LLVM  8.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- SSAUpdaterImpl.h - SSA Updater Implementation ------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This file provides a template that implements the core algorithm for the
11 // SSAUpdater and MachineSSAUpdater.
12 //
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
18 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
20 #include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
21 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
24 #define DEBUG_TYPE "ssaupdater"
26 namespace llvm {
28 template<typename T> class SSAUpdaterTraits;
30 template<typename UpdaterT>
32 private:
33  UpdaterT *Updater;
36  using BlkT = typename Traits::BlkT;
37  using ValT = typename Traits::ValT;
38  using PhiT = typename Traits::PhiT;
40  /// BBInfo - Per-basic block information used internally by SSAUpdaterImpl.
41  /// The predecessors of each block are cached here since pred_iterator is
42  /// slow and we need to iterate over the blocks at least a few times.
43  class BBInfo {
44  public:
45  // Back-pointer to the corresponding block.
46  BlkT *BB;
48  // Value to use in this block.
49  ValT AvailableVal;
51  // Block that defines the available value.
52  BBInfo *DefBB;
54  // Postorder number.
55  int BlkNum = 0;
57  // Immediate dominator.
58  BBInfo *IDom = nullptr;
60  // Number of predecessor blocks.
61  unsigned NumPreds = 0;
63  // Array[NumPreds] of predecessor blocks.
64  BBInfo **Preds = nullptr;
66  // Marker for existing PHIs that match.
67  PhiT *PHITag = nullptr;
69  BBInfo(BlkT *ThisBB, ValT V)
70  : BB(ThisBB), AvailableVal(V), DefBB(V ? this : nullptr) {}
71  };
75  AvailableValsTy *AvailableVals;
77  SmallVectorImpl<PhiT *> *InsertedPHIs;
82  BBMapTy BBMap;
85 public:
86  explicit SSAUpdaterImpl(UpdaterT *U, AvailableValsTy *A,
88  Updater(U), AvailableVals(A), InsertedPHIs(Ins) {}
90  /// GetValue - Check to see if AvailableVals has an entry for the specified
91  /// BB and if so, return it. If not, construct SSA form by first
92  /// calculating the required placement of PHIs and then inserting new PHIs
93  /// where needed.
94  ValT GetValue(BlkT *BB) {
96  BBInfo *PseudoEntry = BuildBlockList(BB, &BlockList);
98  // Special case: bail out if BB is unreachable.
99  if (BlockList.size() == 0) {
100  ValT V = Traits::GetUndefVal(BB, Updater);
101  (*AvailableVals)[BB] = V;
102  return V;
103  }
105  FindDominators(&BlockList, PseudoEntry);
106  FindPHIPlacement(&BlockList);
107  FindAvailableVals(&BlockList);
109  return BBMap[BB]->DefBB->AvailableVal;
110  }
112  /// BuildBlockList - Starting from the specified basic block, traverse back
113  /// through its predecessors until reaching blocks with known values.
114  /// Create BBInfo structures for the blocks and append them to the block
115  /// list.
116  BBInfo *BuildBlockList(BlkT *BB, BlockListTy *BlockList) {
117  SmallVector<BBInfo *, 10> RootList;
118  SmallVector<BBInfo *, 64> WorkList;
120  BBInfo *Info = new (Allocator) BBInfo(BB, 0);
121  BBMap[BB] = Info;
122  WorkList.push_back(Info);
124  // Search backward from BB, creating BBInfos along the way and stopping
125  // when reaching blocks that define the value. Record those defining
126  // blocks on the RootList.
128  while (!WorkList.empty()) {
129  Info = WorkList.pop_back_val();
130  Preds.clear();
131  Traits::FindPredecessorBlocks(Info->BB, &Preds);
132  Info->NumPreds = Preds.size();
133  if (Info->NumPreds == 0)
134  Info->Preds = nullptr;
135  else
136  Info->Preds = static_cast<BBInfo **>(Allocator.Allocate(
137  Info->NumPreds * sizeof(BBInfo *), alignof(BBInfo *)));
139  for (unsigned p = 0; p != Info->NumPreds; ++p) {
140  BlkT *Pred = Preds[p];
141  // Check if BBMap already has a BBInfo for the predecessor block.
142  typename BBMapTy::value_type &BBMapBucket =
143  BBMap.FindAndConstruct(Pred);
144  if (BBMapBucket.second) {
145  Info->Preds[p] = BBMapBucket.second;
146  continue;
147  }
149  // Create a new BBInfo for the predecessor.
