15 #ifndef LLVM_LINKALLPASSES_H 16 #define LLVM_LINKALLPASSES_H 61 struct ForcePassLinking {
67 if (std::getenv(
"bar") != (
char*) -1)
FunctionPass * createSpeculativeExecutionPass()
Defines passes for running instruction simplification across chunks of IR.
FunctionPass * createRegionViewerPass()
FunctionPass * createInstCountPass()
FunctionPass * createStraightLineStrengthReducePass()
FunctionPass * createGVNPass(bool NoLoads=false)
Create a legacy GVN pass.
FunctionPass * createDomOnlyViewerPass()
FunctionPass * createDependenceAnalysisWrapperPass()
createDependenceAnalysisPass - This creates an instance of the DependenceAnalysis wrapper pass...
Pass * createLoopRerollPass()
ModulePass * createIPConstantPropagationPass()
createIPConstantPropagationPass - This pass propagates constants from call sites into the bodies of f...
Pass * createLoopSimplifyPass()
static GCMetadataPrinterRegistry::Add< ErlangGCPrinter > X("erlang", "erlang-compatible garbage collector")
ModulePass * createStripDeadPrototypesPass()
createStripDeadPrototypesPass - This pass removes any function declarations (prototypes) that are not...
ModulePass * createPGOInstrumentationGenLegacyPass()
Pass * createLoopStrengthReducePass()
FunctionPass * createPostDomPrinterPass()
This is the interface for LLVM's inclusion-based alias analysis implemented with CFL graph reachabili...
FunctionPass * createLowerSwitchPass()
This is the interface for a simple mod/ref and alias analysis over globals.
Pass * createLoopVectorizePass(bool InterleaveOnlyWhenForced=false, bool VectorizeOnlyWhenForced=false)
ModulePass * createGCOVProfilerPass(const GCOVOptions &Options=GCOVOptions::getDefault())
FunctionPass * createPGOMemOPSizeOptLegacyPass()
static constexpr LocationSize unknown()
Pass * createDeadInstEliminationPass()
ModulePass * createMergeFunctionsPass()
createMergeFunctionsPass - This pass discovers identical functions and collapses them.
This file implements a simple N^2 alias analysis accuracy evaluator.
This is the interface for a metadata-based scoped no-alias analysis.
FunctionPass * createExpandMemCmpPass()
FunctionPass * createPrintFunctionPass(raw_ostream &OS, const std::string &Banner="")
Create and return a pass that prints functions to the specified raw_ostream as they are processed...
ModulePass * createIPSCCPPass()
createIPSCCPPass - This pass propagates constants from call sites into the bodies of functions...
FunctionPass * createFloat2IntPass()
FunctionPass * createRegionInfoPass()
Externally visible function.
Implementation of the target library information.
Pass * createSingleLoopExtractorPass()
createSingleLoopExtractorPass - This pass extracts one natural loop from the program into a function ...
FunctionPass * createAAEvalPass()
Create a wrapper of the above for the legacy pass manager.
ModulePass * createEliminateAvailableExternallyPass()
This transform is designed to eliminate available external globals (functions or global variables) ...
FunctionPass * createGVNHoistPass()
FunctionPass * createDemoteRegisterToMemoryPass()
ModulePass * createInstrProfilingLegacyPass(const InstrProfOptions &Options=InstrProfOptions())
Insert frontend instrumentation based profiling.
FunctionPass * createBoundsCheckingLegacyPass()
Legacy pass creation function for the above pass.
The pass manager to schedule RegionPasses.
ImmutablePass * createScopedNoAliasAAWrapperPass()
FunctionPass * createAlignmentFromAssumptionsPass()
FunctionPass * createJumpThreadingPass(int Threshold=-1)
ModulePass * createCallGraphDOTPrinterPass()
FunctionPass * createRegionOnlyViewerPass()
ModulePass * createStripNonDebugSymbolsPass()
FunctionPass * createScalarizeMaskedMemIntrinPass()
createScalarizeMaskedMemIntrinPass - Replace masked load, store, gather and scatter intrinsics with s...
FunctionPass * createCFGSimplificationPass(unsigned Threshold=1, bool ForwardSwitchCond=false, bool ConvertSwitch=false, bool KeepLoops=true, bool SinkCommon=false, std::function< bool(const Function &)> Ftor=nullptr)
ModulePass * createStripDeadDebugInfoPass()
ModulePass * createPartialInliningPass()
createPartialInliningPass - This pass inlines parts of functions.
