LLVM  8.0.1
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1 //===- SyncDependenceAnalysis.cpp - Divergent Branch Dependence Calculation
2 //--===//
3 //
4 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5 //
6 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
7 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
8 //
9 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
10 //
11 // This file implements an algorithm that returns for a divergent branch
12 // the set of basic blocks whose phi nodes become divergent due to divergent
13 // control. These are the blocks that are reachable by two disjoint paths from
14 // the branch or loop exits that have a reaching path that is disjoint from a
15 // path to the loop latch.
16 //
17 // The SyncDependenceAnalysis is used in the DivergenceAnalysis to model
18 // control-induced divergence in phi nodes.
19 //
20 // -- Summary --
21 // The SyncDependenceAnalysis lazily computes sync dependences [3].
22 // The analysis evaluates the disjoint path criterion [2] by a reduction
23 // to SSA construction. The SSA construction algorithm is implemented as
24 // a simple data-flow analysis [1].
25 //
26 // [1] "A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm", SPI '01, Cooper, Harvey and Kennedy
27 // [2] "Efficiently Computing Static Single Assignment Form
28 // and the Control Dependence Graph", TOPLAS '91,
29 // Cytron, Ferrante, Rosen, Wegman and Zadeck
30 // [3] "Improving Performance of OpenCL on CPUs", CC '12, Karrenberg and Hack
31 // [4] "Divergence Analysis", TOPLAS '13, Sampaio, Souza, Collange and Pereira
32 //
33 // -- Sync dependence --
34 // Sync dependence [4] characterizes the control flow aspect of the
35 // propagation of branch divergence. For example,
36 //
37 // %cond = icmp slt i32 %tid, 10
38 // br i1 %cond, label %then, label %else
39 // then:
40 // br label %merge
41 // else:
42 // br label %merge
43 // merge:
44 // %a = phi i32 [ 0, %then ], [ 1, %else ]
45 //
46 // Suppose %tid holds the thread ID. Although %a is not data dependent on %tid
47 // because %tid is not on its use-def chains, %a is sync dependent on %tid
48 // because the branch "br i1 %cond" depends on %tid and affects which value %a
49 // is assigned to.
50 //
51 // -- Reduction to SSA construction --
52 // There are two disjoint paths from A to X, if a certain variant of SSA
53 // construction places a phi node in X under the following set-up scheme [2].
54 //
55 // This variant of SSA construction ignores incoming undef values.
56 // That is paths from the entry without a definition do not result in
57 // phi nodes.
58 //
59 // entry
60 // / \
61 // A \
62 // / \ Y
63 // B C /
64 // \ / \ /
65 // D E
66 // \ /
67 // F
68 // Assume that A contains a divergent branch. We are interested
69 // in the set of all blocks where each block is reachable from A
70 // via two disjoint paths. This would be the set {D, F} in this
71 // case.
72 // To generally reduce this query to SSA construction we introduce
73 // a virtual variable x and assign to x different values in each
74 // successor block of A.
75 // entry
76 // / \
77 // A \
78 // / \ Y
79 // x = 0 x = 1 /
80 // \ / \ /
81 // D E
82 // \ /
83 // F
84 // Our flavor of SSA construction for x will construct the following
85 // entry
86 // / \
87 // A \
88 // / \ Y
89 // x0 = 0 x1 = 1 /
90 // \ / \ /
91 // x2=phi E
92 // \ /
93 // x3=phi
94 // The blocks D and F contain phi nodes and are thus each reachable
95 // by two disjoins paths from A.
96 //
97 // -- Remarks --
98 // In case of loop exits we need to check the disjoint path criterion for loops
99 // [2]. To this end, we check whether the definition of x differs between the
100 // loop exit and the loop header (_after_ SSA construction).
101 //
102 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
104 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
107 #include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
108 #include "llvm/IR/CFG.h"
109 #include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
110 #include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
112 #include <stack>
113 #include <unordered_set>
115 #define DEBUG_TYPE "sync-dependence"
117 namespace llvm {
119 ConstBlockSet SyncDependenceAnalysis::EmptyBlockSet;
122  const PostDominatorTree &PDT,
123  const LoopInfo &LI)
124  : FuncRPOT(DT.getRoot()->getParent()), DT(DT), PDT(PDT), LI(LI) {}
130 // divergence propagator for reducible CFGs
135  const LoopInfo &LI;
137  // identified join points
138  std::unique_ptr<ConstBlockSet> JoinBlocks;
140  // reached loop exits (by a path disjoint to a path to the loop header)
143  // if DefMap[B] == C then C is the dominating definition at block B
144  // if DefMap[B] ~ undef then we haven't seen B yet
145  // if DefMap[B] == B then B is a join point of disjoint paths from X or B is
146  // an immediate successor of X (initial value).
