LLVM  8.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===-- TargetMachine.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This file implements the LLVM-C part of TargetMachine.h
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "llvm-c/Core.h"
15 #include "llvm-c/Target.h"
16 #include "llvm-c/TargetMachine.h"
18 #include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
20 #include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
24 #include "llvm/Support/Host.h"
29 #include <cassert>
30 #include <cstdlib>
31 #include <cstring>
33 using namespace llvm;
36  return reinterpret_cast<TargetMachine *>(P);
37 }
39  return reinterpret_cast<Target*>(P);
40 }
42  return reinterpret_cast<LLVMTargetMachineRef>(const_cast<TargetMachine *>(P));
43 }
44 static LLVMTargetRef wrap(const Target * P) {
45  return reinterpret_cast<LLVMTargetRef>(const_cast<Target*>(P));
46 }
50  return nullptr;
51  }
53  const Target *target = &*TargetRegistry::targets().begin();
54  return wrap(target);
55 }
57  return wrap(unwrap(T)->getNext());
58 }
61  StringRef NameRef = Name;
63  [&](const Target &T) { return T.getName() == NameRef; });
64  return I != TargetRegistry::targets().end() ? wrap(&*I) : nullptr;
65 }
68  char **ErrorMessage) {
69  std::string Error;
71  *T = wrap(TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(TripleStr, Error));
73  if (!*T) {
74  if (ErrorMessage)
75  *ErrorMessage = strdup(Error.c_str());
77  return 1;
78  }
80  return 0;
81 }
84  return unwrap(T)->getName();
85 }
88  return unwrap(T)->getShortDescription();
89 }
92  return unwrap(T)->hasJIT();
93 }
96  return unwrap(T)->hasTargetMachine();
97 }
100  return unwrap(T)->hasMCAsmBackend();
101 }
104  const char *Triple, const char *CPU, const char *Features,
106  LLVMCodeModel CodeModel) {
108  switch (Reloc){
109  case LLVMRelocStatic:
110  RM = Reloc::Static;
111  break;
112  case LLVMRelocPIC:
113  RM = Reloc::PIC_;
114  break;
116  RM = Reloc::DynamicNoPIC;
117  break;
118  case LLVMRelocROPI:
119  RM = Reloc::ROPI;
120  break;
121  case LLVMRelocRWPI:
122  RM = Reloc::RWPI;
123  break;
124  case LLVMRelocROPI_RWPI:
125  RM = Reloc::ROPI_RWPI;
126  break;
127  default:
128  break;
129  }
131  bool JIT;
132  Optional<CodeModel::Model> CM = unwrap(CodeModel, JIT);
135  switch (Level) {
137  OL = CodeGenOpt::None;
138  break;
140  OL = CodeGenOpt::Less;
141  break;
144  break;
145  default:
146  OL = CodeGenOpt::Default;
147  break;
148  }
151  return wrap(unwrap(T)->createTargetMachine(Triple, CPU, Features, opt, RM, CM,
152  OL, JIT));
153 }
158  const Target* target = &(unwrap(T)->getTarget());
159  return wrap(target);
160 }
163  std::string StringRep = unwrap(T)->getTargetTriple().str();
164  return strdup(StringRep.c_str());
165 }
168  std::string StringRep = unwrap(T)->getTargetCPU();
169  return strdup(StringRep.c_str());
170 }
173  std::string StringRep = unwrap(T)->getTargetFeatureString();
174  return strdup(StringRep.c_str());
175 }
178  LLVMBool VerboseAsm) {
179  unwrap(T)->Options.MCOptions.AsmVerbose = VerboseAsm;
180 }
183  return wrap(new DataLayout(unwrap(T)->createDataLayout()));
184 }
187  raw_pwrite_stream &OS,
189  char **ErrorMessage) {
190  TargetMachine* TM = unwrap(T);
191  Module* Mod = unwrap(M);
195  std::string error;
197  Mod->setDataLayout(TM->createDataLayout());
200  switch (codegen) {
201  case LLVMAssemblyFile:
203  break;
204  default:
206  break;
207  }
208  if (TM->addPassesToEmitFile(pass, OS, nullptr, ft)) {
209  error = "TargetMachine can't emit a file of this type";
210  *ErrorMessage = strdup(error.c_str());
211  return true;
212  }
214  pass.run(*Mod);
216  OS.flush();
217  return false;
218 }
221  char* Filename, LLVMCodeGenFileType codegen, char** ErrorMessage) {
222  std::error_code EC;
223  raw_fd_ostream dest(Filename, EC, sys::fs::F_None);
224  if (EC) {
225  *ErrorMessage = strdup(EC.message().c_str());
226  return true;
227  }
228  bool Result = LLVMTargetMachineEmit(T, M, dest, codegen, ErrorMessage);
229  dest.flush();
230  return Result;
231 }
234  LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMCodeGenFileType codegen, char** ErrorMessage,
235  LLVMMemoryBufferRef *OutMemBuf) {
236  SmallString<0> CodeString;
237  raw_svector_ostream OStream(CodeString);
238  bool Result = LLVMTargetMachineEmit(T, M, OStream, codegen, ErrorMessage);
240  StringRef Data = OStream.str();
241  *OutMemBuf =
243  return Result;
244 }
247  return strdup(sys::getDefaultTargetTriple().c_str());
248 }
250 char *LLVMNormalizeTargetTriple(const char* triple) {
251  return strdup(Triple::normalize(StringRef(triple)).c_str());
252 }
254 char *LLVMGetHostCPUName(void) {
255  return strdup(sys::getHostCPUName().data());
256 }
260  StringMap<bool> HostFeatures;
262  if (sys::getHostCPUFeatures(HostFeatures))
263  for (auto &F : HostFeatures)
264  Features.AddFeature(F.first(), F.second);
266  return strdup(Features.getString().c_str());
267 }
270  unwrap(PM)->add(
271  createTargetTransformInfoWrapperPass(unwrap(T)->getTargetIRAnalysis()));
272 }
static void codegen(Module *M, llvm::raw_pwrite_stream &OS, function_ref< std::unique_ptr< TargetMachine >()> TMFactory, TargetMachine::CodeGenFileType FileType)
Definition: ParallelCG.cpp:28
A parsed version of the target data layout string in and methods for querying it. ...