Pass * createLoopUnrollPass(int OptLevel=2, bool OnlyWhenForced=false, int Threshold=-1, int Count=-1, int AllowPartial=-1, int Runtime=-1, int UpperBound=-1, int AllowPeeling=-1)
This is the interface for a SCEV-based alias analysis.
FunctionPass * createLowerInvokePass()
FunctionPass * createDomViewerPass()
FunctionPass * createSafeStackPass()
This pass splits the stack into a safe stack and an unsafe stack to protect against stack-based overf...
FunctionPass * createConstantPropagationPass()
FunctionPass * createReassociatePass()
Pass * createArgumentPromotionPass(unsigned maxElements=3)
createArgumentPromotionPass - This pass promotes "by reference" arguments to be passed by value if th...
FunctionPass * createSinkingPass()
FunctionPass * createAggressiveInstCombinerPass()
Pass * createMergeICmpsPass()
FunctionPass * createSCCPPass()
FunctionPass * createPartiallyInlineLibCallsPass()
Pass * createObjCARCAPElimPass()
FunctionPass * createDeadCodeEliminationPass()
Pass * createObjCARCContractPass()
FunctionPass * createSCEVAAWrapperPass()
Creates an instance of SCEVAAWrapperPass.
ModulePass * createMetaRenamerPass()
ModulePass * createCalledValuePropagationPass()
createCalledValuePropagationPass - Attach metadata to indirct call sites indicating the set of functi...
FunctionPass * createInstSimplifyLegacyPass()
Create a legacy pass that does instruction simplification on each instruction in a function...
FunctionPass * createRegionOnlyPrinterPass()
Pass * createLoadStoreVectorizerPass()
Create a legacy pass manager instance of the LoadStoreVectorizer pass.
Pass * createUnifyFunctionExitNodesPass()
FunctionPass * createInstructionCombiningPass(bool ExpensiveCombines=true)
ModulePass * createGlobalDCEPass()
createGlobalDCEPass - This transform is designed to eliminate unreachable internal globals (functions...
FunctionPass * createLazyValueInfoPass()
createLazyValueInfoPass - This creates an instance of the LazyValueInfo pass.
Pass * createLoopUnrollAndJamPass(int OptLevel=2)
Pass * createCorrelatedValuePropagationPass()
FunctionPass * createMustExecutePrinter()
This is the interface for LLVM's unification-based alias analysis implemented with CFL graph reachabi...
FunctionPass * createDomPrinterPass()
void viewCFGOnly() const
viewCFGOnly - This function is meant for use from the debugger.
static Function * Create(FunctionType *Ty, LinkageTypes Linkage, unsigned AddrSpace, const Twine &N="", Module *M=nullptr)
FunctionPass * createMemDepPrinter()
This is the interface for a metadata-based TBAA.
Pass * createObjCARCExpandPass()
FunctionPass * createTailCallEliminationPass()
Pass * createFunctionImportPass()
This pass performs iterative function importing from other modules.
This file provides the interface for LLVM's Global Value Numbering pass which eliminates fully redund...
FunctionPass * createPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass()
FunctionPass * createRegionPrinterPass()
ModulePass * createDeadArgEliminationPass()
createDeadArgEliminationPass - This pass removes arguments from functions which are not used by the b...
FunctionPass * createBreakCriticalEdgesPass()
FunctionPass * createDeadStoreEliminationPass()
Pass * createLoopPredicationPass()
FunctionPass * createGuardWideningPass()
ModulePass * createPGOInstrumentationUseLegacyPass(StringRef Filename=StringRef(""))
FunctionPass * createMemCpyOptPass()
The public interface to this file...
FunctionPass * createBitTrackingDCEPass()
Pass * createAlwaysInlinerLegacyPass(bool InsertLifetime=true)
Create a legacy pass manager instance of a pass to inline and remove functions marked as "always_inli...
ModulePass * createConstantMergePass()
createConstantMergePass - This function returns a new pass that merges duplicate global constants tog...
Pass * createLoopSinkPass()
ModulePass * createGlobalOptimizerPass()
createGlobalOptimizerPass - This function returns a new pass that optimizes non-address taken interna...
Pass * createReversePostOrderFunctionAttrsPass()
createReversePostOrderFunctionAttrsPass - This pass walks SCCs of the call graph in RPO to deduce and...
Pass * createWarnMissedTransformationsPass()
Pass * createPostOrderFunctionAttrsLegacyPass()
Create a legacy pass manager instance of a pass to compute function attrs in post-order.
Pass * createLoopVersioningLICMPass()
FunctionPass * createLintPass()
Create a lint pass.
Provides passes to inlining "always_inline" functions.
