LLVM  8.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- llvm/ADT/SmallBitVector.h - 'Normally small' bit vectors -*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This file implements the SmallBitVector class.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
20 #include <algorithm>
21 #include <cassert>
22 #include <climits>
23 #include <cstddef>
24 #include <cstdint>
25 #include <limits>
26 #include <utility>
28 namespace llvm {
30 /// This is a 'bitvector' (really, a variable-sized bit array), optimized for
31 /// the case when the array is small. It contains one pointer-sized field, which
32 /// is directly used as a plain collection of bits when possible, or as a
33 /// pointer to a larger heap-allocated array when necessary. This allows normal
34 /// "small" cases to be fast without losing generality for large inputs.
36  // TODO: In "large" mode, a pointer to a BitVector is used, leading to an
37  // unnecessary level of indirection. It would be more efficient to use a
38  // pointer to memory containing size, allocation size, and the array of bits.
39  uintptr_t X = 1;
41  enum {
42  // The number of bits in this class.
43  NumBaseBits = sizeof(uintptr_t) * CHAR_BIT,
45  // One bit is used to discriminate between small and large mode. The
46  // remaining bits are used for the small-mode representation.
47  SmallNumRawBits = NumBaseBits - 1,
49  // A few more bits are used to store the size of the bit set in small mode.
50  // Theoretically this is a ceil-log2. These bits are encoded in the most
51  // significant bits of the raw bits.
52  SmallNumSizeBits = (NumBaseBits == 32 ? 5 :
53  NumBaseBits == 64 ? 6 :
54  SmallNumRawBits),
56  // The remaining bits are used to store the actual set in small mode.
57  SmallNumDataBits = SmallNumRawBits - SmallNumSizeBits
58  };
60  static_assert(NumBaseBits == 64 || NumBaseBits == 32,
61  "Unsupported word size");
63 public:
66  // Encapsulation of a single bit.
67  class reference {
68  SmallBitVector &TheVector;
69  unsigned BitPos;
71  public:
72  reference(SmallBitVector &b, unsigned Idx) : TheVector(b), BitPos(Idx) {}
74  reference(const reference&) = default;
77  *this = bool(t);
78  return *this;
79  }
81  reference& operator=(bool t) {
82  if (t)
83  TheVector.set(BitPos);
84  else
85  TheVector.reset(BitPos);
86  return *this;
87  }
89  operator bool() const {
90  return const_cast<const SmallBitVector &>(TheVector).operator[](BitPos);
91  }
92  };
94 private:
95  BitVector *getPointer() const {
96  assert(!isSmall());
97  return reinterpret_cast<BitVector *>(X);
98  }
100  void switchToSmall(uintptr_t NewSmallBits, size_t NewSize) {
101  X = 1;
102  setSmallSize(NewSize);
103  setSmallBits(NewSmallBits);
104  }
106  void switchToLarge(BitVector *BV) {
107  X = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(BV);
108  assert(!isSmall() && "Tried to use an unaligned pointer");
109  }
111  // Return all the bits used for the "small" representation; this includes
112  // bits for the size as well as the element bits.
113  uintptr_t getSmallRawBits() const {
114  assert(isSmall());
115  return X >> 1;
116  }
118  void setSmallRawBits(uintptr_t NewRawBits) {
119  assert(isSmall());
120  X = (NewRawBits << 1) | uintptr_t(1);
121  }
123  // Return the size.
124  size_t getSmallSize() const { return getSmallRawBits() >> SmallNumDataBits; }
126  void setSmallSize(size_t Size) {
127  setSmallRawBits(getSmallBits() | (Size << SmallNumDataBits));
128  }
130  // Return the element bits.
131  uintptr_t getSmallBits() const {
132  return getSmallRawBits() & ~(~uintptr_t(0) << getSmallSize());
133  }
135  void setSmallBits(uintptr_t NewBits) {
136  setSmallRawBits((NewBits & ~(~uintptr_t(0) << getSmallSize())) |
137  (getSmallSize() << SmallNumDataBits));
138  }
140 public:
141  /// Creates an empty bitvector.
