LLVM  8.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===---------------------------- GCNILPSched.cpp - -----------------------===//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 /// \file
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 using namespace llvm;
18 #define DEBUG_TYPE "machine-scheduler"
20 namespace {
22 class GCNILPScheduler {
23  struct Candidate : ilist_node<Candidate> {
24  SUnit *SU;
26  Candidate(SUnit *SU_)
27  : SU(SU_) {}
28  };
31  typedef simple_ilist<Candidate> Queue;
32  Queue PendingQueue;
33  Queue AvailQueue;
34  unsigned CurQueueId = 0;
36  std::vector<unsigned> SUNumbers;
38  /// CurCycle - The current scheduler state corresponds to this cycle.
39  unsigned CurCycle = 0;
41  unsigned getNodePriority(const SUnit *SU) const;
43  const SUnit *pickBest(const SUnit *left, const SUnit *right);
44  Candidate* pickCandidate();
46  void releasePending();
47  void advanceToCycle(unsigned NextCycle);
48  void releasePredecessors(const SUnit* SU);
50 public:
51  std::vector<const SUnit*> schedule(ArrayRef<const SUnit*> TopRoots,
52  const ScheduleDAG &DAG);
53 };
54 } // namespace
56 /// CalcNodeSethiUllmanNumber - Compute Sethi Ullman number.
57 /// Smaller number is the higher priority.
58 static unsigned
59 CalcNodeSethiUllmanNumber(const SUnit *SU, std::vector<unsigned> &SUNumbers) {
60  unsigned &SethiUllmanNumber = SUNumbers[SU->NodeNum];
61  if (SethiUllmanNumber != 0)
62  return SethiUllmanNumber;
64  unsigned Extra = 0;
65  for (const SDep &Pred : SU->Preds) {
66  if (Pred.isCtrl()) continue; // ignore chain preds
67  SUnit *PredSU = Pred.getSUnit();
68  unsigned PredSethiUllman = CalcNodeSethiUllmanNumber(PredSU, SUNumbers);
69  if (PredSethiUllman > SethiUllmanNumber) {
70  SethiUllmanNumber = PredSethiUllman;
71  Extra = 0;
72  }
73  else if (PredSethiUllman == SethiUllmanNumber)
74  ++Extra;
75  }
77  SethiUllmanNumber += Extra;
79  if (SethiUllmanNumber == 0)
80  SethiUllmanNumber = 1;
82  return SethiUllmanNumber;
83 }
85 // Lower priority means schedule further down. For bottom-up scheduling, lower
86 // priority SUs are scheduled before higher priority SUs.
87 unsigned GCNILPScheduler::getNodePriority(const SUnit *SU) const {
88  assert(SU->NodeNum < SUNumbers.size());
89  if (SU->NumSuccs == 0 && SU->NumPreds != 0)
90  // If SU does not have a register use, i.e. it doesn't produce a value
91  // that would be consumed (e.g. store), then it terminates a chain of
92  // computation. Give it a large SethiUllman number so it will be
93  // scheduled right before its predecessors that it doesn't lengthen
94  // their live ranges.
95  return 0xffff;
97  if (SU->NumPreds == 0 && SU->NumSuccs != 0)
98  // If SU does not have a register def, schedule it close to its uses
99  // because it does not lengthen any live ranges.
100  return 0;
102  return SUNumbers[SU->NodeNum];
103 }
105 /// closestSucc - Returns the scheduled cycle of the successor which is
106 /// closest to the current cycle.
107 static unsigned closestSucc(const SUnit *SU) {
108  unsigned MaxHeight = 0;
109  for (const SDep &Succ : SU->Succs) {
110  if (Succ.isCtrl()) continue; // ignore chain succs
111  unsigned Height = Succ.getSUnit()->getHeight();
112  // If there are bunch of CopyToRegs stacked up, they should be considered
113  // to be at the same position.
114  if (Height > MaxHeight)
115  MaxHeight = Height;
116  }
117  return MaxHeight;
118 }
120 /// calcMaxScratches - Returns an cost estimate of the worse case requirement
121 /// for scratch registers, i.e. number of data dependencies.
