LLVM  8.0.1
Classes | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
llvm::objcarc Namespace Reference


class  ARCMDKindCache
 A cache of MDKinds used by various ARC optimizations. More...
class  ARCRuntimeEntryPoints
 Declarations for ObjC runtime functions and constants. More...
struct  BottomUpPtrState
class  ObjCARCAA
 Analysis pass providing a never-invalidated alias analysis result. More...
class  ObjCARCAAResult
 This is a simple alias analysis implementation that uses knowledge of ARC constructs to answer queries. More...
class  ObjCARCAAWrapperPass
 Legacy wrapper pass to provide the ObjCARCAAResult object. More...
class  ProvenanceAnalysis
 This is similar to BasicAliasAnalysis, and it uses many of the same techniques, except it uses special ObjC-specific reasoning about pointer relationships. More...
class  PtrState
 This class summarizes several per-pointer runtime properties which are propagated through the flow graph. More...
struct  RRInfo
 Unidirectional information about either a retain-decrement-use-release sequence or release-use-decrement-retain reverse sequence. More...
struct  TopDownPtrState


enum  ARCMDKindID { ARCMDKindID::ImpreciseRelease, ARCMDKindID::CopyOnEscape, ARCMDKindID::NoObjCARCExceptions }
enum  ARCInstKind {
  ARCInstKind::Retain, ARCInstKind::RetainRV, ARCInstKind::ClaimRV, ARCInstKind::RetainBlock,
  ARCInstKind::Release, ARCInstKind::Autorelease, ARCInstKind::AutoreleaseRV, ARCInstKind::AutoreleasepoolPush,
  ARCInstKind::AutoreleasepoolPop, ARCInstKind::NoopCast, ARCInstKind::FusedRetainAutorelease, ARCInstKind::FusedRetainAutoreleaseRV,
  ARCInstKind::LoadWeakRetained, ARCInstKind::StoreWeak, ARCInstKind::InitWeak, ARCInstKind::LoadWeak,
  ARCInstKind::MoveWeak, ARCInstKind::CopyWeak, ARCInstKind::DestroyWeak, ARCInstKind::StoreStrong,
  ARCInstKind::IntrinsicUser, ARCInstKind::CallOrUser, ARCInstKind::Call, ARCInstKind::User,
 Equivalence classes of instructions in the ARC Model. More...
enum  ARCRuntimeEntryPointKind {
  ARCRuntimeEntryPointKind::AutoreleaseRV, ARCRuntimeEntryPointKind::Release, ARCRuntimeEntryPointKind::Retain, ARCRuntimeEntryPointKind::RetainBlock,
  ARCRuntimeEntryPointKind::Autorelease, ARCRuntimeEntryPointKind::StoreStrong, ARCRuntimeEntryPointKind::RetainRV, ARCRuntimeEntryPointKind::RetainAutorelease,
enum  DependenceKind {
  NeedsPositiveRetainCount, AutoreleasePoolBoundary, CanChangeRetainCount, RetainAutoreleaseDep,
  RetainAutoreleaseRVDep, RetainRVDep
 Defines different dependence kinds among various ARC constructs. More...
enum  Sequence {
  S_None, S_Retain, S_CanRelease, S_Use,
  S_Stop, S_Release, S_MovableRelease
 A sequence of states that a pointer may go through in which an objc_retain and objc_release are actually needed. More...


