If we didn't find any existing attributes of the same shape then create a
116  // new one and insert it.
117  PA = new StringAttributeImpl(Kind, Val);
118  pImpl->AttrsSet.InsertNode(PA, InsertPoint);
119  }
121  // Return the Attribute that we found or created.
122  return Attribute(PA);
123 }
126  assert(isPowerOf2_32(Align) && "Alignment must be a power of two.");
127  assert(Align <= 0x40000000 && "Alignment too large.");
128  return get(Context, Alignment, Align);
129 }
132  uint64_t Align) {
133  assert(isPowerOf2_32(Align) && "Alignment must be a power of two.");
134  assert(Align <= 0x100 && "Alignment too large.");
135  return get(Context, StackAlignment, Align);
136 }
139  uint64_t Bytes) {
140  assert(Bytes && "Bytes must be non-zero.");
141  return get(Context, Dereferenceable, Bytes);
142 }
145  uint64_t Bytes) {
146  assert(Bytes && "Bytes must be non-zero.");
147  return get(Context, DereferenceableOrNull, Bytes);
148 }
150 Attribute
152  const Optional<unsigned> &NumElemsArg) {
153  assert(!(ElemSizeArg == 0 && NumElemsArg && *NumElemsArg == 0) &&
154  "Invalid allocsize arguments -- given allocsize(0, 0)");
155  return get(Context, AllocSize, packAllocSizeArgs(ElemSizeArg, NumElemsArg));
156 }
158 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
159 // Attribute Accessor Methods
160 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
163  return pImpl && pImpl->isEnumAttribute();
164 }
167  return pImpl && pImpl->isIntAttribute();
168 }
171  return pImpl && pImpl->isStringAttribute();
172 }
175  if (!pImpl) return None;
177  "Invalid attribute type to get the kind as an enum!");
178  return pImpl->getKindAsEnum();
179 }
181 uint64_t Attribute::getValueAsInt() const {
182  if (!pImpl) return 0;
184  "Expected the attribute to be an integer attribute!");
185  return pImpl->getValueAsInt();
186 }
189  if (!pImpl) return {};
191  "Invalid attribute type to get the kind as a string!");
192  return pImpl->getKindAsString();
193 }
196  if (!pImpl) return {};
198  "Invalid attribute type to get the value as a string!");
199  return pImpl->getValueAsString();
200 }
203  return (pImpl && pImpl->hasAttribute(Kind)) || (!pImpl && Kind == None);
204 }
207  if (!isStringAttribute()) return false;
208  return pImpl && pImpl->hasAttribute(Kind);
209 }
211 unsigned Attribute::getAlignment() const {
213  "Trying to get alignment from non-alignment attribute!");
214  return pImpl->getValueAsInt();
215 }
219  "Trying to get alignment from non-alignment attribute!");
220  return pImpl->getValueAsInt();
221 }
225  "Trying to get dereferenceable bytes from "
226  "non-dereferenceable attribute!");
227  return pImpl->getValueAsInt();
228 }
232  "Trying to get dereferenceable bytes from "
233  "non-dereferenceable attribute!");
234  return pImpl->getValueAsInt();
235 }
237 std::pair<unsigned, Optional<unsigned>> Attribute::getAllocSizeArgs() const {
239  "Trying to get allocsize args from non-allocsize attribute");
240  return unpackAllocSizeArgs(pImpl->getValueAsInt());
241 }
243 std::string Attribute::getAsString(bool InAttrGrp) const {
244  if (!pImpl) return {};
247  return "sanitize_address";
249  return "sanitize_hwaddress";
251  return "alwaysinline";
253  return "argmemonly";
255  return "builtin";
257  return "byval";
259  return "convergent";
261  return "swifterror";
263  return "swiftself";
265  return "inaccessiblememonly";
267  return "inaccessiblemem_or_argmemonly";
269  return "inalloca";
271  return "inlinehint";
273  return "inreg";
275  return "jumptable";
277  return "minsize";
279  return "naked";
281  return "nest";
283  return "noalias";
285  return "nobuiltin";
287  return "nocapture";
289  return "noduplicate";
291  return "noimplicitfloat";
293  return "noinline";
295  return "nonlazybind";
297  return "nonnull";
299  return "noredzone";
301  return "noreturn";
303  return "nocf_check";
305  return "norecurse";
307  return "nounwind";
309  return "optforfuzzing";
311  return "optnone";
313  return "optsize";
315  return "readnone";
317  return "readonly";
319  return "writeonly";
321  return "returned";
323  return "returns_twice";
325  return "signext";
327  return "speculative_load_hardening";
329  return "speculatable";
331  return "ssp";
333  return "sspreq";
335  return "sspstrong";
337  return "safestack";
339  return "shadowcallstack";
341  return "strictfp";
343  return "sret";
345  return "sanitize_thread";
347  return "sanitize_memory";
349  return "uwtable";
351  return "zeroext";
353  return "cold";
355  // FIXME: These should be output like this:
356  //
357  // align=4
358  // alignstack=8
359  //
361  std::string Result;
362  Result += "align";
363  Result += (InAttrGrp) ? "=" : " ";
364  Result += utostr(getValueAsInt());
365  return Result;
366  }
368  auto AttrWithBytesToString = [&](const char *Name) {
369  std::string Result;
370  Result += Name;
371  if (InAttrGrp) {
372  Result += "=";
373  Result += utostr(getValueAsInt());
374  } else {
375  Result += "(";
376  Result += utostr(getValueAsInt());
377  Result += ")";
378  }
379  return Result;
380  };
383  return AttrWithBytesToString("alignstack");
386  return AttrWithBytesToString("dereferenceable");
389  return AttrWithBytesToString("dereferenceable_or_null");
392  unsigned ElemSize;
393  Optional<unsigned> NumElems;
394  std::tie(ElemSize, NumElems) = getAllocSizeArgs();
396  std::string Result = "allocsize(";
397  Result += utostr(ElemSize);
398  if (NumElems.hasValue()) {
399  Result += ',';
400  Result += utostr(*NumElems);
401  }
402  Result += ')';
403  return Result;
404  }
406  // Convert target-dependent attributes to strings of the form:
407  //
408  // "kind"
409  // "kind" = "value"
410  //
411  if (isStringAttribute()) {
412  std::string Result;
413  Result += (Twine('"') + getKindAsString() + Twine('"')).str();
415  std::string AttrVal = pImpl->getValueAsString();
416  if (AttrVal.empty()) return Result;
418  // Since some attribute strings contain special characters that cannot be
419  // printable, those have to be escaped to make the attribute value printable
420  // as is. e.g. "\01__gnu_mcount_nc"
421  {
422  raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
423  OS << "=\"";
424  printEscapedString(AttrVal, OS);
425  OS << "\"";
426  }
427  return Result;
428  }
430  llvm_unreachable("Unknown attribute");
431 }
434  if (!pImpl && !A.pImpl) return false;
435  if (!pImpl) return true;
436  if (!A.pImpl) return false;
437  return *pImpl < *A.pImpl;
438 }
440 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
441 // AttributeImpl Definition
442 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
444 // Pin the vtables to this file.
447 void EnumAttributeImpl::anchor() {}
449 void IntAttributeImpl::anchor() {}
451 void StringAttributeImpl::anchor() {}
454  if (isStringAttribute()) return false;
455  return getKindAsEnum() == A;
456 }
459  if (!isStringAttribute()) return false;
460  return getKindAsString() == Kind;
461 }
465  return static_cast<const EnumAttributeImpl *>(this)->getEnumKind();
466 }
470  return static_cast<const IntAttributeImpl *>(this)->getValue();
471 }
475  return static_cast<const StringAttributeImpl *>(this)->getStringKind();
476 }
480  return static_cast<const StringAttributeImpl *>(this)->getStringValue();
481 }
484  // This sorts the attributes with Attribute::AttrKinds coming first (sorted
485  // relative to their enum value) and then strings.