142  SmallBitVector() = default;
144  /// Creates a bitvector of specified number of bits. All bits are initialized
145  /// to the specified value.
146  explicit SmallBitVector(unsigned s, bool t = false) {
147  if (s <= SmallNumDataBits)
148  switchToSmall(t ? ~uintptr_t(0) : 0, s);
149  else
150  switchToLarge(new BitVector(s, t));
151  }
153  /// SmallBitVector copy ctor.
155  if (RHS.isSmall())
156  X = RHS.X;
157  else
158  switchToLarge(new BitVector(*RHS.getPointer()));
159  }
161  SmallBitVector(SmallBitVector &&RHS) : X(RHS.X) {
162  RHS.X = 1;
163  }
166  if (!isSmall())
167  delete getPointer();
168  }
174  return const_set_bits_iterator(*this);
175  }
178  return const_set_bits_iterator(*this, -1);
179  }
183  }
185  bool isSmall() const { return X & uintptr_t(1); }
187  /// Tests whether there are no bits in this bitvector.
188  bool empty() const {
189  return isSmall() ? getSmallSize() == 0 : getPointer()->empty();
190  }
192  /// Returns the number of bits in this bitvector.
193  size_t size() const {
194  return isSmall() ? getSmallSize() : getPointer()->size();
195  }
197  /// Returns the number of bits which are set.
198  size_type count() const {
199  if (isSmall()) {
200  uintptr_t Bits = getSmallBits();
201  return countPopulation(Bits);
202  }
203  return getPointer()->count();
204  }
206  /// Returns true if any bit is set.
207  bool any() const {
208  if (isSmall())
209  return getSmallBits() != 0;
210  return getPointer()->any();
211  }
213  /// Returns true if all bits are set.
214  bool all() const {
215  if (isSmall())
216  return getSmallBits() == (uintptr_t(1) << getSmallSize()) - 1;
217  return getPointer()->all();
218  }
220  /// Returns true if none of the bits are set.
221  bool none() const {
222  if (isSmall())
223  return getSmallBits() == 0;
224  return getPointer()->none();
225  }
227  /// Returns the index of the first set bit, -1 if none of the bits are set.
228  int find_first() const {
229  if (isSmall()) {
230  uintptr_t Bits = getSmallBits();
231  if (Bits == 0)
232  return -1;
233  return countTrailingZeros(Bits);
234  }
235  return getPointer()->find_first();
236  }
238  int find_last() const {
239  if (isSmall()) {
240  uintptr_t Bits = getSmallBits();
241  if (Bits == 0)
242  return -1;
243  return NumBaseBits - countLeadingZeros(Bits) - 1;
244  }
245  return getPointer()->find_last();
246  }
248  /// Returns the index of the first unset bit, -1 if all of the bits are set.
249  int find_first_unset() const {
250  if (isSmall()) {
251  if (count() == getSmallSize())
252  return -1;
254  uintptr_t Bits = getSmallBits();
255  return countTrailingOnes(Bits);
256  }
257  return getPointer()->find_first_unset();
258  }
260  int find_last_unset() const {
261  if (isSmall()) {
262  if (count() == getSmallSize())
263  return -1;
265  uintptr_t Bits = getSmallBits();
266  // Set unused bits.
267  Bits |= ~uintptr_t(0) << getSmallSize();
268  return NumBaseBits - countLeadingOnes(Bits) - 1;
269  }
270  return getPointer()->find_last_unset();
271  }
273  /// Returns the index of the next set bit following the "Prev" bit.
274  /// Returns -1 if the next set bit is not found.
275  int find_next(unsigned Prev) const {
276  if (isSmall()) {
277  uintptr_t Bits = getSmallBits();
278  // Mask off previous bits.