FunctionPass * createDomOnlyPrinterPass()
Pass * createLoopInterchangePass()
ModulePass * createInternalizePass(std::function< bool(const GlobalValue &)> MustPreserveGV)
createInternalizePass - This pass loops over all of the functions in the input module, internalizing all globals (functions and variables) it can.
Provides information about what library functions are available for the current target.
A collection of metadata nodes that might be associated with a memory access used by the alias-analys...
Pass * createLoopSimplifyCFGPass()
Pass * createLowerAtomicPass()
BasicBlockPass * createPrintBasicBlockPass(raw_ostream &OS, const std::string &Banner="")
Create and return a pass that writes the BB to the specified raw_ostream.
FunctionPass * createSpeculativeExecutionIfHasBranchDivergencePass()
ModulePass * createRewriteSymbolsPass()
FunctionPass * createPostDomViewerPass()
Pass * createLoopExtractorPass()
createLoopExtractorPass - This pass extracts all natural loops from the program into a function if it...
FunctionPass * createMergedLoadStoreMotionPass()
createMergedLoadStoreMotionPass - The public interface to this file.
FunctionPass * createPAEvalPass()
FunctionPass * createLibCallsShrinkWrapPass()
This pass converts vector operations into scalar operations, in order to expose optimization opportun...
Pass * createLoopDeletionPass()
FunctionPass * createSeparateConstOffsetFromGEPPass(bool LowerGEP=false)
FunctionPass * createBasicAAWrapperPass()
Pass * createObjCARCOptPass()
Pass * createLoopUnswitchPass(bool OptimizeForSize=false, bool hasBranchDivergence=false)
FunctionPass * createPostInlineEntryExitInstrumenterPass()
FunctionPass * createCodeGenPreparePass()
createCodeGenPreparePass - Transform the code to expose more pattern matching during instruction sele...
Pass * createLoopIdiomPass()
FunctionPass * createLegacyDivergenceAnalysisPass()
ModulePass * createModuleDebugInfoPrinterPass()
ModulePass * createGlobalsAAWrapperPass()
FunctionPass * createSROAPass()
FunctionPass * createInstructionNamerPass()
Provides passes for computing function attributes based on interprocedural analyses.
ImmutablePass * createCFLSteensAAWrapperPass()
FunctionPass * createPostDomOnlyViewerPass()
FunctionPass * createCostModelAnalysisPass()
ImmutablePass * createTypeBasedAAWrapperPass()
FunctionPass * createPostDomOnlyPrinterPass()
Pass * createSLPVectorizerPass()
ModulePass * createPrintModulePass(raw_ostream &OS, const std::string &Banner="", bool ShouldPreserveUseListOrder=false)
Create and return a pass that writes the module to the specified raw_ostream.
This file defines passes to print out IR in various granularities.
FunctionPass * createPostDomTree()
A raw_ostream that writes to an std::string.
Pass * createFunctionInliningPass()
createFunctionInliningPass - Return a new pass object that uses a heuristic to inline direct function...
Pass * createPruneEHPass()
createPruneEHPass - Return a new pass object which transforms invoke instructions into calls...
ModulePass * createStripSymbolsPass(bool OnlyDebugInfo=false)
FunctionPass * createEarlyCSEPass(bool UseMemorySSA=false)
FunctionPass * createScalarizerPass()
Create a legacy pass manager instance of the Scalarizer pass.
FunctionPass * createNewGVNPass()
This is the interface for LLVM's primary stateless and local alias analysis.
FunctionPass * createControlHeightReductionLegacyPass()
ImmutablePass * createCFLAndersAAWrapperPass()
FunctionPass * createEntryExitInstrumenterPass()
Pass * createLoopGuardWideningPass()
Pass * createStructurizeCFGPass(bool SkipUniformRegions=false)
When SkipUniformRegions is true the structizer will not structurize regions that only contain uniform...
FunctionPass * createMemDerefPrinter()
ModulePass * createPGOIndirectCallPromotionLegacyPass(bool InLTO=false, bool SamplePGO=false)
bool AreStatisticsEnabled()
Check if statistics are enabled.
Pass * createLoopRotatePass(int MaxHeaderSize=-1)
Pass * createIndVarSimplifyPass()
Pass * createInductiveRangeCheckEliminationPass()
FunctionPass * createAggressiveDCEPass()
FunctionPass * createLowerExpectIntrinsicPass()
ImmutablePass * createObjCARCAAWrapperPass()
ModulePass * createCallGraphViewerPass()
FunctionPass * createConstantHoistingPass()
FunctionPass * createNaryReassociatePass()