150  ValT PredVal = AvailableVals->lookup(Pred);
151  BBInfo *PredInfo = new (Allocator) BBInfo(Pred, PredVal);
152  BBMapBucket.second = PredInfo;
153  Info->Preds[p] = PredInfo;
155  if (PredInfo->AvailableVal) {
156  RootList.push_back(PredInfo);
157  continue;
158  }
159  WorkList.push_back(PredInfo);
160  }
161  }
163  // Now that we know what blocks are backwards-reachable from the starting
164  // block, do a forward depth-first traversal to assign postorder numbers
165  // to those blocks.
166  BBInfo *PseudoEntry = new (Allocator) BBInfo(nullptr, 0);
167  unsigned BlkNum = 1;
169  // Initialize the worklist with the roots from the backward traversal.
170  while (!RootList.empty()) {
171  Info = RootList.pop_back_val();
172  Info->IDom = PseudoEntry;
173  Info->BlkNum = -1;
174  WorkList.push_back(Info);
175  }
177  while (!WorkList.empty()) {
178  Info = WorkList.back();
180  if (Info->BlkNum == -2) {
181  // All the successors have been handled; assign the postorder number.
182  Info->BlkNum = BlkNum++;
183  // If not a root, put it on the BlockList.
184  if (!Info->AvailableVal)
185  BlockList->push_back(Info);
186  WorkList.pop_back();
187  continue;
188  }
190  // Leave this entry on the worklist, but set its BlkNum to mark that its
191  // successors have been put on the worklist. When it returns to the top
192  // the list, after handling its successors, it will be assigned a
193  // number.
194  Info->BlkNum = -2;
196  // Add unvisited successors to the work list.
197  for (typename Traits::BlkSucc_iterator SI =
198  Traits::BlkSucc_begin(Info->BB),
199  E = Traits::BlkSucc_end(Info->BB); SI != E; ++SI) {
200  BBInfo *SuccInfo = BBMap[*SI];
201  if (!SuccInfo || SuccInfo->BlkNum)
202  continue;
203  SuccInfo->BlkNum = -1;
204  WorkList.push_back(SuccInfo);
205  }
206  }
207  PseudoEntry->BlkNum = BlkNum;
208  return PseudoEntry;
209  }
211  /// IntersectDominators - This is the dataflow lattice "meet" operation for
212  /// finding dominators. Given two basic blocks, it walks up the dominator
213  /// tree until it finds a common dominator of both. It uses the postorder
214  /// number of the blocks to determine how to do that.
215  BBInfo *IntersectDominators(BBInfo *Blk1, BBInfo *Blk2) {
216  while (Blk1 != Blk2) {
217  while (Blk1->BlkNum < Blk2->BlkNum) {
218  Blk1 = Blk1->IDom;
219  if (!Blk1)
220  return Blk2;
221  }
222  while (Blk2->BlkNum < Blk1->BlkNum) {
223  Blk2 = Blk2->IDom;
224  if (!Blk2)
225  return Blk1;
226  }
227  }
228  return Blk1;
229  }
231  /// FindDominators - Calculate the dominator tree for the subset of the CFG
232  /// corresponding to the basic blocks on the BlockList. This uses the
233  /// algorithm from: "A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm" by Cooper, Harvey
234  /// and Kennedy, published in Software--Practice and Experience, 2001,
235  /// 4:1-10. Because the CFG subset does not include any edges leading into
236  /// blocks that define the value, the results are not the usual dominator
237  /// tree. The CFG subset has a single pseudo-entry node with edges to a set
238  /// of root nodes for blocks that define the value. The dominators for this
239  /// subset CFG are not the standard dominators but they are adequate for
240  /// placing PHIs within the subset CFG.
241  void FindDominators(BlockListTy *BlockList, BBInfo *PseudoEntry) {
242  bool Changed;
243  do {
244  Changed = false;
245  // Iterate over the list in reverse order, i.e., forward on CFG edges.
246  for (typename BlockListTy::reverse_iterator I = BlockList->rbegin(),
247  E = BlockList->rend(); I != E; ++I) {
248  BBInfo *Info = *I;
249  BBInfo *NewIDom = nullptr;
251  // Iterate through the block's predecessors.
252  for (unsigned p = 0; p != Info->NumPreds; ++p) {
253  BBInfo *Pred = Info->Preds[p];
255  // Treat an unreachable predecessor as a definition with 'undef'.
256  if (Pred->BlkNum == 0) {
257  Pred->AvailableVal = Traits::GetUndefVal(Pred->BB, Updater);
258  (*AvailableVals)[Pred->BB] = Pred->AvailableVal;
259  Pred->DefBB = Pred;
260  Pred->BlkNum = PseudoEntry->BlkNum;
261  PseudoEntry->BlkNum++;
262  }
264  if (!NewIDom)
265  NewIDom = Pred;
266  else
267  NewIDom = IntersectDominators(NewIDom, Pred);
268  }
270  // Check if the IDom value has changed.