279  Bits &= ~uintptr_t(0) << (Prev + 1);
280  if (Bits == 0 || Prev + 1 >= getSmallSize())
281  return -1;
282  return countTrailingZeros(Bits);
283  }
284  return getPointer()->find_next(Prev);
285  }
287  /// Returns the index of the next unset bit following the "Prev" bit.
288  /// Returns -1 if the next unset bit is not found.
289  int find_next_unset(unsigned Prev) const {
290  if (isSmall()) {
291  ++Prev;
292  uintptr_t Bits = getSmallBits();
293  // Mask in previous bits.
294  uintptr_t Mask = (1 << Prev) - 1;
295  Bits |= Mask;
297  if (Bits == ~uintptr_t(0) || Prev + 1 >= getSmallSize())
298  return -1;
299  return countTrailingOnes(Bits);
300  }
301  return getPointer()->find_next_unset(Prev);
302  }
304  /// find_prev - Returns the index of the first set bit that precedes the
305  /// the bit at \p PriorTo. Returns -1 if all previous bits are unset.
306  int find_prev(unsigned PriorTo) const {
307  if (isSmall()) {
308  if (PriorTo == 0)
309  return -1;
311  --PriorTo;
312  uintptr_t Bits = getSmallBits();
313  Bits &= maskTrailingOnes<uintptr_t>(PriorTo + 1);
314  if (Bits == 0)
315  return -1;
317  return NumBaseBits - countLeadingZeros(Bits) - 1;
318  }
319  return getPointer()->find_prev(PriorTo);
320  }
322  /// Clear all bits.
323  void clear() {
324  if (!isSmall())
325  delete getPointer();
326  switchToSmall(0, 0);
327  }
329  /// Grow or shrink the bitvector.
330  void resize(unsigned N, bool t = false) {
331  if (!isSmall()) {
332  getPointer()->resize(N, t);
333  } else if (SmallNumDataBits >= N) {
334  uintptr_t NewBits = t ? ~uintptr_t(0) << getSmallSize() : 0;
335  setSmallSize(N);
336  setSmallBits(NewBits | getSmallBits());
337  } else {
338  BitVector *BV = new BitVector(N, t);
339  uintptr_t OldBits = getSmallBits();
340  for (size_t i = 0, e = getSmallSize(); i != e; ++i)
341  (*BV)[i] = (OldBits >> i) & 1;
342  switchToLarge(BV);
343  }
344  }
346  void reserve(unsigned N) {
347  if (isSmall()) {
348  if (N > SmallNumDataBits) {
349  uintptr_t OldBits = getSmallRawBits();
350  size_t SmallSize = getSmallSize();
351  BitVector *BV = new BitVector(SmallSize);
352  for (size_t i = 0; i < SmallSize; ++i)
353  if ((OldBits >> i) & 1)
354  BV->set(i);
355  BV->reserve(N);
356  switchToLarge(BV);
357  }
358  } else {
359  getPointer()->reserve(N);
360  }
361  }
363  // Set, reset, flip
364  SmallBitVector &set() {
365  if (isSmall())
366  setSmallBits(~uintptr_t(0));
367  else
368  getPointer()->set();
369  return *this;
370  }
372  SmallBitVector &set(unsigned Idx) {
373  if (isSmall()) {
374  assert(Idx <= static_cast<unsigned>(
375  std::numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::digits) &&
376  "undefined behavior");
377  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() | (uintptr_t(1) << Idx));
378  }
379  else
380  getPointer()->set(Idx);
381  return *this;
382  }
384  /// Efficiently set a range of bits in [I, E)
385  SmallBitVector &set(unsigned I, unsigned E) {
386  assert(I <= E && "Attempted to set backwards range!");
387  assert(E <= size() && "Attempted to set out-of-bounds range!");
388  if (I == E) return *this;
389  if (isSmall()) {
390  uintptr_t EMask = ((uintptr_t)1) << E;
391  uintptr_t IMask = ((uintptr_t)1) << I;
392  uintptr_t Mask = EMask - IMask;
393  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() | Mask);
394  } else
395  getPointer()->set(I, E);
396  return *this;
397  }
400  if (isSmall())
401  setSmallBits(0);