147  using DefiningBlockMap = std::map<const BasicBlock *, const BasicBlock *>;
150  // all blocks with pending visits
151  std::unordered_set<const BasicBlock *> PendingUpdates;
153  DivergencePropagator(const FunctionRPOT &FuncRPOT, const DominatorTree &DT,
154  const PostDominatorTree &PDT, const LoopInfo &LI)
155  : FuncRPOT(FuncRPOT), DT(DT), PDT(PDT), LI(LI),
156  JoinBlocks(new ConstBlockSet) {}
158  // set the definition at @block and mark @block as pending for a visit
159  void addPending(const BasicBlock &Block, const BasicBlock &DefBlock) {
160  bool WasAdded = DefMap.emplace(&Block, &DefBlock).second;
161  if (WasAdded)
162  PendingUpdates.insert(&Block);
163  }
165  void printDefs(raw_ostream &Out) {
166  Out << "Propagator::DefMap {\n";
167  for (const auto *Block : FuncRPOT) {
168  auto It = DefMap.find(Block);
169  Out << Block->getName() << " : ";
170  if (It == DefMap.end()) {
171  Out << "\n";
172  } else {
173  const auto *DefBlock = It->second;
174  Out << (DefBlock ? DefBlock->getName() : "<null>") << "\n";
175  }
176  }
177  Out << "}\n";
178  }
180  // process @succBlock with reaching definition @defBlock
181  // the original divergent branch was in @parentLoop (if any)
182  void visitSuccessor(const BasicBlock &SuccBlock, const Loop *ParentLoop,
183  const BasicBlock &DefBlock) {
185  // @succBlock is a loop exit
186  if (ParentLoop && !ParentLoop->contains(&SuccBlock)) {
187  DefMap.emplace(&SuccBlock, &DefBlock);
188  ReachedLoopExits.insert(&SuccBlock);
189  return;
190  }
192  // first reaching def?
193  auto ItLastDef = DefMap.find(&SuccBlock);
194  if (ItLastDef == DefMap.end()) {
195  addPending(SuccBlock, DefBlock);
196  return;
197  }
199  // a join of at least two definitions
200  if (ItLastDef->second != &DefBlock) {
201  // do we know this join already?
202  if (!JoinBlocks->insert(&SuccBlock).second)
203  return;
205  // update the definition
206  addPending(SuccBlock, SuccBlock);
207  }
208  }
210  // find all blocks reachable by two disjoint paths from @rootTerm.
211  // This method works for both divergent terminators and loops with
212  // divergent exits.
213  // @rootBlock is either the block containing the branch or the header of the
214  // divergent loop.
215  // @nodeSuccessors is the set of successors of the node (Loop or Terminator)
216  // headed by @rootBlock.
217  // @parentLoop is the parent loop of the Loop or the loop that contains the
218  // Terminator.
219  template <typename SuccessorIterable>
220  std::unique_ptr<ConstBlockSet>
221  computeJoinPoints(const BasicBlock &RootBlock,
222  SuccessorIterable NodeSuccessors, const Loop *ParentLoop) {
223  assert(JoinBlocks);
225  // immediate post dominator (no join block beyond that block)
226  const auto *PdNode = PDT.getNode(const_cast<BasicBlock *>(&RootBlock));
227  const auto *IpdNode = PdNode->getIDom();
228  const auto *PdBoundBlock = IpdNode ? IpdNode->getBlock() : nullptr;
230  // bootstrap with branch targets
231  for (const auto *SuccBlock : NodeSuccessors) {
232  DefMap.emplace(SuccBlock, SuccBlock);
234  if (ParentLoop && !ParentLoop->contains(SuccBlock)) {
235  // immediate loop exit from node.