bool ModuleHasARC (const Module &M)
 Test if the given module looks interesting to run ARC optimization on. More...
const ValueGetUnderlyingObjCPtr (const Value *V, const DataLayout &DL)
 This is a wrapper around getUnderlyingObject which also knows how to look through objc_retain and objc_autorelease calls, which we know to return their argument verbatim. More...
const ValueGetUnderlyingObjCPtrCached (const Value *V, const DataLayout &DL, DenseMap< const Value *, WeakTrackingVH > &Cache)
 A wrapper for GetUnderlyingObjCPtr used for results memoization. More...
const ValueGetRCIdentityRoot (const Value *V)
 The RCIdentity root of a value V is a dominating value U for which retaining or releasing U is equivalent to retaining or releasing V. More...
ValueGetRCIdentityRoot (Value *V)
 Helper which calls const Value *GetRCIdentityRoot(const Value *V) and just casts away the const of the result. More...
ValueGetArgRCIdentityRoot (Value *Inst)
 Assuming the given instruction is one of the special calls such as objc_retain or objc_release, return the RCIdentity root of the argument of the call. More...
bool IsNullOrUndef (const Value *V)
bool IsNoopInstruction (const Instruction *I)
bool IsPotentialRetainableObjPtr (const Value *Op)
 Test whether the given value is possible a retainable object pointer. More...
bool IsPotentialRetainableObjPtr (const Value *Op, AliasAnalysis &AA)
ARCInstKind GetCallSiteClass (ImmutableCallSite CS)
 Helper for GetARCInstKind. More...
bool IsObjCIdentifiedObject (const Value *V)
 Return true if this value refers to a distinct and identifiable object. More...
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const ARCInstKind Class)
bool IsUser (ARCInstKind Class)
 Test if the given class is a kind of user. More...
bool IsRetain (ARCInstKind Class)
 Test if the given class is objc_retain or equivalent. More...
bool IsAutorelease (ARCInstKind Class)
 Test if the given class is objc_autorelease or equivalent. More...
bool IsForwarding (ARCInstKind Class)
 Test if the given class represents instructions which return their argument verbatim. More...
bool IsNoopOnNull (ARCInstKind Class)
 Test if the given class represents instructions which do nothing if passed a null pointer. More...
bool IsAlwaysTail (ARCInstKind Class)
 Test if the given class represents instructions which are always safe to mark with the "tail" keyword. More...
bool IsNeverTail (ARCInstKind Class)
 Test if the given class represents instructions which are never safe to mark with the "tail" keyword. More...
bool IsNoThrow (ARCInstKind Class)
 Test if the given class represents instructions which are always safe to mark with the nounwind attribute. More...
bool CanInterruptRV (ARCInstKind Class)
 Test whether the given instruction can autorelease any pointer or cause an autoreleasepool pop. More...
ARCInstKind GetFunctionClass (const Function *F)
 Determine if F is one of the special known Functions. More...
ARCInstKind GetBasicARCInstKind (const Value *V)
 Determine which objc runtime call instruction class V belongs to. More...
ARCInstKind GetARCInstKind (const Value *V)
 Map V to its ARCInstKind equivalence class. More...
bool CanDecrementRefCount (ARCInstKind Kind)
 Returns false if conservatively we can prove that any instruction mapped to this kind can not decrement ref counts. More...
void FindDependencies (DependenceKind Flavor, const Value *Arg, BasicBlock *StartBB, Instruction *StartInst, SmallPtrSetImpl< Instruction *> &DependingInstructions, SmallPtrSetImpl< const BasicBlock *> &Visited, ProvenanceAnalysis &PA)
 Walk up the CFG from StartPos (which is in StartBB) and find local and non-local dependencies on Arg. More...
bool Depends (DependenceKind Flavor, Instruction *Inst, const Value *Arg, ProvenanceAnalysis &PA)
 Test if there can be dependencies on Inst through Arg. More...
bool CanUse (const Instruction *Inst, const Value *Ptr, ProvenanceAnalysis &PA, ARCInstKind Class)
 Test whether the given instruction can "use" the given pointer's object in a way that requires the reference count to be positive. More...
bool CanAlterRefCount (const Instruction *Inst, const Value *Ptr, ProvenanceAnalysis &PA, ARCInstKind Class)
 Test whether the given instruction can result in a reference count modification (positive or negative) for the pointer's object. More...
bool CanDecrementRefCount (const Instruction *Inst, const Value *Ptr, ProvenanceAnalysis &PA, ARCInstKind Class)
 Returns true if we can not conservatively prove that Inst can not decrement the reference count of Ptr. More...
static bool CanDecrementRefCount (const Instruction *Inst, const Value *Ptr, ProvenanceAnalysis &PA)
static void EraseInstruction (Instruction *CI)
 Erase the given instruction. More...
static const InstructiongetreturnRVOperand (const Instruction &Inst, ARCInstKind Class)
 If Inst is a ReturnRV and its operand is a call or invoke, return the operand. More...
template<class PHINodeTy , class VectorTy >
void getEquivalentPHIs (PHINodeTy &PN, VectorTy &PHIList)
 Return the list of PHI nodes that are equivalent to PN. More...
raw_ostreamoperator<< (raw_ostream &OS, const Sequence S) LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED


bool EnableARCOpts
 A handy option to enable/disable all ARC Optimizations. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ARCInstKind

Equivalence classes of instructions in the ARC Model.