122 static unsigned calcMaxScratches(const SUnit *SU) {
123  unsigned Scratches = 0;
124  for (const SDep &Pred : SU->Preds) {
125  if (Pred.isCtrl()) continue; // ignore chain preds
126  Scratches++;
127  }
128  return Scratches;
129 }
131 // Return -1 if left has higher priority, 1 if right has higher priority.
132 // Return 0 if latency-based priority is equivalent.
133 static int BUCompareLatency(const SUnit *left, const SUnit *right) {
134  // Scheduling an instruction that uses a VReg whose postincrement has not yet
135  // been scheduled will induce a copy. Model this as an extra cycle of latency.
136  int LHeight = (int)left->getHeight();
137  int RHeight = (int)right->getHeight();
139  // If either node is scheduling for latency, sort them by height/depth
140  // and latency.
142  // If neither instruction stalls (!LStall && !RStall) and HazardRecognizer
143  // is enabled, grouping instructions by cycle, then its height is already
144  // covered so only its depth matters. We also reach this point if both stall
145  // but have the same height.
146  if (LHeight != RHeight)
147  return LHeight > RHeight ? 1 : -1;
149  int LDepth = left->getDepth();
150  int RDepth = right->getDepth();
151  if (LDepth != RDepth) {
152  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " Comparing latency of SU (" << left->NodeNum
153  << ") depth " << LDepth << " vs SU (" << right->NodeNum
154  << ") depth " << RDepth << "\n");
155  return LDepth < RDepth ? 1 : -1;
156  }
157  if (left->Latency != right->Latency)
158  return left->Latency > right->Latency ? 1 : -1;
160  return 0;
161 }
163 const SUnit *GCNILPScheduler::pickBest(const SUnit *left, const SUnit *right)
164 {
165  // TODO: add register pressure lowering checks
167  bool const DisableSchedCriticalPath = false;
168  int MaxReorderWindow = 6;
169  if (!DisableSchedCriticalPath) {
170  int spread = (int)left->getDepth() - (int)right->getDepth();
171  if (std::abs(spread) > MaxReorderWindow) {
172  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Depth of SU(" << left->NodeNum << "): "
173  << left->getDepth() << " != SU(" << right->NodeNum
174  << "): " << right->getDepth() << "\n");
175  return left->getDepth() < right->getDepth() ? right : left;
176  }
177  }
179  bool const DisableSchedHeight = false;
180  if (!DisableSchedHeight && left->getHeight() != right->getHeight()) {
181  int spread = (int)left->getHeight() - (int)right->getHeight();
182  if (std::abs(spread) > MaxReorderWindow)
183  return left->getHeight() > right->getHeight() ? right : left;
184  }
186  // Prioritize by Sethi-Ulmann number and push CopyToReg nodes down.
187  unsigned LPriority = getNodePriority(left);
188  unsigned RPriority = getNodePriority(right);
190  if (LPriority != RPriority)
191  return LPriority > RPriority ? right : left;
193  // Try schedule def + use closer when Sethi-Ullman numbers are the same.
194  // e.g.
195  // t1 = op t2, c1
196  // t3 = op t4, c2
197  //
198  // and the following instructions are both ready.
199  // t2 = op c3
200  // t4 = op c4
201  //
202  // Then schedule t2 = op first.
203  // i.e.
204  // t4 = op c4
205  // t2 = op c3
206  // t1 = op t2, c1
207  // t3 = op t4, c2
208  //
209  // This creates more short live intervals.
210  unsigned LDist = closestSucc(left);
211  unsigned RDist = closestSucc(right);
212  if (LDist != RDist)
213  return LDist < RDist ? right : left;
215  // How many registers becomes live when the node is scheduled.