236  ReachedLoopExits.insert(SuccBlock);
237  continue;
238  } else {
239  // regular successor
240  PendingUpdates.insert(SuccBlock);
241  }
242  }
244  auto ItBeginRPO = FuncRPOT.begin();
246  // skip until term (TODO RPOT won't let us start at @term directly)
247  for (; *ItBeginRPO != &RootBlock; ++ItBeginRPO) {}
249  auto ItEndRPO = FuncRPOT.end();
250  assert(ItBeginRPO != ItEndRPO);
252  // propagate definitions at the immediate successors of the node in RPO
253  auto ItBlockRPO = ItBeginRPO;
254  while (++ItBlockRPO != ItEndRPO && *ItBlockRPO != PdBoundBlock) {
255  const auto *Block = *ItBlockRPO;
257  // skip @block if not pending update
258  auto ItPending = PendingUpdates.find(Block);
259  if (ItPending == PendingUpdates.end())
260  continue;
261  PendingUpdates.erase(ItPending);
263  // propagate definition at @block to its successors
264  auto ItDef = DefMap.find(Block);
265  const auto *DefBlock = ItDef->second;
266  assert(DefBlock);
268  auto *BlockLoop = LI.getLoopFor(Block);
269  if (ParentLoop &&
270  (ParentLoop != BlockLoop && ParentLoop->contains(BlockLoop))) {
271  // if the successor is the header of a nested loop pretend its a
272  // single node with the loop's exits as successors
273  SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> BlockLoopExits;
274  BlockLoop->getExitBlocks(BlockLoopExits);
275  for (const auto *BlockLoopExit : BlockLoopExits) {
276  visitSuccessor(*BlockLoopExit, ParentLoop, *DefBlock);
277  }
279  } else {
280  // the successors are either on the same loop level or loop exits
281  for (const auto *SuccBlock : successors(Block)) {
282  visitSuccessor(*SuccBlock, ParentLoop, *DefBlock);
283  }
284  }
285  }
287  // We need to know the definition at the parent loop header to decide
288  // whether the definition at the header is different from the definition at
289  // the loop exits, which would indicate a divergent loop exits.
290  //
291  // A // loop header
292  // |
293  // B // nested loop header
294  // |
295  // C -> X (exit from B loop) -..-> (A latch)
296  // |
297  // D -> back to B (B latch)
298  // |
299  // proper exit from both loops
300  //
301  // D post-dominates B as it is the only proper exit from the "A loop".
302  // If C has a divergent branch, propagation will therefore stop at D.
303  // That implies that B will never receive a definition.
304  // But that definition can only be the same as at D (D itself in thise case)
305  // because all paths to anywhere have to pass through D.
306  //
307  const BasicBlock *ParentLoopHeader =
308  ParentLoop ? ParentLoop->getHeader() : nullptr;
309  if (ParentLoop && ParentLoop->contains(PdBoundBlock)) {
310  DefMap[ParentLoopHeader] = DefMap[PdBoundBlock];
311  }
313  // analyze reached loop exits
314  if (!ReachedLoopExits.empty()) {
315  assert(ParentLoop);
316  const auto *HeaderDefBlock = DefMap[ParentLoopHeader];
317  LLVM_DEBUG(printDefs(dbgs()));
318  assert(HeaderDefBlock && "no definition in header of carrying loop");
320  for (const auto *ExitBlock : ReachedLoopExits) {
321  auto ItExitDef = DefMap.find(ExitBlock);
322  assert((ItExitDef != DefMap.end()) &&
323  "no reaching def at reachable loop exit");
324  if (ItExitDef->second != HeaderDefBlock) {
325  JoinBlocks->insert(ExitBlock);
326  }
327  }
328  }
330  return std::move(JoinBlocks);
331  }
332 };
335  using LoopExitVec = SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4>;
336  LoopExitVec LoopExits;
337  Loop.getExitBlocks(LoopExits);
338  if (LoopExits.size() < 1) {
339  return EmptyBlockSet;
340  }
342  // already available in cache?