271  if (NewIDom && NewIDom != Info->IDom) {
272  Info->IDom = NewIDom;
273  Changed = true;
274  }
275  }
276  } while (Changed);
277  }
279  /// IsDefInDomFrontier - Search up the dominator tree from Pred to IDom for
280  /// any blocks containing definitions of the value. If one is found, then
281  /// the successor of Pred is in the dominance frontier for the definition,
282  /// and this function returns true.
283  bool IsDefInDomFrontier(const BBInfo *Pred, const BBInfo *IDom) {
284  for (; Pred != IDom; Pred = Pred->IDom) {
285  if (Pred->DefBB == Pred)
286  return true;
287  }
288  return false;
289  }
291  /// FindPHIPlacement - PHIs are needed in the iterated dominance frontiers
292  /// of the known definitions. Iteratively add PHIs in the dom frontiers
293  /// until nothing changes. Along the way, keep track of the nearest
294  /// dominating definitions for non-PHI blocks.
295  void FindPHIPlacement(BlockListTy *BlockList) {
296  bool Changed;
297  do {
298  Changed = false;
299  // Iterate over the list in reverse order, i.e., forward on CFG edges.
300  for (typename BlockListTy::reverse_iterator I = BlockList->rbegin(),
301  E = BlockList->rend(); I != E; ++I) {
302  BBInfo *Info = *I;
304  // If this block already needs a PHI, there is nothing to do here.
305  if (Info->DefBB == Info)
306  continue;
308  // Default to use the same def as the immediate dominator.
309  BBInfo *NewDefBB = Info->IDom->DefBB;
310  for (unsigned p = 0; p != Info->NumPreds; ++p) {
311  if (IsDefInDomFrontier(Info->Preds[p], Info->IDom)) {
312  // Need a PHI here.
313  NewDefBB = Info;
314  break;
315  }
316  }
318  // Check if anything changed.
319  if (NewDefBB != Info->DefBB) {
320  Info->DefBB = NewDefBB;
321  Changed = true;
322  }
323  }
324  } while (Changed);
325  }
327  /// FindAvailableVal - If this block requires a PHI, first check if an
328  /// existing PHI matches the PHI placement and reaching definitions computed
329  /// earlier, and if not, create a new PHI. Visit all the block's
330  /// predecessors to calculate the available value for each one and fill in
331  /// the incoming values for a new PHI.
332  void FindAvailableVals(BlockListTy *BlockList) {
333  // Go through the worklist in forward order (i.e., backward through the CFG)
334  // and check if existing PHIs can be used. If not, create empty PHIs where
335  // they are needed.
336  for (typename BlockListTy::iterator I = BlockList->begin(),
337  E = BlockList->end(); I != E; ++I) {
338  BBInfo *Info = *I;
339  // Check if there needs to be a PHI in BB.
340  if (Info->DefBB != Info)
341  continue;
343  // Look for an existing PHI.
344  FindExistingPHI(Info->BB, BlockList);
345  if (Info->AvailableVal)
346  continue;
348  ValT PHI = Traits::CreateEmptyPHI(Info->BB, Info->NumPreds, Updater);
349  Info->AvailableVal = PHI;
350  (*AvailableVals)[Info->BB] = PHI;
351  }
353  // Now go back through the worklist in reverse order to fill in the
354  // arguments for any new PHIs added in the forward traversal.
355  for (typename BlockListTy::reverse_iterator I = BlockList->rbegin(),
356  E = BlockList->rend(); I != E; ++I) {
357  BBInfo *Info = *I;
359  if (Info->DefBB != Info) {
360  // Record the available value to speed up subsequent uses of this
361  // SSAUpdater for the same value.
362  (*AvailableVals)[Info->BB] = Info->DefBB->AvailableVal;
363  continue;
364  }
366  // Check if this block contains a newly added PHI.
367  PhiT *PHI = Traits::ValueIsNewPHI(Info->AvailableVal, Updater);
368  if (!PHI)
369  continue;
371  // Iterate through the block's predecessors.
372  for (unsigned p = 0; p != Info->NumPreds; ++p) {
373  BBInfo *PredInfo = Info->Preds[p];
374  BlkT *Pred = PredInfo->BB;
375  // Skip to the nearest preceding definition.
376  if (PredInfo->DefBB != PredInfo)
377  PredInfo = PredInfo->DefBB;
378  Traits::AddPHIOperand(PHI, PredInfo->AvailableVal, Pred);
379  }
381  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " Inserted PHI: " << *PHI << "\n");
383  // If the client wants to know about all new instructions, tell it.