216  unsigned LScratch = calcMaxScratches(left);
217  unsigned RScratch = calcMaxScratches(right);
218  if (LScratch != RScratch)
219  return LScratch > RScratch ? right : left;
221  bool const DisableSchedCycles = false;
222  if (!DisableSchedCycles) {
223  int result = BUCompareLatency(left, right);
224  if (result != 0)
225  return result > 0 ? right : left;
226  return left;
227  }
228  else {
229  if (left->getHeight() != right->getHeight())
230  return (left->getHeight() > right->getHeight()) ? right : left;
232  if (left->getDepth() != right->getDepth())
233  return (left->getDepth() < right->getDepth()) ? right : left;
234  }
236  assert(left->NodeQueueId && right->NodeQueueId &&
237  "NodeQueueId cannot be zero");
238  return (left->NodeQueueId > right->NodeQueueId) ? right : left;
239 }
241 GCNILPScheduler::Candidate* GCNILPScheduler::pickCandidate() {
242  if (AvailQueue.empty())
243  return nullptr;
244  auto Best = AvailQueue.begin();
245  for (auto I = std::next(AvailQueue.begin()), E = AvailQueue.end(); I != E; ++I) {
246  auto NewBestSU = pickBest(Best->SU, I->SU);
247  if (NewBestSU != Best->SU) {
248  assert(NewBestSU == I->SU);
249  Best = I;
250  }
251  }
252  return &*Best;
253 }
255 void GCNILPScheduler::releasePending() {
256  // Check to see if any of the pending instructions are ready to issue. If
257  // so, add them to the available queue.
258  for(auto I = PendingQueue.begin(), E = PendingQueue.end(); I != E;) {
259  auto &C = *I++;
260  if (C.SU->getHeight() <= CurCycle) {
261  PendingQueue.remove(C);
262  AvailQueue.push_back(C);
263  C.SU->NodeQueueId = CurQueueId++;
264  }
265  }
266 }
268 /// Move the scheduler state forward by the specified number of Cycles.
269 void GCNILPScheduler::advanceToCycle(unsigned NextCycle) {
270  if (NextCycle <= CurCycle)
271  return;
272  CurCycle = NextCycle;
273  releasePending();
274 }
276 void GCNILPScheduler::releasePredecessors(const SUnit* SU) {
277  for (const auto &PredEdge : SU->Preds) {
278  auto PredSU = PredEdge.getSUnit();
279  if (PredEdge.isWeak())
280  continue;
281  assert(PredSU->isBoundaryNode() || PredSU->NumSuccsLeft > 0);
283  PredSU->setHeightToAtLeast(SU->getHeight() + PredEdge.getLatency());
285  if (!PredSU->isBoundaryNode() && --PredSU->NumSuccsLeft == 0)
286  PendingQueue.push_front(*new (Alloc.Allocate()) Candidate(PredSU));
287  }
288 }
290 std::vector<const SUnit*>
291 GCNILPScheduler::schedule(ArrayRef<const SUnit*> BotRoots,
292  const ScheduleDAG &DAG) {
293  auto &SUnits = const_cast<ScheduleDAG&>(DAG).SUnits;
295  std::vector<SUnit> SUSavedCopy;
296  SUSavedCopy.resize(SUnits.size());
298  // we cannot save only those fields we touch: some of them are private
299  // so save units verbatim: this assumes SUnit should have value semantics
300  for (const SUnit &SU : SUnits)
301  SUSavedCopy[SU.NodeNum] = SU;
303  SUNumbers.assign(SUnits.size(), 0);
304  for (const SUnit &SU : SUnits)
305  CalcNodeSethiUllmanNumber(&SU, SUNumbers);
307  for (auto SU : BotRoots) {
308  AvailQueue.push_back(
309  *new (Alloc.Allocate()) Candidate(const_cast<SUnit*>(SU)));
310  }
311  releasePredecessors(&DAG.ExitSU);
313  std::vector<const SUnit*> Schedule;
314  Schedule.reserve(SUnits.size());
315  while (true) {
316  if (AvailQueue.empty() && !PendingQueue.empty()) {
317  auto EarliestSU = std::min_element(
318  PendingQueue.begin(), PendingQueue.end(),
319  [=](const Candidate& C1, const Candidate& C2) {
320  return C1.SU->getHeight() < C2.SU->getHeight();
321  })->SU;
322  advanceToCycle(std::max(CurCycle + 1, EarliestSU->getHeight()));
323  }
324  if (AvailQueue.empty())
325  break;
327  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n=== Picking candidate\n"
328  "Ready queue:";
329  for (auto &C
330  : AvailQueue) dbgs()
331  << ' ' << C.SU->NodeNum;
332  dbgs() << '\n';);
334  auto C = pickCandidate();
335  assert(C);
336  AvailQueue.remove(*C);
337  auto SU = C->SU;
338  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Selected "; DAG.dumpNode(*SU));
340  advanceToCycle(SU->getHeight());
342  releasePredecessors(SU);
343  Schedule.push_back(SU);
344  SU->isScheduled = true;
345  }
346  assert(SUnits.size() == Schedule.size());
348  std::reverse(Schedule.begin(), Schedule.end());
350  // restore units
351  for (auto &SU : SUnits)
352  SU = SUSavedCopy[SU.NodeNum];
354  return Schedule;
355 }
357 namespace llvm {
358 std::vector<const SUnit*> makeGCNILPScheduler(ArrayRef<const SUnit*> BotRoots,
359  const ScheduleDAG &DAG) {
360  GCNILPScheduler S;
361  return S.schedule(BotRoots, DAG);
362 }
363 }
uint64_t CallInst * C
static int BUCompareLatency(const SUnit *left, const SUnit *right)
GCNRegPressure max(const GCNRegPressure &P1, const GCNRegPressure &P2)
unsigned NumPreds
of SDep::Data preds.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:270
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
unsigned getDepth() const
Returns the depth of this node, which is the length of the maximum path up to any node which has no p...