486  if (isEnumAttribute()) {
487  if (AI.isEnumAttribute()) return getKindAsEnum() < AI.getKindAsEnum();
488  if (AI.isIntAttribute()) return true;
489  if (AI.isStringAttribute()) return true;
490  }
492  if (isIntAttribute()) {
493  if (AI.isEnumAttribute()) return false;
494  if (AI.isIntAttribute()) {
495  if (getKindAsEnum() == AI.getKindAsEnum())
496  return getValueAsInt() < AI.getValueAsInt();
497  return getKindAsEnum() < AI.getKindAsEnum();
498  }
499  if (AI.isStringAttribute()) return true;
500  }
502  if (AI.isEnumAttribute()) return false;
503  if (AI.isIntAttribute()) return false;
504  if (getKindAsString() == AI.getKindAsString())
505  return getValueAsString() < AI.getValueAsString();
506  return getKindAsString() < AI.getKindAsString();
507 }
509 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
510 // AttributeSet Definition
511 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
514  return AttributeSet(AttributeSetNode::get(C, B));
515 }
518  return AttributeSet(AttributeSetNode::get(C, Attrs));
519 }
522  Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
523  if (hasAttribute(Kind)) return *this;
524  AttrBuilder B;
525  B.addAttribute(Kind);
526  return addAttributes(C, AttributeSet::get(C, B));
527 }
530  StringRef Value) const {
531  AttrBuilder B;
532  B.addAttribute(Kind, Value);
533  return addAttributes(C, AttributeSet::get(C, B));
534 }
537  const AttributeSet AS) const {
538  if (!hasAttributes())
539  return AS;
541  if (!AS.hasAttributes())
542  return *this;
544  AttrBuilder B(AS);
545  for (const auto I : *this)
546  B.addAttribute(I);
548  return get(C, B);
549 }
552  Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
553  if (!hasAttribute(Kind)) return *this;
554  AttrBuilder B(*this);
555  B.removeAttribute(Kind);
556  return get(C, B);
557 }
560  StringRef Kind) const {
561  if (!hasAttribute(Kind)) return *this;
562  AttrBuilder B(*this);
563  B.removeAttribute(Kind);
564  return get(C, B);
565 }
568  const AttrBuilder &Attrs) const {
569  AttrBuilder B(*this);
570  B.remove(Attrs);
571  return get(C, B);
572 }
575  return SetNode ? SetNode->getNumAttributes() : 0;
576 }
579  return SetNode ? SetNode->hasAttribute(Kind) : false;
580 }
583  return SetNode ? SetNode->hasAttribute(Kind) : false;
584 }
587  return SetNode ? SetNode->getAttribute(Kind) : Attribute();
588 }
591  return SetNode ? SetNode->getAttribute(Kind) : Attribute();
592 }
594 unsigned AttributeSet::getAlignment() const {
595  return SetNode ? SetNode->getAlignment() : 0;
596 }
599  return SetNode ? SetNode->getStackAlignment() : 0;
600 }
603  return SetNode ? SetNode->getDereferenceableBytes() : 0;
604 }
607  return SetNode ? SetNode->getDereferenceableOrNullBytes() : 0;
608 }
610 std::pair<unsigned, Optional<unsigned>> AttributeSet::getAllocSizeArgs() const {
611  return SetNode ? SetNode->getAllocSizeArgs()
612  : std::pair<unsigned, Optional<unsigned>>(0, 0);
613 }
615 std::string AttributeSet::getAsString(bool InAttrGrp) const {
616  return SetNode ? SetNode->getAsString(InAttrGrp) : "";
617 }
620  return SetNode ? SetNode->begin() : nullptr;
621 }
624  return SetNode ? SetNode->end() : nullptr;
625 }
627 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
629  dbgs() << "AS =\n";
630  dbgs() << " { ";
631  dbgs() << getAsString(true) << " }\n";
632 }
633 #endif
635 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
636 // AttributeSetNode Definition
637 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
639 AttributeSetNode::AttributeSetNode(ArrayRef<Attribute> Attrs)
640  : AvailableAttrs(0), NumAttrs(Attrs.size()) {
641  // There's memory after the node where we can store the entries in.
642  llvm::copy(Attrs, getTrailingObjects<Attribute>());
644  for (const auto I : *this) {
645  if (!I.isStringAttribute()) {
646  AvailableAttrs |= ((uint64_t)1) << I.getKindAsEnum();
647  }
648  }
649 }
652  ArrayRef<Attribute> Attrs) {
653  if (Attrs.empty())
654  return nullptr;
656  // Otherwise, build a key to look up the existing attributes.
657  LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = C.pImpl;
660  SmallVector<Attribute, 8> SortedAttrs(Attrs.begin(), Attrs.end());
661  llvm::sort(SortedAttrs);
663  for (const auto Attr : SortedAttrs)
664  Attr.Profile(ID);
666  void *InsertPoint;
667  AttributeSetNode *PA =
668  pImpl->AttrsSetNodes.FindNodeOrInsertPos(ID, InsertPoint);
670  // If we didn't find any existing attributes of the same shape then create a
671  // new one and insert it.
672  if (!PA) {
673  // Coallocate entries after the AttributeSetNode itself.
674  void *Mem = ::operator new(totalSizeToAlloc<Attribute>(SortedAttrs.size()));
675  PA = new (Mem) AttributeSetNode(SortedAttrs);
676  pImpl->AttrsSetNodes.InsertNode(PA, InsertPoint);
677  }
679  // Return the AttributeSetNode that we found or created.
680  return PA;
681 }
684  // Add target-independent attributes.
688  if (!B.contains(Kind))
689  continue;
691  Attribute Attr;
692  switch (Kind) {
695  break;
698  break;
701  C, B.getDereferenceableBytes());
702  break;
706  break;
707  case Attribute::AllocSize: {
708  auto A = B.getAllocSizeArgs();
709  Attr = Attribute::getWithAllocSizeArgs(C, A.first, A.second);
710  break;
711  }
712  default:
713  Attr = Attribute::get(C, Kind);
714  }
715  Attrs.push_back(Attr);
716  }
718  // Add target-dependent (string) attributes.
719  for (const auto &TDA : B.td_attrs())
720  Attrs.emplace_back(Attribute::get(C, TDA.first, TDA.second));
722  return get(C, Attrs);
723 }
726  for (const auto I : *this)
727  if (I.hasAttribute(Kind))
728  return true;
729  return false;
730 }
733  if (hasAttribute(Kind)) {
734  for (const auto I : *this)
735  if (I.hasAttribute(Kind))
736  return I;
737  }
738  return {};
739 }
742  for (const auto I : *this)
743  if (I.hasAttribute(Kind))
744  return I;
745  return {};
746 }
749  for (const auto I : *this)
750  if (I.hasAttribute(Attribute::Alignment))
751  return I.getAlignment();
752  return 0;
753 }
756  for (const auto I : *this)
757  if (I.hasAttribute(Attribute::StackAlignment))
758  return I.getStackAlignment();
759  return 0;
760 }
763  for (const auto I : *this)
764  if (I.hasAttribute(Attribute::Dereferenceable))
765  return I.getDereferenceableBytes();
766  return 0;
767 }
770  for (const auto I : *this)
771  if (I.hasAttribute(Attribute::DereferenceableOrNull))
772  return I.getDereferenceableOrNullBytes();
773  return 0;
774 }
776 std::pair<unsigned, Optional<unsigned>>
778  for (const auto I : *this)
779  if (I.hasAttribute(Attribute::AllocSize))
780  return I.getAllocSizeArgs();
781  return std::make_pair(0, 0);
782 }
784 std::string AttributeSetNode::getAsString(bool InAttrGrp) const {
785  std::string Str;
786  for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I) {
787  if (I != begin())
788  Str += ' ';
789  Str += I->getAsString(InAttrGrp);
790  }
791  return Str;
792 }
794 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
795 // AttributeListImpl Definition
796 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
798 /// Map from AttributeList index to the internal array index. Adding one happens
799 /// to work, but it relies on unsigned integer wrapping. MSVC warns about
800 /// unsigned wrapping in constexpr functions, so write out the conditional. LLVM
801 /// folds it to add anyway.
