LLVM  8.0.1
llvm::Recycler< T, Size, Align > Member List

This is the complete list of members for llvm::Recycler< T, Size, Align >, including all inherited members.

Allocate(AllocatorType &Allocator)llvm::Recycler< T, Size, Align >inline
Allocate(AllocatorType &Allocator)llvm::Recycler< T, Size, Align >inline
clear(AllocatorType &Allocator)llvm::Recycler< T, Size, Align >inline
clear(BumpPtrAllocator &)llvm::Recycler< T, Size, Align >inline
Deallocate(AllocatorType &, SubClass *Element)llvm::Recycler< T, Size, Align >inline
PrintStats()llvm::Recycler< T, Size, Align >
~Recycler()llvm::Recycler< T, Size, Align >inline