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:402
virtual void dumpNode(const SUnit &SU) const =0
static unsigned closestSucc(const SUnit *SU)
closestSucc - Returns the scheduled cycle of the successor which is closest to the current cycle...
SmallVector< SDep, 4 > Preds
All sunit predecessors.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:260
bool isScheduled
True once scheduled.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:288
unsigned NumSuccs
of SDep::Data sucss.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:271
A simple intrusive list implementation.
Definition: simple_ilist.h:79
auto reverse(ContainerTy &&C, typename std::enable_if< has_rbegin< ContainerTy >::value >::type *=nullptr) -> decltype(make_range(C.rbegin(), C.rend()))
Definition: STLExtras.h:267
ArrayRef - Represent a constant reference to an array (0 or more elements consecutively in memory)...
Definition: APInt.h:33
bool isCtrl() const
Shorthand for getKind() != SDep::Data.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:162
SUnit * getSUnit() const
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:484
Scheduling dependency.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:50
unsigned short Latency
Node latency.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:277
static GCRegistry::Add< CoreCLRGC > E("coreclr", "CoreCLR-compatible GC")
Allocate space at the specified alignment.
Definition: Allocator.h:215
static cl::opt< bool > DisableSchedCriticalPath("disable-sched-critical-path", cl::Hidden, cl::init(false), cl::desc("Disable critical path priority in sched=list-ilp"))
static cl::opt< bool > DisableSchedHeight("disable-sched-height", cl::Hidden, cl::init(false), cl::desc("Disable scheduled-height priority in sched=list-ilp"))
static unsigned CalcNodeSethiUllmanNumber(const SUnit *SU, std::vector< unsigned > &SUNumbers)
CalcNodeSethiUllmanNumber - Compute Sethi Ullman number.
Definition: GCNILPSched.cpp:59
A BumpPtrAllocator that allows only elements of a specific type to be allocated.
Definition: Allocator.h:442
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:133
unsigned NodeQueueId
Queue id of node.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:269
unsigned getHeight() const
Returns the height of this node, which is the length of the maximum path down to any node which has n...
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:410
SUnit ExitSU
Special node for the region exit.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:568
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
APFloat abs(APFloat X)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
Definition: APFloat.h:1213
static cl::opt< bool > DisableSchedCycles("disable-sched-cycles", cl::Hidden, cl::init(false), cl::desc("Disable cycle-level precision during preRA scheduling"))
unsigned NodeNum
Entry # of node in the node vector.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:268
std::vector< const SUnit * > makeGCNILPScheduler(ArrayRef< const SUnit *> BotRoots, const ScheduleDAG &DAG)
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
static cl::opt< int > MaxReorderWindow("max-sched-reorder", cl::Hidden, cl::init(6), cl::desc("Number of instructions to allow ahead of the critical path " "in sched=list-ilp"))
SmallVector< SDep, 4 > Succs
All sunit successors.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:261
#define LLVM_DEBUG(X)
Definition: Debug.h:123
Scheduling unit. This is a node in the scheduling DAG.
Definition: ScheduleDAG.h:246
static unsigned calcMaxScratches(const SUnit *SU)
calcMaxScratches - Returns an cost estimate of the worse case requirement for scratch registers...