802 static constexpr unsigned attrIdxToArrayIdx(unsigned Index) {
803  return Index == AttributeList::FunctionIndex ? 0 : Index + 1;
804 }
808  : AvailableFunctionAttrs(0), Context(C), NumAttrSets(Sets.size()) {
809  assert(!Sets.empty() && "pointless AttributeListImpl");
811  // There's memory after the node where we can store the entries in.
812  llvm::copy(Sets, getTrailingObjects<AttributeSet>());
814  // Initialize AvailableFunctionAttrs summary bitset.
815  static_assert(Attribute::EndAttrKinds <=
816  sizeof(AvailableFunctionAttrs) * CHAR_BIT,
817  "Too many attributes");
818  static_assert(attrIdxToArrayIdx(AttributeList::FunctionIndex) == 0U,
819  "function should be stored in slot 0");
820  for (const auto I : Sets[0]) {
821  if (!I.isStringAttribute())
822  AvailableFunctionAttrs |= 1ULL << I.getKindAsEnum();
823  }
824 }
827  Profile(ID, makeArrayRef(begin(), end()));
828 }
831  ArrayRef<AttributeSet> Sets) {
832  for (const auto &Set : Sets)
833  ID.AddPointer(Set.SetNode);
834 }
836 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
838  AttributeList(const_cast<AttributeListImpl *>(this)).dump();
839 }
840 #endif
842 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
843 // AttributeList Construction and Mutation Methods
844 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
847  ArrayRef<AttributeSet> AttrSets) {
848  assert(!AttrSets.empty() && "pointless AttributeListImpl");
850  LLVMContextImpl *pImpl = C.pImpl;
852  AttributeListImpl::Profile(ID, AttrSets);
854  void *InsertPoint;
855  AttributeListImpl *PA =
856  pImpl->AttrsLists.FindNodeOrInsertPos(ID, InsertPoint);
858  // If we didn't find any existing attributes of the same shape then
859  // create a new one and insert it.
860  if (!PA) {
861  // Coallocate entries after the AttributeListImpl itself.
862  void *Mem = ::operator new(
863  AttributeListImpl::totalSizeToAlloc<AttributeSet>(AttrSets.size()));
864  PA = new (Mem) AttributeListImpl(C, AttrSets);
865  pImpl->AttrsLists.InsertNode(PA, InsertPoint);
866  }
868  // Return the AttributesList that we found or created.
869  return AttributeList(PA);
870 }
874  ArrayRef<std::pair<unsigned, Attribute>> Attrs) {
875  // If there are no attributes then return a null AttributesList pointer.
876  if (Attrs.empty())
877  return {};
879  assert(std::is_sorted(Attrs.begin(), Attrs.end(),
880  [](const std::pair<unsigned, Attribute> &LHS,
881  const std::pair<unsigned, Attribute> &RHS) {
882  return LHS.first < RHS.first;
883  }) && "Misordered Attributes list!");
884  assert(llvm::none_of(Attrs,
885  [](const std::pair<unsigned, Attribute> &Pair) {
886  return Pair.second.hasAttribute(Attribute::None);
887  }) &&
888  "Pointless attribute!");
890  // Create a vector if (unsigned, AttributeSetNode*) pairs from the attributes
891  // list.
893  for (ArrayRef<std::pair<unsigned, Attribute>>::iterator I = Attrs.begin(),
894  E = Attrs.end(); I != E; ) {
895  unsigned Index = I->first;
897  while (I != E && I->first == Index) {
898  AttrVec.push_back(I->second);
899  ++I;
900  }
902  AttrPairVec.emplace_back(Index, AttributeSet::get(C, AttrVec));
903  }
905  return get(C, AttrPairVec);
906 }
910  ArrayRef<std::pair<unsigned, AttributeSet>> Attrs) {
911  // If there are no attributes then return a null AttributesList pointer.
912  if (Attrs.empty())
913  return {};
915  assert(std::is_sorted(Attrs.begin(), Attrs.end(),
916  [](const std::pair<unsigned, AttributeSet> &LHS,
917  const std::pair<unsigned, AttributeSet> &RHS) {
918  return LHS.first < RHS.first;
919  }) &&
920  "Misordered Attributes list!");
921  assert(llvm::none_of(Attrs,
922  [](const std::pair<unsigned, AttributeSet> &Pair) {
923  return !Pair.second.hasAttributes();
924  }) &&
925  "Pointless attribute!");
927  unsigned MaxIndex = Attrs.back().first;
928  // If the MaxIndex is FunctionIndex and there are other indices in front
929  // of it, we need to use the largest of those to get the right size.
930  if (MaxIndex == FunctionIndex && Attrs.size() > 1)
931  MaxIndex = Attrs[Attrs.size() - 2].first;
933  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 4> AttrVec(attrIdxToArrayIdx(MaxIndex) + 1);
934  for (const auto Pair : Attrs)
935  AttrVec[attrIdxToArrayIdx(Pair.first)] = Pair.second;
937  return getImpl(C, AttrVec);
938 }
941  AttributeSet RetAttrs,
942  ArrayRef<AttributeSet> ArgAttrs) {
943  // Scan from the end to find the last argument with attributes. Most
944  // arguments don't have attributes, so it's nice if we can have fewer unique
945  // AttributeListImpls by dropping empty attribute sets at the end of the list.
946  unsigned NumSets = 0;
947  for (size_t I = ArgAttrs.size(); I != 0; --I) {
948  if (ArgAttrs[I - 1].hasAttributes()) {
949  NumSets = I + 2;
950  break;
951  }
952  }
953  if (NumSets == 0) {
954  // Check function and return attributes if we didn't have argument
955  // attributes.
956  if (RetAttrs.hasAttributes())
957  NumSets = 2;
958  else if (FnAttrs.hasAttributes())
959  NumSets = 1;
960  }
962  // If all attribute sets were empty, we can use the empty attribute list.
963  if (NumSets == 0)
964  return {};
967  AttrSets.reserve(NumSets);
968  // If we have any attributes, we always have function attributes.
969  AttrSets.push_back(FnAttrs);
970  if (NumSets > 1)
971  AttrSets.push_back(RetAttrs);
972  if (NumSets > 2) {
973  // Drop the empty argument attribute sets at the end.
974  ArgAttrs = ArgAttrs.take_front(NumSets - 2);
975  AttrSets.insert(AttrSets.end(), ArgAttrs.begin(), ArgAttrs.end());
976  }
978  return getImpl(C, AttrSets);
979 }
982  const AttrBuilder &B) {
983  if (!B.hasAttributes())
984  return {};
985  Index = attrIdxToArrayIdx(Index);
986  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 8> AttrSets(Index + 1);
987  AttrSets[Index] = AttributeSet::get(C, B);
988  return getImpl(C, AttrSets);
989 }
994  for (const auto K : Kinds)
995  Attrs.emplace_back(Index, Attribute::get(C, K));
996  return get(C, Attrs);
997 }
1000  ArrayRef<StringRef> Kinds) {
1002  for (const auto K : Kinds)
1003  Attrs.emplace_back(Index, Attribute::get(C, K));
1004  return get(C, Attrs);
1005 }
1008  ArrayRef<AttributeList> Attrs) {
1009  if (Attrs.empty())
1010  return {};
1011  if (Attrs.size() == 1)
1012  return Attrs[0];
1014  unsigned MaxSize = 0;
1015  for (const auto List : Attrs)
1016  MaxSize = std::max(MaxSize, List.getNumAttrSets());
1018  // If every list was empty, there is no point in merging the lists.