343  auto ItCached = CachedLoopExitJoins.find(&Loop);
344  if (ItCached != CachedLoopExitJoins.end())
345  return *ItCached->second;
347  // compute all join points
348  DivergencePropagator Propagator{FuncRPOT, DT, PDT, LI};
349  auto JoinBlocks = Propagator.computeJoinPoints<const LoopExitVec &>(
350  *Loop.getHeader(), LoopExits, Loop.getParentLoop());
352  auto ItInserted = CachedLoopExitJoins.emplace(&Loop, std::move(JoinBlocks));
353  assert(ItInserted.second);
354  return *ItInserted.first->second;
355 }
357 const ConstBlockSet &
359  // trivial case
360  if (Term.getNumSuccessors() < 1) {
361  return EmptyBlockSet;
362  }
364  // already available in cache?
365  auto ItCached = CachedBranchJoins.find(&Term);
366  if (ItCached != CachedBranchJoins.end())
367  return *ItCached->second;
369  // compute all join points
370  DivergencePropagator Propagator{FuncRPOT, DT, PDT, LI};
371  const auto &TermBlock = *Term.getParent();
372  auto JoinBlocks = Propagator.computeJoinPoints<succ_const_range>(
373  TermBlock, successors(Term.getParent()), LI.getLoopFor(&TermBlock));
375  auto ItInserted = CachedBranchJoins.emplace(&Term, std::move(JoinBlocks));
376  assert(ItInserted.second);
377  return *ItInserted.first->second;
378 }
380 } // namespace llvm
SyncDependenceAnalysis(const DominatorTree &DT, const PostDominatorTree &PDT, const LoopInfo &LI)
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
SmallPtrSet< const BasicBlock *, 4 > ConstBlockSet
const ConstBlockSet & join_blocks(const Instruction &Term)
Computes divergent join points and loop exits caused by branch divergence in Term.
const PostDominatorTree & PDT
LoopT * getLoopFor(const BlockT *BB) const
Return the inner most loop that BB lives in.
Definition: LoopInfo.h:690
iterator find(ConstPtrType Ptr) const
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:383
SmallPtrSet< const BasicBlock *, 4 > ReachedLoopExits
BlockT * getHeader() const
Definition: LoopInfo.h:100
void getExitBlocks(SmallVectorImpl< BlockT *> &ExitBlocks) const
Return all of the successor blocks of this loop.
Definition: LoopInfoImpl.h:63
void addPending(const BasicBlock &Block, const BasicBlock &DefBlock)
std::map< const BasicBlock *, const BasicBlock * > DefiningBlockMap
Concrete subclass of DominatorTreeBase that is used to compute a normal dominator tree...
Definition: Dominators.h:145
unsigned getNumSuccessors() const
Return the number of successors that this instruction has.
void visitSuccessor(const BasicBlock &SuccBlock, const Loop *ParentLoop, const BasicBlock &DefBlock)
LLVM Basic Block Representation.
Definition: BasicBlock.h:58
LLVM_NODISCARD bool empty() const
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:92
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(PtrType Ptr)
Inserts Ptr if and only if there is no element in the container equal to Ptr.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:371
DivergencePropagator(const FunctionRPOT &FuncRPOT, const DominatorTree &DT, const PostDominatorTree &PDT, const LoopInfo &LI)
std::unordered_set< const BasicBlock * > PendingUpdates
DomTreeNodeBase< NodeT > * getNode(const NodeT *BB) const
getNode - return the (Post)DominatorTree node for the specified basic block.
bool contains(const LoopT *L) const
Return true if the specified loop is contained within in this loop.
Definition: LoopInfo.h:110
SmallPtrSet - This class implements a set which is optimized for holding SmallSize or less elements...
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:418
This is a &#39;vector&#39; (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small...
Definition: SmallVector.h:847
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:133
A range adaptor for a pair of iterators.
PostDominatorTree Class - Concrete subclass of DominatorTree that is used to compute the post-dominat...
LoopT * getParentLoop() const
Definition: LoopInfo.h:101
This file provides various utilities for inspecting and working with the control flow graph in LLVM I...
std::unique_ptr< ConstBlockSet > JoinBlocks
Represents a single loop in the control flow graph.
Definition: LoopInfo.h:465
std::unique_ptr< ConstBlockSet > computeJoinPoints(const BasicBlock &RootBlock, SuccessorIterable NodeSuccessors, const Loop *ParentLoop)
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
succ_range successors(Instruction *I)
Definition: CFG.h:264
static const Function * getParent(const Value *V)
This class implements an extremely fast bulk output stream that can only output to a stream...
Definition: raw_ostream.h:46
#define LLVM_DEBUG(X)
Definition: Debug.h:123