402  else
403  getPointer()->reset();
404  return *this;
405  }
407  SmallBitVector &reset(unsigned Idx) {
408  if (isSmall())
409  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() & ~(uintptr_t(1) << Idx));
410  else
411  getPointer()->reset(Idx);
412  return *this;
413  }
415  /// Efficiently reset a range of bits in [I, E)
416  SmallBitVector &reset(unsigned I, unsigned E) {
417  assert(I <= E && "Attempted to reset backwards range!");
418  assert(E <= size() && "Attempted to reset out-of-bounds range!");
419  if (I == E) return *this;
420  if (isSmall()) {
421  uintptr_t EMask = ((uintptr_t)1) << E;
422  uintptr_t IMask = ((uintptr_t)1) << I;
423  uintptr_t Mask = EMask - IMask;
424  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() & ~Mask);
425  } else
426  getPointer()->reset(I, E);
427  return *this;
428  }
431  if (isSmall())
432  setSmallBits(~getSmallBits());
433  else
434  getPointer()->flip();
435  return *this;
436  }
438  SmallBitVector &flip(unsigned Idx) {
439  if (isSmall())
440  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() ^ (uintptr_t(1) << Idx));
441  else
442  getPointer()->flip(Idx);
443  return *this;
444  }
446  // No argument flip.
448  return SmallBitVector(*this).flip();
449  }
451  // Indexing.
452  reference operator[](unsigned Idx) {
453  assert(Idx < size() && "Out-of-bounds Bit access.");
454  return reference(*this, Idx);
455  }
457  bool operator[](unsigned Idx) const {
458  assert(Idx < size() && "Out-of-bounds Bit access.");
459  if (isSmall())
460  return ((getSmallBits() >> Idx) & 1) != 0;
461  return getPointer()->operator[](Idx);
462  }
464  bool test(unsigned Idx) const {
465  return (*this)[Idx];
466  }
468  // Push single bit to end of vector.
469  void push_back(bool Val) {
470  resize(size() + 1, Val);
471  }
473  /// Test if any common bits are set.
474  bool anyCommon(const SmallBitVector &RHS) const {
475  if (isSmall() && RHS.isSmall())
476  return (getSmallBits() & RHS.getSmallBits()) != 0;
477  if (!isSmall() && !RHS.isSmall())
478  return getPointer()->anyCommon(*RHS.getPointer());
480  for (unsigned i = 0, e = std::min(size(), RHS.size()); i != e; ++i)
481  if (test(i) && RHS.test(i))
482  return true;
483  return false;
484  }
486  // Comparison operators.
487  bool operator==(const SmallBitVector &RHS) const {
488  if (size() != RHS.size())
489  return false;
490  if (isSmall() && RHS.isSmall())
491  return getSmallBits() == RHS.getSmallBits();
492  else if (!isSmall() && !RHS.isSmall())
493  return *getPointer() == *RHS.getPointer();
494  else {
495  for (size_t i = 0, e = size(); i != e; ++i) {
496  if ((*this)[i] != RHS[i])
497  return false;
498  }
499  return true;
500  }
501  }
503  bool operator!=(const SmallBitVector &RHS) const {
504  return !(*this == RHS);
505  }
507  // Intersection, union, disjoint union.
508  // FIXME BitVector::operator&= does not resize the LHS but this does
510  resize(std::max(size(), RHS.size()));
511  if (isSmall() && RHS.isSmall())
512  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() & RHS.getSmallBits());
513  else if (!isSmall() && !RHS.isSmall())
514  getPointer()->operator&=(*RHS.getPointer());
515  else {
516  size_t i, e;
517  for (i = 0, e = std::min(size(), RHS.size()); i != e; ++i)
518  (*this)[i] = test(i) && RHS.test(i);
519  for (e = size(); i != e; ++i)
520  reset(i);
521  }
522  return *this;
523  }
525  /// Reset bits that are set in RHS. Same as *this &= ~RHS.