Since we do not have "instructions" to represent ARC concepts in LLVM IR, we instead operate on equivalence classes of instructions.

TODO: This should be split into two enums: a runtime entry point enum (possibly united with the ARCRuntimeEntrypoint class) and an enum that deals with effects of instructions in the ARC model (which would handle the notion of a User or CallOrUser).




















objc_retainedObject, etc.






objc_loadWeakRetained (primitive)


objc_storeWeak (primitive)


objc_initWeak (derived)


objc_loadWeak (derived)


objc_moveWeak (derived)


objc_copyWeak (derived)


objc_destroyWeak (derived)


objc_storeStrong (derived)




could call objc_release and/or "use" pointers


could call objc_release


could "use" a pointer


anything that is inert from an ARC perspective.

Definition at line 31 of file ObjCARCInstKind.h.



Definition at line 249 of file ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.h.

◆ ARCRuntimeEntryPointKind


Definition at line 42 of file ARCRuntimeEntryPoints.h.

◆ DependenceKind

Defines different dependence kinds among various ARC constructs.

There are several kinds of dependence-like concepts in use here.


Blocks objc_retainAutorelease.


Blocks objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue.


Blocks objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue.

Definition at line 45 of file DependencyAnalysis.h.

◆ Sequence

A sequence of states that a pointer may go through in which an objc_retain and objc_release are actually needed.




foo(x) – x could possibly see a ref count decrement.


any use of x.


like S_Release, but code motion is stopped.




objc_release(x), !clang.imprecise_release.

Definition at line 41 of file PtrState.h.

Function Documentation

◆ CanAlterRefCount()

bool llvm::objcarc::CanAlterRefCount ( const Instruction Inst,
const Value Ptr,
ProvenanceAnalysis PA,
ARCInstKind  Class 

◆ CanDecrementRefCount() [1/3]

bool llvm::objcarc::CanDecrementRefCount ( const Instruction Inst,
const Value Ptr,
ProvenanceAnalysis PA,
ARCInstKind  Class 

Returns true if we can not conservatively prove that Inst can not decrement the reference count of Ptr.

Returns false if we can.

Definition at line 68 of file DependencyAnalysis.cpp.

References CanAlterRefCount(), and CanDecrementRefCount().

◆ CanDecrementRefCount() [2/3]

static bool llvm::objcarc::CanDecrementRefCount ( const Instruction Inst,
const Value Ptr,
ProvenanceAnalysis PA 

Definition at line 80 of file DependencyAnalysis.h.

References CanDecrementRefCount(), and GetARCInstKind().

◆ CanDecrementRefCount() [3/3]

bool llvm::objcarc::CanDecrementRefCount ( ARCInstKind  Kind)

Returns false if conservatively we can prove that any instruction mapped to this kind can not decrement ref counts.

Returns true otherwise.

Definition at line 634 of file ObjCARCInstKind.cpp.

References Autorelease, AutoreleasepoolPop, AutoreleasepoolPush, AutoreleaseRV, Call, CallOrUser, ClaimRV, CopyWeak, DestroyWeak, FusedRetainAutorelease, FusedRetainAutoreleaseRV, InitWeak, IntrinsicUser, llvm_unreachable, LoadWeak, LoadWeakRetained, MoveWeak, None, NoopCast, Release, Retain, RetainBlock, RetainRV, StoreStrong, StoreWeak, and User.

Referenced by CanDecrementRefCount(), findRetainForStoreStrongContraction(), and GetBasicARCInstKind().

◆ CanInterruptRV()

bool llvm::objcarc::CanInterruptRV ( ARCInstKind  Class)

Test whether the given instruction can autorelease any pointer or cause an autoreleasepool pop.

This means that it could interrupt the RV optimization.

Definition at line 601 of file ObjCARCInstKind.cpp.

References Autorelease, AutoreleasepoolPop, AutoreleasepoolPush, AutoreleaseRV, Call, CallOrUser, ClaimRV, CopyWeak, DestroyWeak, FusedRetainAutorelease, FusedRetainAutoreleaseRV, InitWeak, IntrinsicUser, llvm_unreachable, LoadWeak, LoadWeakRetained, MoveWeak, None, NoopCast, Release, Retain, RetainBlock, RetainRV, StoreStrong, StoreWeak, and User.