384  if (InsertedPHIs) InsertedPHIs->push_back(PHI);
385  }
386  }
388  /// FindExistingPHI - Look through the PHI nodes in a block to see if any of
389  /// them match what is needed.
390  void FindExistingPHI(BlkT *BB, BlockListTy *BlockList) {
391  for (auto &SomePHI : BB->phis()) {
392  if (CheckIfPHIMatches(&SomePHI)) {
393  RecordMatchingPHIs(BlockList);
394  break;
395  }
396  // Match failed: clear all the PHITag values.
397  for (typename BlockListTy::iterator I = BlockList->begin(),
398  E = BlockList->end(); I != E; ++I)
399  (*I)->PHITag = nullptr;
400  }
401  }
403  /// CheckIfPHIMatches - Check if a PHI node matches the placement and values
404  /// in the BBMap.
405  bool CheckIfPHIMatches(PhiT *PHI) {
406  SmallVector<PhiT *, 20> WorkList;
407  WorkList.push_back(PHI);
409  // Mark that the block containing this PHI has been visited.
410  BBMap[PHI->getParent()]->PHITag = PHI;
412  while (!WorkList.empty()) {
413  PHI = WorkList.pop_back_val();
415  // Iterate through the PHI's incoming values.
416  for (typename Traits::PHI_iterator I = Traits::PHI_begin(PHI),
417  E = Traits::PHI_end(PHI); I != E; ++I) {
418  ValT IncomingVal = I.getIncomingValue();
419  BBInfo *PredInfo = BBMap[I.getIncomingBlock()];
420  // Skip to the nearest preceding definition.
421  if (PredInfo->DefBB != PredInfo)
422  PredInfo = PredInfo->DefBB;
424  // Check if it matches the expected value.
425  if (PredInfo->AvailableVal) {
426  if (IncomingVal == PredInfo->AvailableVal)
427  continue;
428  return false;
429  }
431  // Check if the value is a PHI in the correct block.
432  PhiT *IncomingPHIVal = Traits::ValueIsPHI(IncomingVal, Updater);
433  if (!IncomingPHIVal || IncomingPHIVal->getParent() != PredInfo->BB)
434  return false;
436  // If this block has already been visited, check if this PHI matches.
437  if (PredInfo->PHITag) {
438  if (IncomingPHIVal == PredInfo->PHITag)
439  continue;
440  return false;
441  }
442  PredInfo->PHITag = IncomingPHIVal;
444  WorkList.push_back(IncomingPHIVal);
445  }
446  }
447  return true;
448  }
450  /// RecordMatchingPHIs - For each PHI node that matches, record it in both
451  /// the BBMap and the AvailableVals mapping.
452  void RecordMatchingPHIs(BlockListTy *BlockList) {
453  for (typename BlockListTy::iterator I = BlockList->begin(),
454  E = BlockList->end(); I != E; ++I)
455  if (PhiT *PHI = (*I)->PHITag) {
456  BlkT *BB = PHI->getParent();
457  ValT PHIVal = Traits::GetPHIValue(PHI);
458  (*AvailableVals)[BB] = PHIVal;
459  BBMap[BB]->AvailableVal = PHIVal;
460  }
461  }
462 };
464 } // end namespace llvm
466 #undef DEBUG_TYPE // "ssaupdater"
SSAUpdaterImpl(UpdaterT *U, AvailableValsTy *A, SmallVectorImpl< PhiT *> *Ins)
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ValT GetValue(BlkT *BB)
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bool CheckIfPHIMatches(PhiT *PHI)
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value_type & FindAndConstruct(const KeyT &Key)
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static GCRegistry::Add< CoreCLRGC > E("coreclr", "CoreCLR-compatible GC")
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Allocate space at the specified alignment.
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void FindDominators(BlockListTy *BlockList, BBInfo *PseudoEntry)
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std::reverse_iterator< iterator > reverse_iterator
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bool IsDefInDomFrontier(const BBInfo *Pred, const BBInfo *IDom)
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void RecordMatchingPHIs(BlockListTy *BlockList)
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LLVM_NODISCARD T pop_back_val()
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void FindAvailableVals(BlockListTy *BlockList)
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raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
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typename SuperClass::iterator iterator
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BBInfo * IntersectDominators(BBInfo *Blk1, BBInfo *Blk2)
IntersectDominators - This is the dataflow lattice "meet" operation for finding dominators.
LLVM_NODISCARD bool empty() const
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BBInfo * BuildBlockList(BlkT *BB, BlockListTy *BlockList)
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Definition: Debug.h:123