Definition: DataLayout.h:111
const_iterator end(StringRef path)
Get end iterator over path.
Definition: Path.cpp:259
Safe Stack instrumentation pass
Definition: SafeStack.cpp:907
const_iterator begin(StringRef path, Style style=Style::native)
Get begin iterator over path.
Definition: Path.cpp:250
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
struct LLVMOpaqueModule * LLVMModuleRef
The top-level container for all other LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR) objects.
Definition: Types.h:62
LLVMMemoryBufferRef LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithMemoryRangeCopy(const char *InputData, size_t InputDataLength, const char *BufferName)
Definition: Core.cpp:3849
A Module instance is used to store all the information related to an LLVM module. ...
Definition: Module.h:65
struct LLVMOpaqueMemoryBuffer * LLVMMemoryBufferRef
LLVM uses a polymorphic type hierarchy which C cannot represent, therefore parameters must be passed ...
Definition: Types.h:49
char * LLVMGetDefaultTargetTriple(void)
Get a triple for the host machine as a string.
size - Get the string size.
Definition: StringRef.h:138
Definition: TargetMachine.h:31
std::string getDefaultTargetTriple()
getDefaultTargetTriple() - Return the default target triple the compiler has been configured to produ...
ImmutablePass * createTargetTransformInfoWrapperPass(TargetIRAnalysis TIRA)
Create an analysis pass wrapper around a TTI object.
std::string getString() const
Returns features as a string.
const FeatureBitset Features
void setDataLayout(StringRef Desc)
Set the data layout.
Definition: Module.cpp:365
A raw_ostream that writes to an SmallVector or SmallString.
Definition: raw_ostream.h:510
#define error(X)
const DataLayout createDataLayout() const
Create a DataLayout.
static const Target * lookupTarget(const std::string &Triple, std::string &Error)
lookupTarget - Lookup a target based on a target triple.
LLVMTargetDataRef LLVMCreateTargetDataLayout(LLVMTargetMachineRef T)
Create a DataLayout based on the targetMachine.
data - Get a pointer to the start of the string (which may not be null terminated).
Definition: StringRef.h:128
char * LLVMGetHostCPUName(void)
Get the host CPU as a string.
virtual bool addPassesToEmitFile(PassManagerBase &, raw_pwrite_stream &, raw_pwrite_stream *, CodeGenFileType, bool=true, MachineModuleInfo *MMI=nullptr)
Add passes to the specified pass manager to get the specified file emitted.
const char * getName() const
getName - Get the target name.
LLVMTargetRef LLVMGetTargetMachineTarget(LLVMTargetMachineRef T)
Returns the Target used in a TargetMachine.
LLVMBool LLVMTargetHasAsmBackend(LLVMTargetRef T)
Returns if the target as an ASM backend (required for emitting output)
Definition: TargetMachine.h:58
amdgpu Simplify well known AMD library false Value Value const Twine & Name
struct LLVMOpaqueTargetData * LLVMTargetDataRef
Definition: DataLayout.h:39
struct LLVMOpaqueTargetMachine * LLVMTargetMachineRef
Definition: TargetMachine.h:28
Attribute unwrap(LLVMAttributeRef Attr)
Definition: Attributes.h:195
void LLVMSetTargetMachineAsmVerbosity(LLVMTargetMachineRef T, LLVMBool VerboseAsm)
Set the target machine&#39;s ASM verbosity.
void AddFeature(StringRef String, bool Enable=true)
Adds Features.
const char * LLVMGetTargetName(LLVMTargetRef T)
Returns the name of a target.
char * LLVMGetTargetMachineFeatureString(LLVMTargetMachineRef T)
Returns the feature string used creating this target machine.
SmallString - A SmallString is just a SmallVector with methods and accessors that make it work better...