1019  if (MaxSize == 0)
1020  return {};
1022  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 8> NewAttrSets(MaxSize);
1023  for (unsigned I = 0; I < MaxSize; ++I) {
1024  AttrBuilder CurBuilder;
1025  for (const auto List : Attrs)
1026  CurBuilder.merge(List.getAttributes(I - 1));
1027  NewAttrSets[I] = AttributeSet::get(C, CurBuilder);
1028  }
1030  return getImpl(C, NewAttrSets);
1031 }
1034  Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
1035  if (hasAttribute(Index, Kind)) return *this;
1036  AttrBuilder B;
1037  B.addAttribute(Kind);
1038  return addAttributes(C, Index, B);
1039 }
1042  StringRef Kind,
1043  StringRef Value) const {
1044  AttrBuilder B;
1045  B.addAttribute(Kind, Value);
1046  return addAttributes(C, Index, B);
1047 }
1050  Attribute A) const {
1051  AttrBuilder B;
1052  B.addAttribute(A);
1053  return addAttributes(C, Index, B);
1054 }
1057  const AttrBuilder &B) const {
1058  if (!B.hasAttributes())
1059  return *this;
1061  if (!pImpl)
1062  return AttributeList::get(C, {{Index, AttributeSet::get(C, B)}});
1064 #ifndef NDEBUG
1065  // FIXME it is not obvious how this should work for alignment. For now, say
1066  // we can't change a known alignment.
1067  unsigned OldAlign = getAttributes(Index).getAlignment();
1068  unsigned NewAlign = B.getAlignment();
1069  assert((!OldAlign || !NewAlign || OldAlign == NewAlign) &&
1070  "Attempt to change alignment!");
1071 #endif
1073  Index = attrIdxToArrayIdx(Index);
1074  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 4> AttrSets(this->begin(), this->end());
1075  if (Index >= AttrSets.size())
1076  AttrSets.resize(Index + 1);
1078  AttrBuilder Merged(AttrSets[Index]);
1079  Merged.merge(B);
1080  AttrSets[Index] = AttributeSet::get(C, Merged);
1082  return getImpl(C, AttrSets);
1083 }
1086  ArrayRef<unsigned> ArgNos,
1087  Attribute A) const {
1088  assert(std::is_sorted(ArgNos.begin(), ArgNos.end()));
1090  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 4> AttrSets(this->begin(), this->end());
1091  unsigned MaxIndex = attrIdxToArrayIdx(ArgNos.back() + FirstArgIndex);
1092  if (MaxIndex >= AttrSets.size())
1093  AttrSets.resize(MaxIndex + 1);
1095  for (unsigned ArgNo : ArgNos) {
1096  unsigned Index = attrIdxToArrayIdx(ArgNo + FirstArgIndex);
1097  AttrBuilder B(AttrSets[Index]);
1098  B.addAttribute(A);
1099  AttrSets[Index] = AttributeSet::get(C, B);
1100  }
1102  return getImpl(C, AttrSets);
1103 }
1106  Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
1107  if (!hasAttribute(Index, Kind)) return *this;
1109  Index = attrIdxToArrayIdx(Index);
1110  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 4> AttrSets(this->begin(), this->end());
1111  assert(Index < AttrSets.size());
1113  AttrSets[Index] = AttrSets[Index].removeAttribute(C, Kind);
1115  return getImpl(C, AttrSets);
1116 }
1119  StringRef Kind) const {
1120  if (!hasAttribute(Index, Kind)) return *this;
1122  Index = attrIdxToArrayIdx(Index);
1123  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 4> AttrSets(this->begin(), this->end());
1124  assert(Index < AttrSets.size());
1126  AttrSets[Index] = AttrSets[Index].removeAttribute(C, Kind);
1128  return getImpl(C, AttrSets);
1129 }
1133  const AttrBuilder &AttrsToRemove) const {
1134  if (!pImpl)
1135  return {};
1137  Index = attrIdxToArrayIdx(Index);
1138  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 4> AttrSets(this->begin(), this->end());
1139  if (Index >= AttrSets.size())
1140  AttrSets.resize(Index + 1);
1142  AttrSets[Index] = AttrSets[Index].removeAttributes(C, AttrsToRemove);
1144  return getImpl(C, AttrSets);
1145 }
1148  unsigned WithoutIndex) const {
1149  if (!pImpl)
1150  return {};
1151  WithoutIndex = attrIdxToArrayIdx(WithoutIndex);
1152  if (WithoutIndex >= getNumAttrSets())
1153  return *this;
1154  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 4> AttrSets(this->begin(), this->end());
1155  AttrSets[WithoutIndex] = AttributeSet();
1156  return getImpl(C, AttrSets);
1157 }
1160  unsigned Index,
1161  uint64_t Bytes) const {
1162  AttrBuilder B;
1163  B.addDereferenceableAttr(Bytes);
1164  return addAttributes(C, Index, B);
1165 }
1169  uint64_t Bytes) const {
1170  AttrBuilder B;
1172  return addAttributes(C, Index, B);
1173 }
1177  unsigned ElemSizeArg,
1178  const Optional<unsigned> &NumElemsArg) {
1179  AttrBuilder B;
1180  B.addAllocSizeAttr(ElemSizeArg, NumElemsArg);
1181  return addAttributes(C, Index, B);
1182 }
1184 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1185 // AttributeList Accessor Methods
1186 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1188 LLVMContext &AttributeList::getContext() const { return pImpl->getContext(); }
1191  return getAttributes(ArgNo + FirstArgIndex);
1192 }
1195  return getAttributes(ReturnIndex);
1196 }
1199  return getAttributes(FunctionIndex);
1200 }
1203  Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
1204  return getAttributes(Index).hasAttribute(Kind);
1205 }
1208  return getAttributes(Index).hasAttribute(Kind);
1209 }
1211 bool AttributeList::hasAttributes(unsigned Index) const {
1212  return getAttributes(Index).hasAttributes();
1213 }
1216  return pImpl && pImpl->hasFnAttribute(Kind);
1217 }
1220  return hasAttribute(AttributeList::FunctionIndex, Kind);
1221 }
1224  Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
1225  return hasAttribute(ArgNo + FirstArgIndex, Kind);
1226 }
1229  unsigned *Index) const {
1230  if (!pImpl) return false;
1232  for (unsigned I = index_begin(), E = index_end(); I != E; ++I) {
1233  if (hasAttribute(I, Attr)) {
1234  if (Index)
1235  *Index = I;
1236  return true;
1237  }
1238  }
1240  return false;
1241 }
1244  Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
1245  return getAttributes(Index).getAttribute(Kind);
1246 }
1249  return getAttributes(Index).getAttribute(Kind);
1250 }
1253  return getAttributes(ReturnIndex).getAlignment();
1254 }
1256 unsigned AttributeList::getParamAlignment(unsigned ArgNo) const {
1257  return getAttributes(ArgNo + FirstArgIndex).getAlignment();
1258 }
1260 unsigned AttributeList::getStackAlignment(unsigned Index) const {
1261  return getAttributes(Index).getStackAlignment();
1262 }
1265  return getAttributes(Index).getDereferenceableBytes();
1266 }
1270 }
1272 std::pair<unsigned, Optional<unsigned>>
1274  return getAttributes(Index).getAllocSizeArgs();
1275 }
1277 std::string AttributeList::getAsString(unsigned Index, bool InAttrGrp) const {
1278  return getAttributes(Index).getAsString(InAttrGrp);
1279 }
1282  Index = attrIdxToArrayIdx(Index);
1283  if (!pImpl || Index >= getNumAttrSets())
1284  return {};
1285  return pImpl->begin()[Index];
1286 }
1289  return pImpl ? pImpl->begin() : nullptr;
1290 }
1293  return pImpl ? pImpl->end() : nullptr;
1294 }
1296 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1297 // AttributeList Introspection Methods
1298 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1301  return pImpl ? pImpl->NumAttrSets : 0;
1302 }
1304 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
1306  dbgs() << "PAL[\n";
1308  for (unsigned i = index_begin(), e = index_end(); i != e; ++i) {
1309  if (getAttributes(i).hasAttributes())
1310  dbgs() << " { " << i << " => " << getAsString(i) << " }\n";
1311  }
1313  dbgs() << "]\n";
1314 }
1315 #endif
1317 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1318 // AttrBuilder Method Implementations
1319 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1321 // FIXME: Remove this ctor, use AttributeSet.
