LLVM  8.0.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- MachOUniversal.h - Mach-O universal binaries -------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4 //
5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This file declares Mach-O fat/universal binaries.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
20 #include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
21 #include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
22 #include "llvm/Object/MachO.h"
24 namespace llvm {
25 class StringRef;
27 namespace object {
29 class MachOUniversalBinary : public Binary {
30  virtual void anchor();
32  uint32_t Magic;
33  uint32_t NumberOfObjects;
34 public:
35  class ObjectForArch {
36  const MachOUniversalBinary *Parent;
37  /// Index of object in the universal binary.
38  uint32_t Index;
39  /// Descriptor of the object.
40  MachO::fat_arch Header;
41  MachO::fat_arch_64 Header64;
43  public:
44  ObjectForArch(const MachOUniversalBinary *Parent, uint32_t Index);
46  void clear() {
47  Parent = nullptr;
48  Index = 0;
49  }
51  bool operator==(const ObjectForArch &Other) const {
52  return (Parent == Other.Parent) && (Index == Other.Index);
53  }
55  ObjectForArch getNext() const { return ObjectForArch(Parent, Index + 1); }
56  uint32_t getCPUType() const {
57  if (Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC)
58  return Header.cputype;
59  else // Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC_64
60  return Header64.cputype;
61  }
63  if (Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC)
64  return Header.cpusubtype;
65  else // Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC_64
66  return Header64.cpusubtype;
67  }
68  uint32_t getOffset() const {
69  if (Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC)
70  return Header.offset;
71  else // Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC_64
72  return Header64.offset;
73  }
74  uint32_t getSize() const {
75  if (Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC)
76  return Header.size;
77  else // Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC_64
78  return Header64.size;
79  }
80  uint32_t getAlign() const {
81  if (Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC)
82  return Header.align;
83  else // Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC_64
84  return Header64.align;
85  }
87  if (Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC)
88  return 0;
89  else // Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC_64
90  return Header64.reserved;
91  }
92  std::string getArchFlagName() const {
93  const char *McpuDefault, *ArchFlag;
94  if (Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC) {
95  Triple T =
97  &McpuDefault, &ArchFlag);
98  } else { // Parent->getMagic() == MachO::FAT_MAGIC_64
99  Triple T =
101  Header64.cpusubtype,
102  &McpuDefault, &ArchFlag);
103  }
104  if (ArchFlag) {
105  std::string ArchFlagName(ArchFlag);
106  return ArchFlagName;
107  } else {
108  std::string ArchFlagName("");
109  return ArchFlagName;
110  }
111  }
116  };
119  ObjectForArch Obj;
120  public:
121  object_iterator(const ObjectForArch &Obj) : Obj(Obj) {}
122  const ObjectForArch *operator->() const { return &Obj; }
123  const ObjectForArch &operator*() const { return Obj; }
125  bool operator==(const object_iterator &Other) const {
126  return Obj == Other.Obj;
127  }
128  bool operator!=(const object_iterator &Other) const {
129  return !(*this == Other);
130  }
132  object_iterator& operator++() { // Preincrement
133  Obj = Obj.getNext();
134  return *this;
135  }
136  };
143  return ObjectForArch(this, 0);
144  }
146  return ObjectForArch(nullptr, 0);
147  }
150  return make_range(begin_objects(), end_objects());
151  }
153  uint32_t getMagic() const { return Magic; }
154  uint32_t getNumberOfObjects() const { return NumberOfObjects; }
156  // Cast methods.
157  static bool classof(Binary const *V) {
158  return V->isMachOUniversalBinary();
159  }
162  getObjectForArch(StringRef ArchName) const;
163 };
165 }
166 }
168 #endif
uint32_t align
Definition: MachO.h:930
object_iterator end_objects() const
Expected< std::unique_ptr< Archive > > getAsArchive() const
This class represents lattice values for constants.
Definition: AllocatorList.h:24
This provides a very simple, boring adaptor for a begin and end iterator into a range type...
ObjectForArch(const MachOUniversalBinary *Parent, uint32_t Index)
bool operator==(const ObjectForArch &Other) const
uint32_t cpusubtype
Definition: MachO.h:927
Tagged union holding either a T or a Error.
Definition: CachePruning.h:23
bool operator==(const object_iterator &Other) const
bool operator!=(const object_iterator &Other) const
Expected< std::unique_ptr< MachOObjectFile > > getAsObjectFile() const
MachOUniversalBinary(MemoryBufferRef Souce, Error &Err)
Triple - Helper class for working with autoconf configuration names.
Definition: Triple.h:44
iterator_range< T > make_range(T x, T y)
Convenience function for iterating over sub-ranges.
static Expected< std::unique_ptr< MachOUniversalBinary > > create(MemoryBufferRef Source)
iterator_range< object_iterator > objects() const
Expected< std::unique_ptr< MachOObjectFile > > getObjectForArch(StringRef ArchName) const
bool isMachOUniversalBinary() const
Definition: Binary.h:105
Triple getArchTriple(const char **McpuDefault=nullptr) const
object_iterator begin_objects() const
A range adaptor for a pair of iterators.
uint32_t cputype
Definition: MachO.h:926
uint32_t offset
Definition: MachO.h:928
static bool classof(Binary const *V)
Lightweight error class with error context and mandatory checking.
Definition: Error.h:158
StringRef - Represent a constant reference to a string, i.e.
Definition: StringRef.h:49