Referenced by Depends().

◆ CanUse()

bool llvm::objcarc::CanUse ( const Instruction Inst,
const Value Ptr,
ProvenanceAnalysis PA,
ARCInstKind  Class 

◆ Depends()

bool llvm::objcarc::Depends ( DependenceKind  Flavor,
Instruction Inst,
const Value Arg,
ProvenanceAnalysis PA 

Test if there can be dependencies on Inst through Arg.

This function only tests dependencies relevant for removing pairs of calls.

Definition at line 132 of file DependencyAnalysis.cpp.

References Arg, AutoreleasePoolBoundary, AutoreleasepoolPop, AutoreleasepoolPush, CanAlterRefCount(), CanChangeRetainCount, CanInterruptRV(), CanUse(), GetARCInstKind(), GetArgRCIdentityRoot(), GetBasicARCInstKind(), llvm_unreachable, NeedsPositiveRetainCount, None, Retain, RetainAutoreleaseDep, RetainAutoreleaseRVDep, RetainRV, and RetainRVDep.

Referenced by FindDependencies().

◆ EraseInstruction()

static void llvm::objcarc::EraseInstruction ( Instruction CI)

Erase the given instruction.

Many ObjC calls return their argument verbatim, so if it's such a call and the return value has users, replace them with the argument value.

Definition at line 52 of file ObjCARC.h.

References assert(), llvm::Instruction::eraseFromParent(), GetBasicARCInstKind(), IsForwarding(), IsNoopOnNull(), IsNullOrUndef(), llvm::RecursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions(), llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith(), llvm::Value::stripPointerCasts(), and llvm::Value::use_empty().

Referenced by ComputePostOrders(), createCallInst(), llvm::createObjCARCOptPass(), and FindPredecessorAutoreleaseWithSafePath().

◆ FindDependencies()

void llvm::objcarc::FindDependencies ( DependenceKind  Flavor,
const Value Arg,
BasicBlock StartBB,
Instruction StartInst,
SmallPtrSetImpl< Instruction *> &  DependingInsts,
SmallPtrSetImpl< const BasicBlock *> &  Visited,
ProvenanceAnalysis PA 

◆ GetARCInstKind()

ARCInstKind llvm::objcarc::GetARCInstKind ( const Value V)

◆ GetArgRCIdentityRoot()

Value* llvm::objcarc::GetArgRCIdentityRoot ( Value Inst)

Assuming the given instruction is one of the special calls such as objc_retain or objc_release, return the RCIdentity root of the argument of the call.

Definition at line 138 of file ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.h.

References GetRCIdentityRoot().

Referenced by CheckForCanReleaseCFGHazard(), ComputePostOrders(), createCallInst(), llvm::createObjCARCOptPass(), Depends(), FindPredecessorAutoreleaseWithSafePath(), FindPredecessorRetainWithSafePath(), and findRetainForStoreStrongContraction().

◆ GetBasicARCInstKind()

ARCInstKind llvm::objcarc::GetBasicARCInstKind ( const Value V)

◆ GetCallSiteClass()

ARCInstKind llvm::objcarc::GetCallSiteClass ( ImmutableCallSite  CS)

◆ getEquivalentPHIs()

template<class PHINodeTy , class VectorTy >
void llvm::objcarc::getEquivalentPHIs ( PHINodeTy &  PN,
VectorTy &  PHIList 

Return the list of PHI nodes that are equivalent to PN.

Definition at line 87 of file ObjCARC.h.

References E, I, and P.

Referenced by createCallInst(), and llvm::createObjCARCOptPass().

◆ GetFunctionClass()

ARCInstKind llvm::objcarc::GetFunctionClass ( const Function F)

Determine if F is one of the special known Functions.

If it isn't, return ARCInstKind::CallOrUser.

Definition at line 87 of file ObjCARCInstKind.cpp.