1323  AttributeSet AS = AL.getAttributes(Index);
1324  for (const auto &A : AS)
1325  addAttribute(A);
1326 }
1329  for (const auto &A : AS)
1330  addAttribute(A);
1331 }
1334  Attrs.reset();
1335  TargetDepAttrs.clear();
1336  Alignment = StackAlignment = DerefBytes = DerefOrNullBytes = 0;
1337  AllocSizeArgs = 0;
1338 }
1341  assert((unsigned)Val < Attribute::EndAttrKinds && "Attribute out of range!");
1344  "Adding integer attribute without adding a value!");
1345  Attrs[Val] = true;
1346  return *this;
1347 }
1350  if (Attr.isStringAttribute()) {
1351  addAttribute(Attr.getKindAsString(), Attr.getValueAsString());
1352  return *this;
1353  }
1356  Attrs[Kind] = true;
1358  if (Kind == Attribute::Alignment)
1359  Alignment = Attr.getAlignment();
1360  else if (Kind == Attribute::StackAlignment)
1361  StackAlignment = Attr.getStackAlignment();
1362  else if (Kind == Attribute::Dereferenceable)
1363  DerefBytes = Attr.getDereferenceableBytes();
1364  else if (Kind == Attribute::DereferenceableOrNull)
1365  DerefOrNullBytes = Attr.getDereferenceableOrNullBytes();
1366  else if (Kind == Attribute::AllocSize)
1367  AllocSizeArgs = Attr.getValueAsInt();
1368  return *this;
1369 }
1372  TargetDepAttrs[A] = V;
1373  return *this;
1374 }
1377  assert((unsigned)Val < Attribute::EndAttrKinds && "Attribute out of range!");
1378  Attrs[Val] = false;
1380  if (Val == Attribute::Alignment)
1381  Alignment = 0;
1382  else if (Val == Attribute::StackAlignment)
1383  StackAlignment = 0;
1384  else if (Val == Attribute::Dereferenceable)
1385  DerefBytes = 0;
1386  else if (Val == Attribute::DereferenceableOrNull)
1387  DerefOrNullBytes = 0;
1388  else if (Val == Attribute::AllocSize)
1389  AllocSizeArgs = 0;
1391  return *this;
1392 }
1395  remove(A.getAttributes(Index));
1396  return *this;
1397 }
1400  auto I = TargetDepAttrs.find(A);
1401  if (I != TargetDepAttrs.end())
1402  TargetDepAttrs.erase(I);
1403  return *this;
1404 }
1406 std::pair<unsigned, Optional<unsigned>> AttrBuilder::getAllocSizeArgs() const {
1407  return unpackAllocSizeArgs(AllocSizeArgs);
1408 }
1411  if (Align == 0) return *this;
1413  assert(isPowerOf2_32(Align) && "Alignment must be a power of two.");
1414  assert(Align <= 0x40000000 && "Alignment too large.");
1416  Attrs[Attribute::Alignment] = true;
1417  Alignment = Align;
1418  return *this;
1419 }
1422  // Default alignment, allow the target to define how to align it.
1423  if (Align == 0) return *this;
1425  assert(isPowerOf2_32(Align) && "Alignment must be a power of two.");
1426  assert(Align <= 0x100 && "Alignment too large.");
1428  Attrs[Attribute::StackAlignment] = true;
1429  StackAlignment = Align;
1430  return *this;
1431 }
1434  if (Bytes == 0) return *this;
1436  Attrs[Attribute::Dereferenceable] = true;
1437  DerefBytes = Bytes;
1438  return *this;
1439 }
1442  if (Bytes == 0)
1443  return *this;
1445  Attrs[Attribute::DereferenceableOrNull] = true;
1446  DerefOrNullBytes = Bytes;
1447  return *this;
1448 }
1451  const Optional<unsigned> &NumElems) {
1452  return addAllocSizeAttrFromRawRepr(packAllocSizeArgs(ElemSize, NumElems));
1453 }
1456  // (0, 0) is our "not present" value, so we need to check for it here.
1457  assert(RawArgs && "Invalid allocsize arguments -- given allocsize(0, 0)");
1459  Attrs[Attribute::AllocSize] = true;
1460  // Reuse existing machinery to store this as a single 64-bit integer so we can
1461  // save a few bytes over using a pair<unsigned, Optional<unsigned>>.
1462  AllocSizeArgs = RawArgs;
1463  return *this;
1464 }
1467  // FIXME: What if both have alignments, but they don't match?!
1468  if (!Alignment)
1469  Alignment = B.Alignment;
1471  if (!StackAlignment)
1472  StackAlignment = B.StackAlignment;
1474  if (!DerefBytes)
1475  DerefBytes = B.DerefBytes;
1477  if (!DerefOrNullBytes)
1478  DerefOrNullBytes = B.DerefOrNullBytes;
1480  if (!AllocSizeArgs)
1481  AllocSizeArgs = B.AllocSizeArgs;
1483  Attrs |= B.Attrs;
1485  for (auto I : B.td_attrs())
1486  TargetDepAttrs[I.first] = I.second;
1488  return *this;
1489 }
1492  // FIXME: What if both have alignments, but they don't match?!
1493  if (B.Alignment)
1494  Alignment = 0;
1496  if (B.StackAlignment)
1497  StackAlignment = 0;
1499  if (B.DerefBytes)
1500  DerefBytes = 0;
1502  if (B.DerefOrNullBytes)
1503  DerefOrNullBytes = 0;
1505  if (B.AllocSizeArgs)
1506  AllocSizeArgs = 0;
1508  Attrs &= ~B.Attrs;
1510  for (auto I : B.td_attrs())
1511  TargetDepAttrs.erase(I.first);
1513  return *this;
1514 }
1517  // First check if any of the target independent attributes overlap.
1518  if ((Attrs & B.Attrs).any())
1519  return true;
1521  // Then check if any target dependent ones do.
1522  for (const auto &I : td_attrs())
1523  if (B.contains(I.first))
1524  return true;
1526  return false;
1527 }
1530  return TargetDepAttrs.find(A) != TargetDepAttrs.end();
1531 }
1534  return !Attrs.none() || !TargetDepAttrs.empty();
1535 }
1538  AttributeSet AS = AL.getAttributes(Index);
1540  for (const auto Attr : AS) {
1541  if (Attr.isEnumAttribute() || Attr.isIntAttribute()) {
1542  if (contains(Attr.getKindAsEnum()))
1543  return true;
1544  } else {
1545  assert(Attr.isStringAttribute() && "Invalid attribute kind!");
1546  return contains(Attr.getKindAsString());
1547  }
1548  }
1550  return false;
1551 }
1554  return Alignment != 0;
1555 }
1558  if (Attrs != B.Attrs)
1559  return false;
1561  for (td_const_iterator I = TargetDepAttrs.begin(),
1562  E = TargetDepAttrs.end(); I != E; ++I)
1563  if (B.TargetDepAttrs.find(I->first) == B.TargetDepAttrs.end())
1564  return false;
1566  return Alignment == B.Alignment && StackAlignment == B.StackAlignment &&
1567  DerefBytes == B.DerefBytes;
1568 }
1570 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1571 // AttributeFuncs Function Defintions
1572 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1574 /// Which attributes cannot be applied to a type.
1576  AttrBuilder Incompatible;
1578  if (!Ty->isIntegerTy())
1579  // Attribute that only apply to integers.
1580  Incompatible.addAttribute(Attribute::SExt)
1583  if (!Ty->isPointerTy())
1584  // Attribute that only apply to pointers.
1585  Incompatible.addAttribute(Attribute::ByVal)
1590  .addDereferenceableAttr(1) // the int here is ignored
1591  .addDereferenceableOrNullAttr(1) // the int here is ignored
1597  return Incompatible;
1598 }
1600 template<typename AttrClass>
1601 static bool isEqual(const Function &Caller, const Function &Callee) {
1602  return Caller.getFnAttribute(AttrClass::getKind()) ==
1603  Callee.getFnAttribute(AttrClass::getKind());
1604 }
1606 /// Compute the logical AND of the attributes of the caller and the
1607 /// callee.
1608 ///
1609 /// This function sets the caller's attribute to false if the callee's attribute
1610 /// is false.