Definition: SmallString.h:26
static iterator_range< iterator > targets()
LLVMBool LLVMTargetMachineEmitToMemoryBuffer(LLVMTargetMachineRef T, LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMCodeGenFileType codegen, char **ErrorMessage, LLVMMemoryBufferRef *OutMemBuf)
Compile the LLVM IR stored in M and store the result in OutMemBuf.
PassManager manages ModulePassManagers.
#define P(N)
LLVMBool LLVMGetTargetFromTriple(const char *TripleStr, LLVMTargetRef *T, char **ErrorMessage)
Finds the target corresponding to the given triple and stores it in T.
void LLVMDisposeTargetMachine(LLVMTargetMachineRef T)
Dispose the LLVMTargetMachineRef instance generated by LLVMCreateTargetMachine.
struct LLVMTarget * LLVMTargetRef
Definition: TargetMachine.h:29
Definition: TargetMachine.h:48
LLVMBool LLVMTargetMachineEmitToFile(LLVMTargetMachineRef T, LLVMModuleRef M, char *Filename, LLVMCodeGenFileType codegen, char **ErrorMessage)
Emits an asm or object file for the given module to the filename.
static LLVMBool LLVMTargetMachineEmit(LLVMTargetMachineRef T, LLVMModuleRef M, raw_pwrite_stream &OS, LLVMCodeGenFileType codegen, char **ErrorMessage)
const char * LLVMGetTargetDescription(LLVMTargetRef T)
Returns the description of a target.
auto find_if(R &&Range, UnaryPredicate P) -> decltype(adl_begin(Range))
Provide wrappers to std::find_if which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly...
Definition: STLExtras.h:1214
LLVMBool LLVMTargetHasTargetMachine(LLVMTargetRef T)
Returns if the target has a TargetMachine associated.
int LLVMBool
Definition: Types.h:29
LLVMTargetRef LLVMGetFirstTarget()
Returns the first llvm::Target in the registered targets list.
bool run(Module &M)
run - Execute all of the passes scheduled for execution.
Triple - Helper class for working with autoconf configuration names.
Definition: Triple.h:44
char * LLVMGetTargetMachineTriple(LLVMTargetMachineRef T)
Returns the triple used creating this target machine.
SmallVectorImpl< T >::const_pointer c_str(SmallVectorImpl< T > &str)
LLVMTargetRef LLVMGetNextTarget(LLVMTargetRef T)
Returns the next llvm::Target given a previous one (or null if there&#39;s none)
Module.h This file contains the declarations for the Module class.
StringRef str()
Return a StringRef for the vector contents.
Definition: raw_ostream.h:535
std::string normalize() const
Return the normalized form of this triple&#39;s string.
Definition: Triple.h:283
The access may modify the value stored in memory.
struct LLVMOpaquePassManager * LLVMPassManagerRef
Definition: Types.h:128
char * LLVMGetTargetMachineCPU(LLVMTargetMachineRef T)
Returns the cpu used creating this target machine.
Target - Wrapper for Target specific information.
Manages the enabling and disabling of subtarget specific features.
Definition: TargetMachine.h:38
LLVMAttributeRef wrap(Attribute Attr)
Definition: Attributes.h:190
A raw_ostream that writes to a file descriptor.
Definition: raw_ostream.h:366
StringRef getHostCPUName()
getHostCPUName - Get the LLVM name for the host CPU.
Definition: Host.cpp:1143
LLVMBool LLVMTargetHasJIT(LLVMTargetRef T)
Returns if the target has a JIT.
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
char * LLVMNormalizeTargetTriple(const char *triple)
Normalize a target triple.
LLVMTargetMachineRef LLVMCreateTargetMachine(LLVMTargetRef T, const char *Triple, const char *CPU, const char *Features, LLVMCodeGenOptLevel Level, LLVMRelocMode Reloc, LLVMCodeModel CodeModel)
Creates a new llvm::TargetMachine.
char * LLVMGetHostCPUFeatures(void)
Get the host CPU&#39;s features as a string.
An abstract base class for streams implementations that also support a pwrite operation.
Definition: raw_ostream.h:341
Lightweight error class with error context and mandatory checking.
Definition: Error.h:158
Primary interface to the complete machine description for the target machine.
Definition: TargetMachine.h:59
StringRef - Represent a constant reference to a string, i.e.
Definition: StringRef.h:49
hexagon cext opt
bool getHostCPUFeatures(StringMap< bool > &Features)
getHostCPUFeatures - Get the LLVM names for the host CPU features.
Definition: Host.cpp:1427
This pass exposes codegen information to IR-level passes.
void LLVMAddAnalysisPasses(LLVMTargetMachineRef T, LLVMPassManagerRef PM)
Adds the target-specific analysis passes to the pass manager.
LLVMTargetRef LLVMGetTargetFromName(const char *Name)
Finds the target corresponding to the given name and stores it in T.
These enums are meant to be passed into addPassesToEmitFile to indicate what type of file to emit...