References Autorelease, AutoreleasepoolPop, AutoreleasepoolPush, AutoreleaseRV, CallOrUser, ClaimRV, CopyWeak, DestroyWeak, FusedRetainAutorelease, FusedRetainAutoreleaseRV, llvm::Function::getIntrinsicID(), InitWeak, IntrinsicUser, LoadWeak, LoadWeakRetained, MoveWeak, None, NoopCast, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_arc_annotation_bottomup_bbend, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_arc_annotation_bottomup_bbstart, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_arc_annotation_topdown_bbend, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_arc_annotation_topdown_bbstart, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_autorelease, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_autoreleasePoolPop, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_autoreleasePoolPush, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_autoreleaseReturnValue, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_clang_arc_use, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_copyWeak, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_destroyWeak, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_initWeak, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_loadWeak, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_loadWeakRetained, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_moveWeak, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_release, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_retain, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_retain_autorelease, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_retainAutorelease, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_retainBlock, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_retainedObject, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_storeStrong, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_storeWeak, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_sync_enter, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_sync_exit, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_unretainedObject, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_unretainedPointer, llvm::Intrinsic::objc_unsafeClaimAutoreleasedReturnValue, Release, Retain, RetainBlock, RetainRV, StoreStrong, StoreWeak, and User.

Referenced by GetARCInstKind(), GetBasicARCInstKind(), and llvm::objcarc::ObjCARCAAResult::getModRefBehavior().

◆ GetRCIdentityRoot() [1/2]

const Value* llvm::objcarc::GetRCIdentityRoot ( const Value V)

The RCIdentity root of a value V is a dominating value U for which retaining or releasing U is equivalent to retaining or releasing V.

In other words, ARC operations on V are equivalent to ARC operations on U.

We use this in the ARC optimizer to make it easier to match up ARC operations by always mapping ARC operations to RCIdentityRoots instead of pointers themselves.

The two ways that we see RCIdentical values in ObjC are via:

  1. PointerCasts
  2. Forwarding Calls that return their argument verbatim.

Thus this function strips off pointer casts and forwarding calls. NOTE This implies that two RCIdentical values must alias.

Definition at line 117 of file ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.h.

References GetBasicARCInstKind(), IsForwarding(), and llvm::Value::stripPointerCasts().

Referenced by llvm::objcarc::ObjCARCAAResult::alias(), ComputePostOrders(), createCallInst(), llvm::createObjCARCOptPass(), FindPredecessorAutoreleaseWithSafePath(), FindSingleUseIdentifiedObject(), GetArgRCIdentityRoot(), GetRCIdentityRoot(), IsObjCIdentifiedObject(), and llvm::objcarc::ObjCARCAAResult::pointsToConstantMemory().

◆ GetRCIdentityRoot() [2/2]

Value* llvm::objcarc::GetRCIdentityRoot ( Value V)

Helper which calls const Value *GetRCIdentityRoot(const Value *V) and just casts away the const of the result.

For documentation about what an RCIdentityRoot (and by extension GetRCIdentityRoot is) look at that function.

Definition at line 131 of file ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.h.

References GetRCIdentityRoot().

◆ getreturnRVOperand()

static const Instruction* llvm::objcarc::getreturnRVOperand ( const Instruction Inst,
ARCInstKind  Class 

If Inst is a ReturnRV and its operand is a call or invoke, return the operand.

Otherwise return null.

Definition at line 74 of file ObjCARC.h.

References C, llvm::dyn_cast(), llvm::User::getOperand(), RetainRV, and llvm::Value::stripPointerCasts().

Referenced by llvm::objcarc::BottomUpPtrState::HandlePotentialUse().

◆ GetUnderlyingObjCPtr()

const Value* llvm::objcarc::GetUnderlyingObjCPtr ( const Value V,
const DataLayout DL 

This is a wrapper around getUnderlyingObject which also knows how to look through objc_retain and objc_autorelease calls, which we know to return their argument verbatim.

Definition at line 78 of file ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.h.

References GetBasicARCInstKind(), llvm::GetUnderlyingObject(), and IsForwarding().

Referenced by llvm::objcarc::ObjCARCAAResult::alias(), CanUse(), GetUnderlyingObjCPtrCached(), and llvm::objcarc::ObjCARCAAResult::pointsToConstantMemory().