1611 template<typename AttrClass>
1612 static void setAND(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee) {
1613  if (AttrClass::isSet(Caller, AttrClass::getKind()) &&
1614  !AttrClass::isSet(Callee, AttrClass::getKind()))
1615  AttrClass::set(Caller, AttrClass::getKind(), false);
1616 }
1618 /// Compute the logical OR of the attributes of the caller and the
1619 /// callee.
1620 ///
1621 /// This function sets the caller's attribute to true if the callee's attribute
1622 /// is true.
1623 template<typename AttrClass>
1624 static void setOR(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee) {
1625  if (!AttrClass::isSet(Caller, AttrClass::getKind()) &&
1626  AttrClass::isSet(Callee, AttrClass::getKind()))
1627  AttrClass::set(Caller, AttrClass::getKind(), true);
1628 }
1630 /// If the inlined function had a higher stack protection level than the
1631 /// calling function, then bump up the caller's stack protection level.
1632 static void adjustCallerSSPLevel(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee) {
1633  // If upgrading the SSP attribute, clear out the old SSP Attributes first.
1634  // Having multiple SSP attributes doesn't actually hurt, but it adds useless
1635  // clutter to the IR.
1636  AttrBuilder OldSSPAttr;
1642  Caller.removeAttributes(AttributeList::FunctionIndex, OldSSPAttr);
1644  } else if (Callee.hasFnAttribute(Attribute::StackProtectStrong) &&
1646  Caller.removeAttributes(AttributeList::FunctionIndex, OldSSPAttr);
1648  } else if (Callee.hasFnAttribute(Attribute::StackProtect) &&
1652 }
1654 /// If the inlined function required stack probes, then ensure that
1655 /// the calling function has those too.
1656 static void adjustCallerStackProbes(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee) {
1657  if (!Caller.hasFnAttribute("probe-stack") &&
1658  Callee.hasFnAttribute("probe-stack")) {
1659  Caller.addFnAttr(Callee.getFnAttribute("probe-stack"));
1660  }
1661 }
1663 /// If the inlined function defines the size of guard region
1664 /// on the stack, then ensure that the calling function defines a guard region
1665 /// that is no larger.
1666 static void
1668  if (Callee.hasFnAttribute("stack-probe-size")) {
1669  uint64_t CalleeStackProbeSize;
1670  Callee.getFnAttribute("stack-probe-size")
1671  .getValueAsString()
1672  .getAsInteger(0, CalleeStackProbeSize);
1673  if (Caller.hasFnAttribute("stack-probe-size")) {
1674  uint64_t CallerStackProbeSize;
1675  Caller.getFnAttribute("stack-probe-size")
1676  .getValueAsString()
1677  .getAsInteger(0, CallerStackProbeSize);
1678  if (CallerStackProbeSize > CalleeStackProbeSize) {
1679  Caller.addFnAttr(Callee.getFnAttribute("stack-probe-size"));
1680  }
1681  } else {
1682  Caller.addFnAttr(Callee.getFnAttribute("stack-probe-size"));
1683  }
1684  }
1685 }
1687 /// If the inlined function defines a min legal vector width, then ensure
1688 /// the calling function has the same or larger min legal vector width. If the
1689 /// caller has the attribute, but the callee doesn't, we need to remove the
1690 /// attribute from the caller since we can't make any guarantees about the
1691 /// caller's requirements.
1692 /// This function is called after the inlining decision has been made so we have
1693 /// to merge the attribute this way. Heuristics that would use
1694 /// min-legal-vector-width to determine inline compatibility would need to be
1695 /// handled as part of inline cost analysis.
1696 static void
1698  if (Caller.hasFnAttribute("min-legal-vector-width")) {
1699  if (Callee.hasFnAttribute("min-legal-vector-width")) {
1700  uint64_t CallerVectorWidth;
1701  Caller.getFnAttribute("min-legal-vector-width")
1702  .getValueAsString()
1703  .getAsInteger(0, CallerVectorWidth);
1704  uint64_t CalleeVectorWidth;
1705  Callee.getFnAttribute("min-legal-vector-width")
1706  .getValueAsString()
1707  .getAsInteger(0, CalleeVectorWidth);
1708  if (CallerVectorWidth < CalleeVectorWidth)
1709  Caller.addFnAttr(Callee.getFnAttribute("min-legal-vector-width"));
1710  } else {
1711  // If the callee doesn't have the attribute then we don't know anything
1712  // and must drop the attribute from the caller.
1713  Caller.removeFnAttr("min-legal-vector-width");
1714  }
1715  }
1716 }
1718 /// If the inlined function has "null-pointer-is-valid=true" attribute,
1719 /// set this attribute in the caller post inlining.
1720 static void
1722  if (Callee.nullPointerIsDefined() && !Caller.nullPointerIsDefined()) {
1723  Caller.addFnAttr(Callee.getFnAttribute("null-pointer-is-valid"));
1724  }
1725 }
1728 #include "AttributesCompatFunc.inc"
1731  const Function &Callee) {
1732  return hasCompatibleFnAttrs(Caller, Callee);
1733 }
1736  const Function &Callee) {
1737  mergeFnAttrs(Caller, Callee);
1738 }
std::pair< unsigned, Optional< unsigned > > getAllocSizeArgs() const
Retrieve the allocsize args, if the allocsize attribute exists.
uint64_t CallInst * C
unsigned getStackAlignment() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:755
void AddPointer(const void *Ptr)
Add* - Add various data types to Bit data.
Definition: FoldingSet.cpp:52
const_iterator end(StringRef path)
Get end iterator over path.
Definition: Path.cpp:259
constexpr char Align[]
Key for Kernel::Arg::Metadata::mAlign.
static constexpr unsigned attrIdxToArrayIdx(unsigned Index)
Map from AttributeList index to the internal array index.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:802
StringRef getKindAsString() const
Return the attribute&#39;s kind as a string.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:188
bool hasAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind A) const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:453
ArrayRef< T > take_front(size_t N=1) const
Return a copy of *this with only the first N elements.
Definition: ArrayRef.h:212
GCNRegPressure max(const GCNRegPressure &P1, const GCNRegPressure &P2)
std::pair< unsigned, Optional< unsigned > > getAllocSizeArgs() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:610
LLVMContext & Context
const T & back() const
back - Get the last element.
Definition: ArrayRef.h:158
FoldingSet< AttributeImpl > AttrsSet
const_iterator begin(StringRef path, Style style=Style::native)
Get begin iterator over path.
Definition: Path.cpp:250
static void adjustCallerStackProbeSize(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee)
If the inlined function defines the size of guard region on the stack, then ensure that the calling f...
static std::pair< unsigned, Optional< unsigned > > unpackAllocSizeArgs(uint64_t Num)
Definition: Attributes.cpp:71
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
uint64_t getDereferenceableOrNullBytes() const
Returns the number of dereferenceable_or_null bytes from the dereferenceable_or_null attribute...
Definition: Attributes.cpp:230
unsigned getStackAlignment() const
Returns the stack alignment field of an attribute as a byte alignment value.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:217
static Attribute getWithAlignment(LLVMContext &Context, uint64_t Align)
Return a uniquified Attribute object that has the specific alignment set.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:125
iterator begin() const
Definition: ArrayRef.h:137
static Attribute getWithDereferenceableBytes(LLVMContext &Context, uint64_t Bytes)
Definition: Attributes.cpp:138
unsigned getAlignment() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:748
constexpr T getValueOr(U &&value) const LLVM_LVALUE_FUNCTION
Definition: Optional.h:172
iterator begin() const
void printEscapedString(StringRef Name, raw_ostream &Out)
Print each character of the specified string, escaping it if it is not printable or if it is an escap...
Attribute getAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:732
bool hasFnAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Return true if the function has the attribute.
Definition: Function.h:321
AttrBuilder & addDereferenceableAttr(uint64_t Bytes)
This turns the number of dereferenceable bytes into the form used internally in Attribute.
static AttributeSetNode * get(LLVMContext &C, const AttrBuilder &B)
Definition: Attributes.cpp:683
AttributeListImpl(LLVMContext &C, ArrayRef< AttributeSet > Sets)
Definition: Attributes.cpp:806
unsigned getRetAlignment() const
Return the alignment of the return value.
AttrBuilder & addAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Val)
Add an attribute to the builder.
std::string getAsString(bool InAttrGrp) const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:784
void reserve(size_type N)
Definition: SmallVector.h:376
uint64_t getDereferenceableBytes() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:762
bool hasAttribute(unsigned Index, Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Return true if the attribute exists at the given index.
return AArch64::GPR64RegClass contains(Reg)
void Profile(FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:826
bool areInlineCompatible(const Function &Caller, const Function &Callee)
bool operator<(Attribute A) const
Less-than operator. Useful for sorting the attributes list.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:433
uint64_t getDereferenceableOrNullBytes() const
Retrieve the number of dereferenceable_or_null bytes, if the dereferenceable_or_null attribute exists...
Definition: Attributes.h:774
amdgpu Simplify well known AMD library false Value Value const Twine & Name
uint64_t getDereferenceableOrNullBytes() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:606
bool hasAttributes() const
Return true if the builder has IR-level attributes.
bool hasAlignmentAttr() const
Return true if the builder has an alignment attribute.
uint64_t getValueAsInt() const
Return the attribute&#39;s value as an integer.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:181
AttrBuilder & addDereferenceableOrNullAttr(uint64_t Bytes)
This turns the number of dereferenceable_or_null bytes into the form used internally in Attribute...
Twine - A lightweight data structure for efficiently representing the concatenation of temporary valu...
Definition: Twine.h:81
bool isStringAttribute() const
Return true if the attribute is a string (target-dependent) attribute.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:170
uint64_t getDereferenceableBytes(unsigned Index) const
Get the number of dereferenceable bytes (or zero if unknown).
ArrayRef< T > makeArrayRef(const T &OneElt)
Construct an ArrayRef from a single element.
Definition: ArrayRef.h:451
bool isIntegerTy() const
True if this is an instance of IntegerType.
Definition: Type.h:197
static Attribute getWithDereferenceableOrNullBytes(LLVMContext &Context, uint64_t Bytes)
Definition: Attributes.cpp:144
bool none_of(R &&Range, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide wrappers to std::none_of which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly...
Definition: STLExtras.h:1200
bool isIntAttribute() const
Definition: AttributeImpl.h:58
AttrBuilder & addAllocSizeAttr(unsigned ElemSizeArg, const Optional< unsigned > &NumElemsArg)
This turns one (or two) ints into the form used internally in Attribute.
This file contains the simple types necessary to represent the attributes associated with functions a...
No attributes have been set.
Definition: Attributes.h:72
AttributeSet getRetAttributes() const
The attributes for the ret value are returned.
void AddInteger(signed I)
Definition: FoldingSet.cpp:61
iterator begin() const
Definition: Compiler.h:74
bool hasAttributes(unsigned Index) const
Return true if attribute exists at the given index.
LLVMContext & getContext() const
Retrieve the LLVM context.
AttributeList getAttributes(LLVMContext &C, ID id)
Return the attributes for an intrinsic.
unsigned getStackAlignment() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:598
uint64_t getStackAlignment() const
Retrieve the stack alignment attribute, if it exists.
Definition: Attributes.h:766
iterator end() const
static bool isEqual(const Function &Caller, const Function &Callee)
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeList removeAttributes(LLVMContext &C, unsigned Index, const AttrBuilder &AttrsToRemove) const
Remove the specified attributes at the specified index from this attribute list.
iterator end() const
AttributeSet getParamAttributes(unsigned ArgNo) const
The attributes for the argument or parameter at the given index are returned.
empty - Check if the string is empty.
Definition: StringRef.h:133
uint64_t getDereferenceableOrNullBytes(unsigned Index) const
Get the number of dereferenceable_or_null bytes (or zero if unknown).
ArrayRef - Represent a constant reference to an array (0 or more elements consecutively in memory)...
Definition: APInt.h:33
std::pair< unsigned, Optional< unsigned > > getAllocSizeArgs() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:777
AttrBuilder & remove(const AttrBuilder &B)
Remove the attributes from the builder.
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeSet addAttributes(LLVMContext &C, AttributeSet AS) const
Add attributes to the attribute set.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:536
std::pair< unsigned, Optional< unsigned > > getAllocSizeArgs() const
Returns the argument numbers for the allocsize attribute (or pair(0, 0) if not known).
Definition: Attributes.cpp:237
constexpr char Attrs[]
Key for Kernel::Metadata::mAttrs.
AttrBuilder & addAllocSizeAttrFromRawRepr(uint64_t RawAllocSizeRepr)
Add an allocsize attribute, using the representation returned by Attribute.getIntValue().
uint64_t getDereferenceableBytes() const
Returns the number of dereferenceable bytes from the dereferenceable attribute.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:223
amdgpu Simplify well known AMD library false Value * Callee
bool hasAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Return true if the attribute exists in this set.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:578
static Attribute getWithStackAlignment(LLVMContext &Context, uint64_t Align)
Definition: Attributes.cpp:131
AttributeSet getAttributes(unsigned Index) const
The attributes for the specified index are returned.
FoldingSetNodeID - This class is used to gather all the unique data bits of a node.
Definition: FoldingSet.h:306
bool hasAttrSomewhere(Attribute::AttrKind Kind, unsigned *Index=nullptr) const
Return true if the specified attribute is set for at least one parameter or for the return value...
unsigned getStackAlignment(unsigned Index) const
Get the stack alignment.
bool operator==(const AttrBuilder &B)
bool hasAttribute(AttrKind Val) const
Return true if the attribute is present.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:202
static GCRegistry::Add< OcamlGC > B("ocaml", "ocaml 3.10-compatible GC")
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeList addDereferenceableOrNullAttr(LLVMContext &C, unsigned Index, uint64_t Bytes) const
Add the dereferenceable_or_null attribute to the attribute set at the given index.
static AttributeSet get(LLVMContext &C, const AttrBuilder &B)
Definition: Attributes.cpp:513
std::map< std::string, std::string >::const_iterator td_const_iterator
Definition: Attributes.h:811
constexpr bool isPowerOf2_32(uint32_t Value)
Return true if the argument is a power of two > 0.
Definition: MathExtras.h:429
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeList addParamAttribute(LLVMContext &C, unsigned ArgNo, Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Add an argument attribute to the list.
Definition: Attributes.h:403
The instances of the Type class are immutable: once they are created, they are never changed...
Definition: Type.h:46
This is an important class for using LLVM in a threaded context.
Definition: LLVMContext.h:69
static void adjustCallerStackProbes(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee)
If the inlined function required stack probes, then ensure that the calling function has those too...
size_t size() const
size - Get the array size.
Definition: ArrayRef.h:149
static GCRegistry::Add< CoreCLRGC > E("coreclr", "CoreCLR-compatible GC")
bool isStringAttribute() const
Definition: AttributeImpl.h:59
bool isPointerTy() const
True if this is an instance of PointerType.
Definition: Type.h:224
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeSet removeAttribute(LLVMContext &C, Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Remove the specified attribute from this set.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:551
uint64_t getAlignment() const
Retrieve the alignment attribute, if it exists.
Definition: Attributes.h:763
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeList addAllocSizeAttr(LLVMContext &C, unsigned Index, unsigned ElemSizeArg, const Optional< unsigned > &NumElemsArg)
Add the allocsize attribute to the attribute set at the given index.
static const unsigned AllocSizeNumElemsNotPresent
Definition: Attributes.cpp:58
unsigned getNumAttributes() const
Return the number of attributes in this set.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:574
iterator begin() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:619
This file defines various helper methods and classes used by LLVMContextImpl for creating and managin...
Attribute::AttrKind getKindAsEnum() const
Return the attribute&#39;s kind as an enum (Attribute::AttrKind).
Definition: Attributes.cpp:174
bool isEnumAttribute() const
Return true if the attribute is an Attribute::AttrKind type.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:162
Attribute::AttrKind getKindAsEnum() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:463
Attribute getAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Return the attribute object.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:586
std::string getAsString(unsigned Index, bool InAttrGrp=false) const
Return the attributes at the index as a string.
Sentinal value useful for loops.
Definition: Attributes.h:596
static void setAND(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee)
Compute the logical AND of the attributes of the caller and the callee.
bool operator<(const AttributeImpl &AI) const
Used when sorting the attributes.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:483
uint64_t getDereferenceableBytes() const
Retrieve the number of dereferenceable bytes, if the dereferenceable attribute exists (zero is return...
Definition: Attributes.h:770
Attribute getAttribute(unsigned Index, Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Return the attribute object that exists at the given index.
uint64_t getDereferenceableBytes() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:602
size_t size() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:53
StringRef getKindAsString() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:473
#define llvm_unreachable(msg)
Marks that the current location is not supposed to be reachable.
LLVMContextImpl *const pImpl
Definition: LLVMContext.h:71
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeSet addAttribute(LLVMContext &C, Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Add an argument attribute.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:521
void sort(IteratorTy Start, IteratorTy End)
Definition: STLExtras.h:1116
std::enable_if< std::numeric_limits< T >::is_signed, bool >::type getAsInteger(unsigned Radix, T &Result) const
Parse the current string as an integer of the specified radix.
Definition: StringRef.h:497
static void adjustCallerSSPLevel(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee)
If the inlined function had a higher stack protection level than the calling function, then bump up the caller&#39;s stack protection level.
std::string getAsString(bool InAttrGrp=false) const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:615
bool hasParamAttribute(unsigned ArgNo, Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Equivalent to hasAttribute(ArgNo + FirstArgIndex, Kind).
auto size(R &&Range, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename std::iterator_traits< decltype(Range.begin())>::iterator_category, std::random_access_iterator_tag >::value, void >::type *=nullptr) -> decltype(std::distance(Range.begin(), Range.end()))
Get the size of a range.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1167
bool contains(Attribute::AttrKind A) const
Return true if the builder has the specified attribute.
Definition: Attributes.h:743
unsigned getAlignment() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:594
AttrBuilder & removeAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Val)
Remove an attribute from the builder.
AttrBuilder & removeAttributes(AttributeList A, uint64_t WithoutIndex)
Remove the attributes from the builder.
This is a &#39;vector&#39; (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small...
Definition: SmallVector.h:847
std::pair< unsigned, Optional< unsigned > > getAllocSizeArgs(unsigned Index) const
Get the allocsize argument numbers (or pair(0, 0) if unknown).
bool overlaps(const AttrBuilder &B) const
Return true if the builder has any attribute that&#39;s in the specified builder.
iterator end() const
Definition: ArrayRef.h:138
std::string utostr(uint64_t X, bool isNeg=false)
Definition: StringExtras.h:224
static void adjustNullPointerValidAttr(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee)
If the inlined function has "null-pointer-is-valid=true" attribute, set this attribute in the caller ...
static void setOR(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee)
Compute the logical OR of the attributes of the caller and the callee.
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:133
void mergeAttributesForInlining(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee)
Merge caller&#39;s and callee&#39;s attributes.
unsigned getNumAttrSets() const
bool isEnumAttribute() const
Definition: AttributeImpl.h:57
iterator insert(iterator I, T &&Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:478
uint64_t getDereferenceableOrNullBytes() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:769
bool isIntAttribute() const
Return true if the attribute is an integer attribute.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:166
bool hasAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
void removeAttributes(unsigned i, const AttrBuilder &Attrs)
removes the attributes from the list of attributes.
Definition: Function.cpp:416
bool hasValue() const
Definition: Optional.h:165
unsigned getParamAlignment(unsigned ArgNo) const
Return the alignment for the specified function parameter.
Definition: SmallVector.h:133
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeList addAttribute(LLVMContext &C, unsigned Index, Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Add an attribute to the attribute set at the given index.
iterator end() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:623
unsigned getAlignment() const
Returns the alignment field of an attribute as a byte alignment value.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:211
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeList addDereferenceableAttr(LLVMContext &C, unsigned Index, uint64_t Bytes) const
Add the dereferenceable attribute to the attribute set at the given index.
void emplace_back(ArgTypes &&... Args)
Definition: SmallVector.h:652
StringRef getValueAsString() const
Return the attribute&#39;s value as a string.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:195
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeList removeAttribute(LLVMContext &C, unsigned Index, Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Remove the specified attribute at the specified index from this attribute list.
const NodeList & List
Definition: RDFGraph.cpp:210
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
static Attribute getWithAllocSizeArgs(LLVMContext &Context, unsigned ElemSizeArg, const Optional< unsigned > &NumElemsArg)
Definition: Attributes.cpp:151
static GCRegistry::Add< ErlangGC > A("erlang", "erlang-compatible garbage collector")
friend class AttributeList
void AddString(StringRef String)
Definition: FoldingSet.cpp:87
uint64_t getValueAsInt() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:468
static Attribute get(LLVMContext &Context, AttrKind Kind, uint64_t Val=0)
Return a uniquified Attribute object.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:81
StringRef getValueAsString() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:478
td_range td_attrs()
Definition: Attributes.h:821
void removeFnAttr(Attribute::AttrKind Kind)
Remove function attributes from this function.
Definition: Function.h:246
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeSet removeAttributes(LLVMContext &C, const AttrBuilder &AttrsToRemove) const
Remove the specified attributes from this set.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:567
LLVM_NODISCARD AttributeList addAttributes(LLVMContext &C, unsigned Index, const AttrBuilder &B) const
Add attributes to the attribute set at the given index.
static void adjustMinLegalVectorWidth(Function &Caller, const Function &Callee)
If the inlined function defines a min legal vector width, then ensure the calling function has the sa...
std::string getAsString(bool InAttrGrp=false) const
The Attribute is converted to a string of equivalent mnemonic.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:243
AttrBuilder & merge(const AttrBuilder &B)
Add the attributes from the builder.
const unsigned Kind
bool hasFnAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Equivalent to hasAttribute(AttributeList::FunctionIndex, Kind) but may be faster. ...
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
bool hasAttributes() const
Return true if attributes exists in this set.
Definition: Attributes.h:265
A raw_ostream that writes to an std::string.
Definition: raw_ostream.h:483
void dump() const
Definition: Attributes.cpp:628
LLVM Value Representation.
Definition: Value.h:73
virtual ~AttributeImpl()
AttrBuilder typeIncompatible(Type *Ty)
Which attributes cannot be applied to a type.
AttributeSet getFnAttributes() const
The function attributes are returned.
AttrBuilder & addStackAlignmentAttr(unsigned Align)
This turns an int stack alignment (which must be a power of 2) into the form used internally in Attri...
Attribute getFnAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const
Return the attribute for the given attribute kind.
Definition: Function.h:331
FoldingSet< AttributeSetNode > AttrsSetNodes
void addFnAttr(Attribute::AttrKind Kind)
Add function attributes to this function.
Definition: Function.h:230
StringRef - Represent a constant reference to a string, i.e.
Definition: StringRef.h:49
AttrBuilder & addAlignmentAttr(unsigned Align)
This turns an int alignment (which must be a power of 2) into the form used internally in Attribute...
static uint64_t packAllocSizeArgs(unsigned ElemSizeArg, const Optional< unsigned > &NumElemsArg)
Definition: Attributes.cpp:60
bool nullPointerIsDefined() const
Check if null pointer dereferencing is considered undefined behavior for the function.
Definition: Function.cpp:1431
static LazyValueInfoImpl & getImpl(void *&PImpl, AssumptionCache *AC, const DataLayout *DL, DominatorTree *DT=nullptr)
This lazily constructs the LazyValueInfoImpl.
OutputIt copy(R &&Range, OutputIt Out)
Definition: STLExtras.h:1238
static AttributeList get(LLVMContext &C, ArrayRef< std::pair< unsigned, Attribute >> Attrs)
Create an AttributeList with the specified parameters in it.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:873
bool empty() const
empty - Check if the array is empty.
Definition: ArrayRef.h:144
This enumeration lists the attributes that can be associated with parameters, function results...
Definition: Attributes.h:70
void resize(size_type N)
Definition: SmallVector.h:351