527  if (isSmall() && RHS.isSmall())
528  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() & ~RHS.getSmallBits());
529  else if (!isSmall() && !RHS.isSmall())
530  getPointer()->reset(*RHS.getPointer());
531  else
532  for (unsigned i = 0, e = std::min(size(), RHS.size()); i != e; ++i)
533  if (RHS.test(i))
534  reset(i);
536  return *this;
537  }
539  /// Check if (This - RHS) is zero. This is the same as reset(RHS) and any().
540  bool test(const SmallBitVector &RHS) const {
541  if (isSmall() && RHS.isSmall())
542  return (getSmallBits() & ~RHS.getSmallBits()) != 0;
543  if (!isSmall() && !RHS.isSmall())
544  return getPointer()->test(*RHS.getPointer());
546  unsigned i, e;
547  for (i = 0, e = std::min(size(), RHS.size()); i != e; ++i)
548  if (test(i) && !RHS.test(i))
549  return true;
551  for (e = size(); i != e; ++i)
552  if (test(i))
553  return true;
555  return false;
556  }
559  resize(std::max(size(), RHS.size()));
560  if (isSmall() && RHS.isSmall())
561  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() | RHS.getSmallBits());
562  else if (!isSmall() && !RHS.isSmall())
563  getPointer()->operator|=(*RHS.getPointer());
564  else {
565  for (size_t i = 0, e = RHS.size(); i != e; ++i)
566  (*this)[i] = test(i) || RHS.test(i);
567  }
568  return *this;
569  }
572  resize(std::max(size(), RHS.size()));
573  if (isSmall() && RHS.isSmall())
574  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() ^ RHS.getSmallBits());
575  else if (!isSmall() && !RHS.isSmall())
576  getPointer()->operator^=(*RHS.getPointer());
577  else {
578  for (size_t i = 0, e = RHS.size(); i != e; ++i)
579  (*this)[i] = test(i) != RHS.test(i);
580  }
581  return *this;
582  }
585  if (isSmall())
586  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() << N);
587  else
588  getPointer()->operator<<=(N);
589  return *this;
590  }
593  if (isSmall())
594  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() >> N);
595  else
596  getPointer()->operator>>=(N);
597  return *this;
598  }
600  // Assignment operator.
602  if (isSmall()) {
603  if (RHS.isSmall())
604  X = RHS.X;
605  else
606  switchToLarge(new BitVector(*RHS.getPointer()));
607  } else {
608  if (!RHS.isSmall())
609  *getPointer() = *RHS.getPointer();
610  else {
611  delete getPointer();
612  X = RHS.X;
613  }
614  }
615  return *this;
616  }
619  if (this != &RHS) {
620  clear();
621  swap(RHS);
622  }
623  return *this;
624  }
626  void swap(SmallBitVector &RHS) {
627  std::swap(X, RHS.X);
628  }
630  /// Add '1' bits from Mask to this vector. Don't resize.
631  /// This computes "*this |= Mask".
632  void setBitsInMask(const uint32_t *Mask, unsigned MaskWords = ~0u) {
633  if (isSmall())
634  applyMask<true, false>(Mask, MaskWords);
635  else
636  getPointer()->setBitsInMask(Mask, MaskWords);
637  }
639  /// Clear any bits in this vector that are set in Mask. Don't resize.
640  /// This computes "*this &= ~Mask".
641  void clearBitsInMask(const uint32_t *Mask, unsigned MaskWords = ~0u) {
642  if (isSmall())
643  applyMask<false, false>(Mask, MaskWords);
644  else
645  getPointer()->clearBitsInMask(Mask, MaskWords);
646  }
648  /// Add a bit to this vector for every '0' bit in Mask. Don't resize.
649  /// This computes "*this |= ~Mask".
650  void setBitsNotInMask(const uint32_t *Mask, unsigned MaskWords = ~0u) {
651  if (isSmall())
652  applyMask<true, true>(Mask, MaskWords);
653  else
654  getPointer()->setBitsNotInMask(Mask, MaskWords);
655  }
657  /// Clear a bit in this vector for every '0' bit in Mask. Don't resize.
658  /// This computes "*this &= Mask".
659  void clearBitsNotInMask(const uint32_t *Mask, unsigned MaskWords = ~0u) {
660  if (isSmall())
661  applyMask<false, true>(Mask, MaskWords);
662  else
663  getPointer()->clearBitsNotInMask(Mask, MaskWords);
664  }
666 private:
667  template <bool AddBits, bool InvertMask>
668  void applyMask(const uint32_t *Mask, unsigned MaskWords) {
669  assert(MaskWords <= sizeof(uintptr_t) && "Mask is larger than base!");
670  uintptr_t M = Mask[0];
671  if (NumBaseBits == 64)
672  M |= uint64_t(Mask[1]) << 32;
673  if (InvertMask)
674  M = ~M;
675  if (AddBits)
676  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() | M);
677  else
678  setSmallBits(getSmallBits() & ~M);
679  }
680 };
682 inline SmallBitVector
683 operator&(const SmallBitVector &LHS, const SmallBitVector &RHS) {
684  SmallBitVector Result(LHS);
685  Result &= RHS;
686  return Result;
687 }
689 inline SmallBitVector
690 operator|(const SmallBitVector &LHS, const SmallBitVector &RHS) {
691  SmallBitVector Result(LHS);
692  Result |= RHS;
693  return Result;
694 }
696 inline SmallBitVector
697 operator^(const SmallBitVector &LHS, const SmallBitVector &RHS) {
698  SmallBitVector Result(LHS);
699  Result ^= RHS;
700  return Result;
701 }
703 } // end namespace llvm
705 namespace std {
707 /// Implement std::swap in terms of BitVector swap.
708 inline void
710  LHS.swap(RHS);
711 }
713 } // end namespace std
void reserve(unsigned N)
Definition: BitVector.h:392
void reserve(unsigned N)
BitVector & set()
Definition: BitVector.h:398
bool none() const
Returns true if none of the bits are set.
void clearBitsInMask(const uint32_t *Mask, unsigned MaskWords=~0u)
Clear any bits in this vector that are set in Mask.
GCNRegPressure max(const GCNRegPressure &P1, const GCNRegPressure &P2)
int find_first_unset() const
Returns the index of the first unset bit, -1 if all of the bits are set.
This is a &#39;bitvector&#39; (really, a variable-sized bit array), optimized for the case when the array is ...
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
const SmallBitVector & operator=(SmallBitVector &&RHS)
reference operator[](unsigned Idx)
SmallBitVector & reset(unsigned I, unsigned E)
Efficiently reset a range of bits in [I, E)
This provides a very simple, boring adaptor for a begin and end iterator into a range type...
const SmallBitVector & operator=(const SmallBitVector &RHS)
APInt operator^(APInt a, const APInt &b)
Definition: APInt.h:2019
void resize(unsigned N, bool t=false)
Grow or shrink the bitvector.
APInt operator &(APInt a, const APInt &b)
Definition: APInt.h:1979
bool operator!=(const SmallBitVector &RHS) const
int find_prev(unsigned PriorTo) const
find_prev - Returns the index of the first set bit that precedes the the bit at PriorTo.
std::size_t countLeadingZeros(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB=ZB_Width)
Count number of 0&#39;s from the most significant bit to the least stopping at the first 1...
Definition: MathExtras.h:189
SmallBitVector & flip(unsigned Idx)
bool test(unsigned Idx) const
Definition: BitVector.h:938
SmallBitVector(unsigned s, bool t=false)
Creates a bitvector of specified number of bits.
std::size_t countTrailingOnes(T Value, ZeroBehavior ZB=ZB_Width)
Count the number of ones from the least significant bit to the first zero bit.
Definition: MathExtras.h:478
reference & operator=(reference t)
SmallBitVector & reset(unsigned Idx)
bool operator==(const SmallBitVector &RHS) const
SmallBitVector & reset(const SmallBitVector &RHS)
Reset bits that are set in RHS. Same as *this &= ~RHS.
iterator_range< const_set_bits_iterator > set_bits() const
SmallBitVector operator~() const
reference & operator=(bool t)
Creates an empty bitvector.
reference(SmallBitVector &b, unsigned Idx)
std::size_t countTrailingZeros(T Val, ZeroBehavior ZB=ZB_Width)
Count number of 0&#39;s from the least significant bit to the most stopping at the first 1...
Definition: MathExtras.h:120
void clearBitsNotInMask(const uint32_t *Mask, unsigned MaskWords=~0u)
Clear a bit in this vector for every &#39;0&#39; bit in Mask.
void setBitsNotInMask(const uint32_t *Mask, unsigned MaskWords=~0u)
Add a bit to this vector for every &#39;0&#39; bit in Mask.
const_set_bits_iterator set_bits_begin() const
static GCRegistry::Add< CoreCLRGC > E("coreclr", "CoreCLR-compatible GC")
const_set_bits_iterator_impl< SmallBitVector > const_set_bits_iterator
const_set_bits_iterator set_bits_end() const
int find_next_unset(unsigned Prev) const
Returns the index of the next unset bit following the "Prev" bit.
bool anyCommon(const SmallBitVector &RHS) const
Test if any common bits are set.
ForwardIterator for the bits that are set.
Definition: BitVector.h:32
SmallBitVector & set()
SmallBitVector & reset()
iterator_range< T > make_range(T x, T y)
Convenience function for iterating over sub-ranges.
void clear()
Clear all bits.
SmallBitVector & operator^=(const SmallBitVector &RHS)
unsigned countPopulation(T Value)
Count the number of set bits in a value.
Definition: MathExtras.h:520
SmallBitVector(const SmallBitVector &RHS)
SmallBitVector copy ctor.
bool test(const SmallBitVector &RHS) const
Check if (This - RHS) is zero. This is the same as reset(RHS) and any().
SmallBitVector & operator &=(const SmallBitVector &RHS)
size_t size() const
Returns the number of bits in this bitvector.
int find_next(unsigned Prev) const
Returns the index of the next set bit following the "Prev" bit.
void swap(llvm::BitVector &LHS, llvm::BitVector &RHS)
Implement std::swap in terms of BitVector swap.
Definition: BitVector.h:941
A range adaptor for a pair of iterators.
void setBitsInMask(const uint32_t *Mask, unsigned MaskWords=~0u)
Add &#39;1&#39; bits from Mask to this vector.
SmallBitVector & operator<<=(unsigned N)
void swap(SmallBitVector &RHS)
SmallBitVector & flip()
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
#define N
bool all() const
Returns true if all bits are set.
uint32_t Size
Definition: Profile.cpp:47
int find_last_unset() const
int find_first() const
Returns the index of the first set bit, -1 if none of the bits are set.
bool operator[](unsigned Idx) const
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
SmallBitVector & operator>>=(unsigned N)
std::underlying_type< E >::type Mask()
Get a bitmask with 1s in all places up to the high-order bit of E&#39;s largest value.
Definition: BitmaskEnum.h:81
bool any() const
Returns true if any bit is set.
APInt operator|(APInt a, const APInt &b)
Definition: APInt.h:1999
bool empty() const
Tests whether there are no bits in this bitvector.
std::size_t countLeadingOnes(T Value, ZeroBehavior ZB=ZB_Width)
Count the number of ones from the most significant bit to the first zero bit.
Definition: MathExtras.h:462
void push_back(bool Val)
size_type count() const
Returns the number of bits which are set.
SmallBitVector & operator|=(const SmallBitVector &RHS)
SmallBitVector(SmallBitVector &&RHS)