◆ GetUnderlyingObjCPtrCached()

const Value* llvm::objcarc::GetUnderlyingObjCPtrCached ( const Value V,
const DataLayout DL,
DenseMap< const Value *, WeakTrackingVH > &  Cache 

◆ IsAlwaysTail()

bool llvm::objcarc::IsAlwaysTail ( ARCInstKind  Class)

◆ IsAutorelease()

bool llvm::objcarc::IsAutorelease ( ARCInstKind  Class)

◆ IsForwarding()

bool llvm::objcarc::IsForwarding ( ARCInstKind  Class)

◆ IsNeverTail()

bool llvm::objcarc::IsNeverTail ( ARCInstKind  Class)

Test if the given class represents instructions which are never safe to mark with the "tail" keyword.

It is never safe to tail call objc_autorelease since by tail calling objc_autorelease: fast autoreleasing causing our object to be potentially reclaimed from the autorelease pool which violates the semantics of __autoreleasing types in ARC.

Definition at line 523 of file ObjCARCInstKind.cpp.

References Autorelease, AutoreleasepoolPop, AutoreleasepoolPush, AutoreleaseRV, Call, CallOrUser, ClaimRV, CopyWeak, DestroyWeak, FusedRetainAutorelease, FusedRetainAutoreleaseRV, InitWeak, IntrinsicUser, llvm_unreachable, LoadWeak, LoadWeakRetained, MoveWeak, None, NoopCast, Release, Retain, RetainBlock, RetainRV, StoreStrong, StoreWeak, and User.

Referenced by llvm::createObjCARCOptPass().

◆ IsNoopInstruction()

bool llvm::objcarc::IsNoopInstruction ( const Instruction I)

Definition at line 146 of file ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.h.

References I.

Referenced by createCallInst(), and llvm::createObjCARCOptPass().

◆ IsNoopOnNull()

bool llvm::objcarc::IsNoopOnNull ( ARCInstKind  Class)

◆ IsNoThrow()

bool llvm::objcarc::IsNoThrow ( ARCInstKind  Class)

◆ IsNullOrUndef()

bool llvm::objcarc::IsNullOrUndef ( const Value V)

◆ IsObjCIdentifiedObject()

bool llvm::objcarc::IsObjCIdentifiedObject ( const Value V)

Return true if this value refers to a distinct and identifiable object.

This is similar to AliasAnalysis's isIdentifiedObject, except that it uses special knowledge of ObjC conventions.

Definition at line 213 of file ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.h.

References llvm::StringRef::find(), GetRCIdentityRoot(), Name, llvm::StringRef::npos, llvm::ARMBuildAttrs::Section, and llvm::StringRef::startswith().

Referenced by FindSingleUseIdentifiedObject(), and IsStoredObjCPointer().

◆ IsPotentialRetainableObjPtr() [1/2]

bool llvm::objcarc::IsPotentialRetainableObjPtr ( const Value Op)

Test whether the given value is possible a retainable object pointer.

Definition at line 153 of file ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.h.

References Arg, llvm::dyn_cast(), and llvm::Value::getType().

Referenced by CanAlterRefCount(), CanUse(), GetARCInstKind(), GetCallSiteClass(), and IsPotentialRetainableObjPtr().

◆ IsPotentialRetainableObjPtr() [2/2]

bool llvm::objcarc::IsPotentialRetainableObjPtr ( const Value Op,
AliasAnalysis AA 

◆ IsRetain()

bool llvm::objcarc::IsRetain ( ARCInstKind  Class)

◆ IsUser()

bool llvm::objcarc::IsUser ( ARCInstKind  Class)

◆ ModuleHasARC()

bool llvm::objcarc::ModuleHasARC ( const Module M)

Test if the given module looks interesting to run ARC optimization on.

Definition at line 52 of file ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.h.

References llvm::Module::getNamedValue().

Referenced by llvm::createObjCARCContractPass(), FindPredecessorAutoreleaseWithSafePath(), and INITIALIZE_PASS().

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

raw_ostream & llvm::objcarc::operator<< ( raw_ostream OS,
const Sequence  S 

Definition at line 37 of file PtrState.cpp.

References llvm_unreachable, S_CanRelease, S_MovableRelease, S_None, S_Release, S_Retain, S_Stop, and S_Use.

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

raw_ostream & llvm::objcarc::operator<< ( raw_ostream OS,
const ARCInstKind  Class 

Variable Documentation

◆ EnableARCOpts

bool llvm::objcarc